Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 920: Boarding

Su Yan broke the evil spirits of the endless years of the funeral mountain, and successfully climbed the summit!

Once this matter is circulated, it will inevitably shock the world. Even the mighty will pay close attention to it. After all, this burial mountain is a life of the Jedi, the life of the Jedi in the past, not to mention the opening, even if it is a very difficult time to explore.

Su Yan miraculously spent a year or two on the mountain of funeral, nowadays it is on the peak, which has to stun the world, the faces of the large groups of their ancestral halls are gloomy to the extreme!

After all, Su Yan is likely to gain unimaginable opportunities. Of course, no one knows what is on the top of the mountain of burial, perhaps there are opportunities, and there may be dangers.

They want to understand, but the burial of the mountains, even under the insight of time and space, is blurred, there are horrible years of power in the vague, the pattern of anyone's exploration, the power standing in front of the funeral mountain, also see The scenery that does not penetrate the mountains!

"I wish he died on the top!"

The deities of these groups of people in the demon domain are big, do not want to see Su Yan down the mountain, if he really harvested something unfortunate, this variable is really too big!

"I hope he lived down the mountain and brought back the secret of the mountain!"

The tone of the Han family's old master is unusually gloomy and indifferent: "A small person in the district, even if it has strong potential, but in the chaotic ruins here, the strong dragon has to lie down, the genius of the world must be low-key, we are the chaotic ruins. Master!"

These groups of Han families have risen one after another in the ruins of chaos, and the foundations are strong and enduring. These groups are the biggest beneficiaries in the ultimate hegemony of chaotic ruins.

They really don't believe it. Can a person still go to heaven and master such a terrible secret without dying?

Even if they are mastered by the Northern Demon, there will definitely be someone coming to let him reveal the secret of the mountain of burial!

After all, this life is the place where the power is all red. If someone comes back with a secret, can those people sit still? The answer is definitely impossible. Once Su Yan goes down, it means a big disaster!

Many unrelated strong people are tempted, but they hope that Su Yan will go down the mountain and bring back the secret that no one has cracked for a long time.

Some people even act in secret, secretly unite, want to make a big move!

"Bad, I think they want to unite, want to dry Su Yan!"

Some old strongmen have noticed that the atmosphere here is not right. There are terrible killings in the dark, cold bones, making them look dignified. Some people do not want Su Yan to leave the chaotic channel alive.

Even the irrelevant strong people are all witnessing the killing, the opportunity of life Jedi is too great, they can't sit still!

"If he goes down the mountain, he will die!"

These groups of monsters have difficulty controlling their inner killings. For the hidden secrets of life and the land, it is worthy of the Thunder's shot. Even the old leaders who provoke the funeral family do not care. The determination to kill Su Yan is even stronger.

Only this is the ruins of the mountain of the gods, that is, the chaos of the mountains of the chaos, Su Yan's experience is beyond everyone's expectations!

Su Yan Deng Linfeng, he felt shocked, a kind of incitement from the soul, his eyes were watching all around, there was a suffocating mood fluctuation, like being crushed in the abyss, the heart produced an extraordinarily small mood.

The mountains are big, the big ones can't be imagined, it's just as vast and magnificent as a universe!

Chaos of the mountains of the mountains, grand and peerless, seems to cover one after another life star domain, seems to be able to cover the entire universe, magnificent and unimaginable.

There are amazing years and time and space strengths. The area where Su Yan stands tall looks very small. In fact, it is as vast as a life star field. This makes Su Yan hairy. What a terrible time and space force!

This is equivalent to a grain of sand to fill the sea!

In short, the chaos of the mountains, each material, is extraordinarily grand, especially Su Yan standing in the chaos of the mountains, especially small, even dust is not counted.

"This is really how big the heart is, how big the world is. It is estimated that the big power will be shocked. It is hard to imagine how this world was formed!"

Su Yan tongue, how many creatures can this mountain of the mountain carry? It is hard to imagine, the legendary nine great Xianshan, this chaotic fairy mountain, in the end what a magnificent power, it is also unimaginable.

"How can such a terrible bloodshed occur in such a terrible world?"

Su Yan whispered, can not help but waved the flag of the Emperor, this blood-stained battle flag is a symbol of the group, once their group has been here to fight for hegemony, killed here.

Su Yan is thinking, is it related to the name of the Emperor?

What does the Emperor represent? What kind of person is it a prehistoric strongman? Is it related to the family of the funeral domain? In short, too many mysteries, Su Yan wants to understand.

He felt that he should be able to find some answers he wanted after the funeral mountain!

Su Yan began to cross the purposelessly, the world is too grand, he crossed the day and night, hoping to see some major discoveries exploring ancient history.

"I seem to have been crossing for eight days and eight nights, but how do I feel that even one in ten thousand territories has not crossed the past?"

"It's too big here. Even if the **** king is coming, I am afraid that it will not be able to search for the ruins of the mountain after a few years. It may take decades, hundreds of years..."

Su Yan was more and more shocked. He left some coordinates along the way. This is the way back. If he can't find a clue, he must return. Otherwise, the delay will be too long.

Even Su Yan is thinking, chaotic Xianshan, will there be the same hole as Tianshan? Will it take the opportunity to enter the interior of Chaoshan Xianshan?

Su Yan wants to find this entrance!

In this way, he crossed the goal without aim, and did not know how long, eventually Su Yan felt a shock, because he found some buildings!

"Buildings, is there an ancient man who practiced in the mountains and even opened up a dojo?"

Su Yan’s mood was stirring. He quickly came to his destination. The years of existence of these buildings were difficult to estimate. Almost all collapsed, but after a long time, these buildings did not decay!

He was shocked and moved. He continued to search inside the collapsed buildings. In short, there were more and more buildings. Su Yan felt that there would be an ancient city here? Directly collapsed, will it be related to the battle of the funeral mountain?

He tried to dig out some ancient books from the collapsed buildings, not to mention that they were actually found by Su Yan.

However, with the loss of years, these ancient books Su Yan just touched it and turned it into a gray fly. Even if he used the mind to explore, it also turned into a gray fly.

Su Yan’s face was full of horror, and he finally sighed: “Time, you can really bury some, cover up everything, how many years have existed in the universe, who knows, there must be an era older than the fairy land!”

"One generation after another, who can keep up with time and live forever?"

"In this world, can't we never die forever? Shou and Tian Qi?"

"Perhaps there are times in the future, and we are very curious about our time. We want to explore the big events happening in our time!"

Su Yan thought a lot, and his spirit was awkward, or could people be strong enough to suppress the universe?

Su Yan shook her head and smiled. I really thought more.

He continued to search aimlessly, instinctively telling him what to gain, so he always searched for the collapsed buildings.

Time is quietly lost...

One month has passed, and Su Yan really smiles. How big is this tribe? Even the major peaks in the universe today do not have such a vast residential area.

“Perhaps there was an unimaginable group of forces here, on the Chaoshan Mountain.”

"I really don't believe it. I can't find a piece of useful information here, sprinting inside."

Su Yan did not believe in evil, and continued to carry out the search. His speed was very fast, and he was not inferior to the gods. He was so fascinated by the shrinking of the ground and the pressure of Su Yan, and he went all the way, step by step, and began to madly toward the inside. Sprint.

In this way, the whole three days and three nights of madness!

His face finally changed on this day, and the incredible eyes looked at the road ahead, and the buildings along the way were scattered.

It’s just that when he looks up at the dawn, it’s like seeing the scorpio, the grandeur of the grandeur, and the buildings that have been going through a long period of time, always exuding a kind of horrible Tianwei. !

Su Yan trembled because he had an impulsive, impulsive rush!

what is this?

The building suspended in the top of the sky is like a heavenly palace that is built to cover the future of the world.

How many times have passed!

However, the buildings floating above nine days still exude a charm, which shows that there was a terrible existence in the prehistoric times and lived in the dojo.

"Is this a fairy palace? Is it heaven?"

Su Yan looked at all this, he couldn't see the end, just could see the corner of the picture!

In short, all this has a great impact on Su Yan, even at the moment of his shock, the silent Heavenly Emperor's flag is autonomously shining. It is as alive and awakened, and swaying down.

"Are you returning to your hometown?"

“Have you been the dojo of your group?”

“Is this the dojo of the Emperor’s practice?”

Su Yan issued a lot of questions, in short, all of this wants him to rush to explore.


Su Yan’s movements did not hesitate, and rushed directly to Tianzhu. The figure was like a lightning bolt, too fast.

It’s just that Su Yan’s current speed, he thought he could prance up.

Who knows that the more rushing, the magnificent buildings floating above nine days, the more prosperous the exuberance, let Su Yan have a tendency to be suppressed!


Su Yan screamed at the sky and continued to surge with amazing pressure.

If he was on the top of the mountain of burial, reinventing the flesh, and discovering the success of the physical treasure, he felt that he was not qualified to attack, but now it is different, Su Yan dares to challenge all difficulties.

Can this be counted as the place where Tianbing Tian will live?

On the final day, Su Yan shocked and rushed to the building that floated above nine days!

At this moment, Su Yan, like stepping on a golden avenue, this avenue, Ruixia billions of people, steaming Xianhui, if the golden avenue of the ancient and modern future!

As for the end of this golden avenue, stands a huge door, like the door to open the fairy world, people standing under the giant door, as small as dust.

But when Su Yan looked at the door of the door, his soul would be solidified. It was three fonts that exuded the supreme majesty. He could not recognize the text, but he realized that the avenue Xianwei revealed in the text, knowing it What the **** is it!

"South Tianmen!"

Su Yan was shocked. What is this? Is the mythical event circulating in mythology? Is this heaven?

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