Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 935: The storm is coming

Bloody world, quiet is too much!

The afterglow of the setting sun, sprinkled on Su Yan, and reflected it, like a **** **** of war, he stood between the heavens and the earth, it seems supreme!

The onlookers are suffocating, it is extremely difficult to look directly at Su Yan, from the beginning of the battle to the present, a short half-day time passed, hundreds of top masters were killed by Su Yan blood, 100,000 miles of rivers and mountains were ruined!

They can hardly believe that this is a Su madman who has only risen for decades!

"Su Yan, deserved war god!"

Many people feel chilly from the heart, and feel that he is arrogant and somewhat outrageous. After all, a declining group has no strong support. If you want to reach this step, it is hard to go to heaven!

The picture presented in the space-time mirror makes the outside world messy, some people are silent, some people talk, some people are ugly, and in short, Su Yan’s fighting power makes them completely shocked.

There is no doubt that Su Yan is stronger than before, then what kind of opportunity did he get in the funeral mountain, why did he make Su Yan's combat power so amazingly transformed? Even he can use this mad weapon to kill the pattern, which is enough to show that the current Su Yan is powerful!

Originally, the major groups thought that Su Yan had cultivated into the field of the gods, fearing that the combat power would decline.

The result is fundamentally different from what they imagined. Su Yan is stronger than before. What is the root cause of his integration? This matter, the strong people of all ethnic groups broke their heads and wanted to figure out.

Of course, if they know the current Su Yan, they are still in the realm of the gods, and they don’t know what to think.

Of course, the reason is that Su Yan’s body is sufficiently overbearing. In the future, he is afraid that when he stepped into the field of the gods, the body will not increase too much. After all, there is a limit to the strong people.

"Let the ancestors return to me, I must kill Su Yan and break his way!"

"Notify the Northern Demon, Su Yan has come down from the mountain of funeral, if you don't get rid of him, what is the majesty of my demon!"

"I don't want to get rid of this person, my heart is hard!"

The two peaks were furious, they pulled down their cheeks and made three big treasures, and even the Han family slammed a huge array of images, which failed to get rid of Su Yan, but he also harvested two treasures. Crude embryo.

This contrast is too big, the cruel reality makes them unbearable, not to succumb to Su Yan gas is not smooth, and even worried that he will prove the king of the future, it is even more difficult to kill.

"Su Yan's potential is very strong, the rest of the funeral family, his blood is super!"

The Yin and the strong families communicated together and the tone was gloomy. These days, the family rarely made big moves, and the low-keys were too much. Even the world’s strongest leader, the most powerful leader, did not know who it was, nor did it know the stars. Who is the Supreme!

"Don't worry about him, let him go!"

The ancestors of the Yin dynasty have a cold and secluded opening: "I am a young adult, and now I have no time to pay attention to Su Yan. Su Yan is even able to swear, but in the coming era, it is also destined to be a foil!"

“Even if it is the supreme body of all races, the future is destined to be a lower class!”

"The stronger the talent, the more sad it is."

They talked about a very important event, and their minds are difficult. The family also has a world-renowned person. They don’t care about Su Yan. They don’t care how strong he is. They know that even the future Su Yan is in the sky. The moment when the age of terror is coming is also a tragedy.

"Yes, my young adult, I really didn't have time to pay attention to him, let him continue to swear."

The elders of the genital family, Mori, smiled coldly: "But the ancestral hall has never died on Su Yan. If there is no ancestor of the ancestral temple, the ancestral temple will not spend so much thought on Su Yan, what is the ancestral hall doing? ?"

Having said that, the great figures of the Yin and the family are all indefinite, and with the present position of the ancestral hall, the potential of the ancestors nowadays, there is no need to waste too much time on a Su Yan.

The ancient ancestor of the ancestral hall, why do you want to take a chance to catch Su Yan?

"Is it..."

Then they changed color and didn't dare to scream. If it is really related to those people, then Su Yan's involvement is terrible. This is not something they can speculate.

"I feel that I can shoot, squeeze Su Yan, and dig out what secrets he has hidden, maybe it will help my family!" Some people said that the overall yin is heavy, like a dead body in the region.


A hairy and dry soul frowns and says: "It’s a big deal. There is no need for my family to cut off the Hu and provoke the ancestral temple!"

They talked very easily, it seems to suppress Su Yan, but it is a sentence. After all, in this chaotic ruin, they really have a certain power, can block all areas, and break the road of Su Yan.

"And, my young and old, we can't get in touch."

Someone spoke up, let the people in power of this group of genitals, solemnly, talk about the young generation of the younger generation of the family, if they are talking about their Lord, if the king of the king is working for him!

This seems a little scary, how can a young man have such a big magic?

"Go with him!"

In the end, they all laughed: "Wait for the fruit to grow, I think my young adult will go to mow!"

Mowing the grass, if Su Yan’s prestige is scary enough, it will really get rid of it, and it can indeed get endless fierceness, and even more of Su’s current status.

The Yin family didn't care, but the ancestral temples were too careless, and the lost faces were too big. They didn't expect Su Yan to break the game in this way. The heart was full of anger, and the young supreme must be killed. Suyan’s invincible road was broken.

The people who teach the gods are not snoring. There is a doubt in the heart of the lightning king of the family.

The King of Lightning has been wounded for a long time. It has been almost a year. Although it has improved, it is somewhat different from what they expected. In these days, the King of Light has been in the teachings of the gods, and he has not closed the door, nor has he mentioned that he is going to chaotic ruins. .....

Is he afraid of it, or is it still continuing to precipitate and accumulate?

In short, the strong gods of the gods can not say anything about the lightning king, can only wait to stand up again.


Zhu Yuanqing's face was so heavy that he saw the original imposing Su Yan, the flesh was licking, and blood in his mouth continued to flow.

The original Su Yan's strong breath, suddenly weakened a lot, his face pale, especially in the flesh, blood began to spew!

Su Yan instantly became a blood man, looks very miserable!

"What happened, Su Yan has been hit hard?"

The people around you were shocked. What is the situation? Su Yan’s injury was so serious at first, but there was no trace of problems before.

Now Su Yan is kneeling directly on the ground, as if it is extremely difficult to stand up, he gasps and swallows the essence of the heavens and the earth, silent.

"Su Yan has been hit hard, and the power seems to be dry!"

Some people's eyes flashed in different colors, staring at Su Yan observation, the heart is a little bit tempted!

Because it is placed in front of Su Yan, but the map of the sky and the river.

If you can take away these two kinds of crude embryos, and sell them in the auction, it is bound to be an unimaginable price!

Now Su Yan is hit hard, the two big treasures are in front of him, many people are heart-warming, they can not provoke Su Yan, but can't take two things?

"Don't forget the lessons of the past!"

Someone suddenly spoke, like a plate of cold water pouring over their heads, let them wake up suddenly.

Some people have taken a slap in the face, what are they thinking about? From the hands of a demon who has just killed the top masters of hundreds of ethnic groups, the tiger hunts for food and takes away two big treasures.

Some people even thought that in the chaotic channel, after Su Yan and the Northern Demon, they pretended to be hit hard. As a result, he did not have anything at all. He even climbed up and slaughtered a large piece. The matter has been remembered by many people!

Even if Su Yan is really dying, the four surrounding viewers are not afraid to go!

What kind of fierceness is this? Let the old generation's strong people scream, have been hurt like this, but no one dares to target Su Yan, this is really too strong and outrageous, has the supreme fierce.

"He really is a big hit!"

Some sinister pharmacists passed by and groaned in the heart, but did not dare to scream, dare not tell the situation of Su Yan, even if he really said it, afraid that no one dared to provoke Su Yan!

Even if Su Yan is really bad, does he have no other means?

Although Su Yan's body looks only a few scars, but on his body, many skins have been split, but Su Yan seals the split skin!

Su Yan was really hit hard this time!

The light-bundled fairy rope was terrible enough to hurt him. He had previously resisted Su Yan’s body and had a devastating pressure on his body.

Of course, the injury left by Su Tianjian on the body of Su Yan is the most serious.

He used the 斩天剑劈斩 bundled Xianxian, and there were also many swordsmen who did not avoid it. These swordsmen were forced to be suppressed by Su Yan in the flesh. Now he is extremely difficult to control, only the whole body is blasted. !

"You are very good, even let me hurt this level!"

Su Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The scorpion was cold. He almost was robbed. Fortunately, Su Yan was strong enough, otherwise he would really be threatened by murder.

His internal injuries are extremely serious. Fortunately, the funeral mountain will temper his body and be invincible, or Su Yan’s body will really fall apart!

This war also made Su Yan wary!

There are always some terrible wonders and treasures in the world. If they madly sacrificed ten kinds of treasures, can they survive?

Don't doubt the roots of the peak group!

Even if it is a strong person, in the face of some evil treasures, most will follow the hate!

"The injury is too serious, and the sword can be really ferocious. Fortunately, I was taken away by me."

"It's a pity that the ropes are tied and fried."

"But the two months of the river and the mountain and the sword of the sky are the two treasures, which is worth the damage!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan is still laughing, his injury is serious, but he has not reached the point where Su Yan is dying. He swallowed hundreds of drops of chaotic treasure directly, and healed the wound. He lacks resources. This injury can be completely chaotic. Treasure solution is good.

At the same time, Su Yan climbed up in lightning!

He didn't want to delay time, he had to shoot as soon as possible.

His nephew stared at the tenth chaos mountain!

Since the ancestors have never arrived, they have already left the chaotic channel!

"Don't hurt you, don't know what the name of Su Yan is!"

"Today I want to let you, always remember this day for me!"

Su Yan was exposed to fierce light. He was ready to do a big job. He captured a chaotic mountain and went to intercept the harvest on the chaotic mountain.

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