Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 951: Nursing

Su Yan's mood is stirring, this kind of atmosphere is quite old and mysterious. He really doubts that the mysterious man is a prehistoric strongman. He has lived for a long time, and has experienced a cycle of reincarnation.

The prehistoric big brother broke out, and the raised bronze hand, loomingly evolved into a vague universe, rushing to Su Yan's eyebrows.

At this moment, Su Yan’s **** is going to collapse. He is extremely difficult to bear the energy fluctuations that the prehistoric big brothers have come to. This ancient power is also accompanied by the rules of the rules, so that Su Yan’s Yuanshen is extremely difficult to digest in a short time!

Su Yan's headache is cracking, and he endures the pain. His heart is full of expectation. With the power of the prehistoric big brother, even some small secrets, for Su Yan, are all great magical powers.

This majestic and vast energy was just a riot for a while, and soon began to merge with Su Yan's god, which is directly imprinted in his memory, never forgotten.

Undoubtedly, the prehistoric big brother passed the Fa, the method is extremely brilliant, and will not let Su Yan’s gods lose money.

At this time, Su Yan has already caught it, and the energy body is constructed into a humanoid road map, revealing a magnificent atmosphere, branded in the soul of Su Yan!


For a time, Su Yan’s forehead was bright and the light of the face was blooming. This road map was built like the mountains and rivers. It was filled with the energy of the heavens and the earth. Su Yan’s frontal bones showed unique traces and appeared mysterious. Unpredictable.

However, the energy of his frontal bones fluctuated so heavy that a group of beautiful people in the box breathed heavily, one by one, almost fell to the ground.

"Go out, hurry out, don't bother your customers!"

The owner of the restaurant quickly said to the women around, and saw that the young man was accepting the inheritance.

More than a dozen waitresses retired in succession. The shopkeeper also conveniently closed the door of the box. He stood outside the box and was relieved, but the face of obesity also showed a smile.

After all, Su Yan ate for three days and three nights. For their restaurant, this was an amazing income. They drank the wine that had been stored in the restaurant for thousands of years.

This fat shop owner is not afraid of Su Yan's account, so amazing young strong, will not rely on these money to buy.

The atmosphere in the box is calm, and Su Yan sits directly on the ground.

He concentrated on the gods and observed a road map in the Yuanshen. This road map is filled with heavy power. It is really a special road map composed of the energy essence of the mountains and rivers.

In the process of Su Yan's view of the road, this moment, he seems to see, hundreds of thousands of territories ups and downs, roaring, screaming!

A terrible manifestation, this is an amazing great power, including the vast rivers and mountains, the source of the vast energy, gathered at a source, as in the birth of a supreme creature.

"What is this secret?"

Su Yan was moved and eclipsed. The preaching method passed by the prehistoric older brother was somewhat beyond his expectations. He thought it was a mysterious secret. It can be seen that the form is not at all. This is an extremely different kind of mystery.

Su Yan is a master of Qimen secret surgery. A secret technique passed by the prehistoric brother to Su Yan is a special secret technique that gathers the power of mountains and rivers. It is equal to the power of the heavens and the earth.

This mystery is enhanced with the enhancement of human practice, and Su Yan is in charge of the terrain, he can definitely erupt the secret surgery to an extremely deep field.


Su Yan was amazed and sneaked into the name of the secret technique. It was a very ordinary name called "Nursing Skills".

He is quietly trying to figure out the true meaning, and the more surprise he looks. This secret is simple and direct. It is the power of the mountains and rivers, including the source of the famous mountains and rivers, and the body!

This secret technique is like a way to keep your life!

Su Yan feels that this mystery is very expensive, because it is stealing the essence of the heavens and the mountains, nourishing the body, and strengthening the blood of life.

The reason why it is expensive is because the unique method of gathering the power of the heavens and the earth is equal to stealing the roots of the earth, which is closely related to the Qimen.

"If I have mastered the body skills before, isn't it in the chaotic channel, can it cover the source of the universe and steal the roots?"

Su Yan is more and more surprised. The practice of human beings stepping into the realm of the gods must be combined with the roots. However, the body of the ordinary, but the ordinary secret method has a kind of hegemony, which can steal the roots of the world and nourish the flesh!

This is a bit of a bad day, Su Yan has never heard of such a mysterious technique in the world.


Su Yan's body glows, and he himself is like a land of rivers and mountains. During the awakening, the potential erupts to the extreme. At the moment of breathing, every drop of blood is accompanied by breathing, and the body is transpiration of various horror beams.

This is equal to the big phagocytosis. Every breath he breathes can take away the energy body scattered between the heavens and the earth, and the light in the whole box is gloomy.

Only Su Yan practiced to this point, and now the body training is not very effective for him. After all, he is so amazing in the mountain of funeral.

However, since the prehistoric big brother passed him a secret technique, there must be some truth.


When Su Yan continued to try, his face eventually changed, because the energy swallowed, always hidden in the body of Su Yan, never leaked!

Even if people are strong, they have certain limitations.

But now with his help, he can store the power of the world and gather in the flesh, which makes Su Yan eclipsed. This is a bit abnormal, so the more energy stored, once it breaks out, it will not shock the world.

"I understand that body training is not only my body, but also my body, like a cosmic river, can grow infinitely and strengthen, I really don't know how many energy sources can be included!"

Su Yan thought of the moment here, suddenly the box suddenly shocked, the big brother's finger knocked on the table, the blue sky, so that Su Yan returned from thinking.

Su Yan looked stunned and had a fascinating understanding of the fascinating sound of the big brother's fingers. Soon he looked at the prehistoric big brother and said: "Is it a big brother to save energy, and the gods are erupting at the moment!"

When he saw him nod, Su Yan was shocked. The prehistoric big brother saw that he was going to take the road in the future. With the flesh as the Tao, the flesh must be scary enough to be a cosmic universe.

The body surgery can store the essence of the universe and the mountains, for my use, will give Su Yan power at the moment of the testimony.

"This is for me to seal the body, to save the potential to cross the border, it seems that it is not so easy to practice to the gods!"

"But big brother nodded, which shows that this road is feasible!"

Su Yan has strong confidence in the next practice, and any path of the prehistoric big brother must be correct.

He studied the well-being carefully and proved it with the secret of Qimen. He quickly mastered the essence of this mystery.

His momentum is gradually changing. He seals himself and enters the state of being in a state of health. This is a critical moment that can be reversed and can open a Tongtian Avenue for the Suyan card.

"It seems that the gods are very important, or the older brother will not point me."

Su Yan's heart is excited, the regular order of the body surgery is constantly running in the body, the scent of Su Yan is decreasing in a straight line, and the source of powerful life is attributed to nothingness!

When Su Yan felt that he really disappeared into the world and merged with the universe, this is the case, and suddenly a pair of lonely pupils suddenly broke out!


The prehistoric big brother's pupils were sharp to the extreme, and the snow was shining to the extent of piercing the human soul, so that Su Yan was as big as a bucket. He felt that the body was pierced and split!

His pupils are big, and the black scorpion is like two pieces of the universe flying out. Between the openings, the avenues are cracked, and the hustle and bustle trembles.

The nephew of the prehistoric big brother stared at Su Yan, and there was a rare surprise in the eyes!

Su Yan uses her body to seal her physical treasures and store herself in a special world.

However, in the case of Su Yan is about to be completed, the prehistoric big brother directly observed that in the body of Su Yan, there is a group of white fog, erratic, in the vulgar body of Su Yan, filled with clear, sacred and strange.

This white mist does not seem to belong to Su Yan, but it is inseparable from Su Yan.

It is a group of white fog, a glimpse of, intertwined with the body of Su Suyan, let the prehistoric big brother move,

Su Yan shudders, feels that the universe has collapsed, and Qiankun has changed. The time and space have begun to reverse. He is like a prehistoric big brother jumping out of the universe, traveling in eternity, watching the future of the past and the present!

"Big brother, what are you doing!"

Su Yan exclaimed, really felt that the three souls and six scorpions were separated from the flesh and were swimming in a mysterious time and space. He seemed to have left the world of life and appeared in an indescribable time and space.

The power of the years has been reversed, and the supreme power of the universe has come.

However, this time for the prehistoric big brother, it is a little insignificant. In the mysterious time and space, he made a huge bang, everything collapsed, and the smashing of the robbing broke, and opened a boulevard with peerless temperament.

He took Su Yan and seemed to be tracing his past and discovering his experiences.

"Is this going to reverse the long river?"

Su Yan is very trembled. What did the prehistoric big brother see in him? Is it because of your own life?

In any case, the prehistoric big brother will not harm Su Yan, but this reversal of the long rivers can be a breeze, the embarrassing years of the river roar, from the prehistoric power gathered.

If hundreds of millions of cosmic mountains, start to suppress here.


In the face of such a huge crackdown, his approach was simple and hegemonic, and it was a huge blast that opened up a new era. Chaos was in a big collapse, and the power of the years was pushed by him.

From this moment on, the prehistoric big brother turned into a supreme power, wild to the extreme, he reversed the years and walked, the land he passed, the sun and the sun destroyed, the starry sea annihilated.

There were huge sun bursts, the stars smashed, and everything trembled under his feet.

But he seems to have penetrated into an extremely distant time, the cosmic catastrophe is getting more and more vast and dense, hundreds of thousands of cosmic lightnings are suppressed, countless thunders are constantly screaming, and each can destroy the gods.

"too horrible!"

Su Yan was sweating and erected. He seemed to witness the destruction of the universe, the collapse of Wan Dao, the world going to the end, and all the material in it was blurred, covered by a layer of mysterious years!

"Give me a drive!"

The prehistoric big brother screamed, releasing the most invincible power, shaking the nine days and ten places.

This is a supreme demon who broke out wild power and killed the Quartet.

The great universe roared, and the power of his stalwart shattered the fog and uncovered a little truth.

Among them, there are giant scorpions, and there are also sacred mountains and blood.

But the source direction seems to be the vast sacred pure land, blurred to the unreal, full of hard-to-trace power.

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