Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 907: Harvest

"Su Yan, you give me a good time, a man will kill me!"

The King of Lights has been desperate, even if he survives, the future can only live in the shadow of Su Yan, two consecutive defeats, has let the Lightning King have a heart of death.

This is really the end of life, the first person of the peak group, the star of the generation of the most powerful ancient star, the defeat is too bad, and there are still faces in the future.

Su Yan did not pay attention to the King of Light. If the gods could not teach, the King of Light would die slowly. The funeral mountain would kill all the lives, and did not need Su Yan to start.

When Su Yan left, he took off the space treasure of the Lightning King and harvested all the homes of the most powerful people of the peak group!

"Ah, Su Yan!"

The lightning king is really crazy, and he wants to get up, but the pressure of the funeral mountain makes the lightning king tremble. He has no room to break free, and the evil spirits in the mountain of burial are constantly consuming the life of the lightning king. .

He looked very miserable. The eyes of the sinister eyes looked at the back of Su Yan. He was climbing, and he was on the verge of burying the mountains. This back suddenly became magnificent in his mind, and collapsed the spiritual will of the King of Light.

He was completely fearful, and he couldn’t afford to say anything about courage. The generation of heroes and heroes did not have anything to do.

"Su Yan, your heart!"

"What kind of hatred is there in my family and you, you actually treat the King of Light!"

A group of high-ranking powers of the gods, even the king of God and half-step power, they are also unwilling to live, the strongest disciples of the family have been defeated in succession, this is their extremely difficult ending.

Even now, the Lightning King has fallen into the Jedi. Now, only Su Yan can save him. This makes God's teachings desperate and desperate. Is it really necessary to bow down to Su Yan and ask him to spare the lightning king?

"100,000 pounds of chaotic treasure, he really dare to speak!"

So far, there are still people who are constantly sucking in the cool air. The price of Su Yan is so amazing that it is full of 100,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures. Even if they are gods, they are extremely rich, but this one hundred thousand pounds of chaos Come out, it’s enough for them to be hurt.

Moreover, this huge amount of wealth is taken out, no big nod, and the gods can teach the rest of the elders to be unable to do the Lord.

"Su madman is too strong, and he can completely ignore the pressure of burying the mountain. I didn't think of it. The Han family came out with great fanfare and would be defeated and lost."

"Yeah, a township to the treasure has been given by Su Yan, Han Jia really is a loss of blood."

The outside world completely fry, and no one expected that the result turned out to be like this. The Han family lost their wife and lost their soldiers, and their faces were also greatly damaged. After all, they were in danger, and the result gave them a loud slap!

"Su Yan, my Han family will kill you!"

The eyes of Han’s old masters are red, low-lying, suffocating, and the gods are falling, but the road map of the Eight Masters’ tempering falls in the hands of Su Yan. This loss really makes Han’s home. Can't afford it.

In short, the changes in the mountain of burial have eclipsed the great people of all major groups.

And now there are people who have remembered the creation of the mountain of burial, whether Su Yan is now, or even if he has the hope to climb to the top of the mountain?

"The strength of Su Yan's progress is related to the funeral mountain. What kind of hidden secrets this mountain has hidden is worthy of further investigation!"

"Yes, but this secret is mastered by Su Yan. I want him to hand over the secret of climbing. It is very difficult."

"There is always hope in the future. The secret of the buried mountain will soon be revealed."

Many ancient Taoist strong people are communicating. Some people keep paying attention to the Suyan of mountain climbing. It is as strong as climbing. Su Yan is the second time to climb, but once again climbed to the original position and spent three days. .

It can be seen how big the difficulty of climbing is!

"Worn out!"

Su Yan took a breath and he sat on the ground and silently accepted the pressure of the mountain.

"I really hope they can bring me good things."

What Su Yan wants most now is the meta-mystery medicine that enhances the soul. He wants to dig deeper into the treasures of the body, so that he hopes to climb to the peak, and what is the creation of the peak of the mountain.

First of all, Su Yan took out the space treasure of the Lightning King, and he was looking forward to it. The first person in the group of peaks and peaks was bound to be extremely rich, and certainly exceeded his expectations.


The picture of time-space mirrors can't be accepted by the gods. It is the first person of their group. It is extremely rich in nature. Even the harvest of the King of Light on the Chaos Mountain has not yet been given to the teaching.

But nowadays all of this has fallen into the hands of Su Yan, how can we not let the gods teach despair.

Zhu Yuanqing took away the space-time mirror. Some of the strong people who feared that the gods taught could not withstand the psychological pressure. Even he would open the legacy of the Han family god. In short, Su Yan made a big profit. These people came to send resources.

Some people have seen it. He spent a year in the funeral mountain, and the resources will be exhausted. But at this festival, some people came to deliver supplies.....

"It can only be described as spectacular!"

Among the space treasures of the Lightning King, all kinds of resource treasures displayed, let Su Yan **** up the cool air!

Its value is too rich, has surpassed the king of God, the internal light chaos treasure is enough to have two thousand pounds, and even there are 1,800 drops of chaotic treasure liquid, this is already a huge fortune!

Together, these resources are already four thousand pounds of chaotic treasures. The poor gods can't get these resources at all. There must be a harvest of the King of Light in the chaos of the mountains.

Even the various types of Chaos Treasures are really numerous. His Lightning King and the Holy God of War, together, occupy a chaotic mountain. Resources don’t have to think about how rich it is!

"Make big, hahaha!"

Su Yan laughed constantly, and wanted to sleep on the pillow. He was lacking in cultivation resources. He did not expect a large number of lightning kings to be sent at a crucial moment!

In fact, among the strong people outside the world!

"It seems that I can't use it, run it in white!"

A well-behaved veteran of the Beidou religion, he came to send a batch of resources for Su Yan!

Nowadays, the Jubao Business Alliance, but a great event in the universe, has invested more than 100,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures, and is ready to put the alliance into the construction of chaotic ruins.

The veteran of the Beidou religion came with five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure, and it was handed over to Su Yan. The result is now good. Su Yan is not used at this stage. The elders of the Beidou religion are not ready to take risks. After all, from here to the burial. Shenshan has certain risks.

"this is?"

Su Yan found a medicinal herb in the space treasure of the Lightning King. The golden medicinal herbs lingered with chaotic light. The medicinal herbs intertwined with the sacred traces of the avenue, and there was a fascinating wave of turbulence in the heavens and the earth.

"Tian Shen Dan!"

Su Yan moving, this medicinal medicine can be too expensive, paving the gods to break through the gods' secret medicine, not only can improve the success rate, but also lay down the gods in advance!

This is a secret medicine that can't be met. It is said that it is quite difficult to refine and the materials needed are almost extinct.

Su Yan did not expect the lightning king to have such a good thing, it seems to be ready to break through the gods.

Even Su Yan in the space treasure of the Lightning King, searched for some heaven and earth strange things, most of them are used to temper the flesh, which surprised him, these materials are very important to him now, can strengthen the essence of Su Yan.

However, what he regrets is that there are few secret medicines to strengthen the gods, and his help is not particularly big.

But it is better than nothing, but he still has some overestimation of the price of the King of Light, and there is no particularly valuable treasure.

If his thoughts go out, he doesn’t know how many faces are green, how much material he wants, and even these heaven and earth miracles are too rare and expensive. Even if they are taught by gods, they will not let the lightning king bring them. Body.

Next, he opened up the legacy of a group of young and strong men in the Han family, and the harvest was quite fruitful. In particular, the value of the Korean literature was not weaker than that of the Lightning King, but it was also so sloppy that there was no treasure that made Su Yan shine.

Instead, they have gained a lot of battles and valuable chaotic materials on them.

"I hope this old guy won't let me down!"

Of course, the most important thing is the legacy of Han Zhongming, a **** king, and a seven-master, his value is almost half a step!

Su Yan really can't estimate how much wealth this kind of character has.

When he opened it and watched it, he licked his mouth, this old thing was too rich, and he cherished many rare chaotic gods. This thing has almost no price, and it must be Han Zhongming’s adventure in chaotic ruins. Harvested.

If you take it out and sell it, you will be able to exchange for amazing wealth.

So far, the chaos treasure on his body has surpassed five thousand pounds, and the chaotic treasure has surpassed 10,000 pounds. This strong person who came to send resources, let Su Yan heart burst, this is what he needs urgently at this stage!

On Han Zhongming's body, there are many repair verses left by the great powers, and the avenues of the dynasty, which are currently not used by Su Yan, are deadly appealing to the gods.

"this is......"

Su Yan found out a avenue jade bottle. This is a kind of space treasure. It is very rare. The jade bottle is sealed inside and outside, and there are more than a dozen.

Su Yan directly forcibly broke.

When the avenue jade bottle was opened, it was filled with avenues of light and rain, and the mouth of the bottle spewed out of the avenue, the breath, the four fields roaring, and the stars were dying, there was a tendency to be swallowed by the avenue jade bottle!

"A good space secret!"

Su Yan has a wonderful surprise. This treasure has many wonderful uses. Once it is fully sacrificed, the gods will forcibly take it away. It has a unique avenue space that can swallow everything.

However, when the seal in the jade bottle, with the jade bottle spouting out, Su Yan laughed at the sky, and the material he wanted most was finally settled!

This is a drop of a drop, the blue treasure of the sky!

Every drop of cyan treasure contains an energy essence that makes Su Yan Yuanshu shudder.

Although there are only ten drops of cyan treasure, this is a rare meta-mystery drug, and it is probably the essence of energy leaked from the gods.

This thing is a pity that Han Zhongming accidentally explored a Jedi. After nine deaths, he dug it out. Although he did not get the body of the **** god medicine, he also got dozens of energy essences. He spent a lot of time in his long years, and now he still has Ten drops.

Don't underestimate these ten drops, his value can't be measured by wealth, and it is very powerful for the king of God!

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