Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 926: Horror pattern

Su Yan sat kneeling and the flesh did not move.

As for his god, it seems to disappear, and this time and space merge into one, seeing the hidden pattern here, although some are vague and unreal, but Su Yan still caught some pictures!

He was shocked. The six great emperors existed, and they were in charge of the six great treasures. They stood between the heavens and the earth, and they never moved, and they never lost their lives.

Now standing here for a long time, perhaps a million years have passed, or perhaps a long time, they are motionless, the tall body is densely dusty, can not see their true appearance.

But now Su Yan saw the pattern here, the six strong guards guarded here for a long time, standing around a stone statue!

What kind of pattern is this? This stone statue must be the origin of the heavens. It is probably the master of heaven, and it is probably the name of the Emperor who disappeared into the ancient history!

This should be his stone statue, it looks not high, flowing with ancient charm, exudes a thick trace of time, time left a deep trace on the stone statue, although he does not have any breath, but there is a charm that spans the future of the past and the present. !

That kind of charm, it is like the most horrible torrent of the past, running through the time and the river, running through this world!

The terrible picture makes Su Yan's gods uncontrollable, he feels that he has to burst, but what really makes Su Yan feel incredible is that there are some cracks on the stone statue!

Why is this happening?

A supreme person who is suspected of reigning heaven, his stone statue is bound to be horrible, but the stone statue extends over the crack of the turtle, like the long-term guardian, is about to smash.

Su Yan does not understand, does not understand!

First of all, the pattern here is enough to shock the world. He is thinking that even if a powerful man stormed the mountain of funeral, it is estimated that he will die here. Who can break the pattern here?

Their town is here, like what is in the guardian, Su Yan is a little confused, he is thinking, they are in the guardian stone statue, the guardian can summon his real body material? Still guarding what?

Su Yan’s mood is a bit heavy. He feels that all this is related to the funeral domain and is closely related to this universe.

Chaos Xianshan is inevitably very important. Once there were countless Tiantian beneficiaries who died here, and even Chaoshan Xianshan became a burial mountain. Is it related to the catastrophe of a long time?

In any case, Su Yan felt that she had a secret to the big day, although he did not know what it meant, but the place was amazing, untouchable, and not arrogant.

"If one day I am strong enough, I should be able to uncover the secret here!"

"The long years have passed. Are you afraid that you should die in a strong enemy? If they are really degraded, they should be buried in peace."

"But why, I think it's all about me!"

Su Yan’s mood was somewhat unstable, and he couldn’t help but recall that when the Tianting army marched along a mysterious ancient road that had been smashed into the real name, hundreds of millions of troops were conquered, and probably did not return...

But the picture that I finally saw, how can Su Yan forget it!


In the eyes of Su Yan, there was a glimmer of cold light: "Maybe I can find some hidden feelings and secrets in the ancestral hall. When the land of the celestial star collapsed, the family of the burial domain formed, perhaps there is the shadow of the remains of the heavens!"

"But the ancestral temple and the yin dynasty later came to the fore, and my family gradually declined, very close to extinction, but they have been looking for the snow-capped dragons that my family has mastered. What does this dragon mean? And the ancestors?"

"Even, the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall, always wanted to catch me, what secrets are hidden in my body!"

Su Yanteng stood up all at once, with a long black hair shawl. The whole was filled with a kind of indifference and domineering. He said coldly, "So, is it related to the Tiantang bereaved, but this is separated by a million years and separated by a long time. Changhe, how can I relate to the Tiantian bereaved?"

Su Yan couldn't figure it out. He felt it necessary to follow the clues and trace a mysterious road!

At that time, the Tianting army opened the road and went to conquest. Perhaps this road is still there. It can also open the old road of the past and follow it to find the truth that Su Yan wants to know.

"Is it the old road that was mentioned in the past, will it be this ancient road that is covered up?"

Su Yan once again associates, I really feel that there are some possibilities.

But thinking about it, Su Yan shook his head and laughed. Now, what is the use of these things, waiting for him to become a god, and even one day to step into the field of power, is qualified to chase all this!

"I should go, look for my breakthrough!"

Su Yan is ready to leave. This time he is buried in the mountain of Shenshan. The time is afraid that two or three years have passed. He has gained opportunities and got some hidden feelings from ancient times. He feels that he is fully loaded.

The most important thing is that he found a breakthrough, which is the most important thing for Su Yan now!

Su Yan gradually traveled away from the ruins of the land, and he began to descend.

This piece of heavenly ruins floating above nine days, lonely, in the vast ruins, there is a horrible figure in the vaguely moving slightly, they seem to wake up, faintly singularly shiny.

Su Yan fiercely looked back and saw that he felt like he was being pegged!

"Is it an illusion?"

Su Yan whispered, patrolling the ruins of the ancient heavenly court, muttering to himself: "One day, I will come again, I will unlock the secret here, wait for me!"

He left, with the flag of the Emperor, along the way back, ready to find his own creation.

"It's been half a year!"

Zhu Yuanqing often presents time and space mirrors, paying attention to the scene above the buried mountain.

However, Su Yan has been on the summit for nearly half a year.

It can be said that in the past six months, the changes in the funeral mountain have affected their nerve lines. Some people are thinking, maybe Su Yan has an opportunity to refine his creation.

There are also people in Lenovo, perhaps Su Yan fell to the top of the mountain of funeral, this mountain may have some evil spirits and metamorphosis, I feel that life will not be easily broken.

No matter what Su Yan got, it is life or death. In the end, the burial mountain is being watched by the world, and it is closely watched by the big people of the major peaks. I want to know the truth for the first time!

For now, the top ten chaotic channels, most of the strong have left, many of the strong in the chaotic channel to promote the gods in the field came out.....

The ruins of chaos, a land of conglomeration, death and crisis coexist.

A large number of strong people went deep into the chaos of ruins, and the souls were endless, and the people were born, and the geniuses made great fame, and the young hegemons who overlooked one side died.

There are also cosmic mysteries that have emerged, causing hegemony and shopping for young and strong people of all ethnic groups.

As for the crowds of the peaks, especially the giants in the chaos of ruins, anyone knows that they are digesting the cosmic secrets of the ancestors of the group, the super-clean land of blockade...

In the past few years, there will not be too much turmoil, but the time when the chaotic ruins are opened is also two or three years.

Some people think that this day is coming, it is a bad introduction, perhaps a terrible cosmic reality emerges, and a terrible broken universe comes out, which will completely detonate the entire generation of chaotic ruins!

But for those who have the strength, their first goal is the king of God!

Among them, there are very many heavens and earth creatures that have great help to the gods. Then it means that the chaos will come, and all the ages will be like this. Eventually, there will be a scene in which the kings will fight for hegemony!

"Big news, the **** tree really emerges!"

A message spread through the ruins of chaos, causing a large group of people to be alone, turned upside down overnight, many young strongmen who practiced in the secrets of their own universe, frequent appearances!

The unusually horrible picture, the group dragons started, the universe is rugged, like a flood of hundreds of millions of miles, sweeping into a cosmic secret zone!

Even the Northern Demons have been killed one after another, even the youngest generation of the chaotic ruins of the top generation of the strongest people are frequently appearing. In just three days, Tianjiao rises together and rushes to a cosmic secret, causing a wave of turbulence!

Unexpectedly, the big collision has really opened a corner!

"Who was the dig of the **** tree?"

Even the big guys who are entrenched in the outside world are shocked. There is a new strongman who rushes into the chaos of the chaos. It is not only the chaotic channel that can go, but also other roads.

The chaotic ruins will not prohibit all ethnic groups from entering, as long as they are not the secret of the universe, they can come and go.

"Someone swallowed two gods in succession, and rushed directly from the mysterious world to the peak of the gods!"

The news of terror spreads out, and the people of the peaks are all hairy. This is a rare thing. It can't be met. The **** tree is a **** medicine treasure tree. The fruit on the treasure tree is the **** fruit!

It is said that a fruit can make a god, this thing is blushing, because it is too important for a group!

This is what is the treasure of the fruit tree. Now there is news that a strong person who has just stepped into the heavenly realm has discovered the **** tree for the first time. As a result, the two gods are swallowed up, and the practice directly rises to the peak of the gods!

The gods who are exhausted by Shouyuan are really crying when they get this news. They have gone from the gods to the peaks of the gods and have spent the ages, but some people have eaten two heavenly fruits and stepped into the heavens!

Since it is the fruit of the gods, of course, it will not be caused by the skyrocketing realm, which leads to the instability of the realm.

This fruit contains the anti-sky effect, and now it is watched by the strongest people in the world, and even the peaks of the great peaks have to let go, to win the **** tree!

At the same time, it is far away from the mountain.

The images projected by the space-time mirrors, for a short time, let the big people outside the world be silenced to the extreme, and many can hear their heavy breathing.

They have seen a person, disappeared for half a year of Su Yan, down the mountain!

"Su madman...returned..."

At the foot of the mountain of the burial mountain, there are still some people who are paying attention. They vaguely see that a hegemon who has swallowed chaos returns!

On this day, Wanjiao was amazed, and the life of the Jedi was really broken. Su Yan retired and began to go down the mountain!

On this day, there is also a cold cold killing, which is related to the life of the Jedi, no one can sit still, this big secret is now hidden in Su Yan, let him safely leave the mountain of funeral?

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