Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 899: Death Jedi

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed in the sky, his body is full of energy fluctuations that suppress the world's things, this is the most primitive fighting power of Su Yan's flesh, with the initial strength, ever-changing!

With the spear of the other, attack the shield!

His flesh is shining, the avenues are intertwined, and the vicissitudes of the avenues are changing. At this moment, Su Yan has a kind of manifestation of his own glory and running to the peak.

This is a kind of Taoism, it can also be said to be a kind of school and supernatural powers. In short, it is infinitely useful. If the same strong players are in confrontation, then Su Yan can use this ever-changing means to forcefully kill powerful enemies!

This is very important. In the same-generation confrontation, it can play a role in determining the outcome. After all, Su Yan can evolve his strongest strength to respond to enemy attacks.

His momentum is changeable, filled with the gods and domineering, no matter the torn space is strong, Su Yan has the power to force it to crack, always standing in the undefeated field, cross-cutting all kinds of attacks.


The final tearing space was broken in front of Su Yan's figure. He finished the Shaoguan and stood on the mountainside. In the past half a month, he really lived like alive!

Just like being recast in the furnace, Su Yan feels a lot of emotions. This kind of opportunity is hard to come by. Of course, it is also in the threat of death. It squeezes out the potential of Su Yan and digs out all the available means to break the barrier!

"It seems to be closed for a while."

These days' experiences have also given Su Yan a lot of inspiration, but for the next level of difficulty, Su Yan is big, so it is definitely not going to go.

He has to retreat for a period of time. From entering the realm of the gods to the present, Su Yan has not seriously practiced it. Now he wants to settle the sediment and practice it for a while.

Of course not only Su Yan is growing!

He also feels the pressure of the future, and they will grow rapidly in the ancestors. They will inevitably increase their strength on the Chaos Mountain!

Chaos Xianshan only has death and threats. Although there are big opportunities, but there is a lack of corresponding energy, Su Yan must seize the time to improve his own strength.

“Su Yan seems to be retreating and practicing?”

The screen projected by the space-time mirror makes the faces of the strong people of the various ethnic groups faint and uncertain. They feel that the evil spirits of the ruins of the mountain have disappeared. Otherwise, how can Su Yan have time to retreat and practice, should not find the way back?

Only their ethnic groups have not yet contacted the mountain of burial. After all, this **** world is too vast. If Suyan does not have the guidance of Xianyu at that time, then it would take at least ten days to find the burial mountain.

As for the other monks, the time spent can be long, and the mountain will not be found in a short time!

"Be sure to speed up the pace, I regret that I did not let Yangshuo go to the mountain!"

A strong man of Jiuyang teaches to sigh. They really feel that there is no danger in this mountain. Otherwise, how can Su Yan be intact? Even he may have been on the mountain of funeral and gained great opportunities!

"Yeah, I have some regrets!"

Many powerful people in power are ugly. Once the strongest person in the family has gone late, it is estimated that it has been taken away by Su Yan. Who knows what kind of shocking opportunity this life Jedi contains!

On this day, more people rushed into the mountain of funeral, and many famous wizards also chose Shaoguan.

Even the ancestral hall, directly rushed into the five young pesmen of the burial mountain, and even the other major forces, have rushed into a large number of monks, the destination is the funeral mountain!

Now Su Yan has been sitting on the mountain of the burial mountain, and it is suspected that he has achieved great success. This has to be trembled. Even the hegemonic forces of the chaotic ruins are closely watching, and I really want to know what this life Jedi is hiding. Opportunity.

"It is possible to take Su Yan from the altar of time and space!"

There is a strong man with a gloomy old face and said: "Let him explain clearly, what secret is there to bury the mountain?"

I heard that there was a silence around me. Some people looked at the strong man who spoke. In the heart, this old thing is really bad. It’s not too big. I don’t know that the funeral family has a terrorist head. You Did you really forget the old leader?

Unless the peak group, who dares to take Su Yan?

Moreover, even if the people in the hall want to explore the mountain of the burial, it is impossible to affect the chaotic channel, let alone the legendary mountain of burial.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was a month passed!

Su Yan has been sitting on the mountainside for a month. He has forgotten the loss of time and wholeheartedly silenced his mind in practice.

He is conscious of the power of human treasures, studying the initial scriptures. In the process, Su Yan refining many chaotic drugs, extracting the ruins of the avenues, enlightening them, and deciphering the mystery of the avenue.

In short, everything that is practiced is based on the operation of the initial process. He is like a universe, and the body is in a state of silence, without any energy fluctuations.

Zhu Yuanqing and so on are impatient, how come for so long no one found the mountain of fun!

We must know that at least hundreds of thousands of people have come in, but they have not found a position yet, and Su Yan has been practicing for so long.

Some people even suspect that Su Yan’s fruit in the digestive burial of the mountain will lead to a leaps and bounds!

"There is someone rushing here!"

The strong people of all ethnic groups paid close attention to the picture of space-time mirrors. At this moment, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. They saw a group of people approaching, and even they saw the mountain of funeral, and they all exclaimed!

"The front is the burial mountain, the ancient rumor of the life of the Jedi!"

"Every life in the Jedi is full of greatness. You see no. Only Su Yan is buried in the mountain of the burial mountain!"

"Ha ha ha, it seems that we are the first to break into here, let's go and see!"

More than a dozen monks can't wait to rush to the mountain of burial. Of course, some people have arranged a special array of methods here. The formation of the formation is the wave of energy, telling people searching in other areas, and finding the mountain of funeral.

The mountain is buried, the mountain is tall, and it is covered by endless bones, exuding suffocating fluctuations. This situation is enough to stop the kings who are shocked.

But since Su Yan can practice here, why can't they do it?

These dozens of monks did not hesitate, and rushed directly to the mountain of funeral, wanting to climb!

At this moment, the strong people of all ethnic groups who watched through time and space mirrors are breathing heavily. If these people can climb, they will inform the strongest generation of the family for the first time and rush into the buried mountain to explore!

Only the ending made them eclipse, a dozen monks, just succumbed to the mountain, one after another, the flesh is shaking, the blast is blasted!

The spatio-temporal mirror is like a blood-stained picture, which makes the gods look ugly, so dead, no waves are turned out, and none of them live.

"They are all dead!"

Some of the monks who had previously arranged the array had a huge change in their faces, and they were sweating coldly. If they were not in the arrangement, they would follow the fall, which made them frightened, and they were as big as one.

"Why is Su Yan intact?"

"Crap, Su Yan is such a great person, we have neglected a problem, there is a certain mortality rate in the Chaos Mountain, but here is the funeral mountain, how can we make it safe and sound?"

"It's a good thing to say, only the younger generation of the ruins of the gods are qualified to go to Shaoguan!"

They are talking here, they dare not approach the mountain of burial, and choose to wait here for the arrival of the strong.

The results of the first batch of stakeholders made the faces of the big people's faces gloomy, so that the delay was longer, and they did not dare to gamble. Who knows whether the evil spirits of this mountain have been completely opened.

Time passes by.

There were some onlookers in the burial mountain, and they did not dare to act rashly. More than a dozen monks died. This is a wake-up call.

Some people looked at the shadow of sitting on the mountainside. They were a little confused. They felt that Su Yan’s silence was too much, and the trace of life was not leaked. Some people wondered if he would fall.

On the final day, a group of powerful creatures came in, and the practice was in the field of the gods, and the power was like a mountain, and it was forced to bury the mountain.

Some people stood up and said goodbye, saying that more than a dozen monks had just touched the foot of the mountain and shattered directly. They suggested that they should not act rashly.

However, these people are very disdainful. They are all from the ruins of chaos. Some people are simpler and more direct: "Don't compare us with some waste. He can get halfway up the mountain. We can't even climb the foot of the mountain. It's really enough. Ridiculous!"

"You....." A few monks who are persuaded to persuade are ugly, even if they sneer in their hearts, you really can't compare with Su Yan. It is estimated that the Su madman will stand up and you must surrender at his feet!

"They went!"

This is a group of heroes who have come out of the chaos of ruins. The momentum is combined. Don't mention more than one strong. This is the strongest of a group of strong people. They join hands to bury the mountain, want to join hands to explore and explore the creation!

However, their feet just stepped into the mountain of burial, the horrible pressure, it is simply the infinite star descending from the sky, smashing on their flesh!


On the spot, a large piece of the dead died, and the body was directly divided into five parts, which turned into robbing, and there was no time to leave the bones on the mountain of the burial.

Several people who are still alive, such as being struck by lightning, are terribly painful, and even have terrible power to **** their lives, so that they are all fearful and desperate!

What kind of magic cave is this, they feel that they can't live a fragrant time.

Instead, Su Yan has been sitting on the mountainside for further training. He is also suffering from terrible oppression and hammering, but Su Yan does not have to worry about blood leaking!

"Do not!"

Another scream, unable to breathe three breaths, life went to the end.

"Su Yan adults save me, save me!"

Some people even made wild beasts, because they wanted to retire, and found that as long as they stepped on, they could not leave. The terrible power to devour blood, like a big mouth, swallowed them!

All of them are dead, none of them are alive!


The eyes of a **** king in the ancestral hall are red, and screamed: "I will immediately give orders to you, so that all the ancestral halls should not be near the mountain of burial, this is a death Jedi!"

The gods taught these groups to react, but it’s already late? When is this all the time, now to inform them, time is too late.

Time-space mirrors have been caught, and the black-pressed crowd is rushing toward the funeral mountain.

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