Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 940: Overwhelming the world!

The third chaos of the mountains, the enchanting fears, many huge beasts began to tremble, on the entire mountain of God, the audio of all kinds of fearful beasts exploded.

In fact, now they have not figured out who is the way to such a hegemony, to kill the chaos of the mountains, even the speed is so amazing.

They are all shuddering, what happened in the end, is the Northern demon provoked the heavens in the chaos of the chaos?

Su Yan stood between the heavens and the earth, he carried his hands and looked down on the heavens and the earth!

And the sun, the moon and the river are arranged in the top of the sky, and the bangs are turning. For a time, millions of mountains are dying. The sky and the moon are banging, and the sound of thunder is revealed in nine days. Struck by lightning!

What kind of fierceness is this, what a hegemony!

The third chaotic channel is full of horror, how can such a ridiculous thing happen, in the end who is attacking the third chaotic mountain, is it not afraid of the Northern Demon revenge?

"who are you!"

The strong man of the Northern Demon family stood up, and the human face snake body, said with horror: "My northern demon went to the chaotic ruins to fight, here is its land..."

This words just came out, Su Yan's sharp pupils, faintly turned into two golden lightning, his pupils blazing, the moment of opening, the golden lightning dance between the heavens and the earth, all the way to speak the body Being split!


The group is enchanting, and the color of fear in the heart is rich. This person is not afraid of the Northern Demon. It must be the visit of the Northern Demon's enemies, but his whole body exudes a killing, and he is destined to be good.

It is difficult for someone to recognize the appearance of Su Yan. His eyes are like electricity, and the power is shocking the sun and the moon. It is extremely difficult to look at Su Yan, even under his watch. Going to destruction and death!

"What the **** are you!"

The strongmen of the northern demon family roared in the sky, how to say that they also belong to the people under the northern enchantment, the demon of the northern demon, the strong demon of the demon, the life of the restricted area is not afraid, any hegemonic forces are not afraid!

"You violated the rules for us to start, are not afraid of my demon domain for your group?" There are souls and eloquent speeches, even if this person is now down the mountain, then the demon domain is also face-to-face damage, the northern demon also has no face .

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed in the sky, his voice was like a thunder, his earth was moving, his power was even stronger, bathing nine days of light, carrying a sigh of heaven, his laughter echoed in the third chaotic mountain!

For a time, the world was turbulent, and Su Yan’s laughter contained the sound of thunder, revealing the power of tyrannical tyranny.

And as Su Yan's laughter became more and more loud, resulting in the torrents of the mountain torrents and the golden ripples, the golden ripples of the body, like a mountain, were pressed here!


The body of the demon field is screaming, and the body of some monks is cracked.

The third chaotic mountain is completely chaotic, and many of the demon powers are desperate. This is how strong the existence is. It is definitely a heavenly supreme, sweeping the invincible of the same generation.

"What kind of hero is you bullying?" There is a raging creature: "My family still has the heavenly supreme, shining and invincible creatures. If I fall into your hands, the northern demon will never spare you. !"

"How? Before I sent someone to kill me, why don't I know now? I really thought that I was deceiving. Why did he come to the North Demon? I was afraid that it would not be!"

Su Yan laughed, the black hair of the shawl danced, the magic of the gods was rich, and his scent was quite cold and overbearing. Since it came, Su Yan did not intend to return empty-handed.


The group of demon heads are as big as a bucket, and the fierce beasts are shivering. I really didn't think that this person would actually be Su Yan. This is why they didn't think of it. Su Yan dared to attack the Chaoshan Mountain and even rushed directly. peak!

On the spot, there were more than a dozen creatures who ran around and how far they fled. They knew that when Su Yan came, they would definitely wash the chaos of the mountains, and they could not live!


Su Yan had never shot, and the sun, the moon and the river in the picture were roaring, and there was a tendency to be crushed. There was a terrible Da Yue who fell and killed a huge dead bird.

There are also stars falling from the sky, hula suddenly, running through thousands of miles, the ripples of light that have been diffused, have already caused the fleeing figures of the demon domain to collapse.

The group of enchanting fears, fear of death, who can escape, the sun and moon river map is here, who can escape!

"Su Yan!"

The old master of the Han family, squatting on his body, is also mad at the moment, and the sun and the moon are the rough embryos of the family. Now they are shining in the hands of Su Yan, who can afford this.

Moreover, the sun and moon river map is just the key. The key point is that the road map was also taken away by Su Yan. That is the eight masters of the eight masters, and the painstaking work of the hard work is the treasure of their Han family!

"Do not kill this person, how my family is in the chaos of the chaos, where is the face!"

The old master of the Han family was murderous in the hole, but Su Yan had been in the chaotic channel. The family had no sorrow. If he left the chaotic channel and went to the chaotic ruins, the result would be different.

With the influence of the Han family, it is inevitable to trap Su Yan and make it difficult to move!

"Wait a long time, the old man will definitely kill you personally, Su Yan, I see how long you can live!" Han Jia's old master is so painful, this is what it is, together with them, Han family is almost a treasure boy. Lost one time after another, the face is too big!

Han’s old master still does not believe that Su Yan can still have a prestige, he has a heart to give Su Yan a blood-like lesson, this day will never be too far!

The strengths of the demon domain are also suffocating, the pain of the liver is terrible, and the strong ones roar: "This little beast, taking advantage of my young and noble, is attacking the third chaotic mountain, waiting for the northern demon to come, It’s coming soon!”

In short, the ancestral hall, the demon domain, the gods, the Han family, this power is mad, too shameful and shameful!

In just a few days, Su Yan swept across the chaotic mountains and made a pile of blood cases, killing the resources of their group, and how they feel so embarrassed!

The strong people of the wind family want to laugh, but how can they not laugh?

The **** incidents that have been made these days are too cruel, and the two chaotic mountains have been washed by Su Yan. Now the third chaotic mountain is also in danger, but the northern demon has not yet arrived.

In fact, they have done their best to hurry, and the speed is beyond the expectations of the big people. Now they are getting closer and closer to the chaotic channel!

This along the way, the young overlord is released, fierce!

One by one, the horror figure that swallowed 100,000 miles, released the power of the heavens, and let the sly scorpions tremble.

Where they passed, one after another chaotic domain, because of their arrival, which led to countless young wizards fighting, really feel that the master of their lives is coming!

"Oh my God, what happened in the end, how can there be a sudden incident of young overlord, is it a cosmic secret to open?"

A dozen or so horrible atmospheres have made the older generation's strongmen eclipsed and moved. This is definitely a big event, and they are turning back, not deep, and the destination seems to be a chaotic channel!

There is also a family leader who sighs: "The world is vast, endless, and naturally people are born, but how many young people in the younger generation can come out over the years? These are all in the world, and they all have the same generation. !"

"One person can wear a domain invincible, it is already awesome!"

A domain, generally referred to as the million-mile territory, is divided into a domain, and millions of miles of territory breeds endless life geniuses, but there will always be people standing up and suppressing the younger generation of invincible hands!

"But the kings of these younger generations are not only piercing a domain, they are suppressing the Tianjiao of a domain, letting them follow them. They are the supreme, overlord, invincible king of the younger generation. Now they cross my domain, Unscrupulous, this is a symbol of strength, who dares to block their way?"

The clan of this family, the voice spread throughout the whole family, let the younger generation of the family be silent, the name of the people, the vastness of the Tianwei, they have already suffocated enough, let alone regard it as a catch-up target. .

These people in the northern demon, the fame is too amazing, known as the invincible king, the future of the king of the gods is only a matter of time.

Even in the future, they will have the hope of achieving great power, standing on the top of the mountain and looking down on the world.

This makes the peers all desperate. It is really the higher the practice, the bigger the gap, let alone the more than a dozen of the same hegemons, traversing one big after another, chasing towards a destination!

Many people want to look at the past, but they don't dare, even if they really go, what can they get?

I have to say that some of the geniuses are smiling, and living in an era with these perverts is really a sad thing!

"I don't know what they are doing in the chaotic channel. As far as I know, in the chaotic channel, there is only one person who is unknown in life, and is buried in the mountains of the gods!"

Someone said, there is a tribute in my heart: "Su Yan, known as the Su madman, the same generation has invincible power, this metamorphosis turned out, there is another young overlord between heaven and earth!"

Now the Northern Demons have turned back one after another, one after another, the big field continues to boil!

Far away from the chaotic channel, the waves of the sky have already erupted, and the two chaotic mountains have been washed.

Now on the third chaotic mountain, the group of demon trembles, and there is a demon field screaming: "Su Yan God of War, we have nothing to do with the North Demon family, why bother us?"

"Yeah, we have nothing to do with the Northern Demon family. You can't kill it like this!"

"Demon domain, did not reach the level of the demon!" More demon domain creatures whispered: "You and the North demon have hatred, should not be implicated in us, the demon domain has not reached the era of the demon!"

"you guys!"

The strong man of the Northern Demon family almost blew up and screamed like a thunder: "You are a big dog, betray the Northern Demon, be a strain!"


Su Yan's big slap in the face, the bang of the strongman of the northern demon family coughed blood, the body like a folding kite flying out, the body is also like ceramic broken, the appearance is really miserable!

"well said!"

Su Yan coldly said: "If I really want to kill, can you still live now? Who is the future demon domain owner, who is the demon? Whoever I have nothing to do with the northern demon, Those of you who are not related to the Northern Demon, give me down the mountain!"

The third chaos is a mess in the mountains, and a large number of demon fields are fleeing.

Even with the monks who are mixed with some of the northern demon, Su Yan does not care.

"Happy, happy, hahahaha!"

Su Yan laughed, his voice shook, and looked down at the third chaotic mountain. He looked at some monks who were still hesitating and struggling. His own swaying gods spread and everything fell into destruction and darkness!


The entire third chaotic mountain, the blood is rolling, the sky is bright red.

Only one figure stands in the foothills and overlooks the world.

On this day, Su Yan, the world is overwhelmed, the blood is suffocating, and it has become a great power of terror, and it is the same generation!

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