Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 909: Holy God of War arrives

Seeing the weak morality of the Korean literature, Su Yan sneered in the heart, everyone is afraid of death, and now the Korean literature is afraid of death, it seems that these days have been sealed in the furnace, I want to be clear.

After all, he has a good future, and the king of God is hopeful. So he died in the mountain of burial. This Korean literature is not reconciled and wants to ask for a chance.

"Kid, it's hard to say if you want to live, but how do you come up with a piece of real material? Who are you fooling around? Who are you fooling with such a superficial thing?" Su Yansheng is like a thunder, and he is presented to him. The Tianshi chapter is very dissatisfied.

Su Yan estimated that the Han family is not inferior to his mastery of the topography of the terrain chapter. Although he does not expect to be able to obtain such inheritance from the Korean literature, he can also say that he needs a deep history chapter.

Su Yan wants to enter the seven-product field, so the Tianshi chapter is indispensable.

"How can it be superficial..."

The Korean literature has changed dramatically and stuttered: "This chapter has not been studied for ten years. It is a true chapter of the natural world. I can’t fool you with this situation. You should not want to go back. What?"

"A decade of hard work? That is for you!" Su Yan is cold.

The disgrace of the Korean literature is so sad that he can't help but toss Su Yan. This sentence has dealt a heavy blow to him, but he did not dare to refute it. The fate is now being stunned by Su Yan, as long as he does not let go, Korean literature Will die at any time.

"If you are not honest, I will marry you now!" Su Yan coldly shouted, this handed out is also useful for Su Yan, but not much help.

"I have been very cooperative!"

The Korean literature's double fists clenched and whispered in the air. "I have higher and deeper, but I don't know it now. Give me some time and let me think about it."

The Korean literature still carries a life-saving straw. The longer the delay is, the better it is for him. Once his affairs are passed to the Han family, he will definitely come to save himself.

However, the Korean literature in the canned heart, slightly revealing the volatility of the mind, suddenly Su Ying gave him the idea of ​​catching his heart.

Su Yan’s face suddenly fell cold, and the Korean literature did not cooperate honestly. He also knew that once the Korean literature spits an important chapter, the Han family would not spare the Korean literature!

"Hey, you are not honest, you still dare to think about it!"

Su Yan is cold, he bends a little, and there is a thunderous voice, and suddenly the eyebrows of the Korean literature are broken!

"What are you doing? If you have something to say, there is something to say!"

The Korean literature is fearful, and the body is shaking. Is it really Su Yan really want to kill himself?


Su Yan’s pupils gaze at the knowledge of the Korean literature, hoping to see what is going on.

However, in the process of waiting and seeing, the Korean literature's eyebrows swayed with horrible soul fluctuations, and the moments passed down made Su Yan feel dizzy.

"This is a seal."

Su Yan’s heart is stunned. There are ways to arrange the strong ones. Once forced to watch, the consequences are very serious!


The Korean literature has been desperately embarrassed, and his knowledge of the sea has passed on destruction. There is no doubt that Su Yan touched the seal of his knowledge of the sea. This is the means by which the Han family protects the inheritance. Once the seal is touched, then the Korean literature The memory in the sea will be erased quickly!

"Su Yan, you hate it, I can't spare you from being a ghost. Tell me the truth, my sister and Qiu Ming are Taoists. You should know who Qiu Ming is. You should die, Qiu Ming will kill you." of!"

The Korean literature is as crazy as he is. He hoped that his sister could let Qiu Ming come forward. The Korean literature believes that once Qiu Ming arrives, he can certainly hold Su Yan. After all, Qiu Ming is the legend of the younger generation, the invincible **** king, the world. One of the most terrible heroes!

Compared with Qiu Ming, the Northern Demons are relatively weak, and they look at the young and powerful people in the chaotic ruins. Whoever does not give Qiu Ming their face.

"Take Qiu Ming to press me, I don't really understand the situation!"

Su Yan raised his palm and shocked the Korean literature. This made the Korean literature pupils instantly magnified, his body straight, and he wanted to say something, but his body was not torn apart from the air!


The Korean literature was miserable, but it could not stop Su Yan’s determination to kill him. This person was directly crushed by Su Yan’s slap.

This Korean literature is afraid that it will not be dying, because Qiu Ming angered Su Yan, causing his murder.

"Qiu Ming is!"

Su Yan was murderous and suffocated, and the black-haired long hair danced with his head, and the powerful power leaked out. Su Yan, who was set off against the world, was arrogant. He said coldly: "The hatred of that year, one day I will get it back soon!"

He stood in the blood of the corpse, like lightning, overlooking all directions, and revealing terrible beliefs.

His figure is also a bit amazing, like a dying lightning that was born in the Magic Mountain. It can burst out of the momentum that makes the space collapse. The secret of the lightning lightning is actually just getting started, but it already has some standards.

"The lightning is lightning, and the body is in the sky?"

Su Yan had a deep inspiration for this secret technique. He walked the path of the universe. Now he uses the initial scriptures to deduct the mystery of the lightning, but finds that the original scriptures can be used to the gods. The power of lightning broke out!

This has to say that the initial experience of this ancient heaven is amazing. There are many special secrets in this world. It is necessary to have a unique combination of heaven and earth to run the power to the limit.

Su Yan used the initial deduction of the lightning, and there is no doubt that his momentum is even stronger. There is really a kind of supernatural lightning, and the supreme style of the billions of thunder.


Su Yan’s pores glowed, and the thunder and lightning thundered. The flesh was like the ocean of lightning. When it was slightly shaken, the void was riddled with holes.

The devastating power is quite amazing, and Su Yan is spitting, and the pores devour the various lightning materials stored by the Lightning King. There are some special thunder grasses, special **** minerals, and even some lightning fruits.

These things are extremely rare. After all, as a lightning king, the resources given to him by the gods are top-notch.

Nowadays, a large number of resources have been swallowed into the flesh by Su Yan. When these herbs are turned away, his treasure is full of rolling lightning liquid, and he is tempering the treasures for Su Yan.

The process is painful and comfortable, and his body is sometimes dark, sometimes golden and translucent, like the physical reincarnation again and again.

This is an all-round temper!

With the secret of the lightning lightning, Su Yan practiced his muscles and muscles and strengthened his own blood.

Even his spiritual realm has entered the seven-day peak of the gods, and is only one step away from Yae Heaven.

"Being waiting."

Su Yan did not rush to break through, he continued to settle, and the understanding of the lightning was getting deeper and deeper, and he had to sigh: "It is a gods who teach the endless years, the power of the world cannot be underestimated, any kind of Tao has His tyrannical and unique."

If Su Yan does not get the general outline of the mine, and get a mark of the essence of the avenue containing millions of years, then Su Yan's body wants to be promoted to this field, and it still needs to continue to suffer and even may not reach this realm.

This confirms the fact that any kind of avenue has his own uniqueness.

For the general outline of the Lei Dao, Su Yan is now only looking at the door. If he can fully grasp it, it must be an invincible king!

Only nowadays, the top ten channels are not calm, and there have been big waves in succession!

"I saw the blood of the rushing man, covering the vast territory, which is what the hegemon is in the rush!"

"It’s too horrible. I saw it clearly in the tenth channel. The innumerable blood covered the vast field. This kind of foundation is too arrogant. It is completely a manifestation of the world!"

One channel after another has been sensational, touching the nerve lines of all beings, and there have been amazing news.

"Big news, the Holy God of War broke through, stepped into the field of the gods, the blood covered the vast territory, the invincible body was excavated, the generation of invincible kings stepped into the field of the gods, has the connotation of the world!"

"The peak of the people has begun to enter the field of the gods, it seems that the chaos of chaos ruins is about to begin, the northern demon they will also break through, step into the field of the gods, fight for the world!"

The news of the world’s madness, the Holy God of War is a supreme king who is not inferior to the gods in the chaotic ruins. Now he is strong enough to cross the field of the gods, and excavate the power of the invincible body.

"Sacred God of War, the unique wizard of the Taoist Temple, it is worthy of deep friendship, and he will have the priority to enter the secret of the universe in the future!"

There are strong men of all famous families, and they go to the ninth chaotic mountain, and they want to visit and send a gift, congratulating the success of the Holy Land.

However, the Holy God of War has left a few days ago, and the Hejia has not concealed, and directly pointed out the Holy God of War to go to the mountain of fun.

"What? The Holy God of War went to the Mount of the Mountain, did he want to climb?"

"I don't know. It is said that the King of Light also went to the mountain of burial. I don't know how it is going. I heard that the Han family invited him to go together."

Some strong people who know the inside story are laughing, and the King of Light is not far from death.

At present, this news has just spread to the top ten channels, but it is only known by a few people and will soon be well known.

But now the Holy God of War has gone to the Mount of the Mountain, the intention is unknown.

Since he has stepped into the field of the gods, the fighting power will inevitably rise a lot, and the combat power is definitely far beyond Su Yan.

Now, in addition to the ninth chaotic mountain, the young kings who retreat from the rest of the nine chaotic mountains are accumulating their foundations. In less than half a year, a large number of peaks will inevitably enter the field of the gods.

Once this day comes, the creation of Chaos Mountain will be completely exhausted.

Then, by the time, the years of the hegemony will come quietly, the universe of the universe, the incomplete universe will surface, the **** era is about to come, a big era full of blood and opportunity has been quietly opened. Curtain.

On the top of the buried mountain, Su Yan has been submerged for nine days and nine nights.

Every day, his body is clearer.

It was only on this day that Su Yan’s body was bright and clear, and it really disappeared. It was integrated with the space, and it could burst out, pure energy to the extreme!


Su Yan's pupils smashed openly, and a pair of pupils were sharp as if they had broken the lightning of the stars.

He breathed like a thunder, this is the real thunder drums, and the earth is moving.

Su Yan feels that the body is full of crystal, the essence of the spirit is perfect, the whole is flawless and non-scale, and Su Yan has climbed to the limit, and can tear the level at any time, breaking through to the field of the gods.

Once stepping into this level, Su Yan is getting closer and closer to the peak.

However, he did not rush to break through and wanted to further confirm the road of the Taoist Temple recorded in Chaoshan.

"Do you want to climb the madman again?"

Many onlookers in the foothills of the mountain have widened their eyes and saw Suyan standing up, suspected of rushing.

However, at this moment, there is also a kind of terror oppression, which is heavy, like the cover of the ancient sky!


They are eclipsed, looking at the past, seeing the end of the horizon, with a vague shadow appearing, the straddle between the moments, the horrible flesh tears the void and rushes to the mountain of fun!

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