Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 917: Devouring and growing!

Su Yan waited for another three days, and the gods taught him to send the resources.

In fact, before the high-level teaching of the gods, I felt that it was better to leave it. Anyway, Su Yan also had a big hatred. They really didn't believe that Su Yan could be buried from the top of the mountain.

However, at this critical juncture, Raytheon River really did not dare to secretly make a blind man.

The Holy God of War was forced away by Su Yan. Once some accidents occurred, the cost of the previous payment was also paid. In short, things have already reached this point. The Thunder River can only sell tears for the Lightning King.

In this way, when a transaction is completed, the gods and gods are bleeding in the heart, and the cost is too heavy, so that they are terrible, and they hate Su Yan.

There were very few news leaks in this transaction.

A group of monks who had heard the contents of the transaction were severely warned by the gods. This matter has become a mystery. The strong people of all major groups do not know what the gods taught!

But they finally bowed their heads, which is very shocking. The crowds of the peaks bowed to a Su Yan, which is already a big laughing stock.

"The gods are estimated to pay a lot of money. They really value the King of Light, which is beyond my expectations."

"I didn't expect Su Yan to become the ultimate winner. Now I am still sitting on the mountain of Shenshan. It is said that the strongman of the temple went to negotiate and wanted to trade the secret of Shenshan with Su Yan, but Su Yan directly refused."

"This guy, the face of the temple is not given, is he really sure to climb the top of the mountain?"

Some people's faces are cloudy and uncertain. They also want to know the secrets of the buried mountains. They are afraid that they are even difficult to climb. This death Jedi really does not know how Su Yan is standing.

The ancestral temples are no exception, but Su Yan has been staying on the top of the mountain of burial, and they have nothing to take with Su Yan!

"He moved!"

Originally, Zhu Yuanqing was preparing to withdraw the surveillance of space-time mirrors, but the picture presented by this time-space mirror made the faces of the various ethnic groups in the outside world stunned. When Su Yanteng suddenly stood up, he began to step on the top of the mountain!

From this moment on, the audience is silent and silent.

The faces of the ancestral temples and the **** of the ancestors are faintly awkward. Su Yan is climbing, can he really climb to the top!

Some people think it is ridiculous!

In the future, shouldn’t it be the era of the peak group? Including the hegemony of the younger generation, shouldn’t it be the contest between the Northern Demons?

However, from the opening of the ten channels of chaotic ruins to the present, they are paying attention to Su Yan all the time, paying attention to his growth. Now he is standing on the burial mountain of life, and every movement touches his nerve line.

Too many people, don't want Su Yan to continue, want him to go down!

Su Yan squatted and stood still, and he was getting closer and closer to the foothills!

Just take a dozen steps, you can walk to the peak of the mountain of burial, and witness the supreme style of life and Jedi.


Every step of the way out, the earth shakes, the sound of thunder is blasting.

Su Yan is like carrying the ancient sky, step by step, the momentum erupts, his figure is magnificent and magnificent!

In the end, Su Yan stood in the heyday of the times, exuding the power of the gods of the sea, and began to climb to the top of the mountain of funeral!


Su Yan took out five steps in succession, carrying the pressure of Haotian, carrying the pressure of the broken bones, the figure is really tall to the extreme, this moment he is also very brilliant and embarrassing, attracting the attention of the whole field.

Every step of the past, Su Yan's breathing is difficult, as if it has been thousands of years away.

Because it was too difficult, the loss to itself was amazing. When he stepped out of the nine-step time, the audience was boiling. Even if the king of God was discolored, he could go out for a full nine steps.

Su Yan is now only three steps away from the foothills. This makes the strong people of the ancestral halls out of control, angry and low-lying, and feels impossible. Su Yan will never climb the mountain of the mountain!


It’s another step, and it’s really like a catastrophe. The monks at the foot of the mountain are shuddering, and there is a tendency for the flesh to explode!

They were stunned and saw Su Yan bursting indefinitely, full of black long hair dancing, the moment of qi and blood in the body, like the sun is sinking, squandering the world!

Even with such a strong human body, Su Yan’s treasure is also trembled. It’s really like a cosmic star, squatting on his body, to crush everything in Su Yan!


Su Yan Yang Tian shouts, squatting with unlimited pressure, stepping out again!

This step is like stepping on the bones of the gods and gods. The peerless impact force makes Su Yan's body shake, the mouth vomits against the blood, and there are cracks on the flesh, and he must be torn into pieces.

This horrible pressure caused Su Yan to tremble.

"He can't do it!"

Han’s old master, Sen cold, smiled: “The life of the Jedi can easily be broken. Su Yan can never reach the peak. Although it is still a step away, the difficulty of the next three steps is completely different, and even if he is Going up, then a crucial step from the foothills!"

Some people nod and said that they agree that there is a demon domain sneer: "Su Yan masters this kind of secret, but can't dig out the creation. It's really ridiculous. If my family's northern demon comes, it can break the limit. , boarding the summit!"

Some people look at the jokes, and they are relieved to see the problem of Su Yan now. Moreover, it has been more than a year. He is still here, which shows that the limit of Su Yan has arrived!

"He moved again!"

Many people were shocked, and their eyes were rounded up. When they saw Su Yan’s moment, they took an important step forward. When the feet were on the ground, the mountain was like a roaring, like a giant who had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years. Quietly wandering between.

It was a kind of momentum that made the world enough to worship, and it was filled with the monks who were buried at the foot of the mountain. All of them were kneeling on the ground. They worshipped the top of the mountain of funeral.

Because there is a big fear, they simply do not dare to look at the mountain of burial, and feel that they will fall at a glance.

It’s really like the emperor who overlooks the world is waking up, and the gods are fascinating, and there is no qualification for seeing him.

The burial mountain is like a life, spectacular to the extreme, standing between the heavens and the earth, can be called the overlord overlooking the future of the ancient and modern, so that the universe is chilling, even the scenes of time and space mirrors are blurred.

However, they can also see that Su Yan's body is divided and the whole person must be blown into a blood fog!


Su Yan Yang Tianchang, this super-excessive pressure, so that Su Yan really wants to die, his physical control can not be divided, and will soon be crushed into a blood fog!

"Ha ha ha, Su Yan is going to die, and finally fell on the mountain of funeral!"

"He clearly has the opportunity to go down the mountain, but he is not going down the mountain, but he is also thinking about breaking the life of the Jedi and excavating the creation. It is ridiculous."

"With the combination of creation and death, it is obvious that Su Yan's strength is not enough to withstand the creation."

Some people are laughing and some people are in a complicated mood. After all, Su Yan once buried in the mountain of funeral, the secret is permanently buried, and the huge wealth of his body will also be buried on the magic mountain.

This pressure that desperately makes the universe all over the place is on the shoulders of Su Yan.

There is only one sentence to describe it, and it’s broken!

Su Yan is suffering from the sinisterness of the broken bones, but in this desperate situation, his gods finally began to erupt, and the drops of blue liquid treasure bloomed in the sea of ​​knowledge, burning, and the spirit of exuberance to the extreme!

A drop of the gods treasure medicine, is the world's dream of the gods to treasure, this is the essence of the **** medicine, and even let the gods evolve.

Now Su Yan takes out all the essences of the Yuanshen treasure medicine, and ignites the cyan liquid that was born, and swarmed toward the Yuan of Suyan!

Su Yan’s body was stagnant for a moment, including his god.

His **** body, but also the fragrant gas leaked out, Su Yan's forehead is translucent, the interior is like the birth of a piece of Shenyu jade liquid, sprayed out of the haze of light, beautiful.

It is amazingly reflected that when Su Yan’s gods swallowed, his golden soul was blazing a lot. For example, the same small sun was growing rapidly, and the interior was full of hard-to-control spirits!


Su Yan’s **** is like a day in chaos, drinking in the air, and the light of the sun is shining. His **** is turned into a big Buddha sitting in the future, reading the avenue symbol.

The original disk sits in the future, the vague god.

But now because of the nourishment of the Yuanshen treasure, it is more clear and flaming, and with a kind of pressure from the years and the time and space, like the torrent of the sky that is swept in the future, full of unpredictable Shocking the world.

The Golden Gods swallowed a whole nine.

He swallowed all the gods of the gods, and from this moment, Su Yan’s golden gods soared, the soul was surging, the terrible soul was filled, and the unparalleled peerlessness broke out. Attack.

Really like the **** of the gods, the gods are awakening, the soul is rushing to the Han, the golden soul body is intertwined with the whole world, the momentum is like the only true God in the world, the treasure is solemn, shaped like a big Buddha, wanting to be a sentient being!

His gods have been completely transformed, and they have received super strong nourishment. They have soared several times. God's thoughts can completely cover every move of 100,000 miles. Any wind and grass can't hold him.

And when the mighty Yuanshen power, the moment of Su Yan's **** battle.

At this moment, he felt that his own battlefield had been magnified numerous times, his figure was broad, and he stood on the ground, as if it were the only one in the world.

Under his insight into the Yuanshen, Su Yan found that his own practice had many problems and defects. Even the flesh contained some untouched physical treasures. He was in a state of seal and saw a concentrated universe. Hidden in his body!


Su Yan has fully recovered, and he has no choice but to swallow the chaotic treasure, perfect his own deficiencies, and at the same time dig the treasures in the flesh.

He knows that he is about to usher in a big change!

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