Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 879: Kill or not kill?

"this is!"

The strongman of the Northern Demon family stood up fiercely and angered: "This is the secret of Qimen, Su Yan cheating, cheating!"

The big guys who are entrenched in the outside world have all been taken aback. They have a new understanding of the qimen and the law that Su Yan has mastered. No one has thought that Su Yan would actually practice this vein in this field. !


Han’s old master’s face is gloomy. He has been paying attention to Su Yan. His eyes are murderous. The family’s coveted topography can be on Su Yan’s body. This thing is a must for Han Jiazhi. Once he gets the topography, after all, Han’s future The status is completely different!

"It must be obtained, it is related to the rise and fall of my Han family, just on Su Yan!"

Han’s old master’s eyes are filled with light, and he is ready to say hello to the old friends of Daodian to see if he can balance Su Yan. In short, regardless of the cost, Han’s family must get the topography so that their Han family can get out of the Eight-Piece Gate. Grand Master!


Heaven and earth are like a world of purgatory, exudes a sigh of breath, sweeping a radius of 100,000 miles, people feel that this 100,000-mile territory is completely shaken by Su Yan!

It can be said that Su Yan’s moment of waving the iron bar, the power of the heavens and the earth will recover, and it will build a terrible domain of the gods and kingdom, and the courage will be peerless!

"Wonderful horrible fluctuations, who can stop such a strong force!"

All the onlookers were scared, and they saw the sinking of the stars, the terrain rising, and the heavens and the earth to be integrated. With the eruption of the iron bars of Su Yan, they began to rush to the northern demon!

This is a great savage, and Futian is a great supernatural power that has been lost in history. Today, it is glowing in the hands of Su Yan, releasing the terrible power of the world!


The northern demon aware of the crisis, he had no time to think about it, in the pattern of the world’s situation that would soon be suppressed, the northern demon squatting, the **** demon knife, and the slashing knives, like a singular open universe. !

"The demon **** nine knives!"

It is in the big gong, the celestial offering the strongest underworld burning, prompting the demon **** knives to smash a large section, this **** sorcerer has changed, slowly turned into a **** dragon, shaped like a sickle, a sigh of the world The king's peerless sickle!

The Wanzu strong person is a piece of it, and even hit this step, the Northern Demon hit the demon **** knife full nine knives, this legendary secret surgery is here to recover, the entire demon **** knife is turned into a **** sickle, to split the sky **** !

"Get it!"

The two strong men exudes a slap in the sky, screaming and horrifying!

Su Yan waved the iron bar, and the northern demon was like a **** dragon that swayed directly to Wanli. In short, this territory was completely blown up, and all the materials were destroyed, and they could not stop the aftermath of their battle!

The big guys who are entrenched in the outside world are not afraid to breathe. This battle is too important. This kind of schooling is released. In the end, whoever wins and loses will be able to see it immediately!

The demon **** is a knife, and it is against the sky!

They sacrificed two great historical masters, deserved young infernal masters, invincible in the same generation, with ultimate fighting power!

This blow seems to sacrifice all their foundations, all kinds of magnificent light are scattered, the river is over the sea, the sun and the moon are dull!

What makes people shudder is that Su Yan is a majestic strait, full of black hair and a waterfall like a waterfall. He is terrible and full of the eternal belief in suppressing the kings of the world!

At the final juncture, he smashed the world and pushed the power of the vast world. It was like a space time and a downward suppression!


Su Yan angered, the fairy iron rod crushed everything, the blazing stick body bombarded, the **** sickle of thousands of miles, in the trembling, directly collapsed, the territory of the scorpion was bombarded and sinking, if the sky is overturned!

A stick is a must!

Demon domain strong are desperate, seeing the demon **** knife is trembled in the turtle crack!

This stick, pressed against the demon god's knife, the peerless power, the shocking northern demon spurted the pores, the whole arm was cracked, and he made a screaming voice, because the demon **** knife is about to collapse, the fairy iron rod Will be on his head soon!

The world seems to be quiet, and all the onlookers are raging. What do they see? A stick is determined, this stick suppresses the northern demon, breaking his invincible myth, letting his treasures spurt blood, and all the bones are sprayed out!

This is going to kill the northern demon with a stick!

"Cheating, he cheated!"

The strongman of the Northern Demon family is resentful and explained to the Northern Demon, but this explanation seems so pale and weak, and it is not a monk...

Many people are silent, and the strong people of the great ancestors of the ancestral hall are also silent. Su Yan’s stick is equivalent to breaking through the road ahead and opening an invincible road!

At this moment, among the third passages, a superstar, a rising star, and a rising star, Su Yan’s glory at this moment, all the world’s horror, smashed the peerless style and killed the invincible!

In the past, the monks who worshiped Su Yan were insanely fierce. Su Yan broke a potential rule. The young hegemons of the past generations came out of the peak group, but the rise of Su Yan completely broke this statement and simply reversed a general trend!

Su Yan and the Northern Demon battle, and finally promote his prestige soared to the extreme, and even some people are tremble, will the Northern Demon give Su Yan a stick to kill?

In the face of the vast gods, the unchangeable cosmic power, the source of the peerless power, the northern demon is too late to think and shock, the demon **** knife he held has already cracked, will be crushed into crush!


Su Yan's nephew is cold and glare, looking down at the northern demon, his majestic stalwart, full of infinite domineering, the one-armed sturdy iron rod fierce force, this demon **** knife, uncontrolled fragmentation!

Just in this unimaginable amount of pressure in the town, it is about to completely cover the moment of the Northern Demon!

"I want to marry you!"

The Northern Demon is in a desperate situation, the blood-stained body burns, and his pupils are turned into a whirlpool, containing a raging flame of life and death, and the originally flat frontal bone emerges in an instant, allowing the universe to tremble. !

"Su Yan died, and the forced northern demon used a trick!"

The warriors under the northern enchantment have been low-lying, this is the trick that the Northern Demon used to fight for the world and fight against the various heavens. They really did not think that Su Yan could go to this level!

Su Yan frowned, very clear that the northern demon's trick lies in its eyebrows, Su Yan really wants to see and see, how strong the northern demon eyebrows are!


Suddenly, in the fairy iron bar pulling the world and the general trend, the demon **** knife will be wiped out all the time, one after another, like the beginning of chaos, the birth of the light, bursting out in an instant!

"Oh, my eyes!"

Many people's feelings of spectators are spurred by spurs, and even the secrets of time and space are rendered bright, and it is extremely difficult to see the real picture!

The people in the audience are eclipsed, because the heavens and the earth are shaking, just like the eyes of the sky in the chaos, accurately speaking, just a vertical eye. When this vertical eye opens, the sun and the moon scream, and the void collapses. Big crack!


Between heaven and earth, it sounded loud and thunderous for nine days. It was a vertical eye, extremely terrible. In the golden vertical eyes, the Galaxy was disillusioned, and it was destroyed by the sun!

This is a horrible scene, like the opening of the heavens and the earth, the birth of a true god, and the eye of the heavens in the world, the fear of the universe, and the end of the universe!

The people of all ethnic groups who are entrenched in the outside world are dumbfounded. Is this the strongest means of the Northern Demon? Natural eyes?

With its vertical eyes open, the heavens and the earth are flickering, and even the space begins to shatter in the distortion. What a terrible power, if this vertical eye is opened in the crowd, there will definitely be a group of creatures The body is broken!

"Su Yan, I will die!"

The northern demon is angry and low, this is his hidden school, and he was forced out by Su Yan!


It screamed, his eyebrows squinted, like a doomsday, sprayed a stream of air, and it was very calm at first, but when it ran out of the vertical eyes, it rushed to the bulls, and a terrible crack broke out in an instant. !

These voids are very fissing, very perverted and outrageous. Su Yan’s power of the heavens and the earth, which was hit by the celestial iron bars, broke through a crack in the living, and the light shone to Su Yan!

Strong as Su Yan's body, there is a tendency to burst!

"A terrible eye!"

"Northern demon is born in the sky, this is his school and card!"

"The Northern Demon is too strong, beyond my expectations, it is worthy of the Supreme!"

The strong faces of the major peak groups are all dignified. The northern demon hides can be really deep enough. His eyebrows are really horrible, like the light of the catastrophic opening of the chaos, which looks like a kind of doomsday!

The gods that have been shot out have crushed the world and cracked the corner of the general trend. The horrible and devastating killing has completely crushed all the light in the world!

At this moment, Su Yan, the body is twisted, under the cover of the light, he is like being imprisoned in purgatory, the body is going to destroy and die!

"This is your card!"

Su Yan's head is full of messy hair dancing, the original force of the heavens and the earth is sprayed in the treasure body, and the whole body is transformed into a boulevard, and the road is one!

Su Yan's overall imitation into a chaotic sea eye, exudes the power of immortality!

He roared in the body, shaped like a million lightnings in the chest, delivering a grand syllable, magnificent to the extreme, this is the initial Jinggong is in operation, Su Yan Ruruo Avenue carrier, forever!

"Do you kill or not?"

“The opportunity is hard to come by!”

Su Yan secretly squeezed his fist, and the Northern Demon God passed it out. This battle can be decided to die!

With the power of initial boxing, he confidently and confidently penetrated the northern demon, destroyed his invincible myth, and smashed the first young hegemon of the demon domain.

Su Suyan hesitated, killing the Northern Demon, how to do Baocai?

In the future, Baocai will be in charge of the return of the Wan Yao flag, and the name is justified to kill the northern demon, the party is orthodox!

(We forgive me, the last one has made a mistake, everyone went back, 877 yesterday forgot to release!

In addition, the exclusive readership group 743382394, welcome everyone to join)

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