Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 946: Youth slaves reappear!

Qiu Ming, an invincible existence with mythology, is known as one of the most stunning peers of this cosmic era!

Even he has already stepped into the realm of the king of the gods, and is also known as the absolute existence in the realm of the king of gods.

This young generation of the top kings, very few, can be said to be few, most of them are in a hermit state. Today, Qiu Ming’s debut in this way is a sign that he is determined to have a certainty for the mysterious seeds.

"Qiu Ming, the son of a restricted area in the restricted area of ​​life, also went to the Daodian Temple to subdue, even with the Han family and Tianzhu."

These identity symbols are spoken, so that the Wizards of all ethnic groups really start to face green, and any identity is not allowed, but these identity symbols are all gathered together in Qiu Ming, which has to be said to be too glorious and glorious.

"A future power is bound to be one of the masters of heaven and earth!"

The older generation’s admiration for him, the constant approval, and some people are not happy, is this evaluation too high?

However, Qiu Ming does have such qualifications. Even in this imprisoned world, there is a super-strong force, his own breath is infinitely strong, and his eyebrows, with dazzling traces released, have a vagueness. The mysterious ancient tower is like a boulevard, and the crushed Tianzhu is rumbling.

"The avenue tower imprint!"

Some people screamed that this is one of the strongest cultivation places in the temple, known as the Avenue Tower.

However, it is also an ancient stone tower that was born out of the Chaos Tower. It is not surprising that Qiu Ming can get the mark of the Avenue Tower.

“The Avenue Tower is one of the top stone towers bred by the Chaos Tower. It has been mastered by the Taoist Temple. It is estimated that there are other disciples in the Temple that have also received the avenue tower imprint!”

Su Yan got some news from this news. It seems that it is not only a stone tower, but also a higher quality than the stone tower.

However, the Chaos Tower has not appeared yet, but it should be faster. Since Qiu Ming got the mark of the Avenue Tower, the future will inevitably sprint the Chaos Tower!

However, there is no treasure in this history that no one can take away. Even Qiu Ming is not optimistic.

"I understand that in the burial place, the king of God can also go!"

Many talents reacted at this moment. It is no wonder that the old antiques said that it is a blessing to not open now. If they and Qiu Ming are together in a burial place, it is enough to let them go to despair. Who can win them?

Let the ancestors join hands, it is impossible to ask Qiu Ming, but to deal with the top king, the peak of the king!


Su Yan is black, let them sprint the king of the gods, even if they are not able to rush to the North Demon for decades, even this is the fastest time, but Qiu Ming has accumulated in the field of the gods for so many years, even It’s true that the gods of the heavens have entered the realm of the king of God, and it is impossible to compete for Qiu Ming!

In short, the burial place is just to suppress the power, and the rest of the strong can break in.

Therefore, it is really enough to let them despair now, but the burial place has already emerged, and it will not be possible to open it in a few decades. Although the time of opening is simply uncertain, it is absolutely impossible to exceed one or two decades.

Qiu Ming is getting closer and closer to the burial place. Is he going to rush straight and forcibly?

But this is simply impossible, unless he is really tired of Qiu Ming.

Eventually it stopped, and a pair of deep pupils looked at the burial ground, and he carried his hands and swayed.

"Xiandao Seed!"

Qiu Ming’s eyes patrolled this moment, and the eyes were full of heat. He whispered in his heart: “I’m sure that Qiu’s will be in the future, and the future will prove me to be on the road!”

This is his spiritual will, to be the master of the world, to dominate the earth ups and downs!

It’s not just him who has this kind of thought. From the impact of Qiu Ming, this vast and vast territory has a variety of horror, and the power of a **** with a breath of terror begins to spread!

The group of dragons started to move, the magical weather spread, and the raging impact!

There are too many young overlords to stand up. On the way to the burial ground, there are also older generations who want to look at the past. Unfortunately, it’s not enough halfway. After all, the suppression is too serious, and the same generation of the king has hope. Fairy burial ground.


Su Yan looked awkward because Su Yan saw an acquaintance.

It was a beautiful and holy woman, she was so dirty that she was like a snow country, she was dressed in a white dress.

Her white body is flowing, like a bathing sacred glow, holy to the extreme, not to be embarrassed.

When some women saw her, they felt that they were self-defeating and stood with them. Everything lost their brilliance. Only this beautiful and holy woman stood proud.

Su Yan had to sigh that the world was too small. I didn't expect to encounter Yin Yisi here. She had already entered the Taoist temple. She even had her own sacred body. In the Taoist temple, she belonged to the disciple, and the deep Taoist elders loved it. Strive to train her to grow.

"I don't know how they are treasured?"

Su Yan’s heart is guilty, time has passed so long, it is reasonable to say that Yuan should they come?

However, Su Yan did not find out about them, and even the Milky Way was innocent. This made Su Yan frown. Isn't the galaxy really dangerous?

Or, Baocai, they have come to the chaos of the chaos, but did not go to the chaotic channel, which makes Su Yan very helpless, after all, he is going to seek reincarnation.

If Yu Yuan is here, Su Yan has a helper around him, and he will not be enemies on all sides. If he is single-handedly attacked, the danger is too great. After all, Su Yan has not yet stepped into the realm of the gods.

Now it can be low-key and low-key. It is not necessary to be forced. He is not ready to shoot. Su Yan is a false god.

However, Yin Yisi is now infinitely close to the realm of the gods. Her practice is very fast. This temple is not a small one. As a descendant of the Taoist temple, Yin Yisi has no shortage of cultivation resources.

Su Yan rushed all the way and wanted to meet Yin Yisi. He was not swaying when he was approaching.

This Yin Yisi is surrounded by old antiques and secretly guarded. Since she is a sacred body of Taiyin, the Taoist Temple pays special attention to it. Now Yin Yisi has not grown up and is not suitable for separate dispatch!

"Miss Yisi, the burial place is the first Jedi. It is too pity to look at it. I can **** you in the past."

A young man wearing a gold robe walked up to her front, and this person was so powerful that he couldn't help but exude a noble atmosphere. At first glance, it was a rare person.

This is the young overlord of Tianzhu, Zhu Yongjia!

Even he is the descendant of Zhu Yuanqing, the grandson of the half-step and powerful, in the chaotic ruins of the younger generation belongs to the generations of the wind and rain, the bamboo pulse of the day is the famous hegemonic force of chaotic ruins.

Yin Yisi shook her head slightly, and her hair was slightly dancing, and she was speechless. Like her previous personality, it seemed to be very worrying at the moment.

"Why, Miss Ess has something to worry about?"

Zhu Yuanqing's face is full of love, a pair of hot eyes constantly watching Yin Yisi, for this temperamental iceberg beauty, Zhu Yongjia has been pursuing a year or two, and even she is still a sacred body, Tianzhu Yimai supports his pursuit Yin Yisi.

Seeing Yin Yisi is silent, Zhu Yongjia looks like one and smiles: "I heard that Miss Yisi’s hometown is very unusual. Can you talk to me?"

Su Yan’s face sank. Does Zhu Yongjia know the origin of Yin Yisi?

Yin Yisi frowned and replied faintly: "If you are interested in the purple micro-star domain, you can go to the guest."

Zhu Yongjia just smiled and said nothing. He has been secretly inquiring about the origins of Yin Yisi. Even he learned that when He Shengjie went to the ancestral stars together, this Yin Yisi would not be related to the funeral family.

"Sacred God of War!"

Someone in the distance exclaimed, it was a golden light rushing, and the exuberant blood also burned, blazing the sky, this is a big fire in the world, the life is full of blood, and there is an immortal power!

The prestige of the Holy God of War in the chaotic ruins is extremely high, and now his arrival has caused a sensation in the audience, and the reputation must surpass Zhu Yongjia.

"Sacred brother!"

Zhu Yongjia also respected and walked over to see the ceremony. He said: "If you don't see it for many days, the style of the Holy Brothers will be better. After the refining of the avenue, I must have stepped into the heavens and gods. ”

Many people are at a loss, and the avenue tree has already been owned. In the end, the hall will come out and distribute the extra avenue fruit to the young and strong people.

As for this avenue tree, it will start auctioning in an auction!

This holy **** of war, naturally got one, but he entered the field of the gods only a year or two, this **** of fruit, can make it break through to six heavens? It’s too ridiculous, right?

"Ha ha ha!"

Sacred God of War smiled and said: "This is nothing. If you don't enter the king of God, I will be a small character. I have to learn more from Qiu Ming's brother!"

"Singular brother, you are too modest. With your combat power, stepping into the king of God is only a matter of time." Zhu Yongjia smiled and said: "I see the breath of the Holy Spirit, this is just out of customs, why not Consolidate and consolidate the practice, this burial place is now not up to the opening time."

Wen Yan, the eyes of the Holy God of War flashed a chill: "That is not, I used to eat a big loss in the mountain, I was taken advantage of Su Yan, it is said that he went out, hey, I have to go to marry him! ”

The icy killings spread here, and the people around them changed color. Su Yan is now famous. The Avenue City has a **** incident of chaotic passages.

This holy day of God and Su Yan directly on the festival, they have heard of some.

"That is really good. This kid named Su Yan is a bit mad. I can't recognize the reality. I will go with you. I have to see what the three sons of Su Yan have grown up!"

Zhu Yongjia also sneered, his grandfather Zhu Yuanqing is very uncomfortable with Su Yan. If he can teach Su Yan himself, it will inevitably make Zhu Yuanqing pay more attention to himself.

"Miss Isis is here too, it is better to go together."

Shengtian God of War looked at Yin Yisi again. He knew clearly about Zhu Yongjia's thoughts, but this Taiyin holy body is not so good to tame.

Yin Yisi naturally refused, and her heart was anxious. She also just learned that they had joined forces to go to the chaotic channel.

Su Yan’s eyes were glazed, and I thought about coming to meet Yin Yisi. I never thought that the Holy God of War stood up.

"I want to stop me!"

Su Yan’s heart is dying, he wants to follow the past, and see if he can kill the Holy God!

Only Su Yan has just acted, his face is extremely abnormal!

Su Yan’s heart was shocked, and a pair of eyes stared at him, a tall man.

He was full of hair and messy, covering his face, and the whole person had a kind of arrogance.

But he was alone, and he was on his own, obviously he was going to the burial ground.

"It's him!"

Su Yan's mood is aroused. It was a young slave in the past. It was also because of his eruption that a chaotic ruin broke out. It was even more alarming of the major hegemons, even the Milky Way!

This legend has appeared here, even close to Su Yan.

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