Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 886: Domineering!

A figure emerges, straight into the Han, the gods are shining!

This is the gods and the sky, the vision is full, this time and space are followed by the trembling. When the figure is in the chaotic mountain, the starry sky is like a road map, which is like the invincible star of the sea. God of War!

"Look, who is that person!"

The nearby monks were shocked and trembled. This is the strongest foundation. It is a gas-filled bullfighting. It is directly flush with the chaotic mountain, and even forcibly expands the pressure of the independent release of Chaoshan Mountain. Su Yan stands in the shadow of all beings and looks down on the world.

This domineering, this invincible gesture shocked the audience.

Many people are eclipsed. What do Su Mania want to do? He climbed from the chaotic mountain, but took a shortcut to jump from the outside. Can he really jump to the peak of Chaoshan Mountain?

Some people think that this is simply impossible. Once this rule is broken, it will be enough, but now Su Yan is doing this, what kind of purpose is there!

The peak of Chaos Mountain is like being covered by a vast expanse of land. There are thousands of chaotic days, lingering on the top of the mountain, and there are many rare treasures on the mountain, even many The crater is full of chaotic treasures.

Undoubtedly, the peak of Chaos Mountain is absolutely bred, and even the great luck can harvest the best chaotic roots. This is not a legend. This time, the peak of the top ten chaotic mountains, absolutely got!

The vast mountains, just two groups of people sitting here, do not bother each other.

The Holy Gods of War and the King of Lights are the same generations of the same generation. The two younger generations are the best in the world. They all have powerful fighters to follow. They are all in a retreat, and only a few people are guarding them!

"That is?"

When there is a breath of the sky, the atmosphere is rushing to the peak, and these people are scared, and they are looking at the source. They are all sluggish, seeing the gods and the sky, standing opposite them, overlooking the peak of the ninth chaotic mountain. !

"Su Yan!"

He Shengjie’s face has changed dramatically. Isn’t this Su Yan? How did he come here, even directly with the Chaos Mountain, what exactly does this guy want to do?

Liang Ya'an also woke up and noticed a shadow erected on the opposite side. She had a fierce grip, and she was careful that the liver thumped and thundered. Why did Su Yan appear here, what is he doing?

"Su Yan!"

The five strongest guarding the lightning king also followed, and the five strong men were all thundering, and they were all strong men of the younger generation. They were also the inherited disciples of the gods. They were violent and versed in thunder and lightning.

The scorpions of the five powerful men are shaped like purple lightning, and they are arrogant. They are all moving. How can Su Yan emerge in this form!


The light of the moment seems to be falling apart, and the ghost is crying.

The figure is infinitely strong, as if it is integrated with the starry sky. When he broke out, the sky-filled star-studded revolves around Su Yan, and he is like an emperor burning, releasing the power of swallowing!

The endless fierce release, shocked the audience!

God, this madman! "

Many people are out of control, their liver and gallbladder are cracking, and Su Yan is in the ninth chaotic mountain of boxing. This mad and peerless posture makes them all excited and unbelievable!

"Who is going to let it go!"

The Holy God of War has already woke up and noticed that standing on the opposite side, the figure of the ninth chaotic mountain of boxing, the expression of anger, his treasure revived, revealing the golden light that is immortal, the flesh is as strong as the big oven in the world.

There is no doubt that the Holy God of War is known as the sacred body, and the blood is so strong that it can be overwhelmed.

At this moment, he was angry and someone was boxing in the mountains. Is this provoking him?

"Su Yan!"

Soon the God of War found that Su Yan’s fist was against the King of Lightning, and the Lightning King had already turned to see the fist that was about to come, and the Lightning King made a scream: “Su Yan, you dare to humiliate me!”

What is he doing? Punch out, do you want to kill yourself?

The King of Lightning was angered to the extreme, and he was awakened in an instant. Although he had just cultivated to the Five Heavens of the Spirit, the tyrannical king of the Lightning King was not in doubt. If the meat shell was bred by the gods, the pores were sprayed with thousands of sharp lightning!


Su Yan Daxie, this fist must do everything, the outbreak of the North Fighter, can not be lawless, that is, a cosmic comet rushed from the time and space outside the universe, wrapped in the vast starry sky storm, hammering lightning!

This punch directly penetrated the void, and a **** hole collapsed in front. The energy fluctuations of the plundering directly tore the tens of thousands of heavy lightning. There was also a horrible emperor star, and it crashed into the lightning king!

"not good!"

The face of the lightning king is amazed. This punch is unstoppable. Even if he recovers to the strongest state, it is extremely difficult to stop Su Yan’s boxing. Once confronted, he will inevitably suffer heavy losses!

However, Su Yan’s fist is quick and accurate. Beidou’s fist is the mystery of the heavens. It seals the heavens and the earth, locks the body of the lightning king, and has not opened the moment. The five powerful strong guards of the lightning king have been shaken. The brush fluttered out, they vomited against the blood, and the body shivered!

All the onlookers were scared, and the lightning king's egg was full of defense, but he was still bombarded by Su Yan. The treasure collapsed in the trembling, and the whole body was bursting!

This is an invincible boxing method, a punching lightning king body to burst!


The King of Lightning spurted the blood, and his body was splitting. He was groaning, and the face was directly distorted, and he burst into a beast-like low-pitched voice.

"Family, Su Yan, Su Yan!"

The gods taught that the faces of the big people in the outside world were green, the fists were clenched, and the madness was low, no less than the wrath of Kun Tianyu.

That is the lightning king of the family, the gods of the star field get the first person, representing the honor and disgrace of a peak group.

But what is it now?

The King of Lights was almost killed by Su Yan in the chaos of the mountains. This shame made the whole high-level gods angered, and he wished to tear the Su Yan.

Some people also raised their remorse in their hearts. In the past, they should not stop Su Yan. Not only did they lose their wife but also lost their soldiers. Now it is good. Su Yan gave the lightning king a **** lesson.

"A good Su Yan, it is really daring, in front of my face, it is really too arrogant, do not know who is the territory of the ninth chaotic mountain?"

The face of the Holy God of War is also cold, and Su Yan is too arrogant. Using this method to kill the Lightning King is equivalent to letting the Lightning King lose face.

When he wants to start playing Su Yan, this calm chaotic mountain, transpiration of various horror luster, like an ancient creature from the slumber of awakening, revealing three thousand gods, the magnificent, magnificent.

There is no doubt that Su Yan’s approach has awakened the Chaos Mountain, and some people are breaking the rules!

The terrible pressure broke down and shook the star river that guarded Su Yan. This was to force Su Yan down the mountain.

And the five strongmen around the King of Light, returning from the fear, the heart sighed with relief, I want to say that you are going, go quickly, never want to see you.

Just now, Su Yan’s punching power made them completely lose their confidence and fell into despair. What a terrible opponent will take to resist Su Yan in the future?

"What is that? How can Chaos Shenshan spread a chaotic avenue independently, and this has not happened before."

"Is it........"

The world thinks that Chaoshan Mountain wants to force Su Yan, who knows that the Chaos Mountain is self-illuminating, stretching out a boulevard composed of chaotic gas, spreading it to Su Yan!

This moment, the world is shocked!

what is this?

Chaos Shenshan is picking up Su Yan!

The world is shocked, there have never been incidents, they have never heard of it, but now they have their own eyes!

Undoubtedly, Su Yan broke the rules and led to a new game rule. It shocked the audience for a time. Even no one thought that Chaoshan Mountain could spread the chaotic avenue. This is to take Su Yan to practice!

"Not good, Su Yan is coming up!"

The strong man under the holy **** of war is gloomy. If Su Yan is on the chaotic mountain, he will inevitably compete with the holy **** of war. It is difficult to practice safely and innocently.

"What panic?"

The Holy God of War did not care, and he said with a cold voice: "A Su Yan only, come will come, kill it!"

He also stood up and suddenly stood up, the meat shell reveals the golden light, exudes immortality, he is a generation of supreme body, develops the invincible belief, no fear of any strong in the world, but also the offender Directly kill!

The Holy God of War has long cultivated the invincible belief. His words made the people of Hejia’s heart sway, and said it was good. It’s just a Su Yan. Isn’t the Taoist genius still afraid of a Su Yan?

However, the five major battles under the King of Lightning will be scared. If Su Yan is really climbing, the King of Light will die!

But the next moment the monks of the audience were stunned.

Su Yan did not embark on Chaos Avenue, his body sinking directly, he gave up the Chaos Mountain.

"Is he crazy? He is not going to take him to him because of the Holy God of War? Or is it because of other things?"

"Who knows, Su Yan did not intend to board the Chaoshan Mountain from the beginning, this time is not unexpected, I really don't know what he wants to do."

Many of the strong faces who want to climb the summit are all green. What is this? They want to go up, but Chaoshan Mountain independently accepts Su Yan, but Su Yan directly refuses, which makes them feel embarrassed.

Zixia fairy smiled, but really worried that Su Yan went to Chaoshan Mountain, her goal is Chaoshan Xianshan, but this kind of chaotic mountain.

"Su Yan!"

The Lightning King is like a madman. He is screaming and screaming. He stands in the mountains and resentfully said: "I just stepped into the five heavens of the gods. When I step into the peak of the gods, I will find you to liquidate today's humiliation!"

Su Yan stood at the foot of the mountain and stood up with his hands. He said: "Your life is what I gave, give me a good life, and I will take it again tomorrow!"

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