Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 890: Shopping

Many people are shocked and screaming.

What did they see? The ancestors have evolved the Suzaku magical power, but the Su Yan is strong and fierce. The Suzaku fists are trembled with the dragon fists, and the Suzaku figure will be directly wiped out by the dragon fist!

The Taoist method on the dragon totem is inscrutable. As the dragon totem is promoted continuously, the mystery that appears is stronger. Therefore, Su Yan now evolves the real dragon secret technique, which is powerful and unmatched. I can't help it.

The onlookers of the outside world talked a lot, and they were quite surprised by Su Yan’s combat power. They were even more arrogant than the imagination. They thought that Su Yan would be suppressed by the ancestors.

However, the result now seems to be that Su Yan’s combat power is so amazing that there is no end to it. If you want to kill this kind of character, you can be so easy.


The ancestors screamed in the sky, the sound waves rolling, and the sound of the loud noise of nine days of thunder, like millions of lightning rushed to the earth.

There was anger in his body, and the pores poured out and there was no amount of red clouds. It turned around the ancestors, like a red color cut off in the starry sky, and the radiance that came out, flowing out, and overwhelming the power of the sky!

The ancestral movement is really true, and the unfathomable foundation is erupting. For a time, the red sea is like the sea, covering the sky and covering the sun. It contains the amazing fluctuations of the repressing kings, and it is full of this chaotic battlefield!


He broke off, indifferent and ruthless, like the king who is in charge of the sky, such as the sea's red clouds overturned, people seem to see these energies become a huge red palm, covering the sky, calming the Qiankun, contains a terrible Wei Li!

There is no doubt that this is an unknown big magical power, absolutely inheriting the ancient!

Under the background of this magical power, Zutian appears to be a mana, a breath of the world, and a deserved heavenly supreme!

"Under the defeat, I still want to suppress me!"

Su Yan's figure rushed into the sky, energy fluctuations called the sky, his pores also spewed out of infinite vitality, around the moment of Su Yan's rotation, showing the stunning picture of Wanyang!

This is the sun fist, which was evolved into a peak in the field of Su Yan. Once the powerful secret technique broke out, Wanyang shines enough to evaporate a sea, and there is a tendency for the chaotic zone to melt!


Su Yan throws his fists, and Wan Yang rises to the sky at the same time, hitting the vast world covered by red palms.

The contest between the great supernatural powers, the collision ripples, the flooding, the chaos, and the cracking of the chaos, all cracked into a large black crack, this picture is really shocking, so that the onlookers are upright.

The energy fluctuations are tumbling, this area is fragmented and in a state of destruction!

However, this kind of conquest is really more turbulent. The ancestors are screaming, and their hearts are stunned and killed. Su Yan’s combat power makes Zu Tian re-recognize him. This kind of character must be removed!

The peak war, from the beginning to the present, how long it has been, their collision is fierce to the extreme!

All kinds of killing powers are densely packed in the sky and underground. The battlefields opened up in the chaotic zone continue to expand. There is a tendency to explode chaotic zones. All the spectators have a goose bump, which is too abnormal.


Su Yan, they completely let go of their hands and feet, launched a shopping in chaos, completely frontal killing, speed can be hit between each other in an instant, can imagine how dangerous this war is!


The palm of his hand slammed on the back of Su Yan, and his body shook, and it was a loud iron-like sound. Although some blood spattered, it could not make Su Yan hurt!

At the same time, Su Yan's palms pinch the fists, and the same moments come, just like the cosmic comet coming, the bombarded ancestral shoulders will suddenly break!

The battlefield sputtering haze in chaos, they are completely fighting!

Because their movements are so amazing, they can do no difference!

This kind of sudden killing power, there are several people can hold it!

However, the two strong men are super-strong, squandering with horror and blood, and murderous, they are constantly colliding together, launched a shopping, and have a shock to the other body.

"How strong is their body?"

Some of the nearby monks were soft on the ground, and the world was full of thunder. They couldn’t stand it now, shivering, fear in their hearts, and the invincible gods were killing, and they were a common man.

Su Yan’s physical body is beyond the expectations of the major groups!

Su Yan actually ate something good, it can be almost the same as the body of Zutian!

In particular, the ancestral strongman is very clear, but the ancestors have survived the calcination of the little **** Wang Dan, and the flesh is called the same generation. He has long since reborn, and at the moment he stepped into the realm of the gods, he took half of the essence of the medicine. Practice the soup to enhance the eternal heritage for the ancestors!

But why can Su Yan be the same as Zu Tian's body? Is it true that the family of the funeral domain also has a similar secret medicine?

"Is it..."


The face of the great ancestors of the ancestral hall is faint and uncertain. I recalled a hidden feeling. In the past, Zuan Anbang had the formula of the little **** Wang Dan. This thing should not be obtained by Su Yan? He felt that it should not, Su Yan could not open the strange seal of the little **** Wang Dan.

This Dan Fang is not only Su Yan, but he also left a recipe in the ancestral star.


The chaotic zone continued to mourn, and the battlefield not only bleeds through the blood, but also released the invincible power of the same generation. Both of them killed red eyes, and broke out loudly: "kill!"

The peerless impact, surging, is like the impact between two large and small universes.

Everything is blasting!

Chaos is divided and the breath is running through the sky, shaking down a star-studded star.

The two strong momentum rushed to the Han, all let go of their hands and feet, bursting out of the power of the heyday, one by one, must cross the chaos!

"A good Su Yan, it was really beyond my expectations, I have looked down on you before!"

Zutian smirked, he really did not think that Su Yan fusion is the root cause, it will be chaotic motherhood this rare treasure!

The reason why he can see it is because his situation is similar to that of Su Yan. He secretly uses the root material of chaotic maternal gas, and gives birth to a kind of induction between them. This can really make the ancestors unexpected, and Su Yan actually merges the inverse. Heavenly matter!

"The ancestral temple is the ancestral hall, this material can be found!"

Su Yan’s eyes are murderous. Like his ancestors, he combines the anti-sky material of chaotic motherhood.

Su Yan was a dead man in his life. He took a lot of effort to find the chaotic motherhood, but he did not expect that the ancestors also mastered this anti-sky material, and the future achievements are limitless.

"Su Yan, you are very strong, the same generation can hold you back, there are only a handful!"

Zu Tian Leng Sensen said: "Unfortunately, you met me, it is destined to be a tragedy. Your family should have long since perished. It has been lingering for so long, and it should be extinct!"

"It’s you who are killing, and Laozi is not from invincible world!"

Su Yan was full of black hair dancing, murderous and more horrible, and the inch space was shattering in the trembling, and the chaotic zones of the cockroaches began to flock in groups.

"Ha ha ha, arrogant things, I really don't know how many pounds I have? In the past, you were such a strong person, maybe you will be the leader, but in this generation, it is destined to be on the emperor's road!"

The ancestors laughed in the sky, and his momentum was even more cruel, secretly reviving the power of chaotic maternal roots, and the impact of the vast chaotic zone trembled!

"Emperor Road?"

Su Yan frowned, what is the emperor road? He has never heard of it, is it a kind of shocking cosmic mystery of chaotic ruins?

"Su Yan, you are not qualified to know this!"

The ancestors responded ruthlessly, when this road really emerged, let alone the kings of the world, even the strongest of their generation, the possibility of hatefulness is also great!

"Then why do I leave you, come and die!"

Su Yan angered, like the true God born in chaos, there is a horrible atmosphere in the body is released!


Under the wrath of the ancestors, the momentum was also fully bloomed.

Both of them are extremely tyrannical. After all, they are all blended with the anti-sky material chaotic motherhood. Nowadays, in the process of running chaotic motherhood, one by one is heavy to the extreme, the moment of energy boiling and impact, forming a horrible Destroy the world!

"A terrible showdown, how can they be so strong, is this a god? I feel like the two peaks of the gods are killing here, the details are too abnormal!"

The strong watchers around the tremble, the legs and feet are not controlled to shake, what is this power? How can it be heavy to this point, like the two worlds of the universe are erupting, the pressure of the spirits shudder.

Their scalp is numb, and in the midst of chaos, the two great kings of the ages broke out again!

But this time it was extraordinarily terrible and it was colliding together!


Su Yan shouted, a fist banged out, the concentrated Xinghai spewed out, because of the force of chaotic maternal force, which led to the integration of the Xinghai and time and space, as if it is integrated with this space, the exuding breath bursts day!

Like two overwhelming tyrants, a terrible impact was launched here.

What is embarrassing is that both of them are spurting blood, and they are all screamed by the strong punches of each other.

"North Fighter!"

Su Yan's momentum is changing, standing in the boundless sea of ​​stars, boxing ancestors!

What shocked the whole monk was that Su Yan repeatedly waved nine punches, just like playing nine ancient seas of the sea, revealing the ultimate power of breaking through the great world, the gods are vast, crowded with the vast earth, shaking the chaotic zone!

This is the whole nine secrets of the world, it can be said that the battle of the era of Su Yan's heyday, the horror of his set off!

Even if the ancestors were tyrannical and against the sky, in the face of this terrible foundation, his body was shaking and there was a suffocation.

In front of him, the power of the nine-fold ancient star sea, turned into nine comets, nine stars and even beads, was promoted by Su Yan, the momentum is actually terrible!

"Give me life!"

Su Yan made a shout of shouting, and the hair that was full of blood was scattered, and the move was wide open, pushing the power of the nine stars and starting to suppress!

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