Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 928: Kill the game

The land of the mountain of burial, silent, silent and airy.

In this gloomy world, Su Yan crossed the void and crossed toward the entrance, and there was no danger on the road.

The strong members of the large groups of the ancestral halls were worried about Su Yan’s early insight. In order not to let Su Yan’s heart be alert, Zhu Yuanqing deliberately stopped the attention of Su Yan’s movements with time and space mirrors.

"It has already passed two days. Is it estimated that Su Yan is coming to the entrance?"

The external atmosphere is suppressed, and all the strong people are anxiously waiting. They want to know a result. It is related to the burial of the mountain. Su Yan’s every move affects their nerve line, and they don’t know whether the hidden secret of this life will be made public.

"Oh, come on."

A strong person in the demon domain exudes a powerful fluctuation of the Yuanshen, sneer: "There is no way to leave, and after two days of driving, Su Yan will definitely relax and be vigilant. We will wait until he is fully relaxed, afraid that it is Su Yan. I can't think of it, there is a killing waiting for him!"

"If you can take Su Yan in one fell swoop, I suggest that the Northern Demons return immediately and explore the hidden secrets of the mountain!"

"Yes, the Tenjin Tree is precious, and it is not as good as the burial of the mountain. I really hope that this life of the Jedi can bring me many surprises and accidents, hoping to find the best materials in the world."

This area of ​​repressed atmosphere is constantly swaying with powerful pressures, revealing the eternal vitality of the gods, and letting the strong attention of the martial arts and the great dynasty of the Daluo dynasty, their faces are slightly changed. They conspired here and did not leak the news. It is very likely to discuss major issues.

"Su Yan is in danger. We don't know where the killing is!"

A strong member of the Wu nationality said: "I hope that Su Yan can spend this robbery. This is a group of peaks and groups, and the long-term planning and arranging of the game, there must be Han family leading!"

"The originator of Qimen's pulse, if it is really ironic to destroy Su Yan, it will definitely pay a big price, I hope Su Yan can hold him!"

They can only look forward to it, but their moods are extremely tense. The big peaks and the ethnic groups join hands, and the land of the killings can be easily resolved. They will definitely confirm that this is a kind of supreme degeneration. Kill the game!

Even if they are not dominated by the ancestors, then with the details of the major peaks, some special treasures can be used to balance Su Yan. There is no problem at all, let alone the emergence of the burial mountain, enough for them to pay a price!

The peak group pays the price for a Su Yan? That is really scary to death, to know that this is not just a peak group, the demon domain they are likely to unite the ancestral temple, the Yin family, and even the gods, and of course there are Han families behind the scenes!

The forces involved are somewhat scary, and they are related to the four hegemonic forces.

"Su Yan is really in trouble."

There are strong men of the Dala Dynasty, it is obvious that the gods of these groups of ancestral temples, showing a relaxed and comfortable smile, they have absolute confidence, which shows that the killing is horrible!

After all, half a year has passed, and God knows what kind of life and death they are dying out. Can Su Yan really stand up?

Now Su Yan is getting closer and closer to the entrance of the 10th chaotic channel.......

"Someone is watching me from afar!"

Su Yan looks as usual, but my heart is a little valued, and some people are watching themselves!

Although it is very concealed, it is not easy to detect, but Su Yan’s metaphysical has changed, and he has swallowed ten drops of blue-colored Yuanshen medicine. His current spiritual power has exploded to the extreme, and there is a kind of strength that is forced to the gods and gods.

Even Su Yan’s Yuanshen cultivation of the "Future Sutra" is particularly amazing for the mastery of time and space.

So now Su Yan caught someone who was following him in the dark, and there was a hint of coldness in his heart. If he changed to Su Yan before, he couldn’t catch it, but now it’s different. There are people on the way to follow yourself!

Although very careful and cautious, it is a tracking expert who is good at space avenues, but still has not caught Su Yan's exploration.

"Very good, it seems that some people can't sit still. The secret of the funeral mountain is really tempting, but if you really climb, I am afraid that you really can't bear a series of losses!"

Su Yan’s face overflowed with a smile and smiled lightly: “I really want to know now, how much can you pay for me!”

Su Yan’s heart was filled with silence, and the blood of the years was calm and faintly burned!

In fact, even if no one is tracking himself, he will remain absolutely vigilant. Su Yan’s experience in life and death still needs to be much. He will not be at this juncture.

"As you wish, this land of killing should be in the tenth chaotic channel!"

Su Yan's speed is faintly accelerating, and it is indeed a big master to follow Su Yan. He wears a black gown, like a black ghost in the space, indifferent in his heart: "Death gate, approaching, Su Yan me I have to take a look at how many methods you have not been forced out, but no matter how many means you have, you can't escape!"

He believes that Su Yan can't find himself, or else the ancestral hall will not send him over. This person's mastery of space is superb, not to mention the long-distance tracking of a Suyan. Is there a problem?

It is estimated that he is a thousand dollars, and he never imagined that Su Yan has already approached the realm of the gods on the illusion of the gods. The spirit is fluctuating and powerful, and it is easy to observe the winds of 100,000 miles!

"Yuan Shen is really important."

Su Yan whispered in his heart: "If my **** is stronger, even the mighty god, you can sweep a life star, and even explore a life star. This kind of power is called terrible. unbelievable!"

He walked in a leisurely stroll and rushed for a day. Su Yan had already seen the tenth chaotic channel.

"Are you still alive after the robbery?"

"The Emperor's Battle Flag, I really want to thank you. Without you, I can't get the achievements of today, and I can't witness the glory of heaven."

Su Yan lamented a lot. He was practicing on the mountain of burial for two years. Now he is still thinking about it, and he hopes that one day he can uncover the secret of the mountain.

He step by step, approaching the place where many people look forward to!

In the dark, the black shadow of Su Yan, the more excited, Su Yan has approached the destination, as long as he rushed out of the channel, then waiting for him will be, a nightmare of death!

Su Yanming knew that there was a killing in front of him, but he was not afraid of it. He stepped into the entrance of the channel of the buried mountain. He has already cultivated into this field. He is afraid of the strongest in the world. He also rushed to the Longtan Tiger Cave!

"I'm coming!"

His pupils are more and more sharp, and the whole figure has disappeared into the land of the ruins of the gods, and entered the tenth chaotic channel!

At the moment of coming here, Su Yan had some accidents. His vigilance was extremely high, but Su Yan did not find a dangerous zone. Is it because he thought more? There is no danger at all.

However, this idea only slightly emerged, and was directly broken by Su Yan. He returned from the mountain of funeral, and there will definitely be people who can't sit still!

Su Yan also breathed a sigh of relief. In these years, he practiced in the buried mountain. He was completely isolated from the sky, and now he is returning to the chaotic channel. He realizes the rich source of life scattered between the heavens and the earth. Su Yan’s body has bathed a layer of sacred luster. !

He walked step by step, along a road, to rush to the chaos of the mountain, go to the ancestral home to build a stroll, and see if there is some gain!

However, Su Yan just walked for a while, and his heart was alert for a moment, and his hair was raging, and an extremely dangerous death breath was forced. There was a horrible trend of directly shooting down and sinking Su Yan!

A terrible killing, there is a kind of sinister degeneration of the world's strong, strong as Su Yan are self-recovering, to counter this danger!

"he came!"

In the quiet world of heaven and earth, there was a low voice!

A thunderous sound blew, accompanied by the undulating fluctuations of energy, the horror of killing the light, and the smashing of the sky!

All of this is too fast and sudden, and the energy fluctuations that emerged are in a short period of time, and the grandeur is at the extreme. You can see that the dense array is burning, revealing the light of the savage!


The territory of the shovel swayed, violently shaking, and the mountains and rivers began to collapse in the shaking!

The power of destroying the earth and the earth, the monks in the distance shook, and they all exclaimed: "This is the super killing is opening, how can God be so suddenly, who is here to arrange the killing, who is in the town? !"

"Ha ha ha, Su Yan is in the game!"

The hearts and minds of the outsiders are rushing, and they are aware of the vast source of the killing of the tenth chaotic channel. Even the entire tenth chaotic channel is shaken, because this kind of killing is ignited, and the energy that is sprayed out is too violent!


It is completely the time between electric fires, and the smashing of the smashing of the world makes the world boil, releasing the energy fluctuations that destroy the heavens and the earth!

"How can there be such a terrible killing here?"

The monks passing by in the distance were so scared that they were so soft that they were unbelievable. What was the situation? How could this kind of energy burst out? They were uncontrollably trembling, and they were crushed by the smashing force. Stinging.

Even when they saw the killing of the ocean, there was a figure, which was directly torn into pieces in the light of the purgatory of purgatory!


The whole audience was completely stunned, including the big men who were entrenched in the outside world, all of them were shocked. Didn’t a face wipe out Su Yan?

The face of Han’s old master is fierce and gloomy, not right, it’s too wrong!

Su Yan will not die easily, because it is too fast, he did not compete at all, did he have an early insight into the killing here?

But this should not be!

Su Yan, even if he is practicing in the field of the gods, but he does not have a strong sense of the gods, and he will not have an early insight into the smashing of the squad. Moreover, the moment of the smashing of the squad is so fast, how can he avoid it?

The world is still boiling and burning!

The killing map prepared by the Han family has covered up a hundred thousand miles. When the time is really beginning to awaken, destroying the earth and destroying the land, any creature will be annihilated!

"Haha, Su Yan, this devil, was finally killed!"

There are a lot of people in the distance who are excited and shouting, their voices are neat, just like the thunder, they are blasting, shaking the hearts of the people, letting the passing monks shudder, what are they talking about? Destroyed Su Yan? Is it the madman who entered the squad before!


The face of Han’s old master was angered. I didn’t expect them to be so unsettled. I still haven’t figured out the status and directly missed the position!

These people are excited and dancing, hiding in a space hole, excited and calling, feeling that they have killed a heavenly supreme, especially excited.

"I am the devil?"

Suddenly, the dozens of excited monks face stiff, because they saw a person standing in front of them and making such a statement!


These monks look like a ghost, pointing their fingers at Su Yan, the face is incredible, how can this be? Why is Su Yan still alive, even how he suddenly appeared here, why is his speed so fast?

"Devil, too!"

Su Yan's silent momentum, awakened in an instant, the source of blood on the stalwart vacated, the horrible battle body burned!

At this moment, he is really like a supreme demon king's lower bound, full of black long hair dance, a pair of pupils released a smashing light, even if it covers 100,000 miles of killing, can not suppress Su Yan's tyrant Extremely majestic.

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