Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 885: Boxing Lightning King!

There are amazing killings in the release, spare the tranquility of this area!

Some of the monks who sat down were awakened, only to feel that they were all over the body, as if they were purgatory.

This makes their breathing heavy, so terrible killing, they must pierce their souls, the skin is stinging, and the chill is surging.

"Is there a peak for the people to attack the Chaoshan Mountain?"

They used to encounter such killings. In the process of conquering the chaotic mountains, but now the killings have emerged, and they are a little scared. These people are also said to be the elite of all ethnic groups. They used to be the young wizards who are proud of one side.

However, in the chaotic channel here, the strong are like dogs, they have to bow their heads and be honest.

"It's him!"

Some noticed Su Yan, the head is as big as a bucket, how did this madman run to the ninth chaotic mountain? Is it Su Yan still fighting for Chaoshan?

"What does he want to do? The ninth chaos of the mountain has been decided, the two powerful strongmen of the Lightning King and the Holy God of War have jointly seized this chaotic mountain, and the rest of the strong are not afraid to approach!"

"Who knows, I think there will be a big change, and since Su Yan is here, I will definitely not return empty-handed!"

These people are terrified, although the ninth chaotic mountain is grand and peerless, but Su Yan is standing at the foot of the mountain. His figure is also infinitely tall. There is a kind of earth-shattering power that is brewing and is about to spew out!

Zixia fairy is beautiful and refined, and the body is full of fairy tales. It is a fairy style.

Her hair is full of black hair, the white skin is filled with purple flowers, and she is aware of the killing of Su Yan's body. Her forehead faintly emerges from the black line, and bites the tooth. "The chaotic mountain is not convinced, I will serve you, what is this? It's time, you are going to compete for the creation of Chaos Mountain, it is not the time!"

"And don't tell me, are you ready to break into the realm of the gods?" Zixia Fairy said with a black face: "I don't doubt your ability. It's not difficult to deal with the Lightning King, but the Holy God is not so good."

"When you climb from here, at least seven or eight days, when you board the Chaos Mountain, the daylily is cold!" Zixia Fairy urged: "Hurry up, the ancestors will definitely kill in two or three days." Come!"

There is another reason why Zixia Fairy wants to follow Su Yan, that is, Su Yan is a tribe of the funeral domain!

If even Su Yan could not find the legendary Chaoshan Xianshan, then she did not expect the rest of the strong. In short, the possibility of Su Yan was very great, and he was really successful.

"Not in a hurry!"

Su Yan is calm and idle, and the scorpion patrols around. The foot of Chaoshan Mountain is like a huge dojo. It is very strong and very suitable for cultivation, and even enlightens Chaos Avenue.

He walked in a stroll and walked around the strip.

"What does he want to do?"

Some of the awakened monks frowned and could not see the practice of Su Yan. He kept moving around here, as if he was enjoying the scenery here, so that they couldn’t figure it out.

With Su Yan’s current Qimen Road, he wants to secretly start some small moves, and few people can see it!

Su Yan’s position is bound by certain rules and rules. Step by step, every step of the moment, his foot swayed the terrain of this zone, and stepped on a mysterious road map!

Su Yan preached here, igniting the general situation of the preaching!

If he is allowed to sway the heavens, he can't do it, but the swaying terrain is completely different.

After all, Su Yan got the topography chapter. As his realm improved, his understanding of the terrain chapter became more and more superb.

Su Yan wants to spur the boundless terrain, with the uniqueness of the chaotic channel, laying down the horrific terrain and rushing to the chaos of the mountains!

"This guy, the Tao is getting more and more unpredictable." Zixia fairy was a little surprised, seeing the small movements Su Yan made.

"I used to get a rumor."

Zixia Fairy paused, and told Su Yan: "The ancestral imprint of the ancestral halls, after a generation of generations of cultivation, more and more perfect, this generation of ancestors is likely to blend the essence of the ancient ancestral imprints, to Time will really break into a very terrible field, maybe it will go to a successful field!"

Su Yan bears his hands, and he is also very much looking forward to the seal of the ancestors, because his mark once swallowed the mark of the ancestors, I do not know whether one day will be able to take away the creation of the ancestral seal!

"If the future ancestors really step into the gods, and you have not touched this field, I do not recommend that you encounter him!"

However, the words that Zixia Fairy said, the signal revealed is too alarming, so that Su Yan is deeply surprised, the accumulation of millions of years, released on this generation of ancestors, how terrible and against the sky!

This is to train out what kind of strong people come out? Need the efforts of countless generations, will there be someone behind it? In fact, Su Yan is very good at the ancestors of the ancestral hall. Who is it?

Not even the ancestors, the group of the Yin dynasty have similar means!

The reason why they don't come out, maybe they don't bother to compete with the holy gods for their creation!

Because they have not used it, they have accumulated to the peerless level. For example, the East Devils and the West Buddha have not appeared, they will not all represent them. They are also in the same situation, and they do not need to compete for such resources. .

In fact, if it is really a long time, it will be released in this cosmic era!

Then the ultimate hegemony of this generation will be terrible and cruel. It is definitely the strongest young generation in this big era!

Zixia Fairy has some sympathy for Su Yan. He is strong enough to lead the glory of the group, but she has got some gossip news, the world will change, this family will encounter a big crisis, it is likely that the family is broken.

The disaster was too cruel. Zixia Fairy hesitated for a while and did not tell Su Yan. After all, this is only a rumor. It is still not confirmed. If this day is really coming, Su Yan will not be able to rewrite the pattern.

"If it is really released in this generation, will it represent this generation is different?" Su Yan sharply caught it. Before the outside world began to rumor, the chaotic ruins will be fully developed this time, all the cosmic secrets and Taoist system will surface. .

"Why do I feel related to me!"

Su Yan suddenly fell into the hair, and did not know why he was a little flustered. Even with Su Yan’s powerful road, he could not suppress this fluster for a short time!

This kind of confusion stems from the future. Those mysterious enemies are hidden in the dark, just like the oppression of Su Yan in the cosmic general, let him escape, hide, and never want to face the next thing!

"What am I afraid of?"

Su Yan's eyes flashed a cold mans, and the body was full of horror. He was strong and sultry, full of hair and dances, and the powerful gas field shattered the square space, and he wanted to rise!

More monks who were sitting down were shocked, as the giant mountains of Taikoo were pressed here, making them breathe heavily.

Then they saw that a person is recovering, and they are scared. Isn't this Su Yan? Did he also attack the ninth chaotic mountain!

"In the future, I am invincible, no one can help me, any enemy must be crushed!"

Su Yan is horrible, his voice is wearing a golden cracked stone, his powerful beliefs are released, such as lightning, and his heart is full of souls. His whole person's momentum is completely different, and he becomes more powerful and turbulent.

The onlookers were chilling, only feeling that the soul wanted to surrender, and that belief made them all tremble. How did they develop this belief?

"A terrible belief!"

Zixia fairy is moving, Su Yan's belief is too strong, disrespectful of the world, only respect oneself, the future is not war dead or standing at the peak, this is the two extreme roads.

"Start here!"

Su Yan's eyes suddenly sharpened to the extreme, like two peerless swords, and his whole man's momentum is terrible!

He has released the martial arts atmosphere like the sea, and it has risen through the stars, rushing to the Han Dynasty, shaking the stars, this moment he is too powerful and peerless, an invincible king is here. recovery!

"Who is, the fear of awakening is awakening, is there anyone who wants to attack Chaoshan Mountain?"

The countless strong people near Chaoshan Mountain were awakened. They were all creepy, because they had to explode as the breath revived. This is a terrible manifestation. They can’t stand the momentum of Su Yan and shiver!

Even the breath of Su Yan’s outburst has alarmed the strong people above the Chaos Mountain. He only feels that a giant has risen up and shakes the universe!

"God, look at it!"

Many people exclaimed, seeing the shadow of a smoldering starry sky standing near the chaotic mountain, full of hair dancing, his legs slammed and suddenly rose up!

At the moment when Su Yan broke out, the general trend of the vast land also came out. If Wanlong rushed out of the nest, he guarded Su Yan and set off the sky and the sky.

"Don't he..."

Zixia Fairy is really unexpected. Su Yan has another shortcut and embarked on a road that no one has tried. He does not choose to climb, but he has to stand outside and sprint to the extent of Chaoshan Mountain!


The ray of the moment, a terrible figure, like the flash of the world, straight into the sky!

Scorpio has collapsed into a big hole!

The whole world is full of large cracks, this space can not withstand the crushing began to be fragmented, and was completely collapsed by the magnificent energy storm.

The people around him were scared, and the boundlessness of the general awakening, arched Su Yan, gave him the source of the supreme power!


Su Yan's long black hair fluttered to the back of the head, the whole as a sword, he rushed directly to the extraterrestrial starry sky, the action is too fast!

Then, a heavy horror, from the body of Su Yan!

It is simply 100,000 heads of real dragons, the energy is fluctuating, and the vastness of the creatures that sit on the entire chaos of the mountain is awakened, one by one!


Someone in the distance is out of control and yelling. What did they see?

A shadow sprints into the field of chaos and mountains, and this powerful force can sprint here. After all, there is also a strong pressure near the Chaoshan Mountain, which binds the monks who take shortcuts.

Su Yan took advantage of the general trend of the land in this area, and it started to rise through the earth!

Only when the real sprint came here, Su Yan violated certain rules, and the vast chaos pressure came to the surface!

Su Yan is not afraid, the devil is empty, domineering!

He is like a big emperor star, releasing the power of the animated star, arranging less than a million stars, evolving the Big Dipper, opening up the vague 10,000-dollar field, standing in his own invincible space!


A fist banged out and went straight into the chaos of the peak of the mountain, he was in the boxing lightning king!

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