Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 896: Paddle road

"He really went to the mountain of burial. Don't you know how dangerous it is to bury the mountain?"

Some people are smiling, and Su Yan, the top hegemon, is really unlucky if it falls on the top of the mountain.

After all, the chaos of ruins has already opened, and Su Yan has also spurred this prestige. The future achievement of the King of God is only a matter of time, and it is likely to climb into a terrible field.

But now it's good. He went to the mountain of funeral. If he didn't climb, Su Yan could still come out, but now he is already sitting on the mountain of funeral. It seems to be exhausted to the extreme. Is there hope to go down the mountain?

"Oh, a waste family, what can you know about the origin of the burial mountain? He does not know that he is in the Jedi now, and he thought he had encountered a treasure."

The **** teaches a **** king to sneer and laugh: "If you die, you will die. It is not worthy of sympathy and regret. In any case, the future Su Yan can't live, so the fall is also decent!"

He just said this, causing some people to despise the gods, and the gloating is too overdone?

The gods taught that they couldn’t wait for Su Yan to die early. Su Yan was eyeing the lightning king. If Su Yan is not dead, how long can the lightning king still live? He dared to box the lightning king, and he couldn’t make a more crazy move.

"It is really a funeral mountain, this life Jedi appears again!"

Many people sigh, do not know whether it is a pity for Su Yan, or to pity for Chaoshan Xianshan.

Some people have also heard about what happened in the past when the funeral mountain happened. How can there be so many bones, but the funeral mountain is the life of the Jedi. No one knows the truth that happened in the past. The Jedi is the Jedi, the Jedi that cannot be stormed by the mighty power. The truth, fear is simply impossible.

"Su Yan, hey, why did you go to the funeral mountain? After all, he is a generation of strange people, can't see the danger of the mountain of burial!"

The strong people of the Dala Dynasty felt sorry for him, so they fell to the mountain of funeral. They were extremely sorry. They also wanted to see the achievements of Su Yan in the future, but his invincible road seemed to have broken.

"Let me have a look at his true face!"

Zhu Yuanqing's eyes are slightly stunned, and the undulations of time and space mirrors are once again strong. The time and light are sprayed out, and unpredictable forces penetrate into the mountain of the burial mountain. They want to have an insight into the secrets of Su Yan.

This time-space mirror is a treasure of the natural life of the Tianzhu, almost can penetrate some of the scenes of life and Jedi, and now shines on Su Yan, but there is a feeling of shining chaos, there is a trend that can not be insight!


Zhu Yuanqing’s face was slightly dark, and he whispered in his heart: “A small Su Yan, can’t you see his truth? It’s estimated that it was because of the influence of the buried mountain, which blinded the exploration of space-time mirror!”


The spatio-temporal mirror continues to glow, and the more blazing and horrible, the stronger the space-time force emerges, and the smashing of the chaos, wants to see Su Yan's heel!

However, this kind of wait-and-see, let the space-time mirror faintly tremble, like an insight into the truth of the insight, the picture that appears on the mirror, faintly scary, as if chaos is in the sky, standing among the ones that are supreme, overlooking Ancient and modern future!

Zhu Yuanqing's face is extremely abnormal. He sees a fuzzy figure in chaos, just like opening a sky in chaos, one after another, standing in the sky, smashing the world!

"how is this possible!"

Zhu Yuanqing is out of his mind. He feels that he has a look at it. When he runs crazy, he wants to see Su Yan’s heel, but he has discovered something even more terrible. This mirror is like being able to withstand collapse.

It seems that there is something terrible in the chaos. It is necessary to tear time and space, cut off the years, and open the door to eternity!

Zhu Yuanqing instantly cut off, did not dare to try it, afraid to lead to some big problems.

His face is pale, how can this be? Why can't I see Su Yan? Su Yan is like not being there. It doesn't seem to belong to this world. Even in the light of time and space, there are some indescribable pictures.

This made him horrified, how big is this person's coming? Even the time and space mirror can not see Su Yan's feet.

His face was cloudy and uncertain, and he felt that he had something to do with the family of the funeral domain. He then sighed in his heart: "But it, anyway, he is not far from death, Su Yan is really pitiful!"

The picture of the time-spaced mirror can not be seen by outsiders. Only Zhu Yuanqing can see it, but the secret of a dead person, he feels that it is not worth to go to the power of the Tianzhu.

As for the incident of the burial of the gods, it has also begun to spread the top ten chaotic passages, and it will be shocking all the time!

"It's not a chaotic mountain, but a mountain of burial. The contrast is too big!" Zhu Qiang sighed, not a land of creation, but a magic mountain!

"Su Yan is in trouble. He has already rushed into the mountain of funeral, can he still live down the mountain?"

With Su Yan’s current prestige, this incident has caused great turmoil. Many people are still looking forward to Su Yan’s future competition for the world, and the strongest of the major peak groups, but the chaos of the chaos has just begun. Su Yan How can this accident happen!

"Do you see it? Don't be a man who is strong in practice."

Some people are gloating, stunned, shaking their heads and laughing: "Su Yan is completely finished, the myth of invincibility ends here, and the strong people should not underestimate the life of the Jedi!"

"do not go!"

Luo Tiandu suppressed Luo Huaqing and warned: "Let's cultivate here, and bury the mountain!"

"I don't believe he will die inside!"

Luo Huaqing's eyes are red, whispered: "The corpse of blood can't trap him, I don't believe that Dayong will fall, I don't believe it!"

Luo Tiandu sighs, how can the **** sea compare with the buried mountain, but he does not believe that Su Yan will die in the mountain of funeral, he also looks forward to fighting with Su Yan in the future, but for Su Yan No hope for life!

"Is it visible? The chaos of the chaos does not allow such a sturdy person. It is a pity that the strong people must act in a low-key manner. They have not personally suppressed Su Yan!"

The Holy God of War sneered, and his eyes glanced at the silent Liang Ya'an.

"If you are dead, I will collect the corpse for you in the future."

Liang Ya'an's eyes looked at the fuzzy Chaoshan Mountain. She whispered in her heart: "I will collect the corpse for you and bury you in the medicine valley. Is it good to fight with the world?"

Some people have a heartache, Zixia fairy has a sigh of relief, Su Yan if she listens to her, it will not look like this, but do not see Su Yan's ending, she will not believe that Su Yan fell in the funeral mountain!

The burial mountain, a once-dead land, is associated with a group that was once horrible!

Above the Chaos Mountain, there is a shadow sitting, suffering from unpredictable pressure for a long time, so that Su Yan's body is blood-stained, the breath is declining, and there is a trend of integration with the corpse.

On the top of the mountain of burial, there is not a dead body.

After a long time, no one dares to go to this mountain, but now Su Yan has climbed up, like breaking into a world of ruined land, at any time in the oppression of death!

The pain in the flesh came to attack the soul of Su Yan.

It is extremely difficult for him to hold the Yuan Shouyi and seriously understand the defects and shortcomings of the flesh. Su Yan suffered bitterly, which originated from the pressure of Chaoshan Xianshan, and continuously attacked Su Yan.

His body was traumatized and shed blood. With the pressure of this pressure, Su Yan's body is like a broken can, and there will be a wound in the body.

This made Su Yan feel awkward. He walked in the path of the universe, lack of physical body, and there are so many defects. Even if he does not encounter a strong enemy, he will become a threat to life and death on his strong road.

There are many rushers who will be robbed on the road of practice.

People can become stronger, but they also have to bear the power of acquisition. After all, Su Yan's foundation is too strong, and it combines the anti-sky material of chaotic roots. If there is an accident, it will definitely be broken!

"Fortunately, I am rich in resources!"

Su Yan took out various chaotic treasures. During this time, he traversed the top ten chaotic passages. The harvest did not need to be said, and it was extremely rich. He insisted on his cultivation for a long time.

Su Yan directly bites a chaotic treasure medicine, this medicine is bred with the essence of chaotic power, a leaf contains the essence of chaotic energy, can nourish the wounds of Su Yan meat, and even restore the loss of the foundation!

"The penance has begun!"

Su Yan has relaxed a lot of people, a chaotic treasure medicine, so that Su Yan's body is blazing, and the mouth spit is sprayed with chaotic light.

At the same time, he guided the energy of Chaobao Baoji and walked in his body.

In the process, Su Yan's treasure is filled with avenues, this is the power of Wan Dao began to recover, Su Yan's body exudes the initial meaning of everything!

The initial experience is profound and profound, and Su Yan’s practice road has defects, and it is closely related to Tiangong!

From the initial experience to the present practice, Su Yan himself pondered out. Nowadays, he uses the initial scriptures to retire the body and replenish his own defects with the original scriptures.

Repair Wandao!

In fact, the initial scriptures, this verse is followed by people's high line and high power, Su Yan dream back to the fairy land, gathering the power of Wandao, embarked on the initial path of all things.

That is also the use of the flesh as a guide, reviving the power of the Avenue.

It is also possible to forge the body with the power of the avenue, so that his future avenue body is strong enough and metamorphosis!


There are dull and thunderous syllables, which is the movement that is transmitted from the body of Su Yan. He is forging the body in the furnace, and a bone is shining. One inch of flesh and blood is burning, revealing the power of 10,000.

Su Yan's body is a little fuzzy, he and the road are united, and the body is tempered by the way.


There are bones in his body that are broken, very painful and difficult.

Re-casting, the process is very dangerous, it is necessary to reorganize the broken broken before, and integrate the scriptures, this is the way.

Of course, there are powerful and magical substances in the world that can be rebuilt!

However, this kind of material is too rare and expensive, even if it is not the peak group, there is very little that can be found.

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