Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 889: Peak collision

"Zu Tian.....coming..."

The ninth channel was a sensation, but all the monks standing here felt trembled.

Because of the energy fluctuations released by the ancestors, the vastness of the world, the vast chaos, and even the ninth chaotic channel, this is a powerful foundation.

The movement of light that runs through chaos has been amazing. If his true body is killed here, it is extremely difficult to imagine that the ancestors of the time will burst out of the strongest source of strength.

"Well, my family's ancestors finally killed!"

The great figures from all walks of life have opened their throats, and a group of big people in the ancestral hall are full of smiles. This is the pride of the family. The generations are invincible. This generation of ancestors is definitely the strongest generation among the ancestors of the past.

They are very much looking forward to, Zutian will give Su Yan a shot!

"The ancestors of the past dynasties are invincible, and the ancestors of this generation must have invincible connotations." The strong ethnic group muttered to himself: "I don't know how strong Su Yan's ultimate fighting power is. He always thinks he and the northern demon. In the First World War, the power of the most prosperous era has not erupted."

"I can see the results immediately, the ancestors have come, and Su Yan has no reason to avoid the war again."

"This kind of peak conquest, the encounter with the ages, and now is the strongest collision between the people of the funeral domain and the ancestral temple. This war is afraid to be carried into the ancient history and widely spread."

"The youngest generation is the strongest, and I am also looking forward to it."

The heroes of the chaotic channel's appearance wars are expecting that compared with Su Yan and the Northern Demon, they would like to see Su Yan and Zu Tian, ​​which is also related to the long-standing grievances of the two major groups, no matter who wins. Whoever is negative, the influence is extremely far-reaching.

The vast chaotic zone is like a tremor, and the rich redness of the gods penetrates a lot of chaos. The energy fluctuations released are more and more magnificent and peerless. It is hard to imagine how rich the foundation of the ancestors accumulated!

He has run through half and is getting closer to the ninth channel.

"Su Yan, the ancestors have come, I see what you do!"

More than a dozen monks of all ethnic groups were very excited, just as they saw the **** picture of Zutian suppressing Su Yan, and they all looked excited when they thought of it.

However, the next moment, they only felt that the flesh was chilly, and there seemed to be a huge murder behind them, staring at them.

These people are afraid to turn their heads, they are seeing a figure infinitely close to them, Su Yan is in front of their eyes, their scalp is blasted, because the arrival of the ancestors they forgot that Su Yan is in front of him, and Zutian is now Haven't rushed to the ninth channel!


Su Yan raised his hand and smashed a large piece of the film. This area was smashed with blood. Even the ancestral flying yang was slain by Su Yan, and they were qualified to stand here to smash Su Yan!

"You are a madman, the ancestors have come, you must not die."

"If you have the ability, don't kill me, confirm my statement, wait for your conviction to take it orally!"

They are completely out of control, they want to survive, so they die too much. After all, they have grown into this realm. Now they are returning to the universe of cultivation. No matter on either side, they are the strong people who admire everyone. Wealth and beauty take it. Not enough.

Su Yan does not want to fulfill them, he does not dye the blood, walk in this blood-stained zone, kill one person at a time!


This **** ancient land makes the boundless chaotic zone roar and rumbling. One of the blazing figures is erupting, and the murderous tens of thousands of smashing out of the nest, the chaos of living and playing is cracking!

A horrible figure has opened up a chaotic channel. The whole redness is boiling, and the turmoil can drown the vast chaos. It is hard to imagine how bad the ancestral heritage is.

"Good horror, let's go!"

The nearby monks rushed to the rush, and they could not bear the momentum of the ancestors. If this person was killed, there would be chaos here, and many innocents would follow.

"Zu Tian is too strong, who is fighting!"

"Although Su Yan is terrible, I think that his collision with the invincible ancestors of the past is a tragedy!"

"Su madman has the invincible power of Su mad, I don't believe that he is weaker than the ancestors, you wait and see!"

These people are talking about in the process of fleeing, and the place where they fled is really divided, the power of the ancestors is even more fierce, and the cold words are spoken: "I want to kill Su Yan!"

"The man is defeated, I have been waiting for so long!"

Su Yan rushed up, gas wrapped in horrible energy fluctuations, his body against the ground, pressed over the vast land, released the power of the gods and gods, straight into the chaos!


Su Yan banged his fist and broke through a chaotic passage. He was strong and hegemonic and broke into the chaotic channel.

In the face of this sudden scene, the group is chilly, is it true that Su Yan really wants to fight with the ancestors, otherwise he has no reason to directly enter.

"He played a good abacus!"

Some people sneered: "Su Yan absolutely masters some special secret techniques, which can run through the chaotic zone. As for the ancestors, it will definitely encounter the suppression of the chaotic zone, but Su Yan will not, so he will choose this time to start!"

Some people suddenly realized that they were justified, so Su Yan seized the opportunity. After all, he and Zu Tian were bound to fight, and they could not escape the disaster.

"Emergency to find me to fulfill you!"

The ancestors of the ancestors were covered with red sacredness, but they could not see his true appearance, but his overall momentum was raging, and the redness of the rolling redness drowned the chaos and emerged in front.

Really like a red sea, I hit it out, and it suddenly came to Su Yan, as if I wanted to break it off!

This is too simple and hegemony, and it has evolved directly into the era of killing and cutting. The red-colored gods, if turned into a red-colored sword, can smash the sky, with quite scary energy fluctuations!


Exceeding everyone's expectations, Su Yan was even wilder. He broke into the chaotic zone, slamming a scepter with a single arm and slamming the past, and directly bombarded this red-colored mans into a crush!

This fairy iron stick glows, lingering with the invincible force, shaking moments, chaotic zones are trembled, dancing with the amazing power, like pulling the chaos of the sky, hit the ancestors!


The ancestral hurricane rushed, and a **** scorpion started. It sizzled with a fierce demon, exuding the purgatory blood. This weapon just emerged, and the chaotic zone directly reflected is bright!

"This big aunt is too fierce. Is it the weapon of the ancestors?"

They fought in the chaotic zone, but the weapons that the ancestors sacrificed penetrated the obstacles of chaos, and the people in the audience were cold and cold. If they fell into purgatory, it was like a magic soldier, affecting the mind of the people, and could not help but indulge in the main In the middle!

"This is the invincible weapon of the ancestors of the past!"

Some people have seen the clues, the ancestors of the ancestors of the past, will take advantage of this big smash, after a million years, it has been painful to drink the blood of the peaks of the dynasties, has long been a savage!

It can be said that once this big cockroach is unsealed, it is doomed to fall apart, and the ghosts cry!

Zu Tian’s one-armed arm was holding a **** scorpion, the time of waving, the horror of blood that emerged, and the chaos, and there was a kind of magic that broke the sacred iron stick that Su Yan was in charge!


At this moment, Su Yan sensed that the fairy iron rod began to roar spontaneously and recovered a terrible force!

It is shining, blazing, like the return of the lost soul, involuntarily spread out, collapsed in the nine days and ten places!

"A terrible weapon!"

Surrounded by excitement, two overbearing weapons were released, and they all felt that chaos began to collapse!

This is what a terrible murderer, now held by them, the two strong forces broke out at the same time, standing in the chaos of the inside, the sprinting moment, the gods are flourishing, the chaotic zone has opened up a battlefield!

"It's so strong, the Su madman is so strong, his momentum is not inferior to the ancestors, is it true that Su Yan has the ultimate fighting power of the same generation, and can be levied with all kinds of tyrants!"

The same generation of strong people do not tremble, their momentum is too arrogant, the moment has not been hit, 茫茫 茫茫 摇 , , , , , , , 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫 茫茫

Two major weapons confrontation, Mars is shining, the sound is shocking!

And in a short period of time, the fairy iron rod and the **** big bang broke out one after another. These two weapons are like the king of weapons, exudes the power of their own soldiers, and they come quickly and directly hit hundreds of times!

In fact, waiting for their impact to complete, there is energy fluctuations!

It is hard to imagine how fast their actions are, and the final ending chaos collapses into a big hole. The two invincible people are screaming at the sky and full of the invincible belief of crushing the enemy!


Under the stars, in the vast chaos, a large hole that collapses infinitely enlarges!

The two murderers once again collided, and at the same time they forced their bodies to start to shine. Zu Tian and Su Yan were both in the shouting, waving their fists, punching one punch and one punch, and moving forward and reconciling!

Every punch is ruined by the sun!

That is the vision, the vision born of the great supernatural powers that are emitted from each other, like the two great universes.

They have been peerless, and they have slammed a dozen punches in succession. It is really like the heavenly drums of the heavens are swaying, the sound waves that are revealed, the blood of the earthquakes are tumbling, the standing is unstable, and people are turning over.

"Suzaku Boxing!"

At the moment when the final punch broke out, Zutian’s fists blazed in the sky, just like the gestation of a eternal fireway supreme, a Suzaku sinking in the middle, revealing the breath of the burning sea, all steamed a chaos!

In the history of the lost supernatural powers in the outbreak, direct boxing Su Yan!


Su Yan’s counterattack is even more fierce, and the arms are shining. If it turns into a real dragon arm, the moment of ignition, a real dragon disk lies on the fist of Su Yan, the momentum is terrible!

"Take me a punch!"

Su Yan evolved the secret of the dragon totem, and he was shocked. This punched out and the bombarded Suzaku smashed in the trembling.

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