Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 948: Avenue city

The ancient city is magnificent, spectacular to the extreme!

The sky and the stars, in the background of this giant city are particularly small, they are all around the giant city, this city seems to carry the ancient star sea, spewing infinite sunshine!

Avenue City, colorful, full of rich years of atmosphere.

The age of architecture is hard to say clearly. It has existed for millions of years, witnessed the rise and fall of the human world, witnessed the rise of the group, and the city has always stood still, just like the avenue dragon disk is here, and it is sprayed with light.

Why is it called Avenue City?

Su Yan is not clear, but waiting for him to approach the Avenue City, this only found that the city is like an abyss of the road, it is hard to imagine, and there is a strong life essence.

There is no doubt that the avenue city building is above the dragon's avenue, so that Su Yan screams, the handwriting is too amazing, and deserved the first city in the world!

Su Yan stepped into the avenue city and was shocked by the sights in front of him. It was not like a city, but like a world, huge and boundless, full of grandeur, full of years of vicissitudes.

The historical atmosphere here is too strong, but among them there are many old shops in the roots of the city, inheriting one after another in the cosmic era.

In the Avenue City, it is also forbidden to use force. Even the King of God does not dare to rush in the city, but it will be difficult to protect.

Because in the avenue city, there is a great power to sit in the town, from the Taoist temple, who dares to scatter on the local snake? Although the Avenue City does not participate in the struggles of various ethnic groups and transcendence in the world, this highlights the reason why the Taoist Temple is strong, and does not compete with the various ethnic groups, but can occupy such an amazing resource, enough to see the foundation of the Taoist Temple!

Even after a long period of time, one after another, the universe was over, and the temple was still high.

The avenue city is the first city of the universe, and there has been almost no war. From here, we can also see the deterrent power of the temple.

"A good avenue city!"

Su Yan has stepped into the ancient city, and the oncoming is the overwhelming avenue of the gods. The universe all have an illusion in the avenue city, even Su Yan has a very small illusion.

Is this an illusion?

Su Yan does not think that he is looking at the Avenue City, even if it is Su Yan Jing Tong Qi secret technique, but this Avenue City, the majestic as the Avenue fairy furnace, release the vast avenue of the gods, can not be shaken!

Even a **** king, facing the magnificent momentum of the avenue city, can not turn out the wind and waves, this is a pattern formed in the precipitation of the years.

In the city, the weather is magnificent, and people come and go, most of them are local residents in the city, and they all have a noble atmosphere.

Undoubtedly, living in the avenue city for a long time, you can support your life, raise the spirit of the gods, and be baptized by the avenue for a long time. It is very easy to enter the state of enlightenment over time. This is very bad.

It is said that as long as you become a disciple of Dao Dian, you can get permanent residence in Avenue City!

Su Yan has paid a generous fee for entering the city. Since he is taking risks in the chaotic ruins, Su Yan will live in Avenue City for a long time.

He walked on the street, the buildings in the city had a strong atmosphere of the years, and you can feel everywhere, a heavy abyss-like avenue force, the time of existence of this city can not be tested, there are infinite powers living in the past.

Over time, it really became a boulevard of treasures. Su Yan walked in the city and went to several shops along the way. The goods placed in it were dazzling.

Su Yan lost interest after strolling for a while. With his current worth, there are very few treasures that can be seen. He can't buy it in ordinary shops, so he went to a pub with the tall man.

The atmosphere of this pub is extremely lively. It is an old shop that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. After Su Yan found a seat to sit down, he said to his shopkeeper Xiaoji: "Come two pots of old wine, some side dishes."

"Well, the guests wait a moment."

Su Yan's eyes patrol around, the heart is secretly screaming, it is a chaotic ruin, this pub has a number of gods breath, most of them are also the universe of the lord of the universe.

The level of cultivation here is really different from the outside world.

The chaotic ruins are a place where the dragons and tigers are hiding. Even if they are not open, the avenue city is also an independent universe and space, which isolates the natural pressure of the chaotic ruins.

If it is in the chaos of the chaos before, the danger is extremely high, after all, it must bear the pressure of the natural spread of chaotic ruins, although the environment here is dangerous, the number of strong people can be born.

It is said that most of the ancestral temples of their ancestors are concentrated in the chaotic ruins.

This chaotic ruin is enormous, one domain and one domain. It is extremely difficult to count how many large domains there are, and even the vast chaotic zone, the violent universe restricted area, very few people will get involved.

The face of the chaotic ruins is difficult to measure. Because of the environment, the probability of being born here is extremely high.

"Is the burial place heard?" The monks in the tavern are talking about the heavens. Someone shouted: "The first life of the chaotic ruins, the place where the powers are smelling, the most powerful in history is buried. Among them, no one can take it away now."

"I already knew it, even Qiu Ming, the top king of the gods, appeared. It is said that the young hegemons frequently appeared at the time, and they came out from their own cosmic secrets and went to the burial place."

The talks of this table of guests attracted the attention of many people.

Some people sigh, although the chaotic ruins are a super-construction, but they have been born frequently in the past years. They are all divided up by the major peaks. Although they still have some cosmic secrets, it is too difficult to find them.

In this era of constant ancient and strong, the younger generation of hegemony has almost become a struggle of interests among the group, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to decide a winner.

"It is said that this world is very extraordinary. I don't know who can be the first in Henggu, monopolize the gimmick, win the peak, and look down on the world!" The drunken man who was drunk said loudly: "80% is the son of the restricted area, and a person comes out, others are fundamentally No!"

"You drink too much, sit down!" Someone quickly stood up and pulled the drunken man.

The atmosphere in the pub was a bit quiet. Su Yan was a little surprised. He knew very little about the son of the restricted area. Is Qiu Ming not a son of a restricted area?

What is a restricted area?

For example, in a burial place, there is a burial place that if the group is occupied, it is really a terrible event, but it is almost impossible.

However, after a long period of time, in the major eras, many overlords attacked the restricted area. With the precipitation of the years, the creations of various eras continued to open, and these groups were naturally constant.

But even if the restricted area is strong, can they not rank in the ancestral hall?

"There is no such thing as the restricted area. But in recent years, the rise of the Wizards, the East Devils of the outside world, the West Buddha, the South Emperor, the Northern Demon, are all right, and the ancestral temple of the ancestral temple, the Yang of the Jiuyang Star Field. Oh, it’s said that the fighting power is extremely terrifying."

"Yes, the young overlord of the outside world can be quite a lot. The young overlord in the chaotic ruins need not say much. The young supreme of the Tianzhu, the small master of the Han family, the Taoist temple has three great wizards, of course, the rest of the young overlord does not have to Say, more than a dozen people have touched the realm of the gods, and they are all closed to their own universe!"

The reverberating voice here made Su Yan feel shocked.

On the bright surface, there are more than a dozen young hegemons who touched the realm of the gods, and even the young gods who have absolutely broken through. The chaotic ruins are really unacceptable, and the young gods are the highlights!

"The most powerful outsiders in the outside world are the most ancestral ancestors, and this generation is afraid of this."

During their exchanges, some people also mentioned Su Yan, a fierce name in the ruins of Chaos, which made some people admire it. This person returned from the mountain of funeral, and even did not fall into the wind with the Northern Demon. It is undoubtedly confirmed that Su Yan’s now The tyrannical, well-deserved young overlord and the supreme power of the same generation can definitely be compared with the top powers of all walks of life.

In fact, the group of people in this group of dragons and phoenixes, is strong enough, can not compete with the children of the restricted area who came out of the restricted area?

"Do you know what? They also have a limit in strength." The drunken man was dissatisfied with his face and groaned: "Do you know what is a restricted area? The forbidden place where the power must stop, that is the place where the giants sleep, who dares to go Going is a death...."

His words have not been finished, a group of powerful people came over, and a purple man in the lead yelled: "The nonsense thing, throw this drunken out to me!"

The purple man’s words were loud, and the entire pub of the earthquake swayed several times. Before the drunken man reacted, he was directly thrown out of the pub.

The big pubs were silent, and some people saw the origins of these people and did not dare to stop.

"Hey, I heard some legends, I feel that I know more about the restricted area. It is ridiculous." The purple man sneered, the water in the chaotic ruins is very deep, not in this circle, and he does not understand what kind of hiddenness exists.

The restricted area is strong and suffocating, but it has not yet arrived. It is about the point of the universe, and even some restricted areas are secretly controlled by the peak group. This kind of top secret people are unaware of it!

Su Yan is in a state of silence. There are several large restricted areas in the ruins of Chaos. He doesn't know, but every restricted area is thin, but they are very strong. They have never faded in the past.

There must be a certain reason for this!

It is a pity that the drunkards have limited understanding, or else they will have been yelling at them.

A voice came and interrupted Su Yan’s thoughts.

"Haha, Han Kangdaoyou, I heard that you are a Han master, and you are crossing the seven-product field. It seems that the young Korean master is about to have a big feast!"

This purple man is called Han Kang, from the Korean family.

He said with a smile on his face and said: "Your message is really well-informed. I don't know if I don't have a feast. But when my masters step into this level, I will definitely invite you to be a guest."

Han Kang’s group of friends are full of joy and can meet the young Korean masters. It is also a great honor for them.

"Han family young master."

Su Yan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of cold. The Han family was very fond of himself, just like a dog skin plaster, which has been started several times.


When Hankang yelled at them, the sound of chewing food came.

Han Kang frowned, turning his head quickly, it was to see a man with a messy hair, is using a rude gesture, eating a lot of food, bones swallowed.

Su Yan stunned, the eldest brother is holding a roasted gold-transparent thigh meat, eager to eat, the one that eats is a fragrant.

Even he sipped the old wine, and he ate a lot of food. The one he ate was a heroic one, which made the guests in the pub frequently look at them. For the first time, they saw it.


Han Kang frowned and said: "I don't know where the turkey is running out. What kind of people can you come to in Avenue City? Go and throw him out!"

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