Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 908: Lei Dao Master!

Su Yan will seal the jade bottle again to avoid the loss of medicine.

He was in a good mood. The harvest was too big. He suddenly laughed and said: "Hey, I have sneaked on me, and now I am doing it well. All the resources have been cultivated. I can rest assured that I am buried in the mountain for a while!"

Su Yan did not intend to leave the mountain of funeral for a short time. Although the chaotic ruins have hidden great opportunities in the cosmic secrets, for the current Su Yan, the strong opportunities are not as good as the chaos of Xianshan!

He is sure to dig out his own physical treasures again, and make his body avenues go up to the next level. For the method of rushing to the gods, it is really necessary to study and study.

Su Yan swallowed up a lot of chaotic treasures, nourished his losses, and prepared to raise his spirits in trying to promote the Yuanshen.


Su Yan's flesh is shining. He is now recovering with the resources of Chaos Treasure. It is indeed a luxury means. Chaos Treasure is the essence of chaotic gas. It is slowly formed after a long period of precipitation.

This thing has a miraculous effect on practice and breakthrough. Generally speaking, it is used to break through, but it is directly restored like Su Yan.

The foundation of the loss began to climb slowly. Su Yan’s body was shining, and the original body’s injury was also in front of the strong foundation. The avenue body began to heal itself!


Su Yan’s eyebrows suddenly became brilliant, and a unique imprint was manifested. Some mysterious and unreal, it seems that there is no such time and space.

His mark has quietly changed after devouring the original imprint of the mysterious star field. What you can see is that there is a sinister lightning trace in the vague imprint, exudes the strong road to the righteousness!

"The biggest harvest, it should be here!"

Su Yan is looking forward to blending with the mark of the eyebrows and touching this lightning trace!


Su Yan is like touching the magnificent world of lightning. In this world, hundreds of millions of thunderous sounds are blasting, shaking the human soul, like real lightning, passing through the soul of Su Yan.

Su Yan was like a cappella, and at the moment he blended with the lightning mark, his grasp of the morality of the thunder began to soar.

Even in this process, Su Yan seems to have seen the concentrated sacred star field. In his eyes, Heng Yan has sprayed hundreds of millions of lightning rays to reveal the supreme lightning.

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan smiles constantly, this is how the heavens are made!

His mark engulfed the star mark of the Lightning King, and as a result, Su Yan won the anti-tianism, which is equal to mastering the supreme general outline of the mine!

This is a kind of road, and it is also a road that was once invincible!

The most powerful life ancient star of Shen Xing, Heng Gu Hengqiang, the avenue of precipitation for millions of years, the radiant essence of the avenue that was born, is now given by Su Yan, and has a glimpse of the meaning of it!

If you think about it, you will know that this opportunity is amazing and counterintuitive. Su Yan is equal to the star domain of the gods, and observes the evolution of the thunderstorm.

Su Yan really did not think that his imprint of the eyebrows would be so abnormal and he could gain a avenue.

His imprint is a unique cosmic imprint of the collision between the Xianxing Earth and the Earth Avenue. It is full of uncontrollable mysterious power.

It not only swallows the original mark of the gods, but can even present his trajectory perfectly on the mark!

"If one day, my avenue imprint, swallowed up the universe, the original imprint of the major stars, how strong is the imprint at that time? I can get a lot of supreme essays!"

Su Yan was excited and moved. This is a bad opportunity. He did not expect to testify in the land of Xianxing and return to the earth to break through. It will form the insignificant embossed mark of the heavens, which can win the world's cosmic avenue!

Of course, do you really think that the truth of the thunder mark is only these?

The most powerful harvest of Su Yan’s harvest comes from the imprint of Lei Dao, which is presented with a supernatural combination process about the long years of precipitation!

"Gone lightning!"

Su Yan's heart is stirring, he got a secret of the gods, and it is also the most powerful magical power of the gods and stars in the long years!

Although the lightning flash of the King of Lightning is not strong enough, if Su Yan is a master of this magical power, when the power is strong, it is really true.


His pupils faintly reveal the thunder, one after the other, long and long.

Thousands of golden lightnings swayed out of Su Yan's body. Accurately speaking, projected by the Chaos Sea Eyes, it was filled with heavy and devastating sources of energy, and the bombarded void was riddled with holes.

His imposing temperament has changed, as if to smash the dark eternal lightning!

Su Yan was watching the evolution of the lightning bolt, but he got the mark of the thunder, and it was extremely smooth.

Now the gods teach, killing them, they are afraid that they can't think of it. The most powerful secret technique of this dynasty has already been given by Su Yan!

If it is spread out, the whole gods will go crazy!

The ancestors of the ancestors were afraid to jump out of the coffin. After all, the strongest inheritance of the group and the general outline of the thunder were given by Su Yan. It was a big laughter. The most important thing is the lightning. Su Yan gave the harvest.

A big opportunity, it was caught by Su Yan!

He has a Beidou boxing, and he also masters the most powerful supernatural fist in history. Now he has got another anti-sky secret, and the lightning is lightning!

This is the peerless destruction of the main killing!

If it is said that Su Yan’s North Fighting Boxing and the Shangning Lightning will break out at the same time, his fighting power will be violent!

Su Yan is sitting in the thunder of the country, sitting in the concentrated gods and stars, sitting in the thunder of hundreds of thousands of miles, his figure is a little stalwart, like a peerless giant in charge of the thunder.

This kind of realm is enough to make people develop a kind of peerless belief in the world.

The lightning king's suffocation is so full, and it has an indispensable connection with the imprint of the thunder. If one day, the strong and the horrible moment in the vision of the thunderbolt imprint, it must be called the respect of the world, overlooking the roads of Yingjie, invincible.

Every kind of Tao, in fact, has invincible means, and can go to the extreme.

Su Yan's silence is in the process of the lightning process of the lightning, he can not extricate himself, he is like being placed on the billions of Leihai, the body is shining, brilliant and blazing!

Gradually, Su Yan's chest undulating, passing the sound of the thunder and thunder of the earth, if the lightning Wang Yang hidden in his chest ups and downs, the sound, the momentum is vast.

In his body, the sound of the thunder is really revealed, and there is a great Tianwei.

In the process, Su Yan swallowed a lot of refining objects stored by the King of Light. He was bathing in the whole light, absorbing all kinds of Thunderbirds and tempering his own treasure.

There are also chanting sounds in his body. This is the strong mystery of the mine. It is turned into a verse and begins to be read in his body. In this process, Su Yan's body is more brilliant and brighter!

It seems to be really quenched by lightning, the treasure is flawless and non-scale, which is the embodiment of the impurities being washed.

"Looking for opportunities to go to the lightning group to practice the flesh, waiting for me to step into the field of the gods in the future, but also to sculpt the flesh with the day!"

Su Yan moved, every kind of Tao and Fa has his uniqueness, magical, he feels that he is more ethereal and light, invisibly shattered some shackles, all of which are closely related to the morality of the thunder!

The oracle religion has been passed down for a long time, and he has his own tyrannical truth.

Su Yan wants to re-explore, study the thunder chapter, and even in the process of practicing the lightning, using the various treasures to temper the flesh, there will inevitably be a major gain.

With a low voice, Su Yan was awakened directly.

His nephew saw that he had become a skinny lightning king.

Now his body is still losing the essence of life, has begun to lose the source of life, once he is scattered, he is facing death!

The burial mountain is even more ferocious than the blood altar. It swallows the world, and the lightning king has been stunned for seven days and seven nights, but he feels that he is not going to work. It is estimated that up to ten days and ten nights, the lightning king will step into the dead.

"Can't God teach?"

Su Yan was somewhat disappointed. He had already got the thunder chapter and got the lightning bolt. Even if the lightning king could rise in the face of adversity, Su Yan would not only care about it.

He needs a lot of resources and wealth in the future to repair the road. Su Yan must grow up in adversity and be as strong as possible in a very short time!

There is not enough strong resources to support, all this is in a idiotic dream!

Although he has a huge amount of money on his body, he can't support Su Yan's practice in the realm of the gods, even if it is difficult to cultivate to the peak of the gods.

Su Yan wants to become stronger as soon as possible. From the gods to the king of the gods, this process is even a day of arrogance. It takes centuries or even a long time.

Su Yan can't wait, can't wait for a hundred years!

Even he didn't know what the universe would look like after decades, and what the funeral family would encounter.

He must rise in a very short time, gain a powerful battle, and guard the group.

"What a ghost place!"

At this time, Han Wenpan, who was sealed by Su Yan in the Qiankun Furnace, screamed. He was hit hard and is now being taken out by Su Yan.

The strange power of the burial mountain made Korean horror terrified.

This is a bad land, devour the source of human life, and the strong people can't bear this kind of devouring. There is no body guard in the body.

"The opportunity has been given to you, I want to see the results now!"

Su Yan's tongue was thundered, and Han Wenpan was suddenly picked up in the air. His flesh was shaking, and the thunder that was blooming in Su Yan's tongue gave the direct shock to the broken!


The face of the Korean literature is faint and uncertain. What kind of technique is Su Yan performing? How does he feel that he is somewhat like the King of Lightning? Has this guy been forced to ask the Thunder chapter from the mouth of the Lightning King? !

"What are you doing, really think I won't kill you?"

Su Yan waved, and the scorpion was shot in the air, and wanted to slap the Korean literature.

The Korean literature endured insults, his hands trembled, and submitted to Linyi’s Tianshi chapter, hoping to survive.

Su Yan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the white cloth was taken over, staring at the heavenly chapter.

Slightly looked at it for a while, Su Yan glanced at the Korean literature and shocked him. He whispered: "Speaking and speaking, Su Yan, you are also a personal thing, there is no need to be difficult for me? I have already handed over the articles of heaven. For you, you should let me go now!"

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