Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 945: Fairy burial ground

The direction of the source is mysterious.

A round material, to the extreme, seems to burn down the world.

It is like a round of great days burning, spewing and radiant, intertwined with the light of the order of the order, reflecting the cosmic scorpio, and the slightly released airflow, hard-pressed the billions of rivers and mountains!

The terrible manifestation made the audience a sensation. Is this the strongest form in history?

It looks like a seed, mysterious speculation, hanging in an indescribable time and space, and the years of existence are not testable, so it is presented in the eyes of the world.

"What kind of substance is this?"

The vast majority of people are full of fog, the picture is somewhat beyond their expectations, originally thought to be a treasure, or a universe, but the result makes them all stunned, like a mysterious seed.

Only the old antiques are full of emotions. For the strongest creation in history, there has been a conclusion in a long time, and there are certain records on the ancient books of their families.

It is now clear to the surface, and perhaps it will be born in this world.


Just at the moment when the audience fell into silence, one after another, the horror of the horror!

The earth and the earth broke out with great shocks, and the universe's beings began to tremble. This is not a **** wave. At least a dozen or so heavy momentum is coming here, and it will collapse over the years!

Even Su Yan was in the middle, feeling a kind of pre-historic fluctuations, it seems that living in ancient creatures spanning the years, its appearance must have alerted many old monsters, all are watching.

However, no one dares to come here, there have been many **** events, and there are powerful forces to force them to take it, but unfortunately, all of them have fallen!

The material that the power is red and can't help, how can not let the world feel terrified, so it is determined to be the strongest creation in history.

"The ruins of chaos can really be the land of the dragons and the tigers. There are actually more than a dozen powerful breaths coming."

Su Yan is a big man, eight in the wild, like the end of time and space, with a vague and grand figure quietly between the manifestations, the world they are in, the sun sinking, the starry sea tremble, the gods surrender.

This is a powerful person, powerful to the heyday, terrible to the extreme!

But nowadays, more than a dozen great powers have revealed their infinite fluctuations, and they have vaguely revealed their spiritual will. For this mysterious seed, there is a bounded belief!

"What kind of hidden secrets it hides, so that more than a dozen powers can't sit still!"

Many people exclaimed that the past burial of the mountain appeared, the power did not come, but now the emergence of this mysterious seed, but let more than a dozen powers can not sit still, even suspect that this thing floats out, will lead to a series of Shopping!

Su Yan can't see through, maybe his realm is too low, or perhaps because of other reasons, he also has a mysterious seed, I don't know how strong the value is.

"Look at you!"

There was a monk screaming and pointing at the hanging place of the mysterious seed. The tone was excited: "It turned out to be here, God, no wonder it is the strongest creation in history."

The audience all looked at the direction of the source, and Su Yan also saw the grand outline of the world. He snarled and his eyes were round.

It is simply a magnificent universe that presents a corner, one after another, a great sacred, magnificent ancient city, the mountains are endless, one after the other, countless.

If it is not because of the emerging picture, there is a kind of repression, Sen cold, ruin and volatility, people think that it is a fortified universe floating out.

In the corner of the magnificent universe, there is a horrible airflow, and the heavens and the earth are red, like red blood stained by the blood, and the atmosphere is so cold that the whole body is raging, this is in the face of a death.

The silent world is full of sorrow and sorrow, and it has a heavy feeling of panic, which makes people dare not explore easily.

This is just a corner of the world. The distant scene is difficult to see clearly. It can only see the general fuzzy outline. It is shocking. The gods are small and dusty. They can only look at it.

This is a group of ants looking at the dragon!

The corner of the mysterious land, the special brilliance of transpiration, the deeper the look, the greater the shock.

Because in the fuzzy contours, although there is an ancient chaotic transpiration, you can also see that one after another, huge to the ruins of the sky, presented in a vague world.

And some of the bodies in the process of self-floating, crushing countless stars, mainly because the world is too vast, they float like this, do not know how many years have floated.

The mysterious world, like a large burial place, has a strong sense of death and an amazing sense of oppression.

Only one seed hangs in the outline of the vague world, reflecting the world.

"It turned out to be a burial place!"

When the spirit is terrified, anyone can feel that the burial place is a land of extinction. If it covers it, it seems that the entire chaotic ruins will collapse.

The burial place, known as the first Jedi in the chaotic ruins!

Why is it that the world of immortals is unknown? This is the name of the Jedi that has been circulated in history!

"Imperial burial place?"

Su Yan whispered, he felt that this burial place was even more amazing than the Chaoshan Mountain!

"The funeral mountain, the burial place, is there a connection between the two?"

He is whispering, there are too many legends in this burial place, and the power is discolored. This is the first Jedi, and it is dead.

“Why are they all related to the word funeral, even including my family?”

Su Yan’s brow wrinkled very deep. He really felt that the water of the family was too deep, and the years involved were too vast.

Now it is because of the emergence of a mysterious seed, the burial place is about to come out, one of the strongest life Jedi will be open, the audience is crazy, the strongest creation and opportunity in history is really coming!

"Since this burial place has been opened, why no one has ever been the strongest in history?"

Some people have expressed confusion and hope to get answers.

Some old antiques are laughing, they can be easily obtained. They have been opened in a long time. Although they can see this mysterious seed, what is the burial place?

Dangerous to the extreme, of course, even if you explore the burial place, you have found its place to hang, but no one has ever got this mysterious seed.

There used to be a great ability to seal and practice, and to take the risk of breaking into the mysterious seeds, but unfortunately failed, no one can succeed.

But now the big names of the various ethnic groups speculate that this mysterious seed has been nourished and matured by the longevity of the essence of the world. Perhaps it is really the day of picking up.

But what kind of ability does this seed have? There is no legend at all. I am afraid that only a very small group of people can understand it.

"A fairy, quickly raised, I did not expect this world to breed this kind of creation, it is really impossible!"

In the distant world, a woman looks at her, and she is born with a national fragrance and a noble world.

This woman's body is like jade, bathing the golden light of the sun, especially the curve of the undulating body is set off by the golden armor, which is a beautiful beauty that can not be forgotten.

Her golden hair is hanging down the waist, a pair of gold-plated golden pupils, staring at the mysterious seeds suspended in the burial ground, muttering to himself: "It is ripe, it also indicates that this world will open!"

Her gaze quickly moved away from the genus, and it seemed that she was not interested at all.

The eyes of the golden woman, but a stream of cold light, once again recalled the mysterious mountain, the mysterious seed that Su Yan took away, she has been stunned and remembered.


Her appearance has attracted a lot of attention. Many younger generations of Yingjie came to see the ceremony, and the eyes are full of heat. This beautiful and beautiful woman is really rare.

The golden woman stands proudly, and there is a vague bronze tree behind her. In the young talents who show her charming color, she scorns.

These people, in front of her Lord, are just a group of chickens and dogs.

Even if it is the Supreme of the Heavens, it is extremely difficult to enter her eyes.

"is her!"

Su Yan’s eyelids jumped slightly and saw the golden woman. He was careful to converge and his mood became more and more heavy.

Because Su Yan glimpsed the looming bronze tree behind her, it is hard to forget the picture of the bronze tree bred to the heavenly soldiers, and even the peak of the land, a peerless world, experienced a long time, raising soldiers!

The origin of this golden woman is amazing, and Su Yan has cut a mysterious seed from her hand, and now she can not provoke it without provoke.

At this time, the world of the front, there was a cry of reprimand.

Su Yan’s nephew looked at the past and saw that the old strong was scolding the disciples, and he listened carefully.

"What is this? Is this burial place you can sway?" The strong ethnic group sang coldly: "Even now the burial place has not yet opened, immediately retreat, not near the burial place."

"It didn't open yet. Let's come back when we open it." Many people are disappointed.

However, there are old antiques who laughed and said: "No disappointment, it is your blessing to not open now. If it is really open, you can only go to despair!"

"how do I say this?"

Everyone was amazed, Su Yan frowned, he scratched his head, the burial place is sinister, but this first life Jedi will inevitably breed endless natural treasures. After all, it has not been opened for hundreds of thousands of years, God knows What kind of creation has been born.

But if the burial place is really open, it must be the first land of creation, and it will be the battleground for the universe's geniuses!


Suddenly, there is a fierce noise bursting in the distant world!

This moment touched the nerve line of all people, and they all looked at the past. They all lost their color. It was a shadow. The whole spit was vast and clear, and the moment he breathed, the territory of the scorpion was shaking and roaring!

This is an indescribable expanse of power. In the awakening, the emperor in the king of God is erupting. Even in this atmosphere of heavy atmosphere, he appears to be peerless and horrible.

"Is that a **** king?"

The half-step power is moving, the **** king is too tyrannical, the power of horror, the spit between the spit, the pores revealing the blood of the blood, so that the body of the spirit will burst.

The people in the field were horrified, and Su Yan’s fists slowly gripped.

"He has a body to treasure!"

Some strong people saw the clue. Even a **** king, even the top king, did not dare to rush in. Someone noticed that the **** king was covered with a horrible order of light.

With his sprint, the light of this order is infinitely strong, and finally turned into a magnificent picture, including the universe, full of the power to suppress the universe.

"The earthquake map!"

The older generation is screaming, this is the gap, the top king is quite arrogant, even if it is a half-step big energy to let him three points, after all, this kind of existence is super-powerful, and it is only a matter of time before the power is proved.

"It is Qiu Ming, God of War, Qiu Ming!"

Some women are excited to scream, and their eyes are full of fanaticism and worship.

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