Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 921: Ancient heaven

Su Yan’s stunned, almost sluggish gaze, the ancient plaque above the huge gate.

He certainly couldn't recognize the text, but he could figure out the meaning of the three words from the fuzzy Xianwei distributed by these three fonts. This is Nantianmen!

Su Yan lost his time.

Nantianmen, in the story of ancient Chinese mythology, there is also a South Gate!

In the mythical story, the court of the heavenly court, but now Su Yan is on the top of the mountain of burial, seeing the three characters of Nantianmen, which made him somewhat lost, and then he thought that the earth is the ancestor star!

Is the Nantianmen in mythology and legends really existed? Or does heaven exist?

This makes Su Yan feel unbelievable, how familiar the name is, among the ancestors, the story about heaven is widely spread among the people. Is this not written by the ancients, but a historical event that has existed in reality!


Su Yan stuttered and said: "Is it not to be said that the family of the burial domain is really related to this mysterious group. Is that a heavenly emperor belonging to the mysterious group of heaven?"

Su Yan has a feeling of touching the corner of the truth!

His heart is stirring, this is about an ancient history that has passed away, an event that has been covered up by the years. There may have been a group of people, ordering nine days and ten places, and ruling the six in eight!

The title of this group is likely to be heaven, and his leader is probably the Emperor!

Of course, all this is only a speculation, but Su Yan can confirm that the Emperor's battle flag is absolutely related to the heavenly court, and today the emperor's flag is in self-recovery, guiding Nantianmen.

"How long ago, the heavens have existed, is it the supreme ruler of the universe?"

Su Yan’s breathing is heavy. In short, there is too much connection between them. He couldn’t think of it. He will see Nantianmen at the top of the Chaoshan Mountain. Can it be said that this is the land of heaven?

Of course, all this is just a guess. Su Yan can't confirm it at all. Even if Tian Ting really existed, can it be said that this is the Tianting site?

"I would like to know, what is the connection between this group and the funeral family!"

Su Yan whispered, people have curiosity, although the goal of Su Yan now is to become the pillar of the group, rewriting the pattern of the current family of the funeral, leading the group to the peak.

However, for the things of the former family, Su Yan could not wait to understand.

He followed the Golden Avenue step by step to the South Gate.

This road is very long. On the Golden Avenue, Ruixia is hundreds of millions of people. It is full of sacred meteorology. Suyan is like a pilgrimage, and the treasure is solemn and the body is flowing.

And he is in charge of the Emperor's battle flag, like a tribe who once left the group, returning to his hometown!

Su Yan can understand all the time, the vast Tianwei in the South Tianmen, this is a terrible to the extreme momentum, affecting the human will, and involuntarily gave birth to a cult.

The long years have passed, and this kind of heaven is still there. It is hard to imagine the glory and prosperity of this group!

When Su Yan infinitely approached Nantianmen, his soul was trembled, because the Tianwei was even more terrifying. His own small ants were inferior, and it was insignificant for Nantianmen.

In fact, this is just a door. It is still unclear what is inside Nantianmen, what the legendary heaven is like.

Su Yanyi wanted to be connected again and again. His temperament was more and more solemn and he did not dare to disrespect the South Tianmen.

I always feel that there is something in between the heavens and the earth. I am staring at myself. Maybe as long as he gives out a different air machine, it will definitely be destroyed by the earthquake!

When Su Yan came to the front of Nantian's facade, he really felt that the world was too grand. The whole Nantianmen was a world, huge and vast, showing the fluctuations that made him suffocate, so that Su Yan could not breathe!

"too horrible!"

He is from the heart of the chills, and by this kind of power, Su Yan is extremely difficult to bear.

Then is this Nantianmen, is it a supreme treasure? Is the town here to protect the heavens? Or Su Yan is thinking, since this treasure has no owner, can it be taken away as the gate of the ancestral star?

If you can move Nantianmen away, it is really quite against the sky and horror. Who can threaten the galaxy in the future, who can break Nantianmen?

Of course, this matter Su Yan just think about it, even if it really gives him a supreme treasure, it is difficult to get the approval of Su Yan’s current road to get the best of the best!

"I can not get in!"

Su Yan wants to step into Nantianmen, but finds that there is an invisible barrier that blocks his footsteps and prevents him from taking a half step.

With strong power, it is tantamount to idiots and dreams. Su Yan is even more difficult to bear with the pressure of his own self-distribution.

"I want to go in!"

Su Yan’s double fists clenched and the body was full of blood. He wanted to step into Nantianmen and watch the legendary heaven!


Just at the moment when his blood was erupting and blood was flowing, Nantianmen suddenly stunned. It seemed to sleep for hundreds of millions of years. Now it is faintly awakened. If it stands in another time and space, it will emit a lot of Xianwei. Enough to shock the nine days, order the world!

And Nantianmen projected a clear glow, just like opening the sky, paying attention to Su Yan.


In a flash of Guanghua, Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, uncontrollable start to scream, his body's potential can not control the leakage, the overall divine power is constantly burning, revealing the thoroughness of the road!

A generation of absolute hegemony, no matter what kind of environment, in what kind of pattern, can exude the glory and glory of Su Yan itself!

He looked tall and stood in front of the facade of Nantian. He held the flag of the Emperor in a single arm, just like the stalwart of Nantianmen, swallowing the sky!


The next moment, the huge blood of Su Yan's body rolled up, and the blurred nine-color blood suddenly ignited. This is the mysterious and amazing of the nine-color blood, like the blood of nine colors!

Su Yan is full of nine-color fairy glory, like the king of the king for nine days, behind the vision of thousands of, there are chaotic waves floating in time and space, there are standing on top of each other, they seem to start moving, looking at Nantianmen.

This is Su Yan's special blood and vision. He will not be released easily. Now, under the outbreak, he suddenly caused the shaking of Nantianmen. It seems that Nantianmen began to shake because of his return!

With the vibration of Nantianmen, the entire sleeping heaven has recovered. What kind of embodiment is this? If the sleep is in the ancient years, there is a spiritual will to control the nine days and ten places!

The magnificent heaven, the glory of the fairy, the majesty of the weather, like the Heavenly Emperor Palace that spans the future of the ancient and modern, spurs the fluctuations of time and space!

Su Yan’s heart was stirring and he felt that his blood was boiling. He noticed a call!

Heaven seems to be welcoming Su Yan and welcoming the people away from home!


And Su Yan heard the sound of the Tiangu swaying, screaming in the sky, shaking into the depths of the human soul, let Su Yan uncontrollable into the South Tianmen.

The moment of entering this place is really like breaking into a brand new country. It is also like crossing the vast river of the ages, crossing the prehistoric cycle, and entering a new time and space, a new universe dimension.

This kind of picture is difficult to express in words!

It’s not enough to describe it with brilliance. The picture inside Nantianmen makes Su Yan feel a little embarrassed and feels wrong.

what is this?

The Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavens, standing in one huge palace like a heaven, are densely packed and cannot be seen at the end, just like the hundreds of millions of troops gathered here, ready to launch a magnificent expedition.

Every figure is terrifying, tall and majestic, exuding the demise of sweeping the army!

The grandeur of this pattern and the spectacular picture make Su Yan's spirit more and more embarrassing. He is like a sleepwalker.

He did not speak, no words.

Because the whole world was too quiet, he came to a platform full of heavy heavens, mixed into the endless warriors, as they looked up and stood on top of the nine days, standing in the palace, the dense Tiantian days will.

This picture is really unbelievable. What kind of army is this?

Su Yan feels that once this army is killed, it can swept the universe, suppress all turmoil, crush all glory, and smash all enemies.

The world is very quiet, and Su Yan and the whole world are also out of place.

He tried to ask the people around him, want to know what happened, what is here, how many years have you been here!


On that day, the sound of the drums continued to blast, and finally the last drum sound fell, the endless days of the soldiers, Fuxi on the ground, in the face of nine days, pay homage!

And they are shouting, exuding a terrible conviction, releasing the spirit of the sky, combining them, smashing everything, the vast universe that shines through the sky!

Even they make a sound, reading the name of this person!

In this stalwart pattern, Su Yan’s **** is going to explode. He heard the embarrassment of hundreds of millions of horses, and it’s terrible!

But let them be terrible, when they read out the name, the universe is like a whining, the avenue is like a tremor, the order is like a collapse, the universe is like rewriting!

this means? A name is read out, and it is even more spectacular than the billions of troops.

No, it should be said that the stalwart is the ultimate, and it has all the light, and only his name has become the only one in the world!

With a single name, it is enough to suppress the future of the past and the present, and smash the peerless enemy who stood up in the air.

What kind of concept is this!


The hands of the Emperor of Heaven in Su Yan’s hands are involuntarily illuminated, and they must be separated from Su Yan’s palm and fly to the top of the nine days.

Su Yan saw a person emerge. When this person emerged from the nine days of ecstasy, the billions of troops were excited and shocked. This is the brilliant leader of their group, their belief.

It’s just a silhouette that is not true...

He stood in another world, standing in another time and space, but even after thousands of years of long rivers, thousands of times, there are still ancient history, shaking the days and waves of the river, and directly suppressing the entire time and space!

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