Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 897: Shackle

Su Yan's body is a little short, and he is covered in blood. He is a flawed avenue before he ruined. This is a serious internal injury, and it will be the foundation of Su Yan.

However, he does not care, since it is not perfect, then directly break the recast!

This kind of perseverance is really scary to death. Su Yan has already come to Chaoshan Xianshan after all, and spent so much time and energy, but since he has already arrived, he did not intend to leave in a short time.

Without tempering into perfection, he will always stay on the chaos of Xianshan.

The body that had to be broken, let Su Yan make a low-pitched voice, his blood-stained hands clenched, forcing the pain and suffering.

"The funeral mountain is too fierce!"

The picture presented by the space-time mirror makes the big people of all ethnic groups chilling. It is necessary to know that this is Su Yan, the body of the body and the Su Yan of the North Demon, and even the chaotic channel can run through the young overlord.

But now he stayed on the mountain of funeral for a long time, but Su Yan's body has been unable to withstand the beginning of collapse, so that they are shuddering, could not help but glad that the young strong people of the family did not rush in.

"This poor thing is estimated to be a member of the mountain bones of the funeral for a few days!"

The demon domain has a strong cold Sensen: "Su Yan is really pitiful, so on the road, death in pain and despair, it is estimated that there is no degeneration has been completely crazy!"

"Hahaha, he is a madman himself, and he has provoked so many powerful enemies. It is already cheaper to say that he is so degraded."

The scenes are ridiculous, they are watching jokes here, staring at Su Yan’s miserable appearance, and let some people sneer in secret. They estimate that these people’s hearts are relieved. They are worried that the future Suyan rise will cause the younger generation’s hegemony. Life and death threats!

Boxing Lightning King!

This incident shocked the world, there is nothing he dare not do, if there is no chaos in the mountains to block Su Yan, then the lightning king has been killed by his fist!

This is a young overlord who disrespects the various peaks and groups, and intends to rewrite the general trend of the universe. He once made the people chill, and now such a person is about to die, how can they not let them get excited!

"He can't die like this!"

Han’s old masters are eager to split. Once Su Yan falls on the mountain of burial, then the topography will remain on the mountain of burial forever. What hopes are there in the future?

He went directly to Zhu Yuanqing, and the friendship between Han Jia and Tian Zhu was very good. Han’s old master did not need to say his intentions. Zhu Yuanqing had already known that the former three masters of the Han family had traveled to Tianzhu. It is for the sake of the terrain!

Now Han decided that this thing is on Su Yan, so that Zhu Yuanqing’s eyes are slightly sloppy. He said: “It’s really wasteful to put the topography on Su Yan’s body. I can try to explore it with time and space mirrors. ”

"My Han family has its own heritage!"

Han’s old master coldly said: “I used to have a strong Korean family to bury the mountain and live back!”

Zhu Yuanqing was surprised. I didn’t expect to hear this secret. I want to say that the most important places in the world are the Han family. But Zhu Yuanqing did not think that they had been swayed by Han’s family, even from the funeral. Live on the mountain and bring information about the mountain of the burial!

Zhu Yuanqing praised: "Han family, the deserved ancestor of the Qimen, if you can get the topography, you can definitely go out of the eight masters, any life Jedi can go forward to explore!"

"That is natural!"

The Han family's old master said: "The trouble Yuan Qing elders, I immediately went to the Korean family, as far as possible before the death of Su Yan, I went to the mountain of funeral, and took the terrain articles down the mountain!"

Wen Yan said, Zhu Yuanqing smiled bitterly and said: "You still don't have too much hope. It will take a few days in the state of Su Yan. You will have a time to delay the road."

Han’s old master is gloomy and can only hope that the terrain is on Su Yan. If he is dead, it is really nowhere to be found.

When someone saw the heavily infested Su Yan, they took out various chaotic treasures and came out to heal them. This made them sneer, even if they were strong, they could not support how long.

The rich essence of life has been turned into the wound of Su Yan!

Like a cup of ice water in the hot sun, Su Yan felt too happy, he smiled in his heart: "Bathfire rebirth!"

At the beginning of the operation, he used the power of the universe as the essence of the universe to promote the essence of life in the body and began to temper his body.

This process is very slow, and Su Yan must ensure that the body that has been tempered has completed the previous defects and reached a level of perfection.


His chest is ups and downs, like the sea roaring!

what is this?

This is the momentum of the chanting, one after another, a syllable, with the power of 10,000 and the power of the sound, he exudes the initial meaning of all things, blooms in his flesh, nourishes the new flesh and blood.

There is flesh and blood in the resurrection, inch-inch flesh and blood, it seems very heavy, intertwined with dense sacred traces.

When truly cultivated into the realm of the avenue, the flesh is like a road map, and with the rhythm of the scriptures, the strongest state can erupt.

This also shows that the scriptures are very important. In the era of releasing potential, of course, the era with the strongest power is in the realm of the gods. As for the realm of the gods and kings, the competition is super strong and the secret of the world.

Every day, Su Yan’s injury improved.

His treasure is steaming and blood, and the original weakness has been nourished. Every day, Su Yan’s momentum is strong. If it is not that he is all blood, the world does not think Su Yan is really bad.

The bones that have been recast are particularly amazing. The roots are like the avenues of the avenues, creaking, intertwined with the light of the eternal light. If these avenues are really taken out of the body, they can be turned into killing. !

Su Yan tempered the body into a very strong field, full of invincible force.

And as his body soared, the pressure from Chaoshan Xianshan began to decrease, and even he had a tendency to adapt to stress!

This made Su Yan move, and he was pleasantly surprised: "It seems that the pressure of Chaoshan Xianshan is mainly aimed at the defects in my flesh, rather than suppressing my body!"

"This is really a great master of martial arts. I am here to point out my flaws and shortcomings. It seems that Chaoshan Xianshan is really right!"

Su Yan laughed in his heart, but his heart was also awkward. Chaos Xianshan definitely had a big problem. If it was not because of the Emperor's battle flag, Su Yan estimated that he had fallen on Xianshan.

"Do you fight for the Emperor, does Chaos Xianshan have a relationship with the Emperor?"

Su Yan whispered, and even he couldn’t help but imagine that Chaotic Xianshan would be forged by the Emperor?

This idea is a bit horrible, and it is extremely scary to think carefully. If you can really speculate like this, can you say that the family of the funeral domain is also related to this terrible group!

"The sacred star sinks, the devil fog invades!"

Su Yan muttered to himself, what happened in the history, whether the devil fog is dominated by the back, and the mysterious group will not be the one who led the funeral domain to suppress the turmoil.

Can also say that the funeral domain and this mysterious group, is this one?

Su Yan thought a lot, in the history of the family, there are some hidden feelings, perhaps the old leader only understands these hidden feelings, then he frowned, he was thinking, under the chaos of the fairy mountain, will it really seal the devil fog?

Su Yan had to think seriously, the possibility is great, but it is the Avenue of Xianshan, or the Tianshan Mountains, and the following is the suppression of this devil fog.

Before he climbed, the strange material that attracts people's spirits is really similar to the devil's fog. This also shows that Xianshan is strong enough and outrageous, and can fight against the devil's fog, the source of the chaos.


Another day passed, Su Yangen bones rang, the five internal organs were like a thunder, and the blood flowing in the body was really like the power of the sky.

Strong, this is the first embodiment of Su Yan!

Of course, this kind of hard work can not make Su Yan's combat power soar, but Su Yan feels that he is very ethereal and has a tendency to integrate with the world.

Undoubtedly, this time recasting the flesh is equivalent to washing the dirt, breaking the previous deficiencies and moving towards a state of perfection, which is very important for Su Yan.

Su Yan is thinking!

Looking back at the words spoken by Zixia Fairy, he now thinks and thinks it is correct.

Zixia Fairy said that the universe is flawed, that everyone can not achieve perfection, standing in the field of the ancients.

Then Chaos Xianshan is a product of prehistoric times. The guidance given to Su Yan is the energy material of perfect time and space. Therefore, Su Yan is like tearing a certain shackle that binds him, making his cultivation path more broad.

Of course, this is the beginning.

Chaos Xianshan certainly has a stronger test waiting for himself. He suddenly stood up and stared at the unattainable Chaoshan.

Su Yan began to climb, step by step and climb.

He has to dig out more of his own deficiencies, and practice hard work here. Of course, it is absolutely safe here. No one is bothering, so that Su Yan can understand.

Su Yan walked calmly and seriously realized the change of Chaoshan Xianshan.

At the same time, he concentrated on the gods, wrapped the whole body with the power of the gods, mainly to the sentiment, other defects and deficiencies in his body.

"The calculation time has passed five days and five nights, and Su Yan estimates that he is dead!"

The big guys who are entrenched in the outside world are also bored.

So far, the top ten channels have fallen into silence, and the hegemony has ended briefly. The practice of the practice, the breakthrough of the breakthrough, it is worth mentioning that there are many gods and thunders in the top ten channels!

From the divine to the field of the gods, those who practice the mighty will bear the test of the Cosmic Avenue, and the perfection of the robbery can enter the realm of the gods.

He Zhu Yuanqing, he can not always rely on time and space mirror to pay attention to Su Yan.

"Look at it, is it turned into ruin!"

Zhu Yuanqing directly driven the space-time mirror, and the black mirror was revived. It was sprayed with light and rain, and began to shine toward the mountain of funeral.

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