Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 906: Lion's big opening

"Documentation, literature!"

The Han family's old master is very angry, and the Korean literature is the world's peerless arrogance. In the younger generation, the prestige is extremely high, and it is also a master of six classics.

But now he was smashed by Su Yan's heart and his body was torn apart. This kind of injury was too heavy, and it was difficult for Han's old master to bear. At least the lightning king could resist a few punches, but the Korean literature was even reluctant to make this punch. .

"Too bad!"

Su Yan disappointed and shook his head. In fact, the Han family was the master of Qimen. He was not very good at the body. The family’s path was different from other groups. However, this Korean literature was also unlucky enough to meet the mastery. Su Yan.


The Korean literature is angered and low, and Su Yan’s sentence is too unscrupulous. It really makes him doubt his life, and his anger is incomparable. It’s better to die.

The Korean literature was so turbulent, the blood in the body was countercurrent, and the breath began to decay rapidly. His injury was even worse, and he would die at any time!


Su Yan wants to solve the painful moment for the Korean literature. Han Zhongming’s flag is hunting and the flag is suddenly enlarged. It is like a concentrated small world feeding down and starting to suppress against Su Yan!

This is an extremely valuable battle flag that smelts all kinds of precious treasures.

The flag is like a cosmic star, and there are sun and moon stars arranged inside, releasing the power of the sky, interweaving the general trend of the sky, and the attacking power is unparalleled!

Even Han Zhongming was very decisive, and his hands were printed in a flash, and a series of mysterious secrets came out through the flag.

This flag is even stronger. At the moment of dancing, the voids are exploding. The turbulent power is like urging the Scorpio to fall over, full of the peerless power to suppress all things, and to force Su Yan!


Han Zhong sighed with anger, although he was suppressed by the king of the king, but Han Zhongming’s practice was extremely high. This move provoked endless extraterrestrial star power and gathered power to suppress young The king of a generation!

Really arranged like a hundred thousand stars, and began to pressure against Su Yan.

"Old things, just because you want to suppress me!"

Su Yan’s eyes flashed a cold electricity, and the iron bar revived again. He also broke out in the sky. This invincible secret under the king of God can completely cross the chaotic channel and even burst out of the limit. power!


The magnificent flag and the sacred irons are bombarded together. This kind of confrontation is particularly striking. This area is uncontrollable, and the flag is also quite abnormal. It exudes the amazing power of invincibility and suppresses Su Yan.

"Hey, this big banner, experienced the temperament of my family, the Qimen master, once you are suppressed, you can't go away!"

Han Zhongming is very confident. The strong man under the king of God can never open this banner. If it is not because of the suppression of the secrets, then Han Zhongming’s attack can completely erupt the shock of the king. The power of the world comes out!

"The grandfather had to laugh!"

The sneer voice emerged, and in the sullen eyes of Han Zhongming, Su Yan once again recovered, releasing the most invincible combat power in the human body, all playing the power of chaotic motherhood, running through the iron bars!


The big iron bars are emptied, wrapped in horror, and violently boiling!


Su Yan Daxie, one-armed waving iron stick, one stick and one stick!

At the moment when the whole nine hits, the audience was scared. It was a sudden burst of nine hits, pulling the endless potential and potential of Su Yan, and bursting out of the horrible days!

The huge flag has been overturned, and the boundless wild power is rushing into the starry sky, screaming a terrible fierce atmosphere!

"How is it possible, how can his speed be so fast, too outrageous?"

"Really like a **** of warfare. During this time, Su Yan was retiring at the mountain of funeral. What did it go through?"

Many old antiques have been scared. Even the kings who have fought in battles will not have such wild power, but how does Su Yan do it? He experienced a region-like cruel training in the funeral mountain, his strength has been sublimated, his momentum is terrible, and he is even more ferocious than the demon!


Han Zhong’s head is big, what kind of monster is this, and he has such a strong source of strength.

Soon Han Zhongming gritted his teeth and wanted to escape from here with the Korean literature. He hoped that he could go down the mountain while he was in the middle of his life.

Many onlookers are stunned. They want to escape, come out with great fanfare, and even suppress the strangeness of Chaoshan Xianshan. In order to take Su Yan’s head, but now it’s good, turn around and ran...

"When all come, why bother to go, leaving something to be on the road is not too late."

The strange picture, Su Yan seems to move in an instant, directly in front of Han Zhongming.

The gods of the older generation have been moving, this is shrinking into the inch, Su Yan has actually reduced the ground into the inch to cultivate this step, this speed makes the gods far behind, and even can be compared with some gods!


Han Zhongxiao shudders, he feels that his neck is cold, like something cold arms crossed from his neck!

"Taiwanese elders!"

The eyes of the Han family's old masters collapsed, and the picture presented by the space-time mirror made Zhu Yuanqing stunned.

Because Han Zhongming’s head was taken away by Su Yan directly!

This is a **** king, a seven-master, a Han family's elders, and now his head was taken away by Su Yan, the body that lost his head fell to the ground, and the vitality began to drain quickly!

"Do not!"

Han Zhongmei screams and the whole head is shining, wanting to return to his body!

He is a **** king, and even has three thousand years of Shouyuan. In the future, there is a glimmer of hope to see the big energy field, but now he has been removed from the head by Su Yan, even in the battle of the gods, he was removed from the head!

This **** picture makes the gods who are exhausted by Shouyuan all face green. They were prepared to sneak into the chaos of ruins and find some secret medicines to extend Shouyuan.

But now Han Zhongming’s experience has caused them to panic.

Who dares to go?

Once killed by the gods, it is really a big loss!


Su Yan slammed his soles and lifted the body of Han Zhongming's rapidly aging body directly into the void and smashed it into pieces.

Han Zhongming is crazy all over, his body is destroyed, and life is facing the end. How can a **** king withstand it, even he can be equal to half a step!

"You are a little beast!"

His madness, he was destroyed, and the king's king's fruit was destroyed. His heart was full of fear and fury, and he was really angry.

"A lot of age, run to kill me, but also slammed me to attack you, you **** it!"

Su Yan’s eyes reveal a cold light, directly glaring at the head of Han Zhongming, and squatting at a group of Han’s young monks who are fleeing down the mountain!

After all, Han Zhongming was taken off the head, and the Korean literature was desperate. It was a wrong decision to bury the mountain. The original Han family asked them to wait and wait for Su Yan to reinvent.

At that time, Han Zhongming was very disdainful. He felt that he was so cautious and worried about dealing with a Suyan.

But now he understands that this is a demon king, tying up the mountain of burial, completely taking this place as his field, and the head of the king of the gods said that moving moved.


Han Zhongming’s head is a young Korean strong man. His mouth spurts against the blood and falls to the ground. The next moment he sees his own Han Zhongming’s head, and he is shivering. .

Han Zhongming’s head was broken directly, and he was still madly embarrassed, and he doubted his life for today’s encounter.

"Who dares to check him?"

Time and space mirrors are constantly showing pictures of bleeding, they are all smiling, who dares to bury the mountain to balance Su Yan!

The gods and kings were all killed. One of the Han family and one young strongman was also killed by Su Yan. Even the Korean literature could not escape the bad luck. He wanted to ask for mercy and asked Su Yan to spare his life!

Su Yanzhen saw the desire for survival in the Korean literature. He left a mind, did not get rid of the Korean literature, but sealed it and gave him a dead order!

"Give you three days, write the heavenly articles, if you can't do it, send you to hell!"

The Korean literature that this magical torment trembled with fear. Once the esoteric articles were written, even if Su Yan really let him go, can the Han family spare him?

However, his Korean literature does not want to die, and his heart struggles constantly. What should he do?

Su Yan, regardless of whether his Korean literature can be dictated in the end, his nephew stared at the lightning king who ran down the mountain and sneered: "Lightning King, where do you want to escape?"

The Lightning King is still escaping, so he will try his best to escape, and he still has a glimmer of hope in his heart. Su Yan will not catch up so quickly.


But in the next moment, the King of Light screamed, because it was not necessary to start with Su Yan. At the time of Han Zhongming’s death, the map of Hanjia Town’s Zhibao Avenue lost its grasp, and it quickly dimmed, and the pressure of the buried mountain came out!

A face-to-face, the King of Light is deeply desperate!

His body was once again broken, and even the unique demon power in the mountain of burial began to devour the life essence of the King of Lightning!

"Do not!"

The lightning king was desperate and fearful, and his spirit fighting spirit collapsed again!

He feels that even in his heyday, he can only spend a few days, but why can Su Yan practice here for a whole year!

Su Yan stepped down the mountain and ignored the lightning king.

"Su mad has gone down the mountain!"

"It turned out that he always went down the mountain, how did he do it!"

"The pattern of the burial mountain seems to threaten Su Yan. Is a life Jedi really going to be broken by him?"

The onlookers here are horrified, and they are also in awe of their eyes. They all know what his purpose is to go down the mountain. In short, the Han family is really losing money. One Tianjiao is suppressed, the **** king is killed, and even the treasure of the Han family falls into the Soviet Union. In the hands of inflammation.

They all saw Su Yan down the mountain and directly took away many of the road maps of Wei Neng.

This is the rare treasure of the eight masters forging, who can block the power of the road map under the power? There are even a lot of special energy, which is extremely important for Su Yan.

These killing weapons can completely shock the strong roads, and can also become the card of Su Yan's chaotic ruins.

After doing all this, Su Yan fiercely snorted at the space-time mirror that looked at him!

The picture presented by the space-time mirror allows the gods to teach the high-level face.

Su Yan drank out the avenue of the avenue, arranged a piece.

"100,000 pounds of chaotic treasure, he is crazy!"

"100,000 jin, can he really speak, is the price of lightning king?"

The gods of the Feng family were all shocked. The Su Yan lion opened his mouth and gave him 100,000 jins of chaotic treasure. He could send the lightning king down the mountain and deliver the money in one hand!

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