Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 893: Fight for the Emperor!


The chaos is overwhelmed by the chaotic passages. Suddenly there is a ringing sound of the bells!

This is the sound wave transmitted from the outside world. It is rolling and swaying. At the extremely fast speed, it has swept the top ten chaotic passages. It is heard in the ears of the universe, and it is rumbling in the mountains. It will not be scattered for a long time. It can easily penetrate people. In the soul of the soul.

At this moment, the ten channels of the turmoil suddenly calmed down. The bells were not only loud and deafening, but also accompanied by the voice, so that many of the silent and mad people were instantly alerted!

"Make the mountain!"

The Daodian has a strong man shaking the big clock and telling the strong in the chaotic channel that this mountain can't be smashed, and it will kill them, and there are ten deaths without danger.

"Ten death is no life!"

Some people shudder, this shows that the strong people who broke through in the past, no one can live down the mountain!

"What is the danger of burying the mountain? Ten dead and no life, and even let the temple shake the cosmic clock. This shows that the dynasties of the dynasties have been swayed, but they have fallen on the mountain of the burial."

Many monks did not know that the burial mountain was coming, and they frowned. However, many monks had already entered the middle. They were still very unwilling and wanted to go in and have a look.

"Make the mountain!"

However, some of the strongest people who passed down the long-term family trembled, and there was a chill in their hearts. When they thought of a rumor, they suddenly felt horrified. Fortunately, they didn’t rush in before, or they would not really come back!

Once these people stopped, some of the monks who were ready to move seemed to be splashed with cold water, and they stopped to walk and explored the origins of the mountain.

“Is it really a mountain of funeral?”

The outside world is even more chaotic. Even the king of God is eclipsed. The years of origin of the burial mountain are very old. It is extremely difficult to trace the distance, but the burial mountain is too famous in the secrets of all ethnic groups.

Because the burial mountain belonged to the ruins of the ruins of the life, the ruins of the gods were once buried, and even the peaks of the priests were all hated on the mountain of burial, and even rumors that no one can climb back.

The old antiques of Daodian speculate that it is a great possibility to bury the mountain!

The ancient rumor of the burial mountain, it is said that it has life, once appeared in the vast areas of chaotic ruins, although the emergence of life and danger is accompanied by opportunities, but once the funeral mountain appears, only the death!

This is horrible and outrageous. The mountain is full of magic. They don’t know how this mountain will appear in the chaotic channel. But if it is really a mountain of burial, this mountain can’t be smashed, and it will be buried in the sky. Supreme life!

The ancient rumored burial mountain is also full of many mysteries. No one knows its specific origins. In short, it is listed as an indispensable life Jedi by all the big powers.

"Impossible, how can the funeral mountain appear in the chaotic channel?"

Some people are suspicious, and feel that the Taoist old antiques have made mistakes. Although the funeral mountain can move, the chaotic channel is a unique cosmic secret. Can the funeral mountain really move to this place?

Of course, despite a certain possibility, the various ethnic groups will not allow the strong people of this family to cross the adventure in the mountain of funeral.

"Soon, there will be secret treasures sent, and under the light, you can know whether it is a mountain of fun!"

The old antiques of Daodian suppressed the doubts of all parties. His words made the face of Han’s old masters indefinite. Su Yan had already gone to the mountain of burial. If he died in the mountain of burial, wouldn’t it be that the terrain article would remain forever?

"I don't think it's time to go, let the family's strongmen figure out the situation!"

Nanhuang, they are all taboos. Before coming to the chaotic ruins, they naturally understood the dangerous zone about the ruins of chaos. Some areas were inexplicable.

As for the burial mountain, it is one of them, full of unpredictable dangers!

Although it is still uncertain, but the peaks of the people have begun to retreat, and a large number of strong people are also close to the funeral mountain, if not the legendary magic mountain, they can also climb the mountain, go to pick and make.

"It’s broken, is the madman mad in the mountain of funeral?"

There is a message that spreads through the top ten chaotic passages. Although a large number of strong people have rushed into the funeral mountain, they are all famous and strong, and Su Yan is different, traversing the top ten chaotic passages, boxing lightning king, and even north. Demon, ancestors have been fighting for hegemony!

Nowadays, Su Yan, but the famous peak power in the universe, a generation of hegemons, if this character is fallen on the mountain of funeral, it will inevitably lead to a great storm!

"Su Yan went to the funeral mountain!"

Many people exclaimed, and more news came out. It is said that the buried mountain should be the Susan Mountain that was led by Su Yan through the top ten chaotic passages!

The impact of this matter is fierce. Can this kind of existence be buried in the mountain of burial, and can it still live? Although they can't be confirmed now, they feel that they are not far from the top!

"He is dying!"

The gods are very excited and very excited. If it is really a mountain of fun, Su Yan can’t be killed!

The strongest thing in the funeral mountain is that once you climb a mountain, you can never return to the mountain. It is equal to a funeral soil, and many people will be schadenfreaked: "What is the peak of the people, really facing this kind of Jedi, it will also die, it is better to be honest." ""

"Su Yan, it's a pity, and finally the madman boarded the mountain of fun."

Many people laughed and felt very happy. As for some monks who admire Su Yan, they all sighed again and again. Is it true that the myth of Su Yan’s invincibility will be completely ended from the funeral mountain? They do not believe, Su Yan can still create a miracle!

No one can now see the specific picture in the mountain of burial, this magnificent mountain is covered by the rich chaos!

As for the picture in this chaos, it can really make the monks have a fissure, and many of the monks who come in can’t listen to them, and they shiver one by one, and want to turn around and leave!

Even Su Yan was shocked, his creeps, goose bumps all got up, even want to withdraw directly, never want to approach the source!

The world is dead and silent, and there is no sound. The atmosphere of light is enough to make the monks panic.

The light between the heavens and the earth is dark and dead, like the universe in the last days, and the dark abyss, engulfing the mind.

The land of death, the territory is dark red, this is the soil that has accumulated blood for a long time, and it has dyed the vast and ruined world.

The world is very big, and you can't see the end!

It is not a mountain, but a vast continent. People stand on the mainland, and the dust is as small as dust.

Into the purpose, is the countless bones, densely covered, covering the entire vast land, really like covering a whole dozen life stars!

This is a horrible and scary picture. The number of bones is unclear. In a certain era, hundreds of millions of souls drink and hate here, and even countless how many monks died.


Suddenly, the silent world, the yin anger, if the ghosts and gods are crying, the momentum is too harsh, and the soul is splitting!

In the distant land, the bones of the bones danced, and the sky was bright and red, and soon it was seen that there was a scarlet wind sweeping over it. It was a long-lasting fierce air, filled with horror fluctuations.

The wind is very spectacular, but in this world it is very small and can only be called a spray.

This world is too grand, like the **** ancient land in history, drifting in time and space, carrying hundreds of millions of corpses, do not know where to head.


There was a group of monks who died in tragic death. They were all gods, but they were wiped into the flesh by the scarlet wind, and they were directly torn apart and blown into blood!

It is hard to imagine how perverted this fierce force may be, and perhaps it can annihilate the king of God. However, some people have seen that some scarves, some bones, some debris, drifting in it, rumbling!

What kind of skeleton is this, what kind of debris!

After a long period of time, they are still not dead. It is definitely a piece of treasure in history. It is definitely the bone of power. When they sprint, the horrible storm is enough to fight against power!

"Where is it here!"

Su Yan’s face has changed dramatically. It’s too evil here. It’s isolated from the world, like it’s not in this world, like the **** evil soil that drifts through the ages!


The wind that swept across the boundless land rushed in the direction of Su Yan.

Su Yan’s face changed slightly. He didn’t dare to stay, and disappeared instantly. In the process of crossing the **** ancient land, the wind affected a million miles and the space was distorted, seriously affecting the speed of Su Yan. !


Su Yan snorted and the atmosphere exploded, forcing the distorted space and rushing away.

He perceives the threat of death. The energy storm that is dancing in the wind is too scary. It is as strong as he is scalp numb. Once it is wiped by the wind, it will definitely be broken!

He estimated that even if the king of God came, he would have to drink hate. As for the center of the wind, all kinds of terrible bones, remnants, and smouldering scent, together, form a treasure of heaven!

God knows how strong the core is. These treasures make Su Yan's eyes red, but he has not yet reached the point of madness.

Su Yan crossed very far and far, and he didn't know that he would not leave.

Chaos Xianshan is in this **** ancient land, this ancient land is also very vast and magnificent, like the hundreds of stars connected together, the formation of **** evil soil!

It is hard to imagine how many monks and creatures died here.

The mysterious blood, if drifting in the sky and time, carrying hundreds of millions of bones, seems to record the tragic history of World War I.

In any case, Su Yan will not give up easily, he crossed the direction of Chaoshan Xianshan, but there is no danger in the way.

However, he found a lot of debris, but unfortunately they lost cleanliness and did not know how many years existed here. In short, Su Yan was highly alert.

After crossing the whole half day, he did not see the chaotic fairy mountain area.

The land of death, quiet, without any sound.

The world of bones and blood, the atmosphere is suppressed enough to suffocate.

When Su Yan crossed the whole day, he gradually approached the core area. It still remains here, a kind of peerlessness, and a feeling that makes Su Yan's body crack.

He is eclipsed, this much stronger battle is the hegemony between the demons. After a long time, the world still has the inexhaustible fierceness.

"That is!"

At the end of the horizon, a tall shadow suddenly appeared, standing in the blood, and there were endless ruins.

It looks very tall and majestic, like a million mountains combined, revealing the breath, let Su Yan panic, it must have died, there can be a kind of divine power, arrogant nine days and ten places, blasphemy gods.

"This is a Pegasus!"

Su Yan shocked, he is already close, seeing a horrible Tianma, the forehead has a unicorn angle, the overall dense dragon scales, behind the long Peng Peng wing!

This is a legendary creature, a species that cannot be surrendered by the mighty power. It is said to be the most powerful creature in the world. It is rumored that once the adult is in adulthood, it is a great power!

Su Yan looked up at Tianma. It was too majestic. Su Yan was very small in front of Tianma. He looked up at Tianma and suddenly found a man sitting above Tianma. At the moment he watched, the soul would explode. The world is full of He destroyed the gods of the earth!

"Fighting for the Emperor!"

It also has the shudders of the gods, the roar of the gods, the sound of the call of the cosmic roar, and the sounds of Su Yan’s ears, let him boil, go to fight, fight for the Emperor!

(Brothers, it was too late to update yesterday, it was updated at eleven o'clock, everyone forgive me)

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