Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 918: Excavating physical treasures

The piles of corpses are like the mountains of the mountains, and the gods are fascinating, and the glory is endless!

The picture is rotating too fast, and the picture projected by the space-time mirror allows the strong people of all ethnic groups to breathe in the air, and some people are speechless.

In particular, the strong gods of the gods are gloomy, these are their resources, and now they are being squandered by Su Yan.

Nowadays, Su Yan is suspected of dying and struggling, but he sacrificed endless resources. He did not know how many chaotic treasures were ignited by Su Yan, which led to the emergence of the earthquake scene in the funeral mountain!

The endless source of energy is sprayed, like a million volcanoes erupt together, and the vast chaos of gas runs through the Han Han to the extreme.

And there is a chaotic big dragon emerging, the sideways between the heavens and the earth, the power of chaos, the energy is strong and horrible.

Su Yan has produced a lot of innocence, which is equivalent to the burning of thousands of chaotic treasures. This picture is shocking. Even the gods and gods are jealous. If you can swallow the infinite essence, the life expectancy will skyrocket and the growth will increase.

This extravagant means is really a rare encounter.

But now it is activated by Su Yan. He is sitting on the chaos of the ocean. The flesh of the essence is the essence of the chaos, running through his limbs.

"No reason!"

The king of the gods are all green, like the chaotic treasures of the tides, dare to ask the people of all ethnic groups to have such treatment? But nowadays, all of them are played by Su Yan, and he has to rush off with the most hegemonic attitude!

"Waste, it's too wasteful, a dead person is really a waste."

Some people think that Su Yan is dying and eager to continue life with Chaos Treasure. No one thinks Su Yan is hitting the level.

“How much resources did the gods teach and rescue the lightning king?”

Some people's eyes look at the gods and teach a group of gloomy strong people. The faces of these groups are not good. They provide Su Yan with a great resource. Fortunately, Su Yan is trapped in a desperate situation, otherwise it is really A big trouble.

"You rush to die!"

The high-level face of the gods is ugly, and the price they pay is much more horrible than they think. Su Yan has only played a part. If all of them burst out, it is enough to make half-step powers red.

Su Yan was full of shawls, and he sat under the foothills, under the pressure of burning the world, and trained the flesh with the help of the infinite chaos.

Why choose to rush here?

Because the pressure here is strong enough, it is enough to make Su Yan's insufficiency manifested, but Su Yan captured it with the gods, and forced the body to be recast in an infinite amount of spirit. He must stand in the field of extinction and then treasure his own body. Tap it out!

It takes a long time, not just a few days.

Su Suyan is in charge of a large amount of resources, enough for him to squander, his peace of mind is closed, the whole person is silent in the flesh, silently tempering the body and repairing defects.

Time is slowly passing.

After three days, Su Yan still did not move, and the essence of Chaos Bao liquid did not weaken. This is really a picture of the earthquake. It is difficult to imagine that Su Yan will accumulate such a strong foundation.

It’s just the top ten chaotic passages, but it’s not quiet at all!

Since the ninth chaos of the mountain of the mountain, the other major mountains and mountains have also dissipated.

Just recently, the third chaotic mountain was so beautiful that the fire of the burning world was born, and the monks of the entire third chaotic channel were shocked. They looked at the chaos of the mountains and saw that the mountains were really burning!


Wanling was eclipsed, and the sun outside the round was seen falling down and swallowed by the sea of ​​fire!

There is also a shadow in it, the gods are arrogant, bathing for nine days of fire, the atmosphere is very flamboyant, the temperature is horrible, and the air can be evaporated to the ocean. When he wakes to the extreme moment, there is a round of big day behind. Explicit!


The big men were all shocked. This is the impotence of the Jiuyang religion. It is against the sky. People are faintly seeing that Yangshuo is like a piece of one, burning the flames of chaos, emitting the power of burning the sky, burning the sky. Broken!

"God, this is terrible!"

"Now it is enough to prove that the auction of the Phoenix Pavilion, the source of Chaos fire, was merged by Yangshuo!"

"That is one of the strongest sources of chaos in the world, and today Yangshuo blends this thing, and it is enough to win the world of the gods!"

The whole audience boiled, the gods of the gods taught the face ugly, the original Yangshuo and the lightning king is a strong field, but now, Yangshuo has been standing in this field, and the lightning king is still in the family.

This gap is too big, which makes them extremely hateful to Su Yan, can't wait to see him now broken!


Another few days passed, a low snoring, shaking Wanshan, shaking the stars!

Like the beast of the beasts, the cosmic creatures of the earthquake are trembled, and this sound seems to be released by the king of beasts.

It is also a horrible existence, and the era of the Northern Demon is coming. The tall body of the golden scales reveals the power of the horrible demon god, so that the vast Tianzhu Avenue will resonate!

In the process, some people vaguely saw that the northern demon resembled a unicorn, and a shout of shouting, shook the moon in a universe, filled with the momentum of the eternal hegemon, shaking the third chaotic channel.

"My family, the northern demon, finally entered the field of the gods, hahahaha!"

The strongmen of the Northern Demon family laughed and laughed, and anyone can see clearly. The mighty and prosperous of the Northern Demon, swallowed 100,000 miles, and the demon gas was filled with Cangyu, lingering with endless prestige.

Some people are suspicious. Is it true that the Northern Demon is a source of qi in the ancient animal of Qilin? If this is the case, then it will be against the sky. This is a peerless material that is not inferior to the roots of chaotic fire. It is even very suitable for the Northern Demon.

During this time, the top ten chaotic channels suffered major shocks.

The peak of Renjie, one after another, successfully succeeded, and even more peerlessly, it will be a strong force to enter the field of the gods. It can be said that it is a big eruption era. After all, the chaotic channel is open for a long time, and this day should come.

"Zhoutian never broke through?" Some people doubted: "The tenth chaos is not much moving."

This caused some people's laughter: "Zu Tian has long left the chaotic channel, he does not need to use the chaos of the mountain to break through, the ancestral hall in the chaotic ruins but master a lot of cosmic secrets!"

Some people suddenly realize that they are also bitter and laughter. This is really a human being than a popular person. The ancestral halls of the people have a cosmic secret. Perhaps the chaos and ruins of the great powers have opened up the cosmic secrets of their own group and enhanced the strength of the younger generation. .

But the ninety-nine percent of the monks will need to try their luck and try to find some cosmic wonders.

"The era of dragon fighting is coming!"

The strongmen of the older generation are also stunned, and the land of creation is about to end. The next step is the secrets of the great universes, and even the struggle for the universe.

Some people looked at Su Yan with mercy eyes and sighed: "Poor Su Yan, life and death have not yet been made clear, he has been trapped in a desperate situation for ten days and ten nights, and no amount of resources can not help him to squander!" ”

"His enemies have stepped into the realm of the gods, but Su Yan is still stuck in the realm of the gods. His practice has fallen a lot, and it is extremely difficult to catch up in the future."

"Yes, Su Yan has been in the mountain for a year or two, and if it is not down, it is mostly abolished!"

Some people commented and said their own opinions.

They were also very concerned about Su Yan. After they learned that Su Yan was still burying the mountain, he sneered: "I hope he will go down the mountain. We are waiting for him in the road. If he lives down the mountain, I will come back!"

The pursuit of the Northern Demon's war will be full of excitement, and now the North Demon has a successful accomplishment, and its combat power has doubled. Once again, facing Su Yan, it will inevitably suppress Su Yan in the most glorious era!

Nowadays, the situation of the top ten chaotic channels is clear.

Young and powerful people who have stepped into the field of the gods have entered the vast world of chaotic ruins.

In the coming years, there will be a variety of shocking news that will be transmitted frequently.

Of course, the ruins of chaos do not limit the power of the gods and kings, but for some cosmic secrets, most of the cosmic secrets can not withstand too strong creatures, because these long-term past, these cosmic secrets have come to the extreme.

Once an overly powerful monk breaks into it, there is a good chance that the secret of the universe will collapse!

Among the ruins of chaos, the cosmic mystery and the creation of the incomplete universe are the rare treasures they must fight for.

Here at the burial mountain, he is still noticed and attentiond, and all the major forces have monks here to pay attention to the trend of Su Yan, after all, it is a life of the Jedi.

Time passes by.

Every day, Su Yan is nourished by the massive chaotic essence, scouring his flesh and bones, which also causes his body to be as bright as crystal, without flaws.

Su Yan’s body has undergone a break and has undergone restructuring.

This is constantly going back and forth, as if I have experienced many physical reincarnations.

All of this stems from the terrible pressure of Chaoshan Xianshan, which allows Su Yan to break the previous defects and recast the new body.

He didn't know how much chaotic treasure he swallowed. In short, Su Yan spent countless resources. In the end, he slowly contends against the pressure of oppression between the heavens and the earth. His body is faintly swaying and piercing the sky. The blood of blood!


Inexplicable, there is a sound.

At first it sounded erratic, but this sound appeared one after another, and the momentum was once more magnificent than once!

The ancient creatures that seem to be sleeping are in the air!

A sudden change, the monks at the foot of the mountain were trembled, because they felt that Su Yan had a certain awakening!

"That is....."

Then they stunned, seeing a shadow wrapped in the power of the infinite chaos, a heart blazing, it was opened up some kind of innate potential, some hidden physical treasure, just like being opened a concentrated ancient universe !

This also led to the infinite amount of chaotic essence running through the heart of Su Yan. This heart seems to have swallowed a chaotic ocean, and the moment inside the back channel, the smashing of the hidden flesh treasure!

"how is this possible!"

Their scalp is numb, what is this?

Su Yan seems to have swallowed thousands of pounds of chaotic treasures at once, only to open up the hidden treasures in the human body, as if a universe has opened, and like the same mouth, the Tiangu is shaking, and it is falling into a moment!


The kind of horrible pressure caused many onlookers to fly out like a kite.

They vomited and vomited, and the blood in the body couldn’t stop, as if they were being smashed by lightning.


They trembled, and this is how the vast blood is flowing, and it sounds nine days of thunder!

The metamorphosis of the heart, let Su Yan the whole person, release the essence of life as thick as the sky, really like the same mouth furnace burning, burning the world to steam into a **** hole!

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