Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 904: Devouring lightning bolt

Su Yan’s physical body is blazing, completely different from the dead.

He is equal to a person, this is completely a manifestation of death, the moment of the potential of the body's concentrated spurt, the Scorpio has collapsed!

Everything in the world, like the explosion of Su Yan, began to undulate, trembling, and finally began to smash!


But all the strong people who saw this scene were scared, their legs and feet were soft, how could such a ridiculous thing happen, Su Yan is not already okay? Why can he still explode such a strong force, even they think that Su Yan seems more horrible than before!

His battle is blazing, radiant, and the concentrated energy in the human body is constantly flowing, representing the anger of Su Yan and starting to roar!


A black gun that has run through his shoulders has begun to shatter in the trembling. His body is even more scary than the soldiers. It is a humanoid real dragon recovery!

This is a manifestation of invincibility, up and down one, the momentum is connected into one piece, with the Yuanshen recovering to see the powerful vitality, the human function of the sleep is also ushered in a big explosion, more energy than Wang Yang, released!

"how is this possible!"

The King of Lightning has fear in his heart. The palm of his hand is trembled to the face of Su Yan Tian Ling. He even touched Su Yan at a close distance. He felt that his body must burst with the body and it will be destroyed once!

His heart is full of fear, how can Su Yan be so strong, is he already stepping into the field of the gods?

The King of Lights turned around and left, completely forgotten the shame, forgot the purpose of coming, only two words in the heart, never to provoke this madman!

But the next moment, the Lightning King found that the flesh was suppressed. There was a terrible energy boiling in the world, which sealed the heavens and the earth, locked everything, and directly covered the body of the Lightning King, making it difficult to move.


The direction of Su Yan, the endless radiance, sacred and hegemony, seems to have brought together the world of his invincible field. This is buried on the mountain of God. Only Su Yan stands proudly, and the gods and gods must surrender to his feet and shudder!

Su Yan has already had an insight into everything. She did not expect the Han family to spend a lot of money. She temporarily suppressed the Chaoshan Mountain and climbed it to kill herself.

This made him angry. Before he fell into retreat, the Yuanshen searched for human treasures, which means that there is no consciousness, but he would not have thought that there would be a crisis. The Han family would pay a big price for himself.

If it is said that the Han family has the heart to kill themselves, then there has been a death crisis since the direct contact with the killer.

Fortunately, the Han family tried to plot the terrain, and also wanted to force the secret about the funeral mountain, and did not die for him!

"You all **** it!"

Su Yan screamed, his pupil was sharper than lightning, directly locked the lightning king, a fist hit up, the void collapsed, the destruction power is superb, there is an inexplicable shocking spread out!


The King of Light broke out in the polar environment, burning the origin of the constitution, and gained a source of energy that shocked the world. It shocked Su Yan’s suppression of him, and he lifted his palm and slammed it up to block Su Yan’s fist.

This is the lightning palm, belonging to the mystery of the gods. His palm is like a lightning bolt. Once it breaks out completely, the lightning is as magnificent as the mountains, enough to make terrible destructive power!

Can Su Yan this punch, condensed his own combat power, it seems that the power is not strong.

In fact, when the time was hit, the destructive power shocked the world, and the lightning palm was smashed by the means of pushing and pulling, and the terrible power also attacked the body of the lightning king!


The Lightning King was screaming uncontrollable, his arms were blown up, and his half body was to be collapsed!

He also bleeds bleeding water and broken bones in his pores. This was hit hard by a punch, and the lightning king screamed screamingly. The fear was really desperate. This was the second time that he was hit hard by Su Yan.

However, this boxing injury is serious, and the contents have been shaken a lot. He is really desperate. How can this person be so powerful, he has entered the realm of the gods, but he is similar to himself!

"Lightning King, go!"

The gods taught the strong anger and stunned, and some of the gods could not control it and wanted to rush in. He faced the madman who stood in the heyday, and the lightning king could not stop Su Yan!

The King of Lights always wanted to leave the mountain, but he could not escape!

Su Yan got up, like a wild overlord, and like a horrible emperor!

"I still want to go when I come!"

Su Yan was furious and stunned, revealing the domineering domineering, coming out of the sky. The peerless atmosphere made the lightning king's liver and gallbladder crack. He roared in desperation, the thunder body was completely burned, the power of life was reversed, and the explosion came out. Thousands of thunder and lightning!

This is his physical strength!

After all, his Lightning King is the supreme star of the gods. When he recovers into the realm of the extremes, he is also quite tyrannical. The unspeakable lightnings are gathered together to form a hanging, which can break the black lightning of the Xinghai!

Really like a black dragon falling from the sky, this is the most powerful mystery of the gods, the lightning.


The void was broken out of a black and crack, black lightning descended from the sky, bigger than the mountains, revealing the rules of the avenue of extinction, full of a kind of shocking spirit of the same kings.

This lightning seems to have life as well. It swallows the energy between the heavens and the earth, and it grows rapidly. The moment that really hits, like the vast lightning of the sky!

"Gone lightning!"

The pictures presented by the space-time mirror are blurred, and they are trembled. This is the strongest magical power of the gods. I didn’t think of the second move. The lightning king played this secret technique. What kind of strength did he encounter? enemy.

The high-level gods of the gods are all excited, and I really hope that the most powerful secret technique of this system can stop Su Yan!

But in the next moment, they were really desperate. Although the black lightning was strong and strong, but when Su Yan rushed into the middle, as always, the brave and invincible, a loud bang made the lightning flashing!


He is throwing a punch, seemingly gentle, but in fact, it is shattered and shook.

It is the release of Beidouquan. In the eyes of the world, Su Yan seems to only have this secret of the heavens, but this Beidou punches out, as always, the peerless is amazing, this punch is hard to beat the black lightning!

"Give me broken!"

Su Yan cold drink, full of black long hair shawl, he is arrogant, fists fiercely waving, shattering the light of the sky!

This boxing force was fierce and fierce, and the lightning bolt that was hammered at once was broken apart by life. It was equal to being blown by Su Yan, and the lightning was turned into two!

Then the great energy fluctuations that emerged from Beidouquan also came from the rumble. This is an invincible invincible power, and it is pressured to the King of Lightning.

"How strong is the Su-Crazy, and it is a punch that bursts with the lightning. This Beidou is too strong!"

"It's not that the lightning flash is weaker than the Beidou fist, but the power of the lightning king and Su Yan is too different. I haven't seen the bleakness of the lightning king from the beginning to the present, which is not a level of power!"

"Su Yan, really is the overlord, it is terrible!"

Some people are talking here, let the high-ranking gods of the gods teach the madness, is the lightning king of the family so weak, is it destined to be a tragedy? He is the first person of the peak group, destined to be dazzling, once defeated, it is also miserable to the extreme!

The lightning king coughed blood, his body trembled, his heart was full of fear, he could not stop Su Yan, let him not be able to stop Su Yan!

And Su Yan is overbearing and rushing again!

"This is what you forced me!"

The King of Lights made a screaming scream, and today his face was greatly damaged. Even if he survived, he was a tragedy and was ridiculed.

The King of Light does not want to go on like this. He has revived the proud means. The eyebrows show a mark. This is the star mark of the gods and stars, which is equivalent to the essence of the most powerful ancient stars. It gathers in his eyebrows!


When it shines and awakens from sleep, the world is covered by billions of thunder.

His eyebrows of lightning blazing stunned eyes, splattering horror fluctuations, similarly concentrated oracles in front of him, grand and peerless, lightning billions, exudes unpredictable energy fluctuations!

There is no doubt that the King of Light is fighting for his life, and he has taken pride in his means. The Starfield imprint must be separated from his eyebrows, and a blow to Su Yan will be formed!


The King of Lightning is low and low, and the condensed lightning mark is sacrificed. It contains unparalleled energy fluctuations, enough to crush everything!

This is also called the mark of the thunder, and when it comes, it will smash a god.

In the face of this terrible lethality, it is as strong as Su Yan has a certain threat. After all, this is the avenue imprint of the strongest life ancient star. If it is really sacrificed, it can kill the king of the same generation and form a devastating blow!

However, in the imprint, shining on the body of Su Yan, will suppress his moment.

Su Yan's eyebrows have been awakened by the faint imprint of silence. It is very special and mysterious. Under the illumination of the lightning mark, this imprint glows hot, emitting a kind of strange fluctuation that devours the universe and nourishes the cosmic mark.

If this imprint has life, it is overlooking the world's avenues, and the devour of the devouring power begins to engulf the lightning mark. When the power is deprived, it is swallowed up by the seal of Su Yan's eyebrow!


At this moment, the Scorpio collapsed, and the lightning mark was violent, and it broke out spontaneously, and it was necessary to flee here.

Su Yan rushed straight up, releasing the most powerful force, forcibly suppressing the lightning mark with a vague field!

He feels that this great opportunity, once swallowed up the lightning mark, is equal to the fruit of the gods!

In the process, Su Yan suffered from lightning in the sky, and Wan Dao’s field was repeatedly penetrated. However, he became more and more brave and swayed the rivers and mountains, releasing the most invincible force as a whole, and constantly suppressing the lightning mark with a peerless attitude!

In the end, the lightning mark is getting weaker and weaker, and all the energy essences are swallowed up by the seal of Su Yan's eyebrows!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan smiled and laughed loudly. The earth shook and the air was full. The lightning king of the earthquake was directly planted on the ground.

The King of Light did not know what was going on, only that the lightning mark was obliterated.

At this moment, the King of Light was desperate. He lost his proud means and lost the identity of the Stars!


He grows up in the sky, like crazy, can't accept it all!

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