Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 910: Ancient practice road

At the foot of the mountain of the burial mountain, the monks were so heavy that they were looking at the distant world, and the blurred figure became more and more shocking.

It's hard to imagine that this is a young monk. He crossed the end of the horizon, and by the power of the flesh, he broke the emptiness!

This kind of strong body has this destructive power. When this person has not appeared here, the blood of his own body has already suffocated and trembled, and they feel that the body is going to collapse!

"Who is the body, the body is too terrible, the blood in the body covers the sky, this is a young god!"

They are eclipsed one after another. This young strong man is quite against the sky. His body is full of blood and golden light. Like a young king who promotes a torrent of torrents, the figure exudes, a kind of suppression of the cosmic scorpio!

Holy God of War, the invincible body, this is a supreme body!

These supreme bodies, the physical body dominates the same generation, claiming to be an immortal physique. His holy gods are now stepping into the realm of the gods, and they are excavating the invincible body to an extremely anti-sky level.

With a little recovery, the blood of the Holy God of War is rushing through the vast sky, and the light that this picture thinks is as shocking as the gods, and it is like a **** king coming here, overlooking the world here!

"A good holy god!"

On this day, the energy projected by the space-time mirror radiated to the vicinity of the Mt.

Through the time and space mirrors, Zhu Yuanqing saw the figure in succession. They already possessed the style of the masters of the generations, and they were able to break out the power of destroying the earth.

After all, he is the famous celestial arrogance of the chaotic ruins, and now he is in the field of the gods, and has become a hot and powerful top in the universe!

"I don't know what the Holy God of War is going to bury in the mountains?"

Some people's eyes moved to the old antiques of Daodian, guessing whether it is related to the Taoist temple. After all, the funeral mountain is very important. It is feared that the Taoist temple is now alarmed. After all, it is a matter of life.

Su Yan has the hope of breaking the life of the Jedi. This is a major event that has attracted the attention of the power.

"The King of Light is also not far from death. I don't know if the Church of God will not save the King of Lightning?"

"It's hard to say that the Su madman has asked for 100,000 jins of chaotic treasures. Is the gods really willing to pay a big price?"

Some of the old powerhouses of the group are whispering. Some people think that the possibility of God's teaching is great. After all, the King of Light and the Korean literature are different. The Han family has a Korean literature and a second Korean literature!

But once the king of lightning falls, the gods can lose the star domain, which is a disastrous consequence for their group!

The teaching of the gods is to cultivate the power, not the king of God. When the sacred domain of the cult is to cultivate in a certain field in the future, it will certainly be able to get the help of the sacred star field, and it is very possible to transform it into a powerful power!

Now the lightning king is still breathing, but he has been tortured, the body is shrinking, the thin adult is dry, the life essence of the body is about to dry completely, and the fire of life should be extinguished quickly.

This is a sign of death, the strongest person in the peak group, will die in the state of miserableness on the mountain of funeral!

This incident caused an uproar, the era of chaos in the chaos of ruins has come, but a leading group of the peak group has been killed, can be more shocked than they.

However, the current Su Yan is intact, and he is standing close to the peak of the buried mountain. This makes the old folks of all ethnic groups have a lot of arguments. Can Su Yan really climb to the peak of the buried mountain and harvest the great opportunity of the life of the Jedi?

The strong men of the great ancestors of the ancestral temples must be dripping with water, which is completely different from what they expected.

Su Yan not only survived, but even close to the land of creation, which made them all panic. If Su Yan really gained the opportunity of anti-day, can he still go further?

"Su Yan stood up again, is it still ready to continue?" Many people can't sit still.


There is a ancestral temple, the old god, low-lying, and angry in his heart: "The funeral mountain, the life of the Jedi, Su Yan can not climb to the peak, hate us do not know the special means of restraining the mountain of burial, or the ancestors have long come, this is fundamental It’s not like Su Yan!”

Everyone wants to figure out how Su Yan is trying to restrain the mountain.

Once you have figured out the secret, isn’t it at your fingertips that you are at your fingertips?

Su Yan was afraid that he did not expect that he would stand up and move his activities and muscles, which would make the old monsters of the major peak groups unable to sit still, and look at him with big eyes. After all, it is a matter of life and Jedi!

"Not coming yet?"

"God teaches this is ready to give up the lightning king!"

Su Yan’s disappointment shook his head, and the gods could really sit and watch the lightning king’s oil rush to death, which made him extremely helpless. He also counted on the gods to come to redeem people.

"It is the Holy God of War, is he coming to climb?"

At the foot of the mountain of the burial mountain, there was a sensation. He did not expect that the person who came would be him. Even the holy **** of war has already broken through to the field of gods.

A generation of peaks and people have stepped into the field of the gods. In general, the identity and status of such people can almost sit on the same level as the gods. After all, it is not difficult for them to step into the king.

And once it breaks through, there is great hope that it will become the top presence in the field of the gods.

The Holy God of War has come to the vicinity of the Mount of the Sacred God. He is full of power, and there is a kind of temperament that shakes the stars. The majestic body is revealing the golden light, and the faintly suppressed gloom is bleak.

At this moment, the Holy God of War is extremely magnificent, unpredictable, standing between the heavens and the earth, full of a kind of imperialism of the strong, smashing the world.

Silent and silent all around, I really don't know what the Holy God of War came to do here, but here is the mountain of burial, except who can kill the mountain in Susan? Even if his Holy God is a god, it is almost impossible.

"Su Yan!"

The mythology of the Holy Day war is bright, the mouth is golden and rippled, and the sound of the whistling sound is rapidly magnified, echoing between the heavens and the earth, deafening, containing a great Tianwei, and also has an extremely heavy momentum.

This sound wave was directly transmitted to the mountain of burial, especially lying on the mountainside. The desperate lightning king in purgatory was sober.

His palms trembled, and the palms of the dead bones moved slightly. The holy gods, standing at the foot of the mountain, spit out with a hoarse voice that only he could hear: "Sacred brother, save me!"

The King of Light is still alive!

His vitality is indeed tenacious, and his desire to survive is exuded in his eyes.

After a full nine days and nine nights of suffering, it is enough to leave a hard-working memory for the King of Light, it is good to live!

Ascension God of War screamed loudly, and the voice was passed to Su Yan, who stood on the mountain of the burial.

Originally, Su Yan prepared activities and adjusted the state. In the Yuanshen treasure liquid obtained from Han Zhongming, the soul was strengthened and the Yuanshen was transformed.

Su Yan did not expect anyone to come, and even had such a full-fledged discourse, passing the voice.

Su Yan glanced at the man standing at the foot of the mountain, and he frowned at this moment!


He whispered, from the power of the Holy God of War, he perceived a kind of gas cover that runs through the sky and even suppresses the starry sky. This holy **** of war is like a scorpio, and the crowded people are shuddering. Pay homage.

This is the god!

One day, Su Yan is strong enough to oppress the Cosmos.

This is the god, powerful and unmatched, and you can master the power of the universe and attack the enemy.

From human to heaven, this is a very amazing evolution. In fact, it has become a great thing to practice in the realm of the gods. No matter what power is not a small person.

"One is the way, everything I practice comes from the roots, from chaos to chaos!"

Su Yan’s insight into the momentum of the Holy God of War has a new inspiration. Why should we use the power of the outside world to find the way to break through the gods by the roots of chaos built by Su Yan?

Su Suyan knows that this is definitely difficult. Otherwise, this method of practice must be passed down. This may be the means of practice in prehistoric years!

For the present time and space, the ancient methods of practice are not suitable for the current cosmic environment to grow, so what will happen after the real cultivation?

When Su Yan was in the Big Dipper’s testimony, he suffered a smashing of the murder, and he was really dead for a lifetime.

He almost died, so now he wants to go from prehistoric times, an ancient practice, if it is practiced, will it lead to a series of unnecessary robberies?

"It’s really a headache."

Su Yan smiled a bit, but in fact he mastered the chaotic maternal, even if it blended with the Cosmos Avenue, it would become the strongest group of the same generation!

This breakthrough road is relatively stable, and it is also smooth sailing!

But he recalled the words of Zixia Fairy, no matter how strong the practice in the current cosmic environment, it is impossible to compare with the ancients, let alone go beyond the ancients.

If you really want to take a road that is comparable to the ancients, it will be extremely difficult. I am afraid that there will be some dangerous variables that threaten my own life.

When the Beidou Star field was ravaged, Su Yan did not dare to forget it!

He has some confused moments, don't know why, suddenly thought of it, that sentence for the Emperor!

Even the Wei'an Road has caused the years to collapse, so that the time and space will be diverted. He has been full of blood for a time, and the man is like this. The scenery of this road must be very beautiful!


"If I can dig out the physical treasures with the gods and open the hidden treasures, then this kind of road can really try."

"Inquiring in the flesh, to achieve the field of the gods, this is the ancient practice of the law, as long as it can be successful, it will inevitably get stronger power!"

Su Yan had a decision. He only wants to go to the peak of the mountain to see it. Maybe you can see some time in history, what happened in the mountain of burial, and perhaps some clues related to the Emperor!

"Su Yan!"

The Holy God of War bears his hands, and his power is like a mountain. His voice is thunderous and earth-shaking!

The whole world is full of golden ripples, the smoldering blood of the hustle and bustle, and the gloomy world of the world.

The Holy God of War is demonstrating its own power, and beckoning against Su Yan, faintly said: "Speak down!"

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