Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 888: Help me go!

The dozens of monks who are here are not too small. They are the strong men of all ethnic groups who have heads and faces. Now they want to get up, but they can’t do it at all. Su Yan has moved their hands and feet in this area and suppressed them. Can't move.

"It’s bad luck, it’s not good to provoke anyone, but it’s not self-sufficient to provoke the madman!”

There are a lot of onlookers, and they are not afraid to laugh. They are all very big. They are not in a low position in the peak group, but now they are here, what is this system!

"These things are mixed!"

The big guys in the outside world are so angry that they have their noses, because there are their descendants, but now they are here, their faces are lost!

Even some people wait and see the tenth channel, I feel that the ancestors are coming, and soon Su Yan and Zu Tian may encounter directly!

"You waste, you are suppressed here, and you have a face!"

An imposing shadow broke into the outside world and saw a group of people here screaming and angered: "If it is a normal day, it will be severely punished and will not be tolerated. You can really humiliate our group!"

"Flying big brother, is..."

A strong ancestor of the ancestral hall rushed to complain, this one is Zu Feiyang, who has been practised by the ancestral ancestors many times, and is also a capable cadre of the ancestors, who can stand alone in any star field.

"Shut up, and have a face!"

Zu Feiyang carried his hands and his throat was cold. He said: "It’s a shame. Our faces have been lost by you. The same generation has fallen into this situation. Has cultivation been practiced on dogs?"

Zu Fei is a powerful and arrogant field. He is here to teach, so that some powerful creatures in the demon domain can also dare to speak out. Whoever makes him a powerful cadre of the ancestors, is also a high-powered younger generation in the ancestral hall!


The ancestors were cold and cold, and the big hand slammed, like a palm of the sky. At this moment, the Qiankun was turned upside down. He was so fascinated by the monks who turned the sky, and he could turn the space.

People soon saw the energy of this area being directly overturned by the ancestral flying force. There is no doubt that this is the seal that was smashed by the ancestors to the strong!

More than a dozen powerful people rushed to recover, and they began to scream in the sky. They squatted here for a whole half of the day. Who could tolerate this shame? They couldn’t stop being exposed.

Their own fighting power is very strong, but the onlookers think that these people were directly suppressed by Su Yan, and they all screamed. Su Yan is getting stronger and stronger. The future is not degenerate or standing in the peak area.

"This ancestor is also extremely powerful, and the anti-palm breaks the seal of Su Yan."

"Zu Feiyang is a powerful cadre of the ancestors of the ancestors. He was cultivated by the mighty power, and his combat power is naturally strong. It is estimated that he came here to come to Su Yan."

"Come on Su Yan? Zu Feiyang is strong, it is impossible to stop Su Yan, I don't know when the ancestor will come, if I want to suppress Su Yan, I am afraid that only the ancestors can make this peak Do it."

They whispered here, and the scorpion kept on patrolling Zu Feiyang. He was tall and tall, and his bronze body was strong and powerful, and it exuded a thrilling energy fluctuation. This kind of person is really rare.

"Where is the Suyan people?"

Zu Feiyang carried his hands and stood here, overlooking the Quartet, as if he was visiting his territory, the deterrence was self-evident.

"Go to the chaotic mountain of the ninth channel, saying that it is going to the King of Lightning." There are people from the ancestral hall to report, they have not kept up, do not understand what happened to the ninth chaotic mountain!

"Hey, this Su Yan, deliberately avoiding the ancestors!"

Zu Feiyang shook his head slightly and scorned: "Ming knows that the ancestral heaven is in the tenth channel, but he went to the ninth chaotic mountain. The ridiculous thing is that he does not know that the ancestral sky has already descended and will soon reach the ninth chaotic channel. He is destined to avoid it!"

"Is the ancestors coming soon?" They were excited and wanted to see the image of Zu Yan suppressing Su Yan and letting him tremble on the ground.

"I came here to stop Su Yan, let him not leave so soon!"

Zu Fei Yang coldly said: "Zu Tian had long said that he would kill Su Yan, since he is here now, then the ancestors will inevitably be strong, to suppress the only rising star of this waste family, and break the back of the family! ”

Surrounded by a sensation, many onlookers were excited, and it seems that the long-awaited subversive big showdown will soon begin.

At that time, they did not see the demon of the Northern Demon and Su Yan felt very regrettable, but now, Su Yan and Zu Tian are about to start, is this a fateful battle?

"Su Yan, the ancestors are coming, you are not coming out soon!"

The voice of Zu Feiyang suddenly rang between the heavens and the earth and passed to the distant side.

This is a secret method of sound transmission. It follows the space and goes backwards in the depths of the ninth channel. The sound is getting louder and louder, shaking many mountains and rivers, and the scope of its spread is vast.

"Flying big brother, if you say this, Su Yan dare to appear, but don't scare him away!" These people quickly went to persuade.

"No problem, I personally rushed to the ninth channel, just to block the road of Su Yan!"

The ancestral flying style is absolutely fascinating, and the power is becoming more and more powerful. He swallows the stars and the sound of the rivers and mountains, and the sound of the river is broken. "Don't hide, hurry to give me out. The road to the ninth chaotic channel has been broken. You are not going." Off, Su Yan, you give me a bright and upright stand, and you can die decent!"


Suddenly, the eardrum of everyone in the field seems to be torn, stinging!

The next moment, all the people saw, the end of the horizon, suddenly bursting out, and tens of thousands of heavy fluctuations, they vaguely saw, an invincible king pushed the anime starry, crushing the earth!

It was a shadow, and it broke out after a long time. The source of the energy that was promoted evolved into a golden palm, and it was drawn to the ancestral flying!

"You are arrogant!"

Zu Feiyang was furious and his figure was tall, and the whole body exuded the power of turning the sky. The body was like a big scroll, and the golden hand that was pulled across!


This area trembled, the collision was fierce, the black cracks collapsed in the void, and the sound waves emitted were deafening. The golden palm and the ancestral body of the squadron collided together, and the giant energy ripples were derived. Wasteland!

Many people have been stepped back by the shock, and their bodies are uncontrollable and trembling. Some people are eclipsed: "A good ancestor flies, he blocks the madman's blow, and even intact, it is worthy of the dedication of the ancestors!"

Many people can't help but start to nod, like Su Yan, such a strong, all the way to kill the nine major channels, resulting in a pile of disaster, but Zu Feiyang stood here strong shot, blocking the legend.

As a result, he is intact, the bronze body is strong, revealing a gods and domineering!

"Flying big brother is good, I think Su Yan really wants to escape, but don't let him escape from the ninth channel!" The people who had been screaming in the ground constantly screamed and were very excited.

Su Yan had long traveled across the space and appeared in the outer area of ​​the ninth passage. His figure gradually became clear and his eyes were cold.

With the battle of Zutian, Su Yan has been looking forward to it for a long time!

Zixia Fairy does not want Su Yan and Zu Tian encounter now. In the long years, the ancestral temple recorded the strongest practice method in the past generations. The purpose is to cultivate the generation of ancestors, which is definitely the strongest in the history. The ancestors!

Zu Diangui is the first group of the cosmic peaks. If there is no resource, let alone all kinds of rare roots, fear that even the chaotic motherhood will be treasured.

After all, the ancestors of the past dynasties are one of the big winners of the chaotic ruins. They have opened up the incomplete universe and occupied the cosmic secrets. They fear that the rare resources of the cosmic mother liquid are also mastered, since they want to cultivate the strongest generation of ancestors. Then it will inevitably be cultivated with the strongest substance!

"Su Yan, don't think about leaving here, the ancestral day of my ancestral temple is coming soon, you have to stand up like a man, if you escape, it is destined to be the biggest laughing stock in the world!"

There is a ancestral hall Yingjie pointing to Su Yan sneer, and at the same time said: "Fei Yang big brother must block him, I see that he really wants to escape from here, the ancestors of the time Jingui, can not be killed because of a Su Yan successively down the mountain! ”

Zu Feiyang did not say a word, standing on the ground, hair dancing, there is an amazing domineering, facing Su Yan does not shrink.

"You still have to block my way?"

Su Yan squinted at his ancestral flying, and he walked calmly. In fact, every step went out, the mountains and rivers were all shrinking, and his speed was extremely fast under the shrinkage of the ground. They were getting closer and closer to Zu Feiyang.

Anyone can sense that with Su Yan’s travel, a supreme sense of oppression falls from the sky, covering the Scorpio, and will soon cross the vast universe, the horror of the momentum, so that the universe will tremble.

Zu Feiyang wants to respond, his fist is clenched, and he slams low: "Help me go!"

The ancestral monk next to him stunned, and when he saw that his face was not right, he did not dare to ask, and quickly helped Zu Feiyang to stay away from it.

The people around are awkward. What is the situation?

Before his ancestor flew, he was a domineering shot, blocking the power of Su Yan, and it was reasonable to have the power and Su Yan to rotate one or two!

Even if Zu Feiyang is really enemies of Su Yan, I am afraid that I can rely on the treasures to temporarily trap Su Yan and fight for time.

Only now, Zu Feiyang is being supported by people. If he wants to leave, it is too inconsistent with the previous style. Is there any change?

However, just as Zu Feiyang just left the place, his legs jerked and slammed on the ground, his trembling hands slammed against the ground, and his throat spurted blood, one after another!

The onlookers were completely stupid, and they were all awkward and felt that the picture in front of them was very unreal.

Because Zu Feiyang is not only coughing up blood, his bronze-colored body is also full of cracks, and even his internal organs are shattered. This kind of trauma is equal to the destruction of the gods!


Zu Feiyang struggled to turn his head and looked at the figure that crossed the space. There was a fear in his eyes. It was just a collision. His body could not be smashed.

In the end, the ancestral flying blasted, and he really couldn’t help it. He was domineering and detested!

In this upcoming river and mountain, there is a cold wind blowing...

Many people don't know what to say, this is the end of the game, Fudu can't help...

The original dozens of strong people who were kneeling on the ground were shivering. This is Zu Feiyang. After being shot by Su Yan, he was slap in the face. Zu Fei Yang wanted to insist on insisting on perfect ending. Who knows that he did not Can hold it!

Many people are also green, what is this? Run over to die?


Suddenly, the vast energy fluctuations crowded the audience, the people who pressed the heart suffocated, and the blood rushed!

The crowd was horrified and looked at the source.

One has seen a shadow break into the chaotic channel, and then from the tenth chaotic channel to the ninth chaotic channel!

And the figure's breath is infinitely magnificent, the blood that permeates itself, and the entire vast chaotic zone that shines is full of red clouds. This powerful embodiment shocked the world.

Even if he has not yet penetrated, the energy fluctuations that are autonomously extended in the light body have penetrated into a chaotic zone and flocked to the ninth channel!

This has also led to the horror of the redness of the sky, the horror of the blood, the brightening of the heavens and the earth, especially the source direction, this is an invincible king of the same generation in the chaotic zone.

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