Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 936: Attack the tenth chaotic mountain

"He really disguised, there was no injury at all, but Su Yan is already such a character, and he is too embarrassed!" Someone was speechless.

"This has a fart relationship with you. Maybe you can take some enemies out of the way and kill them!"

"I have to say that Su Yan is really strong enough. The three big treasures have not been able to hurt him. Now I can climb up and fight again."

Here suddenly fried fry, and the monks who first gave birth to sinister thoughts in their hearts have been swaying upright. This devil is really not what they can target. Only those kings who are invincible in the same generation can balance Su Yan!

Some people are suspicious. Su Yan’s injury is very serious. In his heart, he said: “I’m really worried that someone can’t control the killer. So Su Yan forced the body to suppress the injury and climbed up and fled here!”

"You estimate that it is good, I guess Su Yan is also worried about the North Demon they really suddenly killed back, after all, with Su Yan's current situation, can not stand too much toss!"

"Fortunately, there are no strong people in their group, or they will have an insight into Su Yan’s injury. It will be a fierce battle at that time."

Some old powerhouses have exchanged and discussed, and they have not revealed the situation of going to Suyan. It is not good for them to leak out. Moreover, they do not want Su Yan to fall. I hope that he can stand up and really rewrite the chaotic ruins of the peaks and ethnic groups. The pattern of creation.

"The existence of Su Yan is enough to shock some groups, I hope that this will happen in the future!"

Among some small circles, some old antiques are excited to talk about it: "Su Yan's current prestige is really terrible. According to the history of my ethnic group, the chaotic channel harvests the list. This campaign Su Yan blood washes the top ten chaotic channels, while attracting the ancestors. The temples of these ethnic groups are chasing and killing, which has greatly reduced the pressure on the young people of our group and harvested more resources than ever before!"

"Yes, my family has also done statistics. I really didn't think that the emergence of Su Yan would cause such a terrible effect. In fact, his existence has reversed some of the general trend of the universe."

"A young man has affected the harvest of my family. This is enough to go against the sky. Su Yan is now a terrible shock. If he said that he was not in the mountains of the past two years, but in the top ten chaotic passages, we are a group. The benefits will be even greater."

"It makes sense to know that in the future, in the cosmic secrets of chaotic ruins, the eyes of the peak group stare at Su Yan, can we reduce the pressure for our group and profit from it."

The leaders of these small circles are the powers of the strong people in the universe. They exchange and talk, and their hearts are full of surprise. It must be said that the influence of Su Yan is really too big!

"If Su Yan goes to attack the Chaoshan Mountain, I am afraid that the harvest will be even bigger." Some people hate: "The dynasties are the creations of the peaks of the mountains and the chaos of the mountains. Our group is too strong, and the peaks are fundamental. No match."

"I am afraid that it is impossible. The creation of Chaoshan Mountain has not been exhausted. These are the roots of the peak group. If Su Yan moves this fat, it will lead to endless pursuit."

These people talk about the land, and they don't care too much about their statistics. They don't lack these resources. They only care about the land of chaos and the future of the universe.

What they lack is the strange things in the world.

For example, the avenue tree that is now out of the water, according to the intelligence transmitted from the chaotic ruins, is said to have killed red eyes, too many young overlords, for a avenue to kill the sky!

But some people have seen some clues, and very few people have killed.

After all, every young overlord, behind it, represents an ancient system. If you really want to break their hopes, then these peaks will probably not be able to eat good fruits.

In short, the hegemony of the avenue tree is still going on. I don't know who will eventually fall, and some people will speak directly. They estimate that no one can get it. In the end, someone will stand up to mediate. This kind of incident has happened quite a lot!

In this cosmic secret that shakes the sky and shakes the earth!

This day seems very unsettled, the horrible demon gas runs through 100,000 miles, behind the northern demon a unicorn emerges, inciting the sun and the moon, its momentum is short-term madness to the extreme, the eyebrows have a faint end of the day to open!

"The peak of the hegemony is mad, is it necessary to get it?"

Many gods are stunned, and the flesh is shaking. To be spurted by the body of the Northern Demon, they are torn to the living body. They are really scared. The potential of the Northern Demon is terrible. He is the source of the unicorn!

It was a burst of grandeur and awakening, shaking the earth!

The mysterious ancestors suddenly vacated, and he seemed to be able to release the power of the nine-day star sea, and the whole involuntarily released, a horrible Tianwei.

The ancestral mystery is strong and powerful, and the details can be said to be unfathomable!

No one knows how strong the ultimate strength of the ancestors is, and now he is furious, and the sky is shaking, and the great momentum is leaking out, such as the birth of Tianzhu Wanjie, the crushing group of shudders!

There are also people who are stunned. Is it necessary to break out the hegemony of the heavens?

But beyond everyone's expectations, the Northern Demon and the Zutian left the cosmic secrets at the same time, so that the strong players who are vying for the Avenue Tree are moving. What is the situation? Why did they suddenly leave?

In fact, as soon as Su Yan came back from the mountain of the funeral mountain, someone had already told them.

Who is not jealous of the creation of the Jedi Mountain? The Supreme of the Heavens is no exception. Now they are eager to return and they are going to fight for the creation.

Some people got the information afterwards, and suddenly they were shocked. Someone broke the Jedi of life and suspected that they had gained the opportunity to fight against the sky!

"Hate, why the news is not presented earlier, what are you doing? Zu Tian and Bei Yao have been gone for a long time, we are going now, I am afraid it is late!"

"Not necessarily, Su Yan is very strong, the Holy God of War can not help him." Their entourage whispered.

"Dog, if it is not a mountain of burial, will the Holy Brothers be defeated?"

This is a cold-minded opening of the same-generation hegemon. He is called Wang Hao, and he is also a brilliant wizard of the Taoist Temple. The forces behind him are not small.

"Wang Xiong's words are extremely, what is the strong God of the Holy God, will you be given a Su Yan to the town?" Someone is in the side.


The man named Wang Wei, sneer: "A rising star of the ruins, He Dehe can stand in a horizontal field with me, every time is surrounded by me, and has a fart relationship with a waste family!"

In this sentence, he has offended many people!

However, the young overlord who came to the small point is also afraid to speak out. In fact, they are also talking about a cruel fact. The peak group is like the emperor who is in charge of the world. The northern demon is like a prince.

It is not these people who have been in the past, who have the most opportunities and achievements, and even Wang Wei will exclude others.

"I have heard about the Holy God of War."

Someone stood up and wore a golden robe. There was a noble temperament from the inside out. The tone was sarcasm: "Who is the world of chaos? Is this still used? If he is daring to take the lead and madness here, directly Kill, no nonsense!"

"Ha ha ha, Zhu Yongjia, you said this well, kill yourself, and what does he have to say? Isn't it a rising star of a **** waste, what is worth paying attention to?"

Wang Hao Yang Tian laughed, the words are like Hong Zhong, the soul of the four surrounding viewers shaking, so that many people swear, the power of the powerful spirits, are approaching the realm of the gods.

Some young and strong young people sigh in their hearts, whether it is Wang Hao or Zhu Yongjia, but they are all young and dominant.

This Wang Wei is said to be a pro-disciple of an old antique in the Dao Dian, and Zhu Yongjia is a pulse of the bamboo, the descendants of Zhu Yuanqing, the head is really extremely honorable, and you can climb the relationship with the power!

A big man who can look down on the world, can climb up with relatives, and what is it?

The chaotic ruins are naturally a cosmic environment of the weak and strong food. Although the chaos of the chaos is scattered and scattered, the years of the younger generation are coming, but sometimes the disrespectful and powerful are not.

However, it is a matter of burying the mountain of God. Many young kings have left the scene. This is an opportunity for a life of the Jedi. Whoever wants to look at it in the past and wants to fight in the past.

In the vast and innocent chaotic ruins, there was a storm, and because of a person who came back from the mountain of funeral, it began to release a torrent of darkness that is about to surface completely!

"Big news, chaotic ruins continue to have strong turn around, go to the chaotic channel!"

There have been news from all over the world, because the young hegemons who are constantly chaotic and ruined by the prestige of the sky are returning, and a storm that is more turbulent than the storm of the avenue tree is about to be brewed.

As for the **** incident that occurred in the tenth chaotic channel, it has not yet been transmitted.

From the beginning of the incident to the present, it is only two days passed.

In the past two days, Su Yan has approached the tenth chaotic channel. Although he has been driving for two days, Su Yan’s injury has improved by more than half. The most cost is the loss of more than 300 drops of Chaos.

"Although I have huge wealth, but Chaos Treasure is not inexhaustible, I really need to save some points in the future."

Su Yan is in his heart, and the nephew is also aiming at the tenth chaotic mountain. There is a color of expectation in his eyes. I hope that this chaotic mountain can make him return home.

This chaotic mountain has been occupied by the ancestral hall from the beginning to the present.

Above the mountain, although a large number of young seeds in the ancestral hall rushed into the ruins of chaos, but many strong people were left behind, and even some resource treasures are still being explored.

It has been such a long time, and some resources have not been mined. It is hard to imagine how much wealth was born in Chaoshan Mountain.

"I estimate that the ancestors are coming back soon, I really hope that he will come soon, and now Su Yan should have not left the chaotic channel!"

"He wants to leave the chaotic channel, he must go through the chaos of the mountain, give me close attention to the surrounding, and now Su Yan is definitely still in the tenth chaotic channel, and must not let him escape!"

Above the Chaos Mountain, a group of masters of the ancestral halls are gathered, and at the same time, some servants are urged to rush to exploit resources. When they arrive, they will return the resources to the ancestral temple.

"You said, will Su Yan climb?" Someone suddenly said something.

The atmosphere here suddenly became quiet, the picture was a bit strange, Su Yanqiang tenth chaotic mountain?

They really did not think that this point, many people’s hearts suddenly panic, if Su Yan really came, can they live?

"He dares!"

An old-aged old guy sneered: "If he comes, I will let him die without a place of burial. This chaotic mountain is the resource secret of my ancestral temple, which is arranged in a squad. Once the storm is inevitable, it can be suppressed. Su Yan!"

This old guy has a lot of confidence, this killing can motivate some of the power of Chaoshan Mountain, and it is extremely difficult to attack!

Only his words have just fallen, his heart is full of fear, and his hair is upright!


His trembling voice whispered out, and at the same time saw that there was a shadow standing under the foot of the tenth chaotic mountain. When looking at the face of this person, the old guy’s face changed dramatically, and Su Yan actually dared to come!

Su Yan bears the scorpion sword, and the palm of his hand squats on the map of the sun and the moon.

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