Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 922: another me?

"Is it the Emperor?"

Su Yan whispered, and there was too much shock in his heart. He looked up at the figure above nine days. He really stood in the past, standing in the future, or standing in another time and space, standing in a very long time and space.

It is only this way, but the breath that he reveals is also passed on to this world. This is the power that shocks the future of the present and the future. It contains the majesty that the world cannot tell, and cannot be recorded.

Su Yan is thinking, will he be the Emperor?

In short, in the process of watching, the spirit is ambiguous, the soul is splitting, it is really difficult to bear, and even he feels that the process of watching is as long as the time has passed for many years.

What is the people in this world doing, Su Yan is not clear, this billions of soldiers will visit here, beheading, calling for a person's name, shaking the ancient and modern future, it seems that they are also carrying out a relatively ancient ritual!

He wants to figure it out, but Su Yanli is not in his heart.

Because the world has a very amazing power of the years, it has suppressed Su Yan, so that he can't even say a word, it is difficult to communicate with them.

This is related to the rituals they perform, and it contains an amazing time and time power.

"How do I feel that he is going to be alive? To the lower bound?"

Su Yan’s heart was more and more shocked. He kept looking up at the supreme figure. As the billions of troops read his name, he exuded a terrible power and revealed the terrible power of the years!

Is this great existence going through a certain ancient road, following these people's syllables, and doing a return?

Su Yan is only speculating that he does not understand the world, nor can he go to see the whole picture. In short, the sound of reading the name is more and more grand, the sound is enough to spread throughout the universe, and it must penetrate time and space and sway in one era after another!

Su Yan couldn't help but wonder if he would hear the name of the name they read on the day of the chaotic ruins.

He felt that all this was amazing. He was watching, his spirits, and he endured the pressure in the years, watching them carry out a special ceremony!

In the end, Su Yan was shocked and moved. He found that in the Heavenly Heavenly Heaven, they were all worshipping in one direction and reading the name of a person!

"That is......"

Su Yan saw a huge stone statue, which exudes a very strong volatility of the years. I don’t know how many years ago forging, the atmosphere of the stone statue is quite old, leaving a deep trace of time, it is extremely difficult to see his true face. .

He found that the gods of the sky were reading to the stone statues. This shows that the people who read the name were cast stone statues by them. Now they use the stone statue as a guide to read a person's name. Is it for him to return?

This ceremony does not know how long it has been...

However, those who want to let them return, have been unable to step out of an ancient road to return!

Even when they read the name, the figure began to blur, and even to return to the silent moment, the ancient heavenly earthquake, the swaying, the earth shaking, the big chaos, and the boundless anger!

Because the ritual progress is not smooth, it affects their mentality.


Suddenly, one after another, a vague shadow, crossed into the heavens!

All this, nine days are gloomy, the world has lost its brilliance, because the people who come are terrible, and the breath of release is enough to fall apart, and the gods are so vast!

During their breathing, the vast universe is whining, these people are too tyrannical, like a heavy ancient history!

"A terrible strongman!"

Su Yan was shocked. What kind of person is this?

Even one after another, it is difficult for him to see their realm, and they are quite vague and mysterious, but their actions as a master shocked Su Yan.

They appeared in front of the stone statue and read the name of a person!

At this moment, the whole heavenly atmosphere is boundless. What an amazing movement, a terrible and incredible powerhouse is reading a person’s name, together with the sound of the tens of thousands of soldiers’ days, it’s really like penetrating. Years, the explosion is in the middle of the river!

The brilliance of the moment, like the ancient history of the era, has come down in succession!

This picture is really a tremor of the devil, the shadow that is blurred to the silence, once again released a terrible brilliance, exudes a kind of eternal life from the ancient years, through the long river of time and space!

Su Yan found that the sounds of their famous names were combined to form some special avenue symbols, which were branded in the years, such as the same period of nine-day magic lights, shining in the unknown years and time!

"No, are they just confirming the direction?"

Su Yan suddenly found that they did not seem to call this person back, but to confirm his coordinates!

What are they doing? Is this earth-shaking ritual just confirming a person's coordinates? Did he encounter danger, or lost his way, or other reasons?

In short, Su Yan can't understand, but a group of terrible existence standing in front of the stone statue is too strong. Is it as strong as they can't cross the past to find this person?

The time it takes to read the name has been very long.

Su Yan vaguely can see that the direction of the terrible figure is really a long time. It seems that after hundreds of millions of years, the power of life can not be traced back to his direction!

No matter how hard they work, it is always difficult for that person to truly cross!

Soon the movement began to weaken, Su Yan felt a desperate mood, which made him feel awkward, they are completing a certain ceremony, but the ritual progress is very unsuccessful, is this a failure?

"I don't understand what they are saying. Their words are very old. What time and space belong to this is definitely more than the land of Xianxing!"

Su Yan whispered in her heart, trying to explore some hidden feelings, but I don't know what they are saying?

This makes some confusion, the spirit continues to linger, he even thinks, where is he? Is it still a ruin of chaos? Did he come to another world along the Nantianmen!

Just in the moment when Su Yan can't figure out!

This ancient heavenly world suddenly conveys a horrible war, like the two universes recovering from silence!

The two creatures, called the creatures of the heavens, are ambiguous. They are all terrible. The moment of reviving the divine power, the sun and the moon are staring, as if all the cosmic stars in the long river are bursting!

"Hit it up!"

Su Yan’s nephew tightened, and they disagreed in the exchange, which broke out the big battle!

Su Yan was only able to see the moment when this war really started. What is the strong, what is invincible!

The two horrible creatures, releasing the most invincible power, are simply two condensed ancient history, a super collision!

In the nine days and ten places, they are echoing their whistling!

They are too strong and against the sky, the sun is blasting, the sea of ​​stars is evaporating, and the whole world is crouching under their feet, shaking and tremble!

Nothing can stop their supreme power, enough to crush the universe!

This war Su Yan can't see clearly, can't go to the insight, his soul must be crushed, this kind of battle is not what he can observe, the whole world reverberates with their most invincible power!

Suyan is unable to gain insight into the battle of ancient history. It can only be said to be a pity.

I don't know how long I played, they got the difference, and they also got the conclusion.

Su Yan looked at a stalwart figure, such as a dragon, such as a fairy, such as a Peng Peng, such as a unicorn.......

In short, its momentum is changeable, but it belongs to the most powerful horror of time, and it is the ruler of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and it is forced to open a channel with an invincible attitude.

It is a road, deep and long-lasting. I don’t know what direction to go to. I don’t know what will happen in the middle of the journey!

In this way, he led the heavens, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and embarked on a **** road to conquest.

There are some left-behind people, very limited and few.

Su Yan is also one of them, they stay in heaven, guardian their homeland!

Su Yan felt a kind of eagerness in these people, and it was a mentality that hoped that they would return safely.

At this moment, Su Yan understood that the road to hegemony that they are going to go is extremely sinister and will die. It is impossible to say that hundreds of millions of troops will be buried on this road.

What kind of journey is it, even if it is such a terrible and brilliant force, it is unimaginable to have the danger of burying it in other places.


Su Yan heard the shouting, this is the shouting sound that came out on the road!

Hundreds of millions of troops went on the expedition. With one and one king who practiced the heavens, more than a dozen people from the world, rushing to the front, they are charging!

The leader of the horror of the sky, with his most invincible power, opened a terrible passage, and eventually they are farther and farther away from Su Yan, they will disappear in the years, and be covered by the vast ancient road!

Su Yan still saw some pictures!

They broke out in a big battle and suffered a terrorist attack.

An embedding road, like the emperor's road running through Xianyu, has an invincible team rushing to the forefront, killing all the enemies of the heavens, traversing the hegemonic hegemony of one era, wanting to sweep the world, killing Wanwan Surrender.

Su Yan’s spirit is getting more and more embarrassing, and he can’t see it all.

Because the pressure of the years is getting more and more amazing, he tries to keep abreast of all this, and he wants to know if they have succeeded or failed.

Su Suyan thinks that he can't do it, and he will faint in the past. Maybe he will never be able to see it. What kind of historical events happened to this mysterious group.

"I'm leaving!"

Su Yan holds his head, he can't hold it, he can't stay in this time and space...

Only before he was about to lose his spiritual will, he found that the road was full of blood and suffocating, and it was red for a while!

In the midst of the **** rain, he vaguely saw a person.

This person is somewhat familiar, causing Su Yan's heart to twitch.

He seems to see another self, floating at the end of the blood, which makes Su Yan fear, scalp numb, why do you see this picture?

He felt that he was blind, and everything in front of him was too unreal.

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