Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 898: Can be all things!

"Most of the death is not broken!"

The thoughts of the powerful gods of the gods rushed out of this thought, and the sneer gaze looked at the mirror of time and space, but when the mirror appeared in the picture, this vast area was dead.

The gods are stunned and unbelievable to the picture in their eyes.

The real picture is very different from the picture in their inner imagination.

The ending made them shocked, and even the scalp was numb, is it wrong to estimate!

If it is really wrong, it is definitely a big event.


How old is the old antiques of Daodian?

Because of the picture presented by the space-time mirror, it is Su Yan’s mountain climbing. He stepped one step after another, climbing in the blood of the corpse, and starting to climb the Chaoshan Mountain!

This scene shocked the world, and all the people were shocked. How could this be? Is it not a mountain of burial, but other mountains?

"Budget, confuse, how can this be, Su Yan has not died yet?"

"Isn't this just a funeral mountain, but another origin?"

God's teachings are out of control, why is Su Yan still alive? Their gods have recorded ancient books. On the mountain of the burial, they can hardly live for ten days and a half. Even if they can survive, this means that the richness is not too long.

However, Su Yan not only stunned, but he was still climbing. This contrast caused them to breathe in the air. Has it been a long time since the ominousness of the mountain of burial has been dispersed?

"This is definitely a mountain of fun!"

Daodian old antique Shen Sheng said: "I will not read wrong, why Su Yan is alive, I don't know, it may be a long time passed, the strangeness of the funeral mountain has weakened, or it may be because Su Yan has a treasure body!"

Surrounded by people, there are treasures?

They think that it shouldn't be, the power can not be stormed to the mountain of burial, in the strong treasure is really comparable to a power to personally shot?

Then there is probably only one ending, that is, the transformation of the buried mountain has weakened, or it has disappeared. They think it is shocking if they think about it. If the change of the mountain of burial is really gone!

Then a once-in-a-life Jedi must inevitably produce a treasure that makes the world tremble. Su Yan is likely to become the biggest winner. This is a life-threatening eternal life.

If a person can ignore the Jedi of life, there will be a major gain, but Zhu Yuanqing feels that it should not be. There is a terrible energy body in the mountain of funeral, which is difficult to penetrate through time and space mirrors, but why Su Yan can isolate this. Energy body?

Anyway, this place is a mess!

In just a few days of hard work, the news spread throughout the ten channels. One night, the ten major passages were stunned, and the heavenly spirits were awakened from the slumber. The life of a life Jedi is close at hand, who does not want to go. Hegemony!

The most important thing is that the biggest problem has been solved, Su Yan is still alive, is the most successful case!

At the same time, the major peak groups have issued orders to explore the mountain of burial, but they do not allow the strongest generation of the family to enter. After all, the problem of burying the mountain can not be completely confirmed, so that the northern demon they are too risky to go forward.

"Hey, he Su Yan can stand on his feet, why can't I?"

Some young hegemons don't care, they feel that they can break in, they are not satisfied with the creation of Chaoshan Mountain, and they also know what it means to be a Jedi.

If there is any gain, it will inevitably affect their life, and the pros and cons will be measured. Some younger generations who practice the heavens will choose to go to the mountain of burial and want to witness the legendary creation.

However, Su Yan’s old opponents have chosen to wait and see. After all, Su Yan is well-versed in the secrets of Qimen. In the same year, even the demon’s ancestral ancestors can be destroyed. They will not choose to be as crazy as Su Yan. If they lose their lives, everything will be lost. Will not be worth the candle.

"Cousin, can we go?"

He Shengjie, they are a little bit eager to move. As a disciple of Dao Dang, they are clearer than any other forces, and what the life of the Jedi represents.

That is a big opportunity, a big creation, maybe it will harvest the legendary Xeon medicine, the world-famous treasure left in history, all kinds of terrible heaven and earth.

Sacred God of War is indifferent: "You haven't lived yet? Su Yan is on the top of the mountain, indicating that he will die. Now that he is still alive, there may be some means of struggling for a while. This is the mountain of funeral, don't underestimate Any life Jedi!"

His voice was like an alarm, so He Shengjie had to dispel their thoughts.

"A lot of people are rushing in!"

The ten major passages are not quiet, there are many monks who rushed in, and there are also famous celebrities of all ethnic groups. Even the top generations of the younger generation choose to explore the mountain of burial.

If it is not because of the ancestors they have not acted, fear that more people will choose to fall into the mountain of funeral.

The vast territory, the gloomy world, the corpse is endless, it is difficult to describe the tragic here with words, and the endless souls have died here.

Nowadays, more than 100,000 souls have rushed into this once-born life and broke the tranquility here. The news that Su Yan was still alive at the mountain of burial was mad, causing the major forces to order and explore the hidden mountains.

If there is really no danger, they will rush in the first time and pick the inside.

"He is still alive!"

Zhu Yuanqing is puzzled. Su Yan is still walking. It seems quite calm step by step. He has been away for three days and is about to go halfway up the mountain.

It is a pity that the space-time mirror can't make the insight of Su Yan's situation clear. No one saw his body tremble, as if he was carrying a giant mountain, his legs were like lead.

Every time he took a step, there was a movement of the earth shaking the mountain!

When Su Yan walked halfway into the mountainside, he felt that the world had changed, it was terrible, everything was turning, twisting, boiling, and crushing any creatures that broke into here!

Su Yan feels that he wants to die. His body must be scattered. He is facing endless strangulation, just as the universe is twisted, and the body of Su Yan will be distorted and destroyed!


Su Yan was a big man, and he broke into a very terrible field.

Even Su Yan found that he could not withdraw, he could only stand in this unique time and space and endure endless tearing.

He felt that a real dragon would come in and be directly torn. This tearing force is all-round for the human body, so that his bones are all bent, his arms are stretched, and the whole body must be stretched indefinitely. The middle was torn into two pieces.


Su Yan broke out with the strongest potential, and the treasure was invincible and burning.

The ethereal body shines, he is countering the tearing force between the heavens and the earth, but Su Yan is suddenly torn like a thunder, and the gods are uncontrollably shaken.

This is a crisis of extinction.

Su Yan can't crack, can only suffer here.

In fact, in the picture presented by the space-time mirror, I can only see that Su Yan stood still on the mountainside and could not see his current experience.

Even when he stood for a day and one day, he never moved half a step, making people suspicious, what happened? Why don't you go?

Su Yan is like breaking into a new time and space, the tearing power of the sky, the destruction of unique fields, so that Su Yan can not distract from other things. From the beginning to the present, all spirits are concentrated on how to avoid the fastest speed. Open the body that will be torn off!

No matter who encounters this unique field, it will really be driven crazy.

Su Yan did not know how many times he avoided, how long it took, in short, he was still alive!


As time goes by, with Su Yan's spiritual potential infinitely erupting, as his movements get faster and faster.

In the end, his momentum changed, and there was a terrible force between the movements. It came at an instant, at an extremely abnormal speed, avoiding danger and jumping space!

Shrink into the inch!

Gradually, Su Yan broke out into a terrible field in his escape, and he stepped out in a step-by-step!

What is shrinking into size?

No matter how big the world is, in the foot of Su Yan, as far away as you can, you can cross the destination instantly.

In the face of this death threat, Su Yan’s potential is exploding, and it will shrink into an extreme area if it crosses between space and space.

This is what Su Yan realized in his escape, but he has never been able to escape in this space. Even he can't find any road. How should he go out in order to open the way forward?

Although the deadly threat has been resolved.

Can you really think that this is the end?

The tearing space is still there, and it can threaten Su Yan’s life at any time. He can’t fight like this for thousands of years, and there is always a tired day.

Just like the current spiritual strength of Su Yan has been exhausted to the extreme.

Only the outside strong is confused, Su Yan has been standing for ten days and ten nights.

What the **** is he doing?

"It’s gone!"

Su Yan screamed, and his heart was in a big fire.

But in his current state, it is impossible to fight against the flesh in the flesh.

Even he didn't even have time to recover.

This also leads to the escape of the shadows left by Su Yan everywhere. Although he is getting faster and faster, there is always a limit!

Su Yan felt that his mental strength could not be stunned. The endless corpse on the Chaoshan Mountain was also warning Su Yan. This was not a trial at all, and it would have been a dead man!

"Is my body really unable to stop?"

Su Yan’s pupil was fierce and fierce. What did he think of? In the face of this endless tearing field, he thought of the means of practice that had been neglected!

"Everything starts, you can make everything!"

Su Yan was full of black long hair dancing, making a loud noise, shaking the earth, wild to the extreme.

He came from the moment of space, and the moment he turned out, the whole released a kind of domineering domineer who is who I am!


Su Yan's body is blazing, and the momentum is turning. It is like a big bang, and all kinds of symbols are scattered. Just like the real big cockroach is born, the moment is attacking, the sky breaks the sea, and the tearing storm is forcibly cut off!

This is the most instinctive force of his body, with the body of the law, the transformation of all things, all kinds of killer!

The ups and downs of the building articles are released!

Su Yan thinks about himself, the momentum is fierce, the more turbulent and the horrible, it has turned into a big clock, like the Tao of the early days of chaos, the body as a soldier, shattered and torn storm.

He turned into a killing sword, and the moment he went out, the swordsmanship was like the sea, and it was rolling!

In short, Su Yan's momentum is changeable, such as the same eternal change of soldiers, and eventually he turned into a tripod, three feet shaking the sky, spewing chaos, Ding buried a variety of 10,000 visions, full of the pressure of the cosmic rivers and mountains !

Let him be stormy, I am not moving!

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