Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 894: Emperor battle flag

The majestic horses, the backs of the mountains, towering into the sky, magnificent and indescribable.

In the land of death, the Scorpio is run-down, and many of the stars are unusually small in front of Tianma. It is a legendary species that has disappeared from the long-lived creatures and is known as one of the most powerful warriors in the world!

Adult Tianma is a powerful man with a powerful mana, but what kind of character can he surrender to a Pegasus?

The time of this Tianma’s fall is hard to estimate, but it never falls, stands proudly, smashes the universe, suddenly dies, and never bows!

Even now it still carries his master, who is full of the atmosphere of ruining the earth, the bronze body is tall, shocking nine days and ten places, full of a supreme majesty that makes the universe surrender!

Su Yan is watching, the soul will be broken, it is hard to imagine how this is the world!

Su Yan can still hear it, his beliefs, his beliefs, and who he is fighting for. He is like a standard-bearer who inspires morale in the battlefield, telling them who they are fighting for!

His power has affected the changes of the universe, and he has completely left the avenue of heaven, and has evolved his beliefs to fight for the Emperor!

"Fighting for the Emperor!"

Su Yan followed the big bang, was affected by this atmosphere, could not help but scorn, his body boiling, want to throw blood for the Emperor!

This is a terrible belief, unyielding, and sturdy!

It also affected Su Yan, and I have to say that this guy is really tyrannical.


Su Yan's overall radiance, the burning of blood, reveals nine colors of brilliance, as if the ancestral family's nine-strong and strong bloodlines are burning, spewing out the nine heavy fairy, shining on this ruined land, shining on the Pegasus, also projected on the broad Above the person sitting on the back!

This person is like a resurrection. He is strong and powerful enough to tear the bronze arms of the heavens and move slowly. This moment is like a cosmic world. As the nine days and ten earthquakes have erupted, there is a world-wide momentum that spans the years and rivers!

What kind of person, an action, makes the universe tremble, and the fear of the gods is terrible and incredible.

However, this person seems to be carrying out a certain kind of ritual. In his palm, he still carries a blood-stained battle flag, covered with endless blood, and can't see the truth.

At this moment it fell from his palm. It was a ritual, like picking up a new standard-bearer. Although it was a long time, it found a successor.

Su Yan trembled out of the palm of his hand, his expression was solemn and solemn, and caught the flag of the battle from the sky.

As if he had caught a mission, he completed the ritual that had been separated for a long time. From this moment on, he fell into disintegration and everything fell into ruin.

Tianma smashed, because his master's spirit was completely extinguished, and the final wish was fulfilled. When he turned into a looting moment, Tianma was as wise as a miracle, and suddenly burst into time and glory.

Everything is gone like this!

Su Yan stared at it all. He could still see the vague and huge wheel library in the space. If the mark left by Tianma, it would not be scattered for a long time, it seems to have been merged with this time and space.

His palms clasped the blood-stained battle flag, his chest was violently ups and downs, and it was extremely difficult to calm down in a cavity.

This kind of character is terrible to the extreme, brilliant to the extreme, but how can such a character die? What kind of strongman killed this kind of talented person!

Even he is fighting for a person!

This makes Su Yan feel shocked, what kind of person, with such a terrible appeal, they are all dead and there is such a belief, who are fighting for whom.


He whispered, this name is really scary, the Emperor of Heaven, is the master of the world? What kind of enemy has been encountered, let his majesty die in the battlefield, and a long time passed, no one came to the ceremony of the handover of the standard bearer.

Now Su Yan is coming, and he has caught this blood-stained flag. It seems to represent a kind of glory and is a symbol of the group's forces.

Su Yan suddenly felt that the flag in his hand was very heavy. His eyes fell on the battle flag. The flag covered all kinds of blood, colorful, some blood has not dried up, and still has a terrible demon.

Su Yan was shocked. This is what kind of blood is bleeding from the strong. There are still terrible pressures.

He felt that the flag had sipped the blood of the strong, and he did not know how many powerful enemies. It was covered by blood, covering the glory of the past.

Su Yan tried to provoke this battle flag, but found that the energy in his body sinks into the sea, which makes Su Yan feel heavy, perhaps because his strength is too weak, and he is not qualified to qualify the power of the battle flag.

In any case, this battle flag is very special and mysterious, related to a mysterious group, and related to a terrible title!

"Fighting for the Emperor!"

Su Yan’s eyes are blazing, staring at this battle flag, muttering to himself: “I will call you the Emperor’s flag in the future!”

His palm rubbed against the flag. These bloods are very special. They are intertwined with the battle flag. In fact, they are very ferocious. In fact, there is no energy fluctuation.

"I don't know how strong the Emperor is, the people who died here, fearing that there are many of his men!"

"Is it heavenly?"

Su Yan muttered to himself, this ancient land hides a hidden feeling, and is concealed by ancient history. The age of war does not know when, even if he does not know whether it will continue, then since he got the flag of the Emperor, he will Will not be associated with the funeral family?

Su Yansi, finally he sighed, his strength is too low, even if he knows what to do.

"Since the Chaos Xianshan is here, the first battle in history has also occurred in this blood-stained blood, and Bacheng is related to my family."

Su Yan collected the flag of the Emperor of Heaven, he continued on his way, expecting to find something along the way, or can get some artifacts.

However, many of the remnants, energy is dry, completely exhausted, which makes Su Yan feel that the Emperor's battle flag is very powerful, absolutely more terrible than his own imagination, the banner of a group of forces, absolutely unprecedented peerless.

The vast battlefield, the bones are endless.

Even Su Yan found some buildings that collapsed, and on this road, he found a lot of special bones, some with three eyes and some with six arms.

There are even some bones, huge scary, like an ancient city, in the blood.

"Worlds, full of wonders!"

Su Yan also discovered that some small creatures, like an ant.

However, after a long period of time, it still exudes a fierce atmosphere, very scary and terrible, the physical preservation is still intact, Su Yan is like seeing an ant, force the world, weeping!

Many mysterious groups, Su Yan have never heard of it. There is no doubt that the era of this war is extremely difficult to trace, and the era is far away.

There is no sign of life in a lifeless world. There are deaths and colds everywhere. It is not suitable for practice. For a long time, people are going crazy.

For two days and two nights, Su Yan never sleeps, crossing the borders that I don't know, and eventually he gradually approached his destination. He also had to say that the battlefield was too spectacular and endless.

He feels that he is only crossing the corner of the battlefield. This makes him deeply shocked and unbelievable. He can't help but think about what the world is like in history. Now the world in which they live, the universe is mostly broken!

"If that's the case, it's really terrible!"

Su Yan thought quietly, he thought of some connections, it was very shocking and moving. If it was spread, it would inevitably cause great waves. At the same time, he felt that the practice of Qimen’s field was too important. He had the opportunity to find the heavenly articles and set himself up. The Qimen Road line is pushed into the field of seven products!

He believes that the Han family's masters of Qimen must not be compared with the masters of Qimen in history. They lack the most important inheritance, and Su Yan also lacks the most important inheritance!

At this time, Su Yan finally saw the Chaoshan Xianshan!

But the moment when the mountain came into view was fundamentally different from what he imagined.

This mountain, like carrying thousands of bones, is filled with a strong sense of death, like the enchanted magic mountain of the gods, exudes a terrible sense of oppression.

Su Yan discolored, Chaos above the mountains, but also the dense body of the corpse, the number is also unclear, a veritable pile of corpses like a mountain!

If it is not because of the induction of Xianyu, Su Yan will immediately retreat. After all, it is too fierce, and it will lose its life.

"This is Chaos Xianshan!"

Su Yan's dignified eyes looked at it, and it was very difficult to see the clues. The mountain was extremely magnificent, and it was even more vast and chaotic than the Chaoshan Mountain. However, the mountain was full of various bones.

Su Yan took a deep breath, and since he has already found it, he no longer hesitates to go up and take a look!

In fact, Su Yan has already noticed that there is such an unpredictable danger here. The ancestors did not come at all. The problem is so serious that it will really die.

"No matter what the risk, I am on this mountain!"

Su Yan gnawed his teeth to Chaoshan Xianshan, but at the moment when the soles of his feet had just landed at the foot of the mountain, he looked up and smashed, and the whole body was like a horrible star, squatting on the shell of Su Yan!

He shook his body and almost fell.

This made him feel awkward. He knew how strong his body was, but he could hardly withstand the oppression of Chaoshan.

He stood at the foot of the mountain, and his body was sore, like being squeezed.

Su Yan's teeth are strong, and he can barely survive.

"Chaotic Xianshan, one of the nine great mountains, is known as the strongest dojo of the gods!"

"If I can't even get the chaos of Xianshan, why do you talk about hegemony in the future!"

Su Yan’s double fists are fierce, and the scorpions are standing up, and they won’t fold back easily!

However, in Su Yan, the moment to lift the foot out of the second step, Chaos Xianshan suddenly filled with a terrible demon, like the terrible creatures in the past, blood spilled on the Chaoshan Mountain.

Now the whole mountain, like the magical world of the world, wants to swallow the vitality of Su Yan!

"not good!"

Su Yan discolored, and found a strange force, sucking the blood of his life.

what is this?

The pattern of corpse blood?

Or is it a devil fog?

In short, Chaos Xianshan has a big problem, not a holy land, but a magic mountain, you can bury all the climbers!

The horrible power of smoking is slowly eroding the strong vitality of Su Yan's body, allowing Su Yan to do it, and can't seal the blood that is lost in the body.

This makes Su Yan look ugly, if this goes on, it will not be three or five days, Su Yan will be turned into a bone!

This mountain is not a place to test, but a place of death.

But at the moment when Su Yan wants to retire, he finds that the blood-stained Emperor of Heaven has moved!

This battle flag is shining, although there is **** coverage, but it can not help the movement derived from its own recovery.

At this moment, Su Yan, aware of the vast power of the years, like a certain substance, drifting in the years, sailed to this world, full of unspeakable years of pressure!

Su Yan was shocked. Some people are really crossing the river and heading for this world.


Even with the horror of shouting and killing sounds, like the hundreds of millions of troops in the expedition, across the years and rivers, sailed to this world, they have not come, Su Yan has been disturbed by the invincible spiritual will!

This is a kind of fighting spirit, a belief in suppressing all circles and sweeping one universe after another.

The battle will win, the attack will be gram!

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