Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 947: Super auction

The vast expanse of the vast area gathers people from all walks of life, and the crowds are full of people.

They are all looking at the burial place, and for the first Jedi of the universe, they want to uncover its secrets.

Even the successive Tianjiao people from all walks of life have released their unique brilliance here, shining through the rivers and mountains, it can be described as the wind and cloud!

Of course, no one will watch, this man who is ridiculously distracted and lonely and lonely, like a lone wolf walking on the mainland, is incompatible with this vocal world.

Su Yan’s nephew stared at him for a moment, and his blood was boiling!

"Really it!"

Su Yan’s fist jerked, and the excitement in his heart was extremely difficult to describe!

He is a generation of legends, a terrible existence that is difficult for the world to understand, a mysterious giant that is enough to let the powers retreat, come to the sky, and even have a certain relationship with the funeral family.

Now that he is strangely present here, how can he calm down Su Yan.

The tall man is very close to Su Yan.

"I don't know if he still knows me."

Su Yan took a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down, and at the same time, his heart was also weird. Here, the big man couldn’t get close to it, but the mysterious man was as stable as Taishan, and his dilapidated clothes fluttered in the wind.

Is it possible to think that this person is terrible, can ignore the rules and order of the burial place, and the first life restricted area can not help him?

Su Yan feels that the possibility is not great. The first life is Jedi, the most powerful in history, and the years of existence cannot be estimated. If someone can ignore the burial place, then the strongest in history has been taken away.


There was a breeze between the heavens and the earth, and the tall man was full of messy long hair fluttering, revealing a vicissitude of the face, looking like a middle-aged man, so that Su Yan was slightly lost.

Su Yan quickly approached, he is very clear that if he can walk with tall men, but also afraid of a ball, Han Jiazu can go to the big model to be a guest!

Soon Su Yan came to him, and his heart was stunned. In front of him, Su Yan looked at the feeling of looking up at the Bohai Sea. It was unattainable. When he approached him, there was a kind of suffocation and inexplicable oppression, which made Su Yan almost fall to the ground. .

This is really the ant worm facing the dragon, can only hope for its back!

This shows that he is too strong, if not sealed the body's breath, God knows how terrible energy body will erupt!

"Big brother!"

Su Yan went up to climb the friendship, and looked seriously: "Big brother, do you still know me? My name is Su Yan, from the funeral domain!"

Su Yan called and called out their own origins.

The tall man who was striding to walk slowly stopped, slightly tilted, and a pair of scorpions that were covered with chaos, bursting with strange brilliance, filled with a wave of splitting human soul, directly through the true face of Su Yan.

He stood in front of Su Yan, the bronze body is as tall as a mountain, and he can't help but reveal the chilling air, which makes people feel awe.

And under the watchful eyes of his nephew, Su Yan’s headache is cracking. I really feel that the reincarnation has exploded, revealing the picture of the dead sea and the **** sea. In this dilapidated and **** world, there is only one person who has existed forever. Looking down at the vast world.

Su Yan’s gods have been swallowed, assimilated, and destroyed!

Su Yan’s big shock, he did not dare to look at it, and quickly said: “Big brother, do you still know me? Where are you going? When you repeatedly rescued me, I have not come to thank you. ”

The tall man was silent for a while, and his nephew fell to the burial ground.

It seems that he is not very interested in mysterious seeds, but he is interested in the burial place. He wants to break in and open the burial place directly.

Su Yan followed him, and his heart was anxious. How can he figure out his origins? Even with him, this kind of character is not seen at the end of the dragon. It is too difficult to see one side.

If you can follow him, there is a pinnacle of the sea god, and you will have to retreat when you come. Su Yan can walk across the chaotic ruins.

Su Yan’s brain had to be blown up, and he hurriedly said: “I know the whereabouts of the reincarnation...”

Su Yan’s words have not been finished yet. The tall man has stopped suddenly and his body shape has moved slightly. There is a great power that collapses into the sea. It is like the invincible hegemon of the long river across the years. It is terrible.

This large area, many people who are stunned and distracted, have become disorganized.

They looked around, but then they were confused. Just now they felt that a giant was pressing here and let them want to surrender, but now they can't see anything.

"Is it an illusion..."

Many powerful practitioners whisper in their hearts, but they are also secretly vigilant. They feel that because of the problem of the burial place, they dare not go deep into it. They really worry that the burial place will suddenly turmoil.

Su Yan’s inner surprise, he really interested in the reincarnation.

After all, Su Yan has seen him several times. The face of a tall man sometimes changes. Sometimes it is like an old man. Sometimes he is like a young man. Now he is a middle-aged man. He seems to be experiencing repeated reincarnation. Too mysterious.

The reincarnation, a rare treasure that claims to be reincarnation and even rebuilt, is too expensive and is one of the most terrible treasures in the world.

He felt that the reincarnation was suitable for him. He did not expect to just say it. This big brother is directly interested.

Su Yansheng was afraid that he would not believe it, that is, the record that was handed over to him by the Lai River. It was obvious that the tall man saw the information put by Su Yan, his pupil slightly shrank, and then nodded to Su Yan.

Su Yan’s heart was ecstatic, and he whispered and said: “The reincarnation is ripening. It’s in a broken and broken universe. Your brother’s strength is too strong. If you break into the fear that the mystery will collapse directly, I will Different, I can definitely pick it up!"

The tall man has been silent and has never spoken.

But he followed Su Yan!

This made Su Yan's heart amazed. With this **** man around, I couldn't wait to scream, fearing that the ancient ancestors of the ancestral hall would come, and most of them would face green.

"They are gone."

Su Yan thinks of something at the moment, trying to search for the trace of Yin Yisi, but has gone far, Su Yan estimated that they went to the chaotic channel.

However, Yin Yisi is in a sacred position in the temple, and there is also an old antique in the temple. Su Yan really does not worry about the dangers that Yin Yisi will encounter.

I thought that Su Yan’s mind was alive and excited, and there was a burst of fangs.

With this **** man around, you can’t make the enemy cheaper.....

Su Yan knows that there are quite a few strong people who are now staring at themselves. Even the top secret incident of the mountain of burial makes many old monsters unable to sit still. Once their own traces are leaked out, there will be a big shock.

If the tall man stands out at the crucial moment, the picture will definitely be very exciting.

"You will be holding an auction meeting in the city of Dao, and you will be able to come to the auction conference."

There are strong people in the sound, Avenue City will soon hold an auction meeting, and even the Avenue Tree will come out to bid, it is said that in the auction, will bid for some of the universe's spiritual practice, even the unexpected can not be met Treasures.

"This auction conference was held by the Daodian Temple. It is extremely horrible and can be called a super auction!"

"Yes, when the big energy will come to the auction, you must look at it in the past and see your gains."

"I heard that the temple has been invited, and the young and powerful of the various ethnic groups, the Heavenly Supreme will come to a few, it must be a rare event."

"Haha, this auction is bound to be a place for the big group of big people to play. Young people have gone, and it is estimated that they are just blinking. Even if they are supreme, they can't afford the treasures."

The people onlookers here, after all, the specifications can compete with the super auctions, and the powerful players will go to participate. It is bound to be a rare chamber of commerce. It is estimated that there will be unacceptable materials to bid for!

Su Yan Ling machine movement, this kind of event he also wants to see knowledge, maybe you can meet the treasures you want, Su Yan is not lacking wealth now, fully capable of taking some of the materials he needs.

"The gods and gods, through the heavens, master the chaos, from person to person, step into this field will have a qualitative change in the strength of the field, you can take the cosmic avenue, the land is bounded!"

"If I take the flesh as the way, stepping into the path of the gods, without the help of the universe, it will be extremely difficult, and maybe some catastrophe will be encountered."

"If you can meet some strange things in the auction, it will definitely help me in my breakthrough. This auction is worth a visit!"

Su Yan groaned in his heart, and immediately found that a group of old strongmen continued to appear, and it seems that they are ready to return to the Avenue City to participate in the next auction event.

"It seems that the auction is about to start. There is a long way to go from here to Avenue City. They should be able to take the cross-domain transmission array in the nearby big area. Now I have to start immediately to catch up."

Su Yan quickly asked the tall man around him: "Big brother, it will take some time for the reincarnation to mature. Do you want to go to an auction meeting first? The secret of this round of fruit is also near the Avenue City, just as we are on the way. ”

Su Yan’s heart drumming, he couldn’t guess the thoughts of this mysterious powerhouse. He didn’t know how long he could stay with him. If he could exchange and communicate, it’s a pity that Su Yan does not have this qualification.

The tall man has been in a state of silence. The bronze body is majestic, like a magnificent mountain pressed against the heart of Su Yan. He seems to be calm, but there is a kind of power that the world cannot imagine.

Seeing that he followed himself, Su Yan was very determined, and it seems that he is very concerned about the reincarnation.

"I am coming to Avenue City!"

Su Yan only feels dripping, and there is a **** man beside him. What else can be feared, even if it is a giant power, seeing him estimate that he must shun.

Su Yan quickly moved away from this area, and the time for the opening of the burial ground was still uncertain. There was no need for Su Yan to waste time here.

Along the way, Su Yan inquired about the direction of the Avenue City. It is the largest ancient city in the chaotic ruins. The reputation of this avenue city is too great. Although the road is far away, there is a certain danger, but Su Yan is also rampant along the way.

Along the way, Su Yan also tried to explore the world, to see if some of the cosmic secrets can be dug up. The gods are guarding. Who dares to come and find it?

However, a few days passed, Su Yan found that he thought more, but he smiled: "The chaotic ruins exist for too long, although it is a land of conglomeration, but these cosmic secrets are estimated to be hidden in dangerous areas, to my present Ability, running through chaos is still a little hard!"

"The gods, wait for you to step into this, then go to the chaotic ruins and take risks!"

Su Yan runs through one big domain after another, and is infinitely close to the Avenue City. He has seen at the end of the horizon, there is a city, entrenched between the heavens and the earth, heavy as if coming to the end of the universe!

Su Yan’s eyes wide open, looking at the Avenue City, if you look at the heavens!

Avenue City can also be said to be the most magnificent and broad ancient city in the universe!

Now Su Yan sees the Avenue City, really like looking up at the sky, it is too vast, covering a large area, haunting the ancient charm, spewing the vast expanse of the radiance, shining the universe.

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