Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 927: Returning down the mountain

Su Yan came down from the mountain and looked at the dark world. He had a feeling of seeing the sky again.

Su Yan spent a long time in the funeral mountain, although the realm of practice is still eight heavens, but compared with before the mountaineering, Su Yan’s combat power broke out, and the transformation from the inside out also completed.

In his current situation, it is not difficult to step into the gods.

"I don't know what happened outside these days!"

Su Yan’s nephew patrolled the surroundings, and he took a deep breath and walked down the hill.

The current Chaoshan Xianshan has completely lost his help. Of course, only Su Yan will be strong enough to return in the future to solve the mystery of ancient heaven.

Now in the depths of the chaotic ruins, there is always news about the **** tree.

An ancient ancient medicine tree is called a rare treasure. This is enough for any hegemonic power to be red-eyed. The gods on the **** tree are too rare and valuable, enough to make the foundations of the major groups soar.

After all, this **** tree, a fruit can make a god!

It is said that the gods of the gods contain extremely terrifying gods and gods. After eating, they become a **** directly. Although the gods of achievement cannot surpass the gods of the gods, they are strong enough!

But for the ancestors, they get the gods at this stage, so that their spiritual realm can be ascended in a short time!

The gap between the whole nine days, any one of the best people is jealous, as long as they can get, they can save many years of hard work, but this **** tree, the ages will bear dozens of fruits.

It’s really not enough to compete.

Of course, the **** tree is the most important. If you can transplant it, you can benefit a group of people for a long time.

"A miraculous return, Su Yan really created a miracle!"

The strong outsiders, watching the appearance of time and space mirrors, they have seen Su Yan down the mountain, head down the mountain!

Many people are jealous, is it really Su Yan really got the life of the Jedi? They are too eager to know what secrets are hidden in this place. What happened to the mountain in the long time!

"No, now many young hegemons are fighting for the **** tree, but Su Yan has returned from the life of the Jedi!"

Some people also lamented that the family of the funeral domain really came out with a strong person who is independent of one another. Will the future Su Yan step into the realm of the king of God still far away? They feel that it is only a matter of time!

"Oh, this opportunity, Su Yan is eligible to enjoy?"

However, what is the meaning of a cold voice that makes them all discolored? Do they want to stop Su Yan and give the opportunity to bury the mountain?

When this vast area begins to simmer and kill the moment, let some irrelevant powers scream, are they going to start? Prepare to block Su Yan!

In any case, the opportunity to bury the mountain is enough for them to shoot, and the peak group can't sit still, even the chaotic ruins of some ancient family's strong people are jealous, so if the opportunity is not caught, too violent things, right?

"Bad, someone wants to make a blind man in the dark, killer!"

"The opportunity to bury the mountain, who can sit, if they are bent on starting, it seems that Su Yan is dangerous, will not easily break the game!"

The strong people of the Wu nationality have a dignified face. This is not a simple problem of hatred. It is about the creation of a life and a land of the rain. Once they have a heart to start, who can hold it, the heavens will drink and hate!

Moreover, the ancestral temples can't watch Su Yanlong return to the sea and break into the chaos of ruins. They will inevitably stop and stop him as much as possible.

In fact, the major groups of the ancestral halls have already issued orders to inform the strongest of the teachers to return, the gods are not ready to go, but also to return to hunting Su Yan.

"I’m afraid it’s too late!”

There is a strong person in the Northern Demon family who frowns: "The cosmic secret is very far away from the chaotic channel. It takes half a month to get the fastest, and it is difficult for the Northern Demon to return to the chaotic channel in a short time!"

"No matter, inform the North Demon just to be on the safe side."

There are big people in the demon domain sneer: "My family has united the various ethnic groups before, ready to bury the secrets of the mountain, so I made some preparations in advance, this time I can definitely kill Su Yan!"

Some people who got the news were heartbroken. The big groups of people were really bloody, and their faces were completely ignored. They even had to act together, just to target one person!

In order to bury the secrets of the mountain, they want to join forces and erupt a horrible **** incident, killing Su Yan and asking the secret of the mountain of funeral!

In fact, even if a **** is received, it is estimated that this crisis will be encountered!

Since ancient times, the great creations have never been difficult, and once they come out, who can sit still!

Even the joint action has to be won, and this time the opportunity is Su Yan, fearing that it will encounter a horrible attack!

Su Yan still does not know the danger is approaching him.

He has already gone down the mountain, and here is the place to go. Where should I go? The chaotic ruins are too big, and many areas are mastered by the big giants!

Su Yan has many enemies in the chaotic ruins. Once he is mistaken into the dangerous land, he will be in danger of death. He is not afraid of the same generation. But if there are really big people who don’t want to start their own hands, then it is terrible.

"I don't know, can I find out, the era of Xianxing Earth, the legacy of the dojo, should there be some inheritance?"

Su Yan whispered in his heart. When he dreamed back to the land of Xianxing, he went to practice under the gates of the avenues and rebuilt in various avenues. Perhaps these extremely terrible dojos collapsed, but they may not be extinct!

Perhaps these dojos will be turned into some Jedi, guarding some inheritance and creation.

Su Yan was excited when he thought about it. He got the avenue mark of the fairy land, and maybe he can really harvest something that the world can't imagine!

"There is also the legendary chaotic tower, which is said to be a supreme treasure. I don't know how strong this chaotic tower is?"

Su Yan is still in his heart: "On the top of the mountain of burial, the six great treasures, it is likely that the six great supreme treasures, this chaotic tower is so famous, even a long time no one can get, will it be better than the mountain above the mountain What about the six treasures?"

"However, it is said that the time of opening the chaotic tower is limited. Once the chaotic tower rises out of the water, it will cause some movements."

Su Yansi lingered for a long time, and finally said in his heart: "I see, I still go to the ancient city to inquire about the news, I don't know how the Galaxy is now, whether they have come to the chaotic ruins."

This vast and chaotic ruins, the territory is endless, many areas are covered by chaotic gas all the year round, and are cut off by the Jedi, and some areas hide the cosmic secrets. If you can hit a big opportunity, you can happen to dig into a broken universe!

The danger of chaotic ruins is extremely high, but this vast territory also has group powers and mountain gates.

There are even many major ancient cities, the most famous ancient city in the chaotic ruins, which is naturally a chaotic city. It is said that this chaotic city is a long-time era, and the Daodian unites with the great powers to create an ancient city!

Chaos City is also known as the largest city in the universe, and it is also the place where the strong people gather. The power in the Chaos City is no exception.

"Right, I almost forgot the reincarnation!"

Su Yan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of heat, and when the Thunder River and himself traded, they spit out the news of the reincarnation.

Who knows this thing is more expensive than the **** tree. Eating it is equivalent to carrying out a reincarnation. It is said that it can rebuild the major cultivation secrets and catch up with the previous ones. This is even the most sacred thing in the heavens.

"According to the information provided by the Raytheon River, the reincarnation is in a broken universe that is about to collapse, not far from Chaos City!"

Su Yan has a goal in mind, ready to go to Chaos City to take a walk, Xian Xing to explore the intelligence, and then go to the broken universe to explore.

He was far from the mountain of burial, and the figure crossed in this gloomy world.

Su Yan’s eyes looked at the endless corpse, and he sighed in his heart. There were many bones in it, which should belong to the skeleton of the strong family of the heavenly family.

At that time, he received the flag of the Emperor of Heaven, the Tianma and the horrible powerhouse, also belong to the heavenly family.

"The years of this war are hard to trace. This mountain of burial is like drifting in time and space. I don't know what area to sail in the future!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart. There are rumors that the buried mountain can move. In every era, it will appear in all major regions. In short, the region in which it appears is the life of the Jedi, and the power cannot attack!

If there is no Heavenly Emperor Battle Flag, can Su Yan climb?

Certainly impossible, it is the Emperor's battle flag that suppresses the evil spirits above the mountain of funeral, and opens a way for Su Yan, he has hope to climb.

Of course, this life of the Jedi refers to the burial of the mountain, not this vast and magnificent world!

In fact, in the past few years, many monks have explored this territory, but looking for madness can not find the slightest material.

Many people have given up and returned to the chaotic channel.

There are also some daring monks who are paying attention to the red wind. They want to take away some of the remnants. Unfortunately, all of them have failed. Of course, the most cost is that all of them will die, and no one will survive.

Like a curse, no one can get anything from this land of death, the land of bloodshed!

Su Yan got only a kind of help and guidance, except of course the only flag of the Emperor.

"Su Yan is far away, it is estimated to leave the mountain of fun!"

"It seems that the creation above the mountain of burial has been exhausted, or that Su Yan has no benefit at all."

"I don't think he will leave easily. Do you think anyone wants him to leave the mountain of funeral? Or even take the secret of this mountain?"

"Oh, this is also used to say that the opportunity belongs to the strong family, and has nothing to do with a waste family. With his sin, Su Yan has mastered this kind of secret, and he must pay the price of blood to make him understand that the chaotic ruins do not Belong to the world of a young and powerful abandoned family!"

Suddenly watching Su Yan's strong, waiting for him to travel, there is a cold luster on the bottom of his eyes, he estimated that the outside began to act.

Su Yan can leave the mountain of fun, but he is absolutely inseparable from the chaotic channel!

"Let's go, let's watch the ending of Su Yan!"

"Prepare for half a year, if he is not dead this time, I will go backwards from then on!"

"Oh, we will wait and see how to end the generation of the hegemon!"

"Rewriting the myth, breaking the restricted area of ​​life, is to pay a **** price, Su Yan, you have peace of mind, I will burn more paper for you on the Huangquan Road."

Many people reveal cruelty and sinful words, like driving off Su Yan in advance!

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