Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 924: Terrible creature

The ancient Tianting ruins, which have been floating above nine days, exude a desolate atmosphere, seemingly silent, and no one has come here for a long time.

Now Su Yan came, witnessed a period of time and space left in prehistoric years, now he is searching for the ruins floating above nine days, seeing some terrible pictures, so that Su Yan's soul is dizzy!

Before his god, the loss was very serious, and now he really wants to fall to the ground.

He seems to see that between the heavens and the earth, there are pillars of the sky, and these pillars of the sky are one strong and powerful ones, swallowing the stars, overcoming the universe, revealing the heavens. Trembling and majesty!

They are all terrible and embarrassing!

It is hard to imagine what kind of strong people are, and there is still a world-famous tyrant, like a peerless tyrant who is in charge of the heavens, stalwart and stalwart.

Su Yan was dizzy with the soul of the earthquake, his eyes were black, the power of this existence was too strong, and the universe appeared very short in front of them. These people are like a fairy king, and they live for nine days.


There was a loud noise in his ear, and the pictures of the sky were broken, and the tears of Su Yan’s gods would be shattered.

Su Yan suffered from severe pain, dizziness, and gasping. He now wants to see the sights around him!

But then, the picture in front of me disappeared, which made Su Yan's look uncertain, and the picture reversed too fast, making it difficult for Su Yan to return to God.

He feels that the previous experience seems to be real, not like an illusion, but the picture that is seen now, the world is as usual, but this piece of broken ruins exudes a depressing atmosphere.

Su Yan’s nephew patrolled the scene in front of him. He saw a huge figure, full of heaven and earth, and the sun and the moon are all around him. It’s really the top of the sky, and the foot is flooded!

This tall figure can't see the trace of life. I don't know how many years have passed here.

His appearance has been difficult to see clearly. After all, the long years passed and the body was covered with dust. He remained absolutely still and stood still.

"Stone man?"

Su Yan whispered, he felt that this figure is like a huge stone man, like a statue, huge, more spectacular than a mountain.


Su Yan’s pupils slammed open, and he wanted to look at it with the eyes of the sky, to see if this was a stone man, or a degenerate strong body, and it was a long time to be immortal.

However, Su Yan’s golden pupil was just projected. He felt that the world was blasting, the world was shaking, all the matter was in ruin, and all the matter would die out!

"not good!"

Su Yan was shocked and the whole person was going to collapse. He looked at this huge figure. This is a violation of him!

Su Yan retired in an instant, but he was also shocked by a large mouthful of hemoptysis, and his headache was splitting. He was really shocked. Is this the former strong, the body immortal?

But how strong is it?

Even more terrible than the treasure, after a long period of time, the flesh can still be filled with such a powerful deterrent, even immortal, dare to ask the power to do it?

"Is it a powerful person who surpasses power!"

Su Yan 狠狠 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸

"This should not be the **** in the heavens, and it will not be destroyed and will last forever!"

"This kind of existence, only the gods are not destroyed, afraid that they can all live, do they have longevity?"

Su Yan is in Lenovo, afraid to get close to the huge stone man, really worried that he was killed by the earthquake. This kind of existence suddenly died. There is also a strong instinct in the flesh, which can shock the monks who disrespect him.


Su Yan was shocked at the moment of patrol in the distance. He saw a huge stone man, and he had an arm that was as spectacular as a mountain, but like a palm in the palm of his hand, holding a gray whip!

"This is a treasure!"

Su Yan’s eyes were red, and he whispered: “Is this a supreme treasure?”

His heart "splash" and "plop" tremble, the possibility is huge, a strong suspected to surpass the power, then the weapon he is in charge of is absolutely a treasure worth unimaginable, it is likely to be a Up to the treasure.

He has seen the bundle of fairy ropes, and this whip-shaped treasure may be a treasure that is not inferior to the bundle of fairy ropes.

Su Yan's eyes are red, staring at the gray whip, there is a trend of enchantment, this huge temptation, who can hold it, a big man must go to a state of disobedience.

Maybe this treasure can still preserve the power that it should have. Once it is obtained, it is one of the strongest opportunities in the ruins of chaos in the past!

“Would you like to try it? Although it is very dangerous!”

Su Yan slammed a cold breath, the possibility is so big, if you try, there is still some hope.

Of course, it is definitely very dangerous, but in the face of heavy treasure, it is worthwhile to fight. Once you get the equivalent of a super-killer that has won a group of shocking peaks, who will dare to provoke yourself in the future? When the king of God comes, he must stand by!

Su Yan took up the courage and directly sacrificed the Qiankun furnace. The furnace glowed, and the world was filled with blazing fire. The moment of blazing burning, floating above the head of Su Yan, the steaming void was smelt into a **** hole.

And Su Yan took out the Avenue Fairy Pearl, surrounded the golden fairy **** of the Avenue of the Pearl, and guarded the Yuan of Su Yan.

At the same time, Su Yan also took out a sacred warrior bodyguard. After he had done all this, he felt that he was almost the same. Even if he was really in danger, he should be able to survive. After all, it was just an immortal body.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, Su Yan also took out the road map of the eight masters of the eight masters of refining, and the key moments can be played out, for Su Yan to rob!


Su Yan’s eyes flashed a bit decisive, and suddenly they vacated and rushed toward the gray whip.

During the fire time, Su Yan has already touched this gray whip. This treasure does not see any powerful manifestation, but Su Yan feels that it is not weak, and perhaps there is still the power of the strongest era.

"Get it!"

Su Yan took a deep breath, and anyway, he has already come, and he is ready to take risks.

When his palm slowly, touch the whip.......

Su Yan’s face finally began to change, and her expression was a little scared, because he found this huge figure, seemingly invisible!

Su Yan originally thought it was wrong, and it was dazzling!

After all, the long years have passed, how can he still be alive? Still life? The strong people are afraid that they will not be able to match the years and time. Moreover, the era of the ancient heavens is too far away. Who can live to this world?

However, when Su Yan saw a huge figure, the dust accumulated, and the moment of falling, it was simply that thousands of meteors descended from the sky, revealing a wave of shaking the gods....

"Impossible, is he still alive, how can he be so evil!"

Su Yan's scalp is numb, is this strong person alive?

Su Yan’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his hair was erected with anger and uneasiness. This is a threat of death.

He wants to withdraw directly, not willing to take risks, and once there is an emergency, he will definitely not live.

Who knows that the world is "bang!" All of a sudden, there is a huge noise, as if the end of the universe is coming, the whole world is full, the boundless power of terror, tearing nine days, smashing everything!


The Qiankun furnace collapsed directly and exploded into a piece of ash.

This extremely powerful scorpion treasure can't hold back the peerless power that is derived from the heavens and the earth. Any matter that is close to him must be blasted.


Su Yan screams, and he has to face his face!

Even he saw that this gray whip, when the shock moment came off the dust, revealed the original appearance, this is a black and black whip, quaint, but full of a kind, terrible blasphemy force!

Su Yan’s Yuanshen really wants to be crushed, and the avenues of the avenues that guard his gods have a tendency to crack.

What kind of secret is this? It specializes in hitting the gods!

Even if Su Yan broke out in the future, he couldn’t avoid playing the whip. It seems that after he fled to the ages, he would also be cracked by the gods!

At this moment, any defensive, energy material, is a joke, so that Su Yan is stunned, his **** is about to be cracked by the **** whip.

Even more than just a whip, this huge body of long sleeps has once again had a movement!

For a moment, the ancient heavenly ruins trembled fiercely!

The whole world was distorted. Su Yan’s robes of the gods were all divided, and they could not bear the movement of his movement. It was like the sleeping king in the ancient times, and began to wake up.

There is even a kind of strong prehistoric atmosphere that flows across the world and flows into this world!

The world is like a collapse, this time and space is difficult to carry his breath, this is the existence of the number of grades, is he recovering the vitality of the sleep, to resurrect the dead human body function!

In any case, this huge figure, together with his whip, began to wake up, everything changed, destroying the earth!

Su Yan has a desperate mood!

What is the form of God?

Su Yan is now experiencing all this!

He felt that he really wanted to die, to go to destruction, and that death came very fast. He didn't even have the chance to look back on this life.

"I did a stupid thing."

Su Yan's face is green, she is too greedy, it is really a ghost!

However, there is no such thing as a treasure, and I can ask if the power can hold this temptation.

Who can think of it, a time longer than the celestial earth, a life in the Jedi, there is still a living life, no matter whether this person is still alive, but the process of his recovery from slumber is enough Su Yan died!


However, at this critical moment, the Emperor’s flag was self-illuminating. This flag appeared to be a bit horrible. It was like waving a storm of time and space, breaking through the ancient river and revealing a grand voice. If you waved hundreds of thousands of troops to fight for hegemony The sound is coming.

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