Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 941: Surprising all over the world

The voice of Zu Yan, spread all over the square, contains the divine power, contains the arrogance of the superiors, and blasts in the mountains.

This sentence, my good brother, let Su Yan's whole body swell and swell, like the wolf smoke is undulating, the pores are drilling a substantial killing, just like killing the sword like a broken body

Especially his life, the intrinsic gods can be choppy, exuding the sound of mountain torrents.

All this is like Su Yan’s anger is leaking out, and the whole atmosphere that spreads from the inside out is like a wild dragon, full of terrible fierceness.

"Brother, you calm down, Zu Yan is deliberately irritating you."

Su Binghuang whispered "If he goes now, it is equal to self-investment, and even people can't save it when they are, and maybe they can put themselves in."

"Nothing Su Yan, rushed up, and Zu Yan launched a fight, kicking his yolk out."

Tie Baocai licks his mouth, and Su Yan rushes to kill the past and Zu Yan’s matchup

"shut up"

Su Bingshuang smashed his foot, and these days, getting along, has made Su Bingsu through the iron treasure, and estimated that after thinking about the fall of Su Yan, Tie Baocai took away the bronze Baoding.


However, the smell of Su Yan’s body has become more and more fierce. The whole body is full of exuberant spirits, and the limbs are swaying in the sky.

"This kid has been stimulated to break through." Tie Baocai, he felt that the gods in Su Yan's body can erupt, this time the breakthrough is definitely not the same.

Su Bingshuang’s eyes were full of joy, and he quickly offered a silver chain.

"My Star Chain"

Tiebaocai has a terrible pain, this silver chain is a very powerful secret treasure, but it was taken away by Su Bingshuang. Now Su Bingshuang masters the chain of this star, and the combat power has surged a lot.

The star chain flies to the sky, like a silver dragon disk, which suppresses the fluctuations released by Su Yan.


Su Yan’s breath became more and more fierce, and his life was originally cultivated to the Five Heavens. This time he broke through him. It’s not too unexpected. His life is close to Six Heavens.

Five to six heavens, it is a qualitative change

Su Yan can feel that his life spring is gradually grandized. With the initial operation, the moment of life and the swallowing, the heavens and the earth in all directions quickly gather to his life.

He also took out the source of the stone and swallowed the energy from the source.

"The life spring looks very powerful. How many good things did you steal from the kid?"

Tie Baocai was taken aback, Su Yan said that he also entered the six-day sky, but his breakthrough is even more amazing than the average person broke through to the nine-day

"what are you doing"

Tiebao Caisong, Su Bingshuang took his big ears and shouted "Little Baocai, take some source stone"

"What source of fine stone is this thing" Tie Baocai looks very kind.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the time, it's not coming soon." Su Bingshuang glanced at Tiebaocai.

Tiebaocai deducted a search and took out a piece of it. Su Bings’s threatening look looked at the past. The meat that never vomited the bones was only a few pieces of meat and pain.

However, Su Bingsun did not think that the energy required for Su Yan’s breakthrough was not only satisfied by these source stones.

Mainly his physical body also broke through part of the potential, the world of heaven and earth needed to be extremely vast, the energy of more than a dozen pieces of source stone was swallowed up, and the iron treasures cried and shouted out. Five pieces.

"I really haven't, I swear to the sky," Tie Baocai said with a black face.

The energy of the five sources of fine stone runs through the body of Su Yan. His flesh is surging, and the source of blood is even more terrible. When the spring is erupted, it is called the Yangtze River.

"Give me a breakthrough"

Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, his whole person is like tearing open a shackle, the strength of the surge, the energy source spread by the body, far more than the old man of the nine old Tianquanquan, faintly forced to build the environment

Su Bingshuang is stunned, he feels that the gap between Su Yan and her is getting smaller and smaller.

Tie Baocai is very jealous, and more and more sure that the ancient scriptures mastered by Su Yan are strong, they must be able to get their hands.

"If my brother stepped into the Nine Heavens, he might be able to shake the rules of the world," said Su Bingshuang.

Tiebao Caixiao laughed, "Impossible, you don't know the power of the rules of heaven and earth. When you realize it, you know how strong the rules of the heavens and the earth are. Even if Su Yan is impossible in the sky, no one can cross a two realm. Conquering a strong enemy, not to mention that this is called Zu Yan is still a small king, not so easy to deal with."

Su Yan’s nephew opened and noticed the energy of the six-year-old spring in the body. He understood that there was still a big gap from Zu Yan.

"Give me a thousand fast source stones, I can rush to the nine heavens"

Su Yan’s words made Tie Baocai red-eyed and “seek a chance to dig Zu Yan’s nest”

Su Bingsou shook his head. This is too difficult, and the geography of the earth has changed. It is not so easy to find the old nest of Zu Yan.

"My time is running out, Zu Yan, you little man, you are waiting for me."

Su Yan took a deep breath, he was strong and strong, and he had an initial experience in this world. So Su Yan did not worry about the unstable state.

At this time, he took Bronze Baoding out and tried to master the sword of Kowloon. He sighed and couldn't do it at all. The sword of Kowloon wanted to be driven. The conditions were very harsh and he needed to understand the rules of heaven and earth.

Su Yan felt that Zhu Yue had no hope for his trial tower.

However, he did not rush to take action, took out the golden source pen, and pulled out a lot of ore out, a serious beginning to engrave the pattern.


Tie Baocai’s eyes are straight, and he looks straight at the source species. Some incredible words, “Is you kidnapped?

Su Yan looked at Tie Baocai and asked, "How do you know the source?"

"There are things I don't know under this day. I can see at a glance that this is still the source of the product."

Tiebao Finance uses a very calm tone. "The stronger the source, the better, but it is a little different. The source is born out of chaos. The future value is even more amazing than the star. You can't buy it."

"This thing is so important" Su Frost is stunned.

"Of course, the source of the intrinsic small world, called a small universe, with the evolution of the world rules, if he is in the process of evolution, you observe the evolution of the small universe, is equivalent to watching the entire evolution of the earth, this has the rules of the world Extremely powerful"

Tie Baocai’s smashing of the railway "The light is already tempting enough, let alone the source pen that has been cultivated, and it is of great help to the stranger."

Su Yan masters the source pen, and the speed of engraving the pattern is very fast.

"It is not bad to have a chance to go to the universe to mine." Tie Baocai is very eye-catching. He knows that a powerful stranger can venture into the treasure in the universe, and maybe he can dig out the ore.

Time is slowly passing.

Su Yan is as calm as water and concentrates on engraving his movements. Since he is going, he must be the best prepared.

"My good brother, I have to remind you that time is running out, how long will you let me wait?"

The quiet ninth base once again conveyed the indifferent and majestic voice, vibrating the forest, and passing it through the mountains.

The ninth base commotion has been almost six days, but Su Yan has never appeared.

"Oh, Su Yan, Zuyan God of War is very impatient, you better hurry up, Zuyan God of War can not have so much time waiting for you"

Su Yan’s eyes are full of bloodshot eyes. He never sleeps, and he has smashed dozens of ore patterns with the source pen, but it is not enough. Su Yan is leaving a Yulong burst in the Qimen’s path against the bamboo moon. law

The ninth base is not very quiet. The sound of childish fire and coldness is spread throughout the ninth base. "There are not so many times waiting for you in the world. Your shelf is not too big, and you have nothing to fear, Zuyan war gods only ask some questions. The truth, you dare not come, what are you afraid of?"

"Yeah, guilty and ghost"

"The eyes of the whole world can all look at the ninth base. It is difficult for Zu Yan to still kill Su Yan here. I see this Su Yan has big problems. Do you not pay attention to Su Yan’s practice is very fast, like sitting on a rocket He was sure to have practiced some kind of evil magic, and Su Yan was the first to enter the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. This undoubtedly confirmed that the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang was opened by the female Shura."

"Yes, Su Yan definitely has a big problem. The female Shura has already been convicted. If you do not dare to come, you will admit it. I suggest that you immediately issue a killing order and chase Su Yan."

The young and strong people are sneer, and they have become more confident these days. Su Yan is like a grasshopper after the fall, and it will take a few days.

"My good brother, I can swear I won't kill you, I will give you the teacher Valkyrie to dispose of you"

After another day, Zu Yan was solemn and solemn, and faintly said, "I just want to ask some things. You are very talented. I don't want a genius with unlimited potential to go astray. I know that you were cheated by a female Shura, as long as you Willing to look back, I will deal with leniency"

The people around us are awe-inspiring, sincerely admired from the heart, and handed over to the **** of war to deal with Su Yan, this is already the most lenient punishment.

"Zu Yan, your fake and false meanings"

The angry roar blew here, a big fat man came, and walked up and down the mountain. He glared at him and made a fierce scream. "You forced the Su Yan to come out, even if it was imprisoned, you still have a face." Speaking of these words, don’t you know how to write the two words of shame?"

The entire ninth base was silent, and no one thought that someone would stand up and marry Zu Yan.

"Hello, you have the courage to dare to speak out to Zu Yan, and I am jealous of you."

The child fires silver and glares, and the palms stretch out like lightning. The condescending ones make a silver big handprint and anger toward the fat man.

What surprised the audience was that the atmosphere of the big fat man was extremely turbulent, and even the practice of not inferior to the nine-day Tianquan Spring broke out. Even the whole body was revived, and a small giant was born here.

He was so fierce that the violent child fire did not stop him for a time, and the fat man yelled, "Zhu Yan, one yard, one yard, you have to swear, I don't care, but you take a woman to swear that Su Yan is a man who has the ability to do it. Let them go, let me come"

"Fatty" Lin Lanlan's big eyes are red, biting his teeth and cutting the teeth "You give me away, don't need you to help, give me away"

"Courage is commendable" Zu Yan issued a cruel voice "I see you are also against, dare to bargain with me, who gives you courage"

The air machine that he reveals himself is a magnificent mountain, and the overwhelming pressure is fed to the fat man.

Even if the fat man is strong, facing the scent of the mountain like a mountain, let the body tremble, the knees are faintly bent

Zu Yan is as high as an emperor. He seems to be reading the decree and letting the fat man sin on the ground.

"Zhu Yan, if you are a man, just rush to me." The fat man is bloody, cold and cold. "I want to let you kiss you, I tell you there is no door."

"Ha ha"

Zu Yan is laughing, his breath is breathtaking, and the energy source is constantly squeezed on the fat body, letting the fat body tremble, the whole body is bleeding, and the knee begins to crack.

But the big fat man said nothing, so he stood here and stared at Zu Yan.

This scene has silenced all the people around. They have some doubts about Zu Yan’s decision. How can two women, Lin Lanlan and Bai Mengying, come back to the China Alliance?


At this moment, throughout the ninth base, there was a loud noise.

One after another, like a head and a head, the real dragon woke up from the silence

The entire ninth base, countless eyes, looking at Huaxia City

Huaxia City is far away from here, but a giant stone monument standing in Huaxia City, suddenly roared, and was almost blasted by a shadow of the air.

The whole stone monument broke out with the gods of heaven, and the sound of Wanma Pentium rang through the entire Huaxia City, shaking the major bases.

Su Yan turned back, cold and incomparable, looking at the ninth base

Third, add a chapter at night

The voice of Zu Yan, spread all over the square, contains the divine power, contains the arrogance of the superiors, and blasts in the mountains.

This sentence, my good brother, let Su Yan's whole body swell and swell, like the wolf smoke is undulating, the pores are drilling a substantial killing, just like killing the sword like a broken body

Especially his life, the intrinsic gods can be choppy, exuding the sound of mountain torrents.

All this is like Su Yan’s anger is leaking out, and the whole atmosphere that spreads from the inside out is like a wild dragon, full of terrible fierceness.

"Brother, you calm down, Zu Yan is deliberately irritating you."

Su Binghuang whispered "If he goes now, it is equal to self-investment, and even people can't save it when they are, and maybe they can put themselves in."

"Nothing Su Yan, rushed up, and Zu Yan launched a fight, kicking his yolk out."

Tie Baocai licks his mouth, and Su Yan rushes to kill the past and Zu Yan’s matchup

"shut up"

Su Bingshuang smashed his foot, and these days, getting along, has made Su Bingsu through the iron treasure, and estimated that after thinking about the fall of Su Yan, Tie Baocai took away the bronze Baoding.


However, the smell of Su Yan’s body has become more and more fierce. The whole body is full of exuberant spirits, and the limbs are swaying in the sky.

"This kid has been stimulated to break through." Tie Baocai, he felt that the gods in Su Yan's body can erupt, this time the breakthrough is definitely not the same.

Su Bingshuang’s eyes were full of joy, and he quickly offered a silver chain.

"My Star Chain"

Tiebaocai has a terrible pain, this silver chain is a very powerful secret treasure, but it was taken away by Su Bingshuang. Now Su Bingshuang masters the chain of this star, and the combat power has surged a lot.

The star chain flies to the sky, like a silver dragon disk, which suppresses the fluctuations released by Su Yan.


Su Yan’s breath became more and more fierce, and his life was originally cultivated to the Five Heavens. This time he broke through him. It’s not too unexpected. His life is close to Six Heavens.

Five to six heavens, it is a qualitative change

Su Yan can feel that his life spring is gradually grandized. With the initial operation, the moment of life and the swallowing, the heavens and the earth in all directions quickly gather to his life.

He also took out the source of the stone and swallowed the energy from the source.

"The life spring looks very powerful. How many good things did you steal from the kid?"

Tie Baocai was taken aback, Su Yan said that he also entered the six-day sky, but his breakthrough is even more amazing than the average person broke through to the nine-day

"what are you doing"

Tiebao Caisong, Su Bingshuang took his big ears and shouted "Little Baocai, take some source stone"

"What source of fine stone is this thing" Tie Baocai looks very kind.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the time, it's not coming soon." Su Bingshuang glanced at Tiebaocai.

Tiebaocai deducted a search and took out a piece of it. Su Bings’s threatening look looked at the past. The meat that never vomited the bones was only a few pieces of meat and pain.

However, Su Bingsun did not think that the energy required for Su Yan’s breakthrough was not only satisfied by these source stones.

Mainly his physical body also broke through part of the potential, the world of heaven and earth needed to be extremely vast, the energy of more than a dozen pieces of source stone was swallowed up, and the iron treasures cried and shouted out. Five pieces.

"I really haven't, I swear to the sky," Tie Baocai said with a black face.

The energy of the five sources of fine stone runs through the body of Su Yan. His flesh is surging, and the source of blood is even more terrible. When the spring is erupted, it is called the Yangtze River.

"Give me a breakthrough"

Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, his whole person is like tearing open a shackle, the strength of the surge, the energy source spread by the body, far more than the old man of the nine old Tianquanquan, faintly forced to build the environment

Su Bingshuang is stunned, he feels that the gap between Su Yan and her is getting smaller and smaller.

Tie Baocai is very jealous, and more and more sure that the ancient scriptures mastered by Su Yan are strong, they must be able to get their hands.

"If my brother stepped into the Nine Heavens, he might be able to shake the rules of the world," said Su Bingshuang.

Tiebao Caixiao laughed, "Impossible, you don't know the power of the rules of heaven and earth. When you realize it, you know how strong the rules of the heavens and the earth are. Even if Su Yan is impossible in the sky, no one can cross a two realm. Conquering a strong enemy, not to mention that this is called Zu Yan is still a small king, not so easy to deal with."

Su Yan’s nephew opened and noticed the energy of the six-year-old spring in the body. He understood that there was still a big gap from Zu Yan.

"Give me a thousand fast source stones, I can rush to the nine heavens"

Su Yan’s words made Tie Baocai red-eyed and “seek a chance to dig Zu Yan’s nest”

Su Bingsou shook his head. This is too difficult, and the geography of the earth has changed. It is not so easy to find the old nest of Zu Yan.

"My time is running out, Zu Yan, you little man, you are waiting for me."

Su Yan took a deep breath, he was strong and strong, and he had an initial experience in this world. So Su Yan did not worry about the unstable state.

At this time, he took Bronze Baoding out and tried to master the sword of Kowloon. He sighed and couldn't do it at all. The sword of Kowloon wanted to be driven. The conditions were very harsh and he needed to understand the rules of heaven and earth.

Su Yan felt that Zhu Yue had no hope for his trial tower.

However, he did not rush to take action, took out the golden source pen, and pulled out a lot of ore out, a serious beginning to engrave the pattern.


Tie Baocai’s eyes are straight, and he looks straight at the source species. Some incredible words, “Is you kidnapped?

Su Yan looked at Tie Baocai and asked, "How do you know the source?"

"There are things I don't know under this day. I can see at a glance that this is still the source of the product."

Tiebao Finance uses a very calm tone. "The stronger the source, the better, but it is a little different. The source is born out of chaos. The future value is even more amazing than the star. You can't buy it."

"This thing is so important" Su Frost is stunned.

"Of course, the source of the intrinsic small world, called a small universe, with the evolution of the world rules, if he is in the process of evolution, you observe the evolution of the small universe, is equivalent to watching the entire evolution of the earth, this has the rules of the world Extremely powerful"

Tie Baocai’s smashing of the railway "The light is already tempting enough, let alone the source pen that has been cultivated, and it is of great help to the stranger."

Su Yan masters the source pen, and the speed of engraving the pattern is very fast.

"It is not bad to have a chance to go to the universe to mine." Tie Baocai is very eye-catching. He knows that a powerful stranger can venture into the treasure in the universe, and maybe he can dig out the ore.

Time is slowly passing.

Su Yan is as calm as water and concentrates on engraving his movements. Since he is going, he must be the best prepared.

"My good brother, I have to remind you that time is running out, how long will you let me wait?"

The quiet ninth base once again conveyed the indifferent and majestic voice, vibrating the forest, and passing it through the mountains.

The ninth base commotion has been almost six days, but Su Yan has never appeared.

"Oh, Su Yan, Zuyan God of War is very impatient, you better hurry up, Zuyan God of War can not have so much time waiting for you"

Su Yan’s eyes are full of bloodshot eyes. He never sleeps, and he has smashed dozens of ore patterns with the source pen, but it is not enough. Su Yan is leaving a Yulong burst in the Qimen’s path against the bamboo moon. law

The ninth base is not very quiet. The sound of childish fire and coldness is spread throughout the ninth base. "There are not so many times waiting for you in the world. Your shelf is not too big, and you have nothing to fear, Zuyan war gods only ask some questions. The truth, you dare not come, what are you afraid of?"

"Yeah, guilty and ghost"

"The eyes of the whole world can all look at the ninth base. It is difficult for Zu Yan to still kill Su Yan here. I see this Su Yan has big problems. Do you not pay attention to Su Yan’s practice is very fast, like sitting on a rocket He was sure to have practiced some kind of evil magic, and Su Yan was the first to enter the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. This undoubtedly confirmed that the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang was opened by the female Shura."

"Yes, Su Yan definitely has a big problem. The female Shura has already been convicted. If you do not dare to come, you will admit it. I suggest that you immediately issue a killing order and chase Su Yan."

The young and strong people are sneer, and they have become more confident these days. Su Yan is like a grasshopper after the fall, and it will take a few days.

"My good brother, I can swear I won't kill you, I will give you the teacher Valkyrie to dispose of you"

After another day, Zu Yan was solemn and solemn, and faintly said, "I just want to ask some things. You are very talented. I don't want a genius with unlimited potential to go astray. I know that you were cheated by a female Shura, as long as you Willing to look back, I will deal with leniency"

The people around us are awe-inspiring, sincerely admired from the heart, and handed over to the **** of war to deal with Su Yan, this is already the most lenient punishment.

"Zu Yan, your fake and false meanings"

The angry roar blew here, a big fat man came, and walked up and down the mountain. He glared at him and made a fierce scream. "You forced the Su Yan to come out, even if it was imprisoned, you still have a face." Speaking of these words, don’t you know how to write the two words of shame?"

The entire ninth base was silent, and no one thought that someone would stand up and marry Zu Yan.

"Hello, you have the courage to dare to speak out to Zu Yan, and I am jealous of you."

The child fires silver and glares, and the palms stretch out like lightning. The condescending ones make a silver big handprint and anger toward the fat man.

What surprised the audience was that the atmosphere of the big fat man was extremely turbulent, and even the practice of not inferior to the nine-day Tianquan Spring broke out. Even the whole body was revived, and a small giant was born here.

He was so fierce that the violent child fire did not stop him for a time, and the fat man yelled, "Zhu Yan, one yard, one yard, you have to swear, I don't care, but you take a woman to swear that Su Yan is a man who has the ability to do it. Let them go, let me come"

"Fatty" Lin Lanlan's big eyes are red, biting his teeth and cutting the teeth "You give me away, don't need you to help, give me away"

"Courage is commendable" Zu Yan issued a cruel voice "I see you are also against, dare to bargain with me, who gives you courage"

The air machine that he reveals himself is a magnificent mountain, and the overwhelming pressure is fed to the fat man.

Even if the fat man is strong, facing the scent of the mountain like a mountain, let the body tremble, the knees are faintly bent

Zu Yan is as high as an emperor. He seems to be reading the decree and letting the fat man sin on the ground.

"Zhu Yan, if you are a man, just rush to me." The fat man is bloody, cold and cold. "I want to let you kiss you, I tell you there is no door."

"Ha ha"

Zu Yan is laughing, his breath is breathtaking, and the energy source is constantly squeezed on the fat body, letting the fat body tremble, the whole body is bleeding, and the knee begins to crack.

But the big fat man said nothing, so he stood here and stared at Zu Yan.

This scene has silenced all the people around. They have some doubts about Zu Yan’s decision. How can two women, Lin Lanlan and Bai Mengying, come back to the China Alliance?


At this moment, throughout the ninth base, there was a loud noise.

One after another, like a head and a head, the real dragon woke up from the silence

The entire ninth base, countless eyes, looking at Huaxia City

Huaxia City is far away from here, but a giant stone monument standing in Huaxia City, suddenly roared, and was almost blasted by a shadow of the air.

The whole stone monument broke out with the gods of heaven, and the sound of Wanma Pentium rang through the entire Huaxia City, shaking the major bases.

Su Yan turned back, cold and incomparable, looking at the ninth base

Third, add a chapter at night

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