Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 911: Imitate Su Yan!

The calm voice of the Holy God of War, so that everyone around you feel a bit big!

Let Su Yan talk down? He doesn't know how hard it is to leave the mountain.

Now that the Holy God of God is flying a word, let Su Yan talk down. Who does he regard himself as? Is the temple owner of the temple? Still a powerful!

Actually, I am waving to Su Yan here, let him talk down, this tone is a little over!

They admit that the Holy God of War is strong enough, and it is also the genius of the Taoist Temple. It is also stepping into the field of the gods. They use this tone to call for some arrogance. They are not surprised. After all, the Holy God is qualified.

But who is Su Yan?

The real murderous murderous genius, the genius of the world!

What kind of catastrophe he has not experienced, what kind of blood has not been encountered, can be killed from the pattern of the top ten chaotic channels, and even stood on the mountain of funeral, suspected of harvesting the great creation in history.

This kind of character, you can be a normal person!

Even the general gods did not have his high weight, but now the Holy God of War came, it seems to be seeking Su Yan, but his tone, so that the onlookers are black eyes, I feel that the Holy God is nothing to find things.

"This road is feasible!"

Su Yan had a decision in his heart. His nephew also looked at the shadow of the foot of the mountain. He waved to him and said, "Come up and talk!"

Su Yan’s actions were not accidental, but let the Holy God of War go up, wouldn’t it let the Holy God of War go to death?

The generation of Yingfeng Yingjie Shengtian God of War, Shenwei Zhentian, the invincible body always shines, the blood fluctuations that are tumbling, so that the mountains and rivers are banging.

His momentum is extremely strong, but in the face of Su Yan's attitude, the brow of the Holy God of War is a pick.

He reveals the color of warm anger, and his own diffuse momentum is stronger. The flesh is smashed and shaped like a huge oven burning. The blazing source of energy must cover the mountain of burial.

"Su Yan, I am ordered to come!"

He looked cold and shouted: "Let's go down, there are things to explain to you, and there are also great benefits for you. You should seize this opportunity."

"Who do you think you are?"

Su Yan's eyes reveal two lightnings, the overall momentum is hegemony, pointing to the Holy God of War and saying: "There is still something to tell me, who do you think you are? Not a small indestructible body, but also regard yourself as a Characters!"

Surrounded by a sensation, I never thought that Su Yan’s words were so overbearing, small and invincible? Isn't the body not strong enough? His Holy God of War has already won the field of the gods, and the realm of practice is more than Su Yan!

Moreover, He Shengtian is the peerless wizard of Daodian. His weight is great. Is Su Yan's tone a little big?

However, some people have become accustomed to it, and the origin of the lightning king is still large, but now it is lingering over the mountain of funeral, and will soon lose its life.


The Holy God of War is furious, and the whole world is full of boundless invincible Jinhui. The starry sky of the universe is dazzling, this moment is like the world began to churn with his power!

The character of the Holy God of War entered the realm of the gods, and the combat power really exceeded the cognition of the world. The heavens and the earth were magnificent, and there were terrible breaths in the 100,000 miles, like the sky, and the suppression of the eight Ten places!

"A powerful and powerful holy god!"

There are also strong gods here, but from the heart of the tremor, as in the face of a giant, they are heavy breathing, the soul is full of terrible pressure, as in the face of a god.

I have to say that this holy **** also has a proud capital, just like the **** of heaven who is in charge of the sky, and the land is ridiculous.

"Su Yan, you are so bold, dare to talk to me like this!"

The Holy God of War is angry and yells: "I am coming to the commander of the strong temple to come and know me and give me down immediately!"

"It’s ridiculous, what is your qualification for ordering me?" Su Yan couldn’t help but scream: "If you have a fart, let me go, don't bother me to practice. If you have the courage, come up and talk. If you don't dare to roll me away, Lao Tzu. I don't have time to clean up now!"

"Su Yan, you are just too arrogant!"

The holy day of the gods of war is rushing to the rushing, the blood of the sea is bursting out, the impact of the extraterrestrial starry sky has a big shock, the number of unresolved stars tremble at a time, there is a tendency to brush down and fall. .

But the Holy God of War has never dared to go any further. Before coming to the temple, the strong man screamed at him, and he would never climb, or else there would be a great disaster.

Sacred God of War also feels awkward and whispered: "It's a secret of the universe, you don't regret it!"


The people around are shocked. Is it the way to invite Su Yan to join the Taoist temple, and even promise to give him the qualification to enter the universe?

Everyone knows that Dao Dian has mastered a lot of cosmic secrets. He usually picks out outstanding disciples and goes to the cosmic secrets. This kind of opportunity is even the heart of the heavens, but they feel that they have the prestige of Su Yan. Not difficult!

If the Taoist Temple wants to win over Su Yan to join them, it must pay a certain amount of resources.

"Speak clearly, don't cover me!" Su Yan also asked with interest, he was especially curious about the cosmic secrets.

The Holy God of War pressed down the flames in his heart, and said coldly: "Su Yan, you are also a personal thing, but you are obviously not able to climb the peak when you are buried in the mountain, it is better to trade the equivalent!"

"What do you mean!"

Su Yan’s eyes are faintly faint, do you want to bury the mountain?

If other people have the ability to climb, he doesn't care, but if he hits his attention, it's really embarrassing.

"I am not destroying the body!"

The Holy God of War bears his hands and looks proudly: "The flesh is dominated by the same generation. This is the fear of the body of the mountain. It is not difficult to step into the peak with my physical strength."

"If you are willing to hand over the secret of climbing."

The voice of the Holy God of War is slowly said: "It is also a significant contribution to the Taoist temple. It can not only become a descendant of the Taoist temple, but even get the qualification to enter the universe!"

“This is a rare big opportunity!”

Sacred God of War smiled and waved at Su Yan: "Su Yan, you have not yet stepped into the realm of the gods. At that time, you will cultivate in the secrets of the universe, and further study, and the gods are hopeful!"

The people around him were wrong, and I did not expect that the Holy God of War was really ordered.

After all, the qualifications of the universe, he can not personally promise, this is the Dad hall has a big man nodded.

However, the weight of the burial mountain is enough to make the temple pay attention to it. Since Su Yan has mastered the secret of climbing, then as long as he persuaded Su Yan, everything is not a problem.

When he noticed that Su Yan was hesitating, the brow of the Holy God of War was wrinkled, and some impatiently said: "I don't meet? Su Yan, this price is already enough. You can know what the Taoist identity of the disciple inherits." ?"

Su Yan sneered, he really does not care, what can Daodian give him? He does not believe that a force can cultivate itself unconditionally, and there is no saint under the heavens!

At this time, in the distant world, five young gods came out to teach the young strongmen, all of whom were the warriors around the King of Light, and each of them was tyrannical and imposing.

In fact, they have already come, but they dare not go near the mountain of burial, and dare not go to provoke Su Yan!

Not only they, but also gods and three great older generations.

For the King of Lightning, the gods will not give up easily, and the rescue will inevitably save him down the mountain. Although his lightning king suffered a fiasco, it is also the hope of their gods to teach the future!

After all, the original mark of the star domain will not recognize the second person in a short time. Once the lightning king dies, then the gods star field also loses the most proud resources, and the status can be paralyzed!

"Su Yan, we have already known the grudges between you and me before, and today I am waiting to show my attitude!"

The gods taught the three old strongmen to open their mouths, and their postures were very low. One old face was like a wild chrysanthemum in full bloom, showing a false smile: "I can teach a holy medicine to offset the previous grudges. We laugh. Can you be envious?"

Su Yan smiled, and the gods who were waiting for the gods, finally came!

Obviously, the reason why the gods are coming out is definitely because of the Holy God of War.

Sacred God of War also laughed: "It's a good talk, Su Yan, you are about to pass on the Taoist disciples. The King of Lightning has some friendship with me. This man is guaranteed, give me a face and send him down the mountain!"

Above the mountainside, when the Lightning King heard the words of the Holy God, the excited remnants trembled. He saw the dawn in despair and saw the light!

If the real family does not give up on him, it must be said that he moved to the front of the temple to express his feelings.

This funeral mountain is too dangerous, and they can't organize a horse to save him, so only Su Yan can send him safely down the mountain.

"Younger brother, still not going down the mountain!"

The Holy God is urging, waving at Su Yan, and his posture is very high.

At the same time, there is a glimmer of heat in his eyes. How can he not see the creation of the mountain?

Nowadays he is getting closer and closer to the creation, and he can immediately see the opportunity of the life of the Jedi. As long as Su Yan can tell the secret of the mountain of burial, then everything is not a problem!

The strong people who are taught by the gods have some drums in their hearts. I really worry that Su Yan will raise the price again. But since the Holy God is coming, Su Yan will not refuse it?


When Su Yan was seen in silence, Holy God wars frowning: "Teacher, don't you even give this face to your brother? You can be your own brother in the future, there is no need to kill each other!"

"Hey, I don't finish, can you shut me up?"

"Give me a roll!"

A younger brother, really let Su Yan anger, this holy **** of war is running over to make fun of himself? Really be a fool?


In the secret of a universe, in exchange for the secret of the mountain of burial, lost his holy God of war.

"You are bold!"

The sacred anger of the Holy God of War, the whole explosion of the wrath of the sky, the earth and the earth roar, a horrible source of blood, also filled with Scorpio, he is like an undead golden body, exuding The wrath of the sky.

"You count as a fart!"

Su Yan pointed at the Holy God of War and yelled: "I really took myself seriously, and my mother told you to you, who do you think you are? Let me roll right away!"

Between the heavens and the earth, Su Yan’s anger was screamed, and the strong souls were shaken. Every one of them suffocated, and he was letting the Holy God’s gods roll away?


The Holy God of War is furious and angry, and the whole body exudes a radiant glow. It is really like the eternal sun, and the power is soaring.

And he is all vacant!

This moment of the Holy God of War, exudes a terrible power, this is the **** of the peerless god.

"Oh my God, what does the Holy God of War want to do?"

The audience was eclipsed, because seeing the Holy God of War, it seems to follow Su Yan, emulate the posture of Su Yan Boxing Lightning King!

He jumped up to the ground, flocked to the sky, waved his fist, and wanted boxing Su Yan!

"He is following the example of Su Yan Boxing Lightning, and now he wants to boxing at Su Yan, who is at the top of the mountain of burial, which is too powerful!"

Many people are eclipsed, it is very fanatical, can the Holy God of War be successful?

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