Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 916: Reincarnation news


The monks onlookers were shuddering, their legs began to soften, and they really couldn’t move.

The price paid is too heavy and horrible. 40,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure liquid and 20,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure, this huge amount of property, even a half-step power, can not come up with so much wealth.

But the gods are really willing to pay!

This also shows that the roots of their peak group are really strong. In this era of constant ancient and strong, the peak group is stronger than the first generation, and these resources can be used for the gods. It is too difficult.

"Nima, the rich and the rich, is really rich, the gods teach the cost of blood, is it worthwhile for a lightning king?"

Several old gods who were present were trembled and squatted.

In order to save a lightning king, it will actually let the gods teach so much wealth, in fact, these resources. The teaching of the gods is not particularly difficult, but it is only a chance to buy Su Yan once, which is more horrible than the wealth that can be spent three and a half steps.

The thunder of the river is black, and they can reach the limit as the master. If there is more, then it will be amazed!

Let the power of God's teachings nod and take resources to save the King of Lightning?

The power will never agree, and will never bow, bow to a Su Yan, the power is not crazy to this extent.

"You still don't agree!"

When he saw that Su Yan had not nodded, the Leiyin River was really anxious, his eyes were red, and if he did not agree, the King of Lights would really not be saved.

In fact, the current King of Lights wants to come out. The reason why the Thunder River is so shouting is that it is because of its potential before release, but his lightning king is full of face, this is not my strength!

Now that he has understood, this is Su Yan secretly making the blind, which makes the lightning king desperate, the lightning lightning, how can Su Yan master? This is the most powerful magical power of the family for a long time.

"Is it!"

Is the lightning king horrified, is it because of the original mark? However, he felt that it was impossible. It was impossible for Su Yan to take his original mark as his own. Otherwise, the world is still not in a mess?

After all, in the era of Hengfeng Hengqiang, the peaks of the great peaks, the original imprint is enough to represent the longevity of the star field!

Just like the ancestral imprint of the ancestral hall, this is the fire of hope they have passed down. Once they are taken away, the Manchu family will be crazy, but the lightning king can't figure out why, Su Yan has mastered the lightning.

And this lightning lightning upright seems to be more proficient than itself, which makes the lightning king want to find a piece of tofu to kill, why should he encounter it all!

Su Yan’s silence made the Thunder River a big head. He could only spend these resources and could not even get it.


The sound of the Thunder River is a bit hoarse: "Su Yan, I use a cosmic secret to trade with you!"

"What do you mean by this?"

Su Yan frowned, and Lei Zhenhe said that he was very careful and cautious. He spread a powerful pressure and isolated his next conversation, which attracted Su Yan’s attention.

A cosmic secret, the value is incalculable, and the gods are willing to spend a cosmic secret?

Seeing Su Yan responding to himself, Lei Zhenhe really wanted to cry, and then he said: "Of course a cosmic secret is for you, you can not take it, I can tell you the location of a cosmic secret, even hidden in it. Great opportunity!"

"Speak up and listen?" Su Yan hearted.

"In fact, it is a cosmic secret. In fact, it is better to say that it is a broken universe!"

The Thunder River language is amazing, attracting Su Yan’s attention, a clue to the broken universe? This information is amazing.

"There is a strange thing in the world, called the reincarnation!"

When Raytheon said this sentence, the voice was shaking, and what was the reincarnation, he believed that Su Yan was clear!


Su Yan is unbelievable. How can he not know the secret medicine of this kind? If the reincarnation of the reincarnation is swallowed, it can be reincarnation, which is equal to another one, and this world will perfect the defects and shortcomings before!

This is a terrible secret medicine. It is the treasure of the blissful eyes of the power. This makes Su Yan feel scared. He said with a sigh of relief: "How do I know if you are telling whether it is true or not? Is it fooling me?"

"And even if it is a reincarnation, why don't I know if it will be a life Jedi?"

Su Yan’s words, let the Thunder River directly solemnly said: “If I say a lie, I can’t die in the future. I can swear by the heart of the road. If I say something empty next, I can’t end it!”

Su Yan reluctantly believed him, swearing by the heart of the road, is equivalent to swearing by the Cosmos Avenue, some things have to believe.

"Well, if you can tell the information that makes me happy, I can let go and let the lightning king down!" Su Yan also nodded.

"it is good!"

The thunderstorm was overjoyed and immediately said: "This round of fruit was discovered by me in the last cosmic era. At that time, the reincarnation was not mature, but in this cosmic era, it has definitely matured!"

"You don't pick it yourself?" Su Yan frowned, the value of the reincarnation, can not be measured by money, there will be people who pay hundreds of thousands of chaotic treasures to buy, and even more.

Lei Zhenhe smiled bitterly: "You have seen the situation of the King of Lightning. In the future, he will not be able to compete for hegemony. This round of reincarnation is not only the mastery of one of us, but the rest of the forces also know!"

Su Yan’s face is so heavy that it turns out to be the case, then the other groups are strong enough to make the gods extremely jealous.

"Su Yan, this is the reincarnation of fruit, this much stronger opportunity and fortification!" Lei Zhenhe Shen Sheng said: "The value of this intelligence does not need to say more, you should be clear!"

Even if Su Yan’s family is everywhere, then he knows that the news of the reincarnation will also be hegemony. After all, this thing is enough for Su Yan to pay a heavy price. If you can really reap the reincarnation, it is an opportunity against the sky!

"You send the lightning king down the mountain, I can give you specific information on the reincarnation!" Lei Zhenhe looked forward to opening.

Who knows that Su Yan’s big sleeves are stunned, his palms are violently magnified, and directly penetrated the halfway up the mountain of the burial mountain, and the lightning king who is dying is caught!

Then, under the stunned eyes around, Su Yan directly threw the lightning king down the mountain!

"Lightning King!"

The young strong men taught by the gods were excited, and the lightning king threw them down. He was saved!

Many people are shocked and this is thrown away.

Even the Thunder River has a trace of trepidation from the heart. Su Yan’s ambiguity is too good, even too decisive. He has not come out at any cost, but Su Yan has sent the lightning king down the mountain.

This is the suffocation of Su Yan, not afraid that they will escape!

If the Thunder River is not interested, and flies away with the King of Lightning, then he does not mind to kill them all!

"Reincarnation, worth fighting for!"

Su Yan’s heart is hot and muttering to himself: “This is Xianzhen. The value is beyond the power of the holy sage. It can be a mad mad treasure, and it can make people rebuild the world and reincarnate one!”

At this time, the Thunder River also threw up three space rings.

Su Yan raised his palm and caught it. He checked it and found that there were 30,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure.

"Su Yan, I will definitely send it in the remaining three days. This is the information of the reincarnation..."

Su Yan listened and waited for the Ledis River to finish the conversation. He felt that the Leiyin River did not lie, in fact, it was not guaranteed to change the life of the Thunder River!

However, the Thunder River directly handed over the last cosmic era, and the strong people of the family discovered the scene of the reincarnation.

This makes Su Yan's heart move, it seems that 80% of the reincarnation is true!

However, there are corresponding conditions and time for the opening of the incomplete universe. At this time, the hegemony of this place is absolutely more fierce than the chaotic channel, and the young overlord will fight for it.

“Is it right or wrong?”

Lei Zhenhe sighed in his heart. He didn’t know whether to tell Su Yan about the reincarnation. Is it correct?

The news of the reincarnation is indeed true, but there are several groups of people who know the news of the reincarnation. The origins are very scary. Once they compete, they don’t know how many strong and dead.

Even Su Yan, it is not necessarily arrogant, and may even fall into the competition for reincarnation.

But can Su Yan survive and even get the reincarnation?

When Lei Tinghe thought about it, he felt that he was afraid, and finally he whispered: "I hope that the King of Light will not let our group of people down, can rise in adversity, and lead the group to glory!"

The Lightning King has consciousness, and he feels safe.

But the whisper of the Thunder River, let the lightning king fear, rise in the face of adversity?

The gods taught this to be calculated by Su Yan!

The lightning in the sky is not what he broke out, but Su Yan is behind him.

"It's over, I am finished!"

This made the King of Lights fearful, because he did not dare to say that he did not dare to say that the loss of lightning was likely to be related to him, although he did not know why he felt related to himself!

But once you say things out.

He estimates that the Thunder River will go crazy. Once the matter is reported to the power of the family, can the Lightning King still survive?

Most importantly, he has lost his original mark. If this matter is known to the family, he does not know what the consequences will be. In short, the King of Light feels that the world is gray, and he is really desperate.

"Abominable, hateful, hateful, Su Yan, ah, I want to kill you!"

In the end, the Lightning King snorted in his heart, and he was so dizzy. He really couldn’t stand it. He doubted his life, and he hoped that he would rise in the future, and his fighting spirit would be wiped out.

"Lightning King!"

They were in a panic, and they took out the secret medicine and began to heal him.

Some people sighed: "The King of Light is the King of Lightning. He rises in adversity. Now he has landed safely. He has slept in the past. The King of Lights still insists on the final moment with strong perseverance!

"Yes, there will be a blessing in the end, and I believe that the future of Lightning can rise!"

The gods and gods are looking forward to the future of the King of Light can create brilliant, wash and humiliate.

Of course, they dare not leave now, do not send Chaos Bao liquid, Su Yan can not let them leave the fun of the mountain half a step.

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