Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 900: Outbreak in silence!

I want to stop the strong people of all ethnic groups from entering the mountain of burial, and now it is all right.

The burial mountain is the burial mountain. Although the temple can be used to sound the bell, the bell can never be passed to the mountain of the burial.

The strong people of many ethnic groups are like deflated balls, and they are squatting on the ground, and their hearts are horrified and fearful.

How many people will die, their families will suffer heavy losses. After all, people who go to have a strong fighting power. If they are swallowed by this magic mountain, some families will be desperate!

"Why can't they do it, why can Su Yan be!"

Some people are out of control and roaring. The ancestral hall has gone to the five great arrogances. There will be no hesitation at all. They will choose to rush to bury the mountain and explore the road for the ancestors!

At that time, they will let the ancestors come and take Su Yan to the suppression.

Someone is sneer, this sentence is not afraid to laugh out!

Su Yan is now the most sacred of the heavens, and the North Demon and even the ancestors have been battling over, and the amazing feat of the Boxing Lightning King, now take the flow of their family's mainstay to compare with Su Yan, they are said to be exported!

"Is this no one, and compared with a suicide who killed a half-step of a big punch? It’s sad enough. I still can’t see the influence of Su Yan. His strength is in the vast world of cultivation. How many people can match it!"

"Yeah, still looking at the Su madman? It's ridiculous. Even the strongest generation of these groups can really hold the Su madman even if it is shot? Oh, I can't see it!"

Some people laughed and thought it was a bit ridiculous.

In short, the Dalu dynasty of these groups are relieved, they have not sent a strong number of people to fight in the battle, in fact, want to control the group of forces in the mountain of the first time, there is a goal, is to smash the road of Su Yan!

Su Yan is already strong enough. If he is harvesting great opportunities in the Jedi, he will be able to take over in the future.

Therefore, these groups of ancestral temples have sent real elites. These elite futures have hopes to rush to the realm of the gods, but once these elites are buried in the mountain of burial, this will be an extremely heavy blow!

For some time in the future, the burial mountain really became a place of bloodshed. Once the life of the Jedi, now the fierce name has soared, it swallowed the gods and gods, and buried the great strong ones and then a young Tianjiao!

The world is full of surprises, no one can live down the mountain, the strongest one insisted on a whole day and night, and finally began to hate and die.

Su Yan has always been steadily buried on the mountain of God. The treasure is solemn, and the body is flowing through the avenues. On the giant mountain of the **** sea, his breath is sacred and peaceful, like the **** of purifying purgatory.

"How can such a ridiculous thing happen!"

For a whole month, the dead creatures could not be counted, and the news reached the top ten channels, causing a big wave!

"The funeral mountain, this peerless land, has not weakened at all, but why Su Yan is safe and sound!"

"Does he master the secrets of mountaineering and can dig up the creation of the Jedi?"

For this matter, the antiques of all ethnic groups can not explain clearly, can only guess that Su Yan has a protective body to the treasure, which makes the strong people of the ancestral temples extremely angry, even they are worried that Su Yan from the mountain of funeral Harvesting is great!

"This devil has killed so many people!"

Some people are out of control and low-lying, this is a **** king. Now because of the heavy loss of the family, the monk who broke into the mountain of the mountain, except for the weak, the rest of the strong are fallen in the mountain of funeral, the influence of things. Quite amazing, it can be said that the world is shocked.

"Oh, the typical one can't pull out the rut, and I don't have the ability to survive, but blame Su Yan!"

"That is, it is his skill to Su Yan to survive. If he eats meat, you can't even drink the soup. Don't you blame Su Yan?"

Some people sneer around, they are very aware of the heavy losses of all ethnic groups, all the peaks of the people have the strongest battle to go to the funeral mountain, the results are gone, all are buried in this magic mountain!

Can the magic mountain or the magic mountain, no more bones, can not cover up the bones of the strong who once hated on the magic mountain, only Su Yan disk sitting halfway up the mountain, for three months, he did not move!

If Su Yanbao is solemn, like the gods of Purdue, people really think that Su Yan has fallen on the mountain of funeral.

"Make the mountain, the funeral is buried, you can not bury Su Yan, the top fighter!"

"Even the Northern Demon, they dare not act rashly, they dare not go to the mountain adventure!"

Originally full of world rumors, they all said that Su Yan couldn't live, and the ending was too big, but some people still kept calm. Can Su Yan really go down the mountain? This funeral mountain really can't bury him? It is not yet possible to confirm this.

It was a while, and Zhu Yuanqing couldn't sit still. He found the old master of the Han family. His tone was sullen: "He has been practicing for half a year on the mountain of funeral, and he has great opportunities to gain. You can still sit still. ?"

Han’s old master looked at Zhu Yuanqing and his tone was sullen: “Yuan Qing’s elders, I really have the privilege of escorting some people to the mountain of burial, but you feel that the strong escorts of my **** are on the mountain of burial. Have they had this small obstacle? ?"

"The hateful young supreme of my family is in a cosmic reality. If he comes, he will be able to suppress Su Yan!"

Zhu Yuanqing lived, and his face slowly and gloomy. He ignored such a problem. How can he go up and compete for Su Yan? He knows that the strongest of the younger generation of the Han family is definitely the top god, but this one does not shoot, and the other young Koreans are not necessarily able to suppress Su Yan.

After all, to **** some people up, it must take enough price.

"Do you want to continue to grow up!" Zhu Yuanqing resentful, see the rise of Su Yan.

Wen Yan, the old master of the Han family said: "You can rest assured that he can't live for too long. The evil spirits of the mountain are still there. Su Yan is only temporarily suppressed. He is now impossible to go down. The more he is greedy. The greater my grasp of killing him!"

The Han family has already begun to prepare. In the absence of full confidence, it will not rush into the funeral mountain to target Su Yan. After all, the terrain article is very important to the Korean family, and it must be done in order to get it.

Time passed slowly, and Su Yan had a long time to retreat.

However, the more he is quiet, the more angry some people are, and he feels that Su Yan is gaining opportunities.

No one knows what he has experienced. He sat in the middle of the mountain for half a year, and suffered daily horror pressure. The flesh is always suffering from the ultimate strength!

It is in this limit that Su Yan uses the initial experience as the foundation to deduct the world's law. At the same time, he borrows the power of chaos treasures to enhance his own heritage, strengthen his body, and strengthen the essence of blood!

Under such awkward oppression, Su Yan’s practice was slow and the resources consumed were extremely difficult to figure out.

Fortunately, before he came, he passed through the top ten chaotic passages and gained a lot of money. Otherwise, it would not be enough to support the current penance.

"I seem to see the Su madman move!"

Suddenly, under the foot of the mountain of the burial mountain, a group of onlookers shuddered, only to feel the flesh exploded!

They felt that a demon was in the air, and they were entrenched on the mountain of the burial mountain. They turned into the lord of the mountain of burial, and the pores spurted a little, like a chaotic road, to collapse the whole sky!

For a time, the strong people onlookers were trembled, and the blood in their bodies began to churn without control, and they all stood unsteadily.

These people are really scared. This is an amazing manifestation. It is really necessary to suppress the Scorpio by the power alone.

"He is awakening, even practicing, I think he has changed. There is a terrible power in the body, like to make the strongest blow!"

"The most powerful blow of Su Mania can hit the King of Lightning. I think the current Su Yan is stronger than before. What did he get?"

These onlookers are all screaming, and there is a tremor in their hearts. It seems that he really has a big chance!

Su Yan is quiet, but when he is quiet to a certain field, his breath is somewhat uncontrollable and begins to turmoil!

The slightly revealing breath is powerful enough and shocking the world. He is saving his own heritage, excavating the treasures of the human body, and forcing the power of the blood. He also tempered the celestial body by priming the power of this heaven.

The process is very slow.

Because Su Yan continues to bear the sense of oppression originating from the Mount of the Immaculate Mountains, as if he was carrying the practice of Xianshan, every month passed, he had great gains, and even with the passage of time, Su Yan gradually adapted to this pressure!

What is this manifestation!

With such a heavy bondage, Su Yan can burst out of its own strength, but if you tear these bonds, then this day's Su Yan will be strong to the ultimate field.

Su Yan often wakes up, but he often falls into silence.

People don't know what he is doing, and it has been half a year since then, and his divine power has gradually moved to the top of the seven heavens!

The practice of this level is very slow, trying to temper his deficiencies and make the body go to perfection.

In his body, all things are initially rich in meteorology, one inch of flesh and blood, one drop of blood, one bone, every kind of dirty, filled with the initial rich atmosphere of everything!

Like the flesh is like chaos, in the beginning of chaos, he is perfecting the body, such as the practice of the universe, as far as possible to make all aspects go to the perfect field.

In this way, Su Yan retired for a whole year!

His flesh, faintly released a more powerful pressure!

On this day, Su Yan felt almost the same, because the pressure of Chaoshan Xianshan on him was already very low and low, and he could handle it freely!

Su Yan has been repairing for a whole year, and the outside world is very unsettled. Some powerful people have successfully completed the battle and entered the field of the gods. The battle force has changed, one after another, a terrible day!

Some people travel far and are ready to cross into the chaos of the chaos to explore the whereabouts of the secret.

Some people go to the cosmic secrets that their own groups once occupied, to explore the creation.

Some people are looking for the legendary chaotic tower.......

In the era of hegemony, people seem to have forgotten Su Yan.

But this day, he slowly stood up. For a moment, like a catastrophe, his power was too amazing. The pressure of the chaotic Xianshan hammering Su Yan, like all kinds of big waves, came out and was shocked by him!

Su Yan is ready to charge, his momentum is amazing, ready to sprint to the top of Chaoshan Xianshan, witness the legendary Tian Shenzheng's magnificent dojo.

"He moved!"

Some people are still paying attention here, they are shocked, Su Yan has been so quiet for so long, and eventually he recovered, skyrocketing, to the top of the mountain of funeral, began to climb!

Every step is stepping on, shaking the mountain.

Su Yan’s feet landed and there was a thundering sound.

The gloomy world, the **** ancient land, and the **** sea of ​​the corpse, only one person sprinted on the road ahead.

Along the way, only the Emperor's battle flag is shining, accompanied by Su Yan, followed by the sprint of the chaos of the mountains, as if to open a mystery of history.


Su Yan found that the mountains are more and more magnificent, vast and boundless, and a corner is as vast as a star field.

Is this a universe?

He was under the pressure of the sky, and his life and weather were even stronger than the real dragon. He ran up and saw some pictures of the mountains. He even saw one figure after another, standing on the top of the mountain, tall and tall. The heavens are high.

(Su Yan recovers in silence, and Qingtian also awakens in silence!)

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