Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 903: Crisis strikes

Eight major masters!

What a heavy and terrible title, this title sometimes has a unique charm even more than the power, of course, this title has not appeared for a long time.

In the field of Qimen, once it has been cultivated in the field of eight products, its status is detached, and it is even more amazing than the general power. Once the ancestors of the Han family came out of the Eight Masters, not just one!

In the Han family of that era, it was really the wind and rain, and it was shocked in the ruins of chaos, second only to the Taoist temple.

After all, the strong in this field can run through the Jedi, explore the unknown, explore all kinds of prehistoric heritage, and the eyes of the hands are really heaven.

Although the long history of the Korean family has passed, there have never been eight masters of the eight majors, but Yu Wei, which has been left in history, has been passed down to the present day.

As far as it is concerned, the ancestral home of the Han family has absolutely all the details left by the eight masters of history.

But now, the one that comes from Han Wenpan’s treasures is exactly the same as the strength of the heavens and the earth that the legendary eight-character masters gather!

This is a road map, intertwined with hundreds of millions of major roads, shaped like real dragons, unicorns, stars, moons... This is a unique pattern, special words, full of the power of the sky!

It is hard to imagine how powerful this avenue is. At the moment of its eruption, the world is as steamed, and it is accurately taken away, engulfed in the road map, which leads to the grandeur of the whole road, like the heavens. To the powerful road map!

This road map, like a universe, is so spectacular that it has forcibly broken the rules of the chaotic channel, opened up an amazing world of the field, and made all the onlookers shudder, and the scared face was pale.

"This is the treasure you said!"

Zhu Yuanqing sucked down the cool air. A road map, shaped like a big eight master, hit a hand, it is hard to imagine how strong the power is.

"This road map is uploaded by the ancestors, and belongs to the town of my Han family!"

Han’s old master laughed: “This picture is equivalent to the eight masters. I used to tell you that there was a strong man on the Han family who came down from the mountain of funeral and said that this ancestor, and this map It was left before he died!"

Zhu Yuanqing moved, no wonder the Han family's old master is so confident, it is back to this treasure, once a short time to suppress the evil spirits of the mountain, then they can climb the mountain and pick up Su Yan's head!

Han’s old master, staring at Su Yan with a fiery look!

The Taoist map left by the eight masters is so strong. If the trip goes smoothly and gets the topography, then in the future, their Korean family will definitely go out of the eight masters. This opportunity must be grasped and can only succeed. Can't fail!

“Han’s family spent a lot of money, what is it for Su Yan?”

The older generation has been shocked. After all, this treasure is extremely powerful and valuable, and once the use of the inevitable losses, the Korean family will also lack a town to the treasure.

However, for the sake of the terrain, everything is worthwhile. Even if you get the secrets of Su Yan, the opportunity to bury the mountain will be won by the Han family. This is exactly three arrows!

"Han Jia is really shameless, and he is stunned by Su Yan."

The popularity of the Wu nationality is broken. This is really shameless. They didn’t start the previous year. They waited for Su Yan to re-create it before they started. This made him angry and angry, and he was worried about Su Yan.

His situation is very bad, the injury continues to deteriorate, and the whole person is silent. It seems that there is nothing to be done in the eyes of outsiders. Is it really necessary to plant the hands of the Korean family!

"How did the lightning king go!"

The powerful gods of the gods were ugly, and the lightning king was too anxious to revenge, and did not inform them at all.

They are also worried about what happened. What if Su Yan once again climbed up?

However, they feel that they are also superfluous. Su Yan has already been wounded like this. Moreover, there is also a Korean master who has been suppressed. Even if he is suppressed, the master's combat power is extremely powerful, and he is not a leisurely generation!


In the astounding gaze of the audience, the avenue of the avenue broke out and rushed to the mountain of fun!

The energy of this map is magnificent to the extreme. At the moment of pressing down, the whole funeral mountain is rumbling and humming. In the eyes of the audience, the road maps are seen as a person, and they are in charge of the universe and the order of the order!

He changed his place here, the means to pass the sky, the wind and rain!

The ancestors of the Han family manifested the power of the gods, and the vastness of the gods, reversing the world and forcing the distorted energy of the funeral mountain!

In the end, the road map is like a burning, bursting out the most powerful force, forcing it on the top of the mountain of burial, and slamming out a channel to suppress all the strange and ominous!

A mountaineering road was forced to open!

I have to say that this is very domineering, and it is also a picture that is shocking to the world. They have opened up the mountain of burial, and how strong the Korean family is, even this kind of life can be directly attacked.

However, the cost is that they can't imagine it. Even this road map can't last forever. Han Zhongming has already rushed out: "Hurry up, we only have a fragrant time!"

He is very clear that the road map will not always suppress the strangeness of the mountain of burial. Once the power of the road map is completely dispersed, they will be trapped in the mountain of burial, waiting for them to die.

And the Korean family will pay a very heavy price!

"Haha, the elders are too worried, they don't need a fragrant time."

Han Wen Pan laughed. The road map suppressed the power of the burial mountain. They could come and go freely, and it was time to deal with a dying person.

"Su Yan crisis!"

The onlookers were hairy, and they saw Su Yan’s scars, sitting on the mountain, without any movement.

Han Zhongming not only wanted to take away the terrain, but also got the secret of Su Yan’s resistance to evil spirits. After the Han family’s ancestors came down from the mountain of funeral, they left the secret of the mountain of the mountain in detail.

In the past, he was able to come to the foothills with his own skills, but he could not climb the mountain!

This shows that his way can only be suppressed to the vicinity of Su Yan, but can not continue to extend upwards, but if you get the means of Su Yan's translation, is it more valuable than this Han family?

They thought about the direction of Su Yan, and the big crisis hit.

Su Yan was silent in the retreat. In fact, in the chaos of the pressure of Xianshan, because the road map was also scattered, Su Yan was like alive again, and the power of being suppressed for one year could not stop boiling!

In particular, the chaotic sea eye is shining, and the emerging power is strong, so that the soul of Su Yan has been tempered, and the sentiment of the soul is full of rich, amazing changes.

Undoubtedly, the pressure is dissipated, just like the potential of Su Yan has been opened, and his practice speed has begun to multiply!


Su Yan, who is quiet in cultivation, is faintly awake. He is a little surprised. He feels that the flesh is once again complete, really like a small universe shining!

what is this?

He feels that the flesh is like a unique space, and Su Yan's **** is the only true **** in space, the only creature!

"Is it..."

Su Yan has a kind of enlightenment. He feels that the chaos of Xianshan has already told him that there is still a way to go to the gods, not only through the universe.

Then this road is also closely related to the Yuanshen, and is closely related to the body. This is a unique road. The respect for the body is the body, and any material is equal to disrespect for the heavens and the earth, not relying on the heavens and the earth, only respecting oneself!

He feels that this road is feasible.

And as the Yuanshen recovers, his body functions begin to awaken, and he must shake away the treasures hidden in the depths of the flesh and unearth more magnificent power.

Su Yan feels that it is not enough. His gods still need to continue to grow. When they grow to the limit, they will inevitably open stronger treasures and temper the body to the extreme.

After all, if you don't rely on the heavens and the earth, and don't rely on the Universe Avenue, then Su Yan really must be strong enough to try to find a Tianshen road that Chaoshan is telling him.

He is quiet and unable to extricate himself. He explores the physical treasures at a deep level and at the same time strengthens his soul. In fact, Su Yan's human body function is already strong enough, but Chaoshan is telling him that it is not enough, but also stronger.

Su Yan did not know that the crisis was moving closer to him.

The onlookers are really suffocating, and the images projected by the space-time mirror are even more dignified by the faces of the various ethnic groups.

Han Zhongming is approaching Su Yan, and this road has lost pressure, so they come and go freely. With the speed of the Korean literature, they only need ten breaths, and they can appear in front of Su Yan!

In the end, they forced them, and more than a dozen strong men, the momentum was surging, and stared at the scarred body.

They are laughing silently, it is a cold smile to the extreme, very proud.

"Su Yan, you should be on the road!"

The King of Lights laughed even more. He rushed in an instant. He trembled in the audience. He waved his palms and slammed on the chest of Su Yan, giving his **** body a shock. Crack, blow his heart!


This palm, thunder and heavy, full of destructive power, suddenly hit the world and make a loud noise, really like bombardment on the sky, the sound is deafening.

Some people are shocked...

This is the king of lightning, the attacking power is shocking, he slammed Su Yan to create a heavy hand, can not break it with a palm.

But not at all.

The king of Lightning only broke Su Yan's chest. His body was too horrible and perverted. It was harder than the **** iron. He had never smashed the body of Su Yan!

However, the next moment, a black rifle ran across and directly penetrated Su Yan's shoulder.

Han Wen Pan is cold and cold. He wants to pick up Su Yan and ask him to be tortured. Their time is very limited. They must be forced to ask about the secret of the buried mountain before the road map collapses!

"Su crazy man..."

The onlookers at the foot of the mountain were all venting, and they really felt that Su Yan was finished. Under the heavy blow, he suffered a devastating blow.


The King of Lightning was so angry that once again he waved the hand of Leiguang, brewing a more terrible destructive power, and bombarding the cover of Su Yan!

Before the two severe pains, attacking Su Yan’s spiritual will, his gods were trembled.

His **** is also resurrected in an instant, and in the recovery, Su Yan's human body function broke out spontaneously. As a result, people saw a small blood-stained universe burning, releasing the momentum of horror!

"You are looking for death!"

Su Yan’s pupils slammed open, and he angered and rushed to the crown, and a screaming screaming screaming!

Just concentrating on the momentum that began to boil in his body, has already made the King of Lightning tremble, and he is absolutely a murderer who has been sleeping, giving him a despair!

(Oolong, the first two updates have been confused, and now they have been adjusted)

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