Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 895: Heavenly Emperor?

The Emperor's battle flag is self-recovering, and there is a mysterious Jinhui. Through the blood that covers the battle flag, it is projected, and another piece of grandeur is coming to the picture of the trembling of the heavens!

There are also shouting killing sounds, this is killing sound, shocking the ancient and modern future, shaking the human soul, containing a kind of invincible peerless spirit, alone with this spiritual will, sweeping the time and space!

There are also footsteps blasting, neat and uniform, they are at the moment of walking, shaking down a horrible time-space star, this is a terrible army, it is simply hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the expedition, Tianbingtian will come to the world!

As you can see, they took out from a magnificent fairy palace and were led by the dancing Emperor's battle flag to fight for the Emperor!

This is a vague picture. It seems to have happened in reality. They traveled through time and space and sailed to the other side of the world. Their flags were heard in the nine days and ten places. The future of Megatron affected one after another. A cosmic era, the universal domain!

Su Yan also vaguely saw a vague figure, but a back view, but the stalwart of the stalwart of the universe, hundreds of millions of souls, can not go to pay respect to his style, can only look to his stalwart back.

He is like the legendary Emperor, standing on the celestial beings, standing in time and space, one eye also overlooking the ancient and modern future, suppressing the sages of the past, he is a myth in mythology, under the gods, it must penetrate any time and Years, head to any time and space.

Su Yan’s reverence from the heart, what kind of character is this, it is like controlling the future of the past and the present, suppressing all enemies, and respecting each other for nine days and ten places.

"Men are like this!"

Su Yan couldn't help but start to squat, although it is said that the pictures transmitted by the Emperor's battle flag are somewhat faulty, vague, and unrealistic, but he can feel that a certain group has been brilliant, and someone has been invincible.

The flag of the Emperor of Heaven, the noble flag of this group!

If the inheritance of the fire of the race reveals a terrible time and space, it is like the supreme power that has been transmitted from that era, and all the ominous things are shattered, and the Chaoshan Mountain is roaring.

The strange power against Su Yan was shattered by the flag of the Emperor!

Although Su Yan found the chaos on the top of the mountain, although there is still the kind of pressure, but they simply do not dare to approach Su Yan, just a glimpse of the banner, enough to shock the world.

Su Yan's heart is stirring, seeing a brilliant, a legend!

He saw different scenery, saw different rivers and mountains, and practiced endlessly. I really have to work harder. It is strong enough to solve problems.

"The threat of Chaoshan Xianshan is in contact, and then can you look at new areas!"

Su Yan is looking forward to the extreme. He is standing at the foot of the mountain. The pressure is still there. There is a mysterious force to hammer the body of Su Yan, which makes him very difficult.

Even as he continued to climb, he found that the pressure began to increase slowly. Even if it was enhanced, there was an extremely unbearable suffocating pressure on Su Yan. Just like every step, it would be completely destroyed!

“The stronger the pressure, the more space I can make!”

Su Yan whispered in his heart: "I have only cultivated to the seven realms of the realm of the gods. There are two realms from the peak. If you can quietly practice in the Chaoshan Mountain during this time, it is only a matter of time before you step into the peak!"

"I just don't know what the Chaos Xianshan's unique method of tempering the realm of the realm will look like."

Su Yan estimated that he might wait for him to climb to the top of the Chaoshan Mountain, stand on the Chaoshan Mountain, blend the Cosmos Avenue, and then cross the Tianshen field.

Of course, all this is just speculation. He feels that his accumulation is still lacking. After all, Su Yan’s time in the field of the gods is still very short. Can’t he cross the field of gods to the field of gods in a year or two?

"It seems to be practicing here for a long time!"

Su Yan took a deep breath and began to climb to Chaoshan Xianshan. The original Su Yan had been under pressure from Chaoshan.

However, after walking for a long time, he found that he couldn't hold it directly. The pores overflowed the blood, and the roots and bones could not bear the break.

Su Yan seriously thought about mobilizing his enormous Yuanshen power and observing the whole body. He did not know how long it took. He found that the pressure of Chaoshan Xianshan was targeted.

"this is....."

He was pleasantly surprised and found some knocks.

Su Yan found that under the constant crushing of Chaoshan Xianshan, this kind of pressure contained some special laws and found the deficiency of Su Yan Avenue!

"This is a defect!"

He is extremely excited, which is equivalent to a martial arts master pointing to Su Yan here, picking out the flaws and deficiencies of his practice!

These defects will inevitably be magnified in the practice, and may be found out by the enemy. At that time, Su Yan will inevitably suffer a big loss, and will lose his life.

If you fill in these flaws, can you not practice in the realm of the gods to a perfect degree?

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed and harvested the fruit in the torment.

He felt that the current pressure was not enough. Su Yan continued to choose mountaineering, step by step, stepping on every step, he was physically squatting, and he also smashed many bones.

Chaoshan Xianshan does not know how many powerful people have been swallowed up. Su Yan estimates that most of them are dead in the magic that covers Chaoshan.

After walking a dozen steps, Su Yan really couldn’t stand it anymore, and then went down, and it was very likely that it would be hit hard!

He chose to stop and sit in this area, with his bones as his companion, his sweat on his forehead, and his loss.

Su Yan carefully perceives the defects in the flesh and begins a path of cultivation.

The outside world is very chaotic. The time has passed five days. The Chaos Mountain is still there. The monks who had been in the past have not come out alive so far.

Up to now, it is still impossible to confirm the authenticity of the mountain of the burial. On the end of the day, the big people who are entrenched in the outside world are rushing in one direction. They did not expect that Zhu Yuanqing, the sacred bamboo, came. I have come to the secret of time and space, but unfortunately I have not been able to penetrate the ancient chaos.

Tianzhu's pulse is the hegemonic force of the chaotic ruins. The family is Henggu Hengqiang, and the rumored Tianzhu power is one of the strongest powers in the world.

Zhu Yuanqing is a half-step manpower and his status is not the same. His power is amazing. The strong people of all ethnic groups are also aware that there is a time and space in Tianzhu, which originated from prehistoric treasures.


It was a dark mirror. At first, when the mirror broke out, the mirror surface turned into a whirlpool of time and space, and the spurt of time and light was filled with a vast expanse of pressure!

The king of God is trembled and feels that he must age!

"A good time and space mirror!"

Surrounded by a sensation, the older generation of big men are shocked. According to rumors, under the ray of time and space, the king of God will age and even die.

This is the life of the Tianzhu, the time-space mirror, it is said that this treasure mirror against the sky, can reverse the degree of the river, is equal to time and space, but the cost of doing so is too great!

"If you can't even see the space-time mirror, you can't find the treasure in the world to see the truth inside!"

There is a lot of discussion here, and the Tianzhu Yimai is also coming forward. Maybe there is a chaotic fairy mountain hidden inside. Once it is determined, it means extraordinary.

"Yuan Qing elders will shoot quickly!"

Some people can't wait, because since the emergence of Chaoshan Mountain, the powerful people of the top ten chaos Shenshan have stopped, waiting to confirm the authenticity of the mountain.

"it is good!"

Zhu Yuanqing nodded, he pointed a little, a vast energy is to activate the space-time mirror, this mouth is blazing innumerable times, such as a round of time and space, the sun is burning, sprayed out the sky and light rain!

In the astounding eyes around, this mirror contains a small world.

The contours of the magnificent and chaotic mountain are all presented in the space-time mirror, and the chaotic motherhood is suddenly pierced by the unique energy of the space-time mirror. The picture in it is slowly presented in the eyes of the world!

The original messy world, instantly quiet to the extreme.

The pictures of the needles are audible, and the kings of God are screaming and stunned. The old antiques of all ethnic groups are stupid.

Then they were chilling and trembled, and the pictures presented in the mirror of time and space were unbelievable!


In the end, the strong man exclaimed: "It is really the mountain of burial, how can this life of the Jedi drift away here!"

The mountain of burial is not only the mountain of burial, but also the ancient books. The burial mountain is a unique life and the land is not easy to live, but no one has thought that he has drifted into the top ten channels.

"How many monks died in the end!"

"It's a terrible cave."

A life of the Jedi, but buried in endless life, but the funeral mountain is dense, endless corpse, and ultimately let the well-informed Zhu Yuanqing they lose color, this life Jedi, who dare to go!

They are all hairy, and when they are really sure, they are breathing heavily.

Some people are disappointed, it seems that Chaoshan Xianshan is not here.

"I don't know if Su Yan is climbing?"

The old master of the Han family spoke up. The ancient land was too vast. The space-time mirror could not understand all the pictures in a short time and needed to search.

"Su Yan?"

Zhu Yuanqing's face was cold. During this time, he heard about the rumors about the ten major passages. He really didn't expect Su Yan to stand up and win the peak area.

He quickly turned the space-time mirror and searched for the trace of Su Yan.

Soon, the space-time mirror shines on a mountain. At this moment, the whole scene is sensational. Su Yan really sits on the mountain of the burial mountain and is accompanied by a mountain of bones. Maybe it will take a long time for him to turn into a pile of bones!

"Ha ha ha, this obstacle is finally dead!"

What are the suspense of the gods who are screaming excitedly?

It is impossible for Su Yan to survive. The funeral mountain is buried under the heavens. Once he climbs, he will die!

"It's a shame!"

The ancestral temple has a strong sigh, and the small goal of the ancestors can not be completed.

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