Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 923: Heavenly family!

The road to blood is like a **** ancient history, presented in the pupil of Su Yan.

When he saw a shadow, floating in the ancient road, and driving to this world, Su Yan's scalp exploded.

How could it be so outrageous? He seems to have seen another self, returning along a **** road, going back to the world, returning to heaven, letting Su Yan's hair blow up, and his heart can't be calm!


Su Yan made a low-pitched voice, and he tried to break his eyes. He tried to open his eyes and wanted to see more pictures, trying to figure out all this.

Su Yan has always been a doubt about his own origins. Su Dalong can't answer Su Yan, fearing that the old leader will understand everything.

But now Su Yan saw a picture that made him unbelievable, even this picture, from the world of chaos and ruins where he is located, I really don't know how many times it has passed, how many years have passed, how long the years have passed!

Nowadays, Su Yan seems to dream back to ancient history, and seems to see another self, drifting on a **** ancient road.

What is this? This makes Su Yan's mood unstable. How can he see such a sinister picture? He really thinks that it is his own. Although he is not really looking at it, he is somewhat vague, but he still thinks so.

Is this a kind of reincarnation? Was he dead before, and a reincarnation after a long time, has it recovered in this era?

He felt that all of this was too dreamy, and it was not true at all, but he still wanted to confirm it all, struggled, wanted to stay, and saw all this shadow!

But he stayed in this world long enough, and the whole day suffered from the oppression of the years, Su Yan has reached the limit, and now he is out of control, which leads to Su Yan's eyes are dark!

"No, I want to stay, I don't want to leave!"

Su Yan is resentful and wants to stay. I don't want to leave now. He has already seen the most important picture. It is not too regrettable to leave.

But the reality can't give Su Yan's answer. When he was in the dark end of the moment, Su Yan lived, and he knew that everything was over!

He left this time and space and returned to his world!


Su Yan gasped heavily, his face was pale and bloodless, and the gods were exhausted. Before he dreamed back to an ancient history, the loss of the gods was too great. If it was not the breakthrough of Su Yan’s god, he estimated that he could not wait much. Leave it for a long time!

Su Yan felt that she was a little cold, and it was difficult to return to the previous picture in a short time.

The impact of the previous picture on Su Yan is too big, causing him to have a headache, heavy breathing, and severe chest ups and downs, it is difficult to calm down!


In the end, Su Yan was screaming in the sky, and the long hair and shawl of the shawl was full of horror.

Su Yan is venting his mood swings. He also tries to calm himself down. He shouldn’t be irrational because of these, just a few scattered pictures, and can’t represent anything!

"who am I?"

He is a little confused and uneasy.

Only the instinctive Su Yan was telling him that he couldn't do this. He gave a whistling whistle, and the scorpion became more and more sharp and horrible, blazing!

Su Yan’s human body has a powerful energy burst, and he shouted: “My name is Su Yan, I am me, I will not be other people, I will never. This is my essence, I will never change, no one can think about it. Go change me!"

Su Yan's body is full of momentum, and it exudes a terrible arrogant arrogance. His eyes are like electricity. Looking down on the heavens and the earth, he screams: "I am strong enough in the future, I will definitely open this and find the truth!"

Su Yan quickly adjusted his status. He has strong beliefs and super will, and will not be easily intimidated by all this!

At the same time, his nephew patrolled around, and the picture in front of him made Su Yan somewhat silent.

He did stand in the ruins of the heavens, but it was completely different from the scene where he first came to Nantianmen. He was dead and there was no life, no silence.

In this silent world, even the heavens that once flourished to the extreme have completely disappeared, and many palaces floating above nine days have collapsed!

"Is the heavens gone?"

Su Yan sighed in his heart. Before he experienced everything, it was just a prehistoric scene. Su Yan took a look at the middle corner. It may be because the Emperor's battle flag took him to look at some of the pictures left in ancient history.

"They are leaving, are they looking for the strong?"

Su Yan whispered in his heart. He thought of a lot, or it can be said that once a terrible group of people, because 90% of the elite suddenly withdrew, and even delayed to return, which led to the decline of this group?

"The bereaved family, the legacy of the group, and then the battle of the funeral mountain? What kind of enemy did they encounter?"

Su Yan secretly thought about it. He felt that the possibility of the formation of the buried mountain was very great, but he could not believe how strong this group needs to be. But they will encounter all of this, even those endless Heavenly Soldiers who will enter the mysterious ancient road, will they bury their bones?

Su Yan’s heart is difficult to understand, even in his heart, a mysterious road, do not know where to go, do not know where the road is?

"Does there is another world!"

"The universe is not just these, there are other secrets."

Su Yan’s nephew suddenly shrank, and there was a shock in his heart, feeling that he touched an area that should not be touched now.

He thinks this possibility is huge!

At that time, the Tian Ting group was led by a terrible existence, ruling hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, along this road, to chase someone to go!

Su Yan especially wants to know, what danger did they experience in that world?

Even that road, in the end, how many hidden feelings were concealed, how many **** ancient history was cut off, how many peaks were buried, how many ruins were destroyed!

Thoughts are extremely scared, Su Yan has to swear!

The world is really mysterious. One day, when it was strong enough, you could go to the secret of the next level. Now it is Su Yan’s guess, and it is not confirmed.

"Even the powerful group of heavenly courts are no match, has this power ever invaded our universe?"

"Can you understand that the devil's fog is related to that road?"

Su Yan feels that she is somewhat close to the truth. Even he is thinking that those enemies in different circles will one day come here, so can this world stop their invasion!

"What am I thinking? This is not a problem I am concerned about now, and it will take at least a million years for a long time to go? Who knows which road has happened again!"

"Or, they are extinct, the secrets of this world are really enough, time can cover everything."

"No, they may have attacked here too!"

Su Yan once again associates and nods. "Tianting, here is the battlefield belonging to the remains of the heavenly family. Is the mountain of the burial mountain formed like this? Should it be? This is the mountain of burial, and the burial of the heavens to the glory of the year, although it is only left Some of the strong people who came down, but the heavens are still declining, of course, perhaps they are also strong enough, but only in another world to fight!"

The funeral mountain, buried the gods of the heavens, these endless corpses are cruel truths, and even the flag of the Emperor!

So Su Yan now understands this and speculates that it is almost in line with the situation of the buried mountain. He did not expect to see the origin of the life of the Jedi, which is not a land of creation, but a terrible battlefield. , a land of once brilliant group of people!

How can Chaos Xianshan explain?

"The Great Nine Mountains, originated in the days of heaven!"

"The days of heaven should be before the land of Xianxing, basically this is the way to make it, and our group and the family of the heavens are closely related!"

"I just don't know, heaven is still there!"

Su Yan took a deep breath, and eventually his nephew was solemn. He knew that he and the group had an inseparable relationship, or that the funeral family and the heavenly family were equivalent to a group!

Su Yan threw the flag of the Emperor and shouted: "The heaven is still there!"

His words are like thunder, blasting in the vast world of ruins, blasting in the collapsed buildings floating above nine days, the sound reverberates, with his strong belief!

This battle flag is also autonomous light, just like in response to Su Yan's words, the heavens are still there, not yet extinct!

Even if it is the end of the battle, as long as the last drop of blood is not left, then the heavens are still there, and they continue their group, and there is still the possibility of glory in the future!


This battle flag shines, and it must shake the blood on the flag. It used to be the flag of the heavenly court. It is a symbol of a group of warriors. It shines here, and the looming ruins floating above nine days. They all brighten from the darkness!

Su Yan's brows are slightly wrinkled, because the Emperor's battle flag is in the moment of recovery, there are some hidden materials, attracting the flag of the Emperor!

This made Su Yan wonder, his stunned eyes patrolling the vast ruins of the palace, and secretly said in his heart: "Perhaps what remains in the heavenly family?"

"Since I am the new standard-bearer, I might be able to reap some opportunities!"

"A life of the Jedi, a once brilliant group, is there some lost Tao in history?"

Su Yan recovered his mentality and he also had a look of expectation.

One such strong group, perhaps they have the strongest nine supernatural powers in history.

In short, Su Yan rushed into the ruins and began to search along the waves, looking forward to what he could get, perhaps finding other substances to prove his guesses and thoughts, and let him know more about the lost ancient history.

He searched along the ruins. There are many giant palaces that have not yet collapsed completely. Su Yan found some artifacts on the road, but unfortunately, after a long time, these artifacts have exhausted the power, which is equivalent to scrap iron.

Su Yan pays more and more attention to the Emperor's battle flag. With the glory and prosperity of Tianting in the past, there is no shortage of Zhenzu Zhibao, even the ordinary things are not allowed.

However, these artifacts are exhausted, but the Emperor's flag seems to be intact, which has forced Su Yan to pay attention!

He marched along the waves.

Su Yan was shocked when he was about to approach the destination. He vaguely saw another mountain, and the town was in the world.

What really made his soul solidify is that there is one after another in the vicinity of this mountain. Everyone has the scent of the scent of the scent, and they seem to have not been extinct.

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