Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 912: Fierce

"A good holy **** of war, it is worthy of the fascinating genius of the Taoist temple, a well-deserved young overlord!"

The big guys who are entrenched in the outside world are all bright, and they have never thought that the Holy God of War will be so strong and hegemonic. If they don’t agree with each other, they will take a strong shot. Even he is following the feat of Su Yan Boxing Lightning King!

This scene really shocked the big people of all major groups, and let the high-level celebrity applause applaud. Some people laughed loudly: "Sacred God is arrogant, he is a generation of gods, let Su Yan be strong, and can’t lift it. The bad luck of repression!"

"Yes, once the Su Yan is checked and balanced, you can let it spit out the secret of the mountain of burial!"

"Su Yan has been arrogant for too long. It is time to have a personal shot, let him recognize the cruelty of reality and let his conviction of invincibility be shattered."

Many people are also eclipsed. This holy **** of war is really decisive and overbearing. He directly started. He has long cultivated a peerless attitude and has a cross-cutting attitude of the kings of the world. a bit.

"It seems that the King of Lights has been saved. He has been exposed to Su Yan for so long, and he should have suffered."

The top of the oracle is the most excited. Once Su Yan is checked and balanced, he will not honestly transport the lightning king down the mountain. Maybe the holy medicine will not be paid.


Here, the mountain of burial is full of glory, and the glory is endless. It contains a kind of power that burns the sea and cracks the sea. This is the momentum of the involuntary body, and it is powerful and unparalleled, so that this vast territory is trembled!


The Holy God of War is rising from the ground. He is the young hegemon of the gods. The power of the body is so powerful that the same generation of monks suffocate, the treasures release thousands of qi and blood, and the hard life collapses into the void!


The people nearby are really scared. Looking up at the Holy God of War with a horrified look, it is hard to imagine that this is a god, or even a young hegemon who has just stepped into the mysterious world. It is really outrageous.

"it is good!"

King of Lightning will be excited in the five major battles, and resentful in his heart: "Su Yan is a fart, the Holy God of War has cultivated the realm of the gods, maybe the Holy God of War can kill Su Yan by the way, when the Lightning King must be able to Back!"

"Su Yan, I am giving you a chance, you have to cherish!"

The Holy God of War bears his hands and looks proud. His words are like Hong Zhong, and the earth is moving, the momentum is terrifying, the gods are vast, and they are full of eight wastes.

And his pair of pupils turned into gold, looking at Su Yan, spreading a kind of unquestionable tone!

He is a god, do you want to talk to Su Yan, a **** and a joyful color? If it is not because of the burial of the mountain, his holy **** of war has long been strong, and it is to be repressed to teach lessons.

After all, in the eyes of the Holy God of War, the chaos of the chaos does not allow such awesome people!

Su Yan's series of moves before, completely let the Holy God of War are unhappy, to clean up and collect Su Yan, let him know who the chaos ruins in the world, what is the qualification of a rising star of the waste family?

"I also give you a chance, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Su Yan laughed loudly and stood on the top of the burial mountain. Standing on the **** sea of ​​the corpse, there was a domineering kind of whoever gave me!

"The arrogance is a price!"

The momentum of the Holy God of War has changed dramatically, and his treasure has projected a sacred radiance, and the momentum has completely erupted, and it is even stronger than before.

This also caused the sky to tremble, the sun and the moon have no light, the time and space of the hustle and bustle are shaking, and the tens of thousands of miles have been stunned by an imposing manner.

"A terrible holy **** of war!"

"He must have always wanted to start with Su Yan, or else he would not hide his strength. I really didn't think that the Holy God of War was so strong."

Countless monks exclaimed, and with the momentum of the Holy God of War, this kind of sky-falling picture, like the blast of the ocean, the peerless temperament, emerged my invincible momentum.

In the heavens and the earth, only the holy gods and gods, the radiance of endlessness, raising their hands and raising their feet, the world is cracked, the excavation of the potential of immortality is like reaching the limit, this is an invincible battle body, known as a supreme body!


People saw that the Holy God of War did not say a word, he was throwing a punch, really emulating Su Yan of the year, wanting to boxing to Su Yan on the mountain.

"Well, the Holy God of War is a god, Su Yan is still in the realm of the gods."

"The same level of hegemony, the Su madman has lost a big realm, this is a deadly threat. Is it true that Su Yan is to be majestic and ruined today, and to complete the Holy God of War."

"I am afraid that there is a possibility that the Holy God of War and the gods will fight against Su Yan in the realm of the gods. Is there still suspense? It seems that today Su Yan's invincible myth is about to be ended by the Holy God of War!"

The atmosphere of the audience was ignited to the extreme, and the big names who were entrenched outside were nervous.

When this fist punched out, it was like the sky that suppressed the great world, like the eternal sun that shook the Xinghai, the strong momentum, and rushed to the top of the mountain, and launched a **** suppression against Su Yan!

Everything is blurred, and it is bleak in front of the thrilling boxing of the Holy God.

People seem to see the burial of the mountain, the countless bones are smashed, so this boxing can break a life and death, and attack a restricted area of ​​life.

When this fist is infinitely close to the moment of the burial of the mountain, the loud noise is loud!


Here, the onlookers of the monks brushed the blood, and the gods flew out of the distance, and the powerful men who taught the gods screamed constantly.

"A terrible holy **** of war, holy heaven wins the sky, it is none other than him!"

Some people are excited and yelling. The older generation's strongmen are trembled. There is a kind of heart-felt horror. It is hard to imagine the aftermath of the Holy God of War. They are extremely difficult to bear. It is really like facing a god. , facing a strong person!


The screaming voice suddenly emerged. In this kind of sacredness that made them want to worship, it was very harsh. Some people’s hearts were half-cooled, and there was suspense? Su Yan was severely injured by a punch, the same as the previous lightning king.


Some people screamed fiercely, because they were not Su Yan’s voice.

Let them search for the moment when the screams are screaming, and suddenly discover the sacred screams of the sacred God of the past!

This kind of picture makes all people fall into a sluggish state.

Sacred God of War is not only screaming, his body is shaking, and his body is so strong that he is exalted to the ultimate inexhaustible body, and is in the opposite direction of the body, and rushes to the mountain of funeral!

What is the burial mountain?

It is a magic mountain, a life-stained place where all the great groups in history are chilling.

His holy God of War, arrogant to boxing Su Yan, is equal to the mountain of funeral in boxing!

When his power just touched the mountain of burial, the strange power in the mountain of burial has been led out, greedily engulfing the essence of life in the **** of the gods!

This is far more serious than the mountaineering encounter, which is tantamount to picking up the mountain of burial. This catastrophic consequence falls on the holy **** of war, causing him to scream, the thriving power in the treasure is rapidly depleted, and there is a short-term intake of adults. The trend of doing.

Many people are stupid.

What the **** is this?

This is the domineering shot, boxing Su Yan.

As a result, Su Yan’s clothing corner has not yet been encountered, and the ravages of the burial mountain are dying!

Many people are stupid, and the big men who are entrenched in the outside world are also stupid. They don't know what to say. Some people want to laugh, but they can't laugh.

A picture that is stunned...

Only the old antiques of Dao Dian are very anxious, the potential of the Holy God is very strong, and it is a generation of immortality. The future achievements are limitless, but once he is buried in the mountain, the temple is equal to losing a brilliant wizard.

"Ha ha....hahahaha...."

Only Su Yan was laughing and laughing, and his stomach was hurting. If his holy **** of war died because of this incident, it was really a big laughing stock, a laughing handle that was enough to pass through the ages!


The Holy God of War is unable to care for anything, and is resentful, and wants to break away from the devouring power of the mountain.

But he can't do it at all.

At this time, the Holy God of War was really panicked, and there was a powerful force that broke through the devour of the buried mountain and sealed the blood from the body, but he was extremely difficult to do.

He feels that he really wants to die. The source of life in the body has begun to dry up. There is a big fear from the heart of the mountain of burial. He really wants to swear, who is the **** me? What the **** am I doing here, looking for death?


The Holy God of War was so hard that he tried his best and eventually he resented and roared.

The people in the audience are unbelievable, because the flesh of the Holy God of War is torn apart. What is the situation? Is the Holy God of War already dead, more than the King of Lights?

"this is!"

Some people breathe in the cool air and see the sacred **** of war, turning into a golden color puppet!

The big men who are entrenched in the outside world are shocked. This is a substitute for the body, and even an extremely high-grade goods. As a substitute puppet, this thing can save lives for the gods. His holy gods have such a good thing!

"Su Yan, I want to marry you and make you a corpse!"

The Holy God of War once again appeared in the vicinity of the void, he witnessed the splitting, anger and sigh, this is the treasure of the long history of He Jiazhen, it was destroyed and destroyed.

The Holy Spirit is so angry that the chest is violently ups and downs. A blood is really sprayed out. Not only is the puppet ruined, but his life source is also hit hard. It must be kept for several months, and even a large amount of resources can be restored!

In short, his holy day God of War is bloody!

"Sadly bugs, even my clothes are not touched, but now I blame me!" Su Yan ridiculed him ruthlessly.

"You roll me down, Su Yan, I will marry you!"

The Holy God of War is angry and rushing to the crown, his eyes are red, and the blood is lost. The shame can be thrown into the universe!

"I want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Su Yan’s nephew was cold, and the iron bar was started. He stood on the mountain of the mountain of burial and waved the big iron rod.


It is simply a giant pillar of the sky descending from the sky, swaying the power of terror, and rushing toward the holy **** of war!

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