Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 919: 苏 Tenjin?

"This is too strong, Su Yan is awakened again!"

At the foot of the mountain, the monks trembled, and they couldn’t help Su Yan’s self-exhaustion.

At this moment, Su Yan seems too tall and mighty, and the blood in the body runs through the Han Han. It is like a thousand real dragons, and the blood is shining, which has become a shocking picture!

All the onlookers are dumbfounded, how can this change occur?

It is a pity that the images of space-time mirrors are limited, and the big people of all ethnic groups do not know what happened. They just saw the blood of the rushing, filled the universe, and exuded the thunder of the thunder!

“Does Su Yan break through the field of the gods?”

Some people stuttered, causing some people to start to nod, or else how Su Yan would become so powerful, this is not in line with common sense, unless he really broke through the realm of the gods.

This is a picture of the limit being broken, so that Su Yan is exposed to a new world of heaven and earth, as if it has cut off its own shackles, the whole people are bursting out, and the sky is full of blood!

He is too splendid and eye-catching, and his body is smashing, and the blood that spreads through the body runs through the Han Han, and the energy of the pores is slightly leaked, and they all penetrate the heavens and the earth!

In the heavens and the earth, only Su Yan is immortal, and the light that shines makes people's eyes hurt. This monk near the mountain of burial is directly stunned, and why is it always so contrasted with what they expected?

“Is this a sign that the limit is broken? I think I am now a strong man in the realm of the gods!”

Su Yan whispered, he suddenly felt that the world could not accommodate him, and it seems that the hand can penetrate the Cangwu Avenue. This is a manifestation of the strongest to the extreme, this Su Yan is shocked and happy!

As long as he stands up and clarifies, people will think that Su Yan is a strong man in the realm of the gods. This has to be said to be quite amazing and against the sky, breaking the world's awareness of the limits of combat power!

In fact, this is just the first human treasure. To open the treasure hidden in the human body, you must have a huge amount of support!

Of course, the rest of the human treasure is not as grand and spectacular as this treasure. As long as you spend some time and resources, you can force it to open and temper his body to the extreme!


He shines as a whole, directly swallows a huge amount of chaotic treasure, and begins to continue through the rest of the human treasure.

Every day, Su Yan’s breath will be strong!

It is hard for the world to imagine what Su Yan has experienced. Has it been rushed to the field of the gods, and even what did he get on the mountain of burial?

"What happened in the end, what secrets are hidden in the mountain of burial!"

The faces of the strong people of the ancestral temples are gloomy and their moods are not smooth. They feel that they have to get out of their hearts. If they don’t know what Su Yan has done in a day, they will not be able to feel at ease.

They don't care if Su Yan breaks through the realm of the gods and really cares about it. It is the result of Su Yan's harvest at the top of the mountain. This is the result of the top priority.

The picture above the mountain of burial is sacred to the extreme.

Everything stems from the picture of the birth of Su Yan's sprint. The heavens and the earth are extremely violent, and everything is covered. Bloody and purgatory spaces are covered up!

Su Yan's body is full of blood, such as the tide is emerging, surging, spectacular to the extreme.

Every day, his body is magnificent. This kind of power is extremely difficult to control. Because he is strong enough, he can kill the corner of the sky.

Su Yan's overall blood is full, the four fields roaring in the breath, really sturdy to the extreme, it is extremely difficult to go any further!

"Is it really the realm of the gods?"

Su Yan asked himself, he felt that he had never been tyrannical, and even regarded it as his use. This is the power that the gods should have, but Su Yan touched it in advance.

Su Yan felt that his repairing walk had been completed, and he had excavated the physical treasures and stood in the field of the same generation. Once the breath broke out, the horrible avenue was enough to suppress the kings and become a strong man in the field of gods. .

"Is not it, my body is in possession. As long as I prove that God is finished, I can be regarded as a true god, but I have the power of the gods in advance!" Su Yan is excited and cultivated to this step, he is already a unique person. The strong!

He estimated that from the current cultivation time, it would take a few years to reach the field of the gods.

However, the resources that were lost in these days are huge. Su Yan estimated that at least 20,000 kilograms of Chaos Treasure Liquid was consumed. This is a huge fortune. Su Yan was shocked. Although he broke some limit, he also spent enough. Strong price.

“Is the world of heaven and earth in history different from the present?”

"If everyone can take my path, who can support this intensity of practice, is it understandable that the resources of the heavens and the earth are scarce, and the heavens and the earth in history cannot be the same."

"This is also enough to show that the importance of the cosmic reality, some of the incomplete universe, may be related to prehistoric times."

Su Yan whispered in his heart. He felt that his situation was very special. It was really like a god. He could arrogate his power to the extreme field and compete with the overlord of the gods!

"In fact, no matter how strong my body is, I am preparing for the next step!"

Su Yansi, the field of the gods, he wants to use the physical breakthrough, not to be unified with the Cosmos.

This may be difficult. Su Yan does not know what will happen if he breaks through. He has never heard of this practice before, which is equivalent to reversing the rules of the universe, fearing that it will not be easy to pass.

Of course, the facts are also unpredictable. Everything is built on itself. As long as Su Yan’s body is strong enough, he can try it. Even if he encounters the murder of the heavens and the earth, he can survive with his own super physical strength.

"The breakthrough!"

Su Yan will open the realm of difficult self-control, his overall resonance, the light of the avenue burns, the moment of the whole body breathing, the essence of the chaotic treasure floating in the void, all flowing back to the treasure of Su Yan!

"Boom!" All of a sudden, Su Yan's momentum once again increased, he went through the eight heavens in the field of the gods, the momentum is strong to the extreme, one step can be able to win the peak of the gods!

"God, Su Yan can continue to erupt, enhance!"

"He definitely stepped into the realm of the gods, otherwise he could not have such a strong combat!"

"Unbelievable, Su Yan has only crossed the realm of the gods for two or three years, but now he is standing in the realm of the gods, does Su Yan break the speed of some practice?"

The audience was sensational, and all the onlookers were unbelievable. The speed of this practice made them desperate. So young people stepped into the realm of the gods, then the king of God will be far away from Su Yan?

Su Yan is intimidating, such as a young **** king, sitting on the top of the mountain of funeral, full of a kind of arrogance of the world, but I am the only one!

This kind of embodiment is really a shocking world. It is really like a young **** king sitting between the heavens and the earth. The figure is blazing, the blood is so bloody, and it is rolling, and this day can not cover the momentum of Su Yan, and it is rumbling!

"He is a god, definitely a god!"

No one thinks that Su Yan is still a god, or Su Yan’s current situation is difficult to explain clearly. After all, Su Yan spreads a kind of great force, and the crushed Tianzhu roars and screams. This is the most direct manifestation of the gods. !

"Su Yan was actually on the mountain of burial and rushed into the field of the gods. Can you understand that he has gained a great opportunity?"

"It's hard to say, but I always feel that Su Yan's harvest on the mountain of burial should be even more amazing than the harvest on Chaoshan Mountain!"

"There is no reason, the life of the Jedi in the past, and now it has completed Su Yan, but he has not yet entered the peak state."

Some people are silent, some people are talking, some are crazy!

In short, all this Su Yan experienced, it is extremely difficult for them to believe, but the picture projected by the space-time mirror tells them the truth, Su Yan once again sublimated, and the fighting power doubled.

"How do I feel that the heaven and earth environment is suppressing me?"

After Su Yan rushed off, there was not much joy, but the face appeared dignified.

He felt that he was strong enough, but he found that the world environment is suppressing himself. It seems that Su Yan has embarked on the path of prehistoric ancients in the realm of the gods, which has led to the current cosmic environment not tolerating itself!

This makes him frown, this connection is amazing!

The cosmic environment has changed, and it originated from the age of the Xianxing Earth. There was a section of ancient history that had a fault.

It is a pity that he does not know all about the land of Xianxing, or else it may be possible to speculate on what kind of changes have occurred in the universe.

Of course, this suppression is not too strong. Su Yan has not yet reached the point where it caused the suppression of the rules of the universe. Only when it is strong enough, may it be suppressed, but that is a strong creature.

"I am so weak now, I shouldn't think about it, it's easy to get lost!"

Su Yan shook his head. He was the realm of the gods. In the future, he has one level after another. From the gods, to the gods, to the king of God, the light level is enough to make it difficult for hundreds of millions of people to live.

Su Yan stood up straight and stretched his limbs. His nephew also fell on the top of the mountain of funerary.

"Does he want to climb?"

This scene touched their nerves, and everyone wants to know what opportunities exist in the mountains of the mountains.

Su Yan has been infinitely close, and even his realm has been broken, it is likely to sprint up!


Suddenly, people saw Su Yan walking!

But his shadow is blurred, even the space-time mirror can't see too much picture!

Then they were scared and uneasy, Su Yan disappeared and disappeared on the mountain of funeral!

"He went up, God, he went up so easily!"

"Life is Jedi, it was broken by Su Yan!"

The face of the audience was amazed and exclaimed.

The gods of the great powers of the ancestral hall are all green, how can Su Yan climb up!

After a long period of time, the burial mountain has experienced one after another of the cosmic era, and no one can climb to success.

However, Su Yan not only lived on the mountain of burial for more than a year, but he climbed to the top of the mountain of burial and disappeared into the eyes of the world!

In this way, a young man, in charge of the flag of the Emperor of Heaven, climbed to the top of the mountain of burial, as if he had embarked on the road to return to his homeland, leaving only one footprint, and disappeared into the eyes of the world.

This day, destined to be loaded into the ancient history, the world is shocked, a life of the Jedi, so Suer is broken!

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