Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 952: Reversing the years

The direction of the source is blurred, and it is covered by layers of power. Even if it really goes back through the years, you can't see the outline.

Time is time. It is impossible to change what happened in the past. It is impossible to reverse it. Although it can be said that it can use the power of the supreme force to push the years and look at the truth of what happened in the past.

There are some things that can't be changed with power, or even can't be seen.

For example, the prehistoric big brother now wants to see clearly the past, and dig out Su Yan’s experience. It is the vague and magnificent source direction. It’s like a thousand years away, separated by desperate years, Wang Yang, full of photos. The pressure of the soul!

"what is this?"

Su Yan is hairy, stronger than the current Su Yan, experienced a lot of storms and blood, in the younger generation really have the invincible spirit of will, but in this time and space, under the supreme source of oppression, as in the face of God.

The atmosphere that is enough to make people desperate, the precipitation is like the ancient history of the era, who can compete!


A whistling blast broke out like this. In the stunned scorpion of Su Yan, I saw the eruption of the prehistoric big brother. He really is like a **** who dominates the world. He is a messy dance, and the overall release of the light reflects the ancient and modern future. all.

And he waved his fist, and the momentum was terrible!

This fist is really like the advent of the world, the power that is difficult to describe seems to be blasting to the end of the years, hammering into an indescribable world.


Here, the horrible waves are vented, the earth is moving, the energy waves are rolling up, the time and space are overwhelmed, everything is covered, and there is no end to the end. It is difficult to imagine how powerful this shock wave is.

The stars are completely annihilated, and this boxing is unstoppable, breaking through the order of the universe and smashing the river of time!

This seems to be a supreme strong man, standing in the long river of the years, bursting out of the most invincible boxing, separated by the vast years and time, the moment of punching, rippling out, the boundless grand waves!

What kind of boxing is this? A symbol of invincibility, difficult to describe!


He has been screaming in a big way, and his fists are unparalleled, and he has come out of the nest. The supreme power of the gods suppresses the nine days and ten places. The Cosmic Avenue is crouching under his feet. What else can be blocked between heaven and earth? Really can blow everything!


In this world of loud noises, the prehistoric big brother punched and punched a punch, and the source of the bombardment collapsed in the blur. It seemed to have slammed into another time and space, revealing the middle the truth.

"I can't stand it!"

Su Yan shouted, he felt that the world would collapse, and he must be destroyed along with him.

It is because of the fighting, or because of the cosmic pressure of the universe, Su Yan has not been able to say it. In short, every time the predecessor big brother throws a punch, it will lead the resonance of the universe, and the light of the boundless order will come to him. Second net!

After all, he was still too weak to see the next picture.

The vague world is constantly shaking, and the battle of the prehistoric big brother is still going on. He doesn't know how many times he has opened up the head, and eventually he has attracted more powerful and vast cosmic force.

It was a full-fledged billion-density lightning that drowned down, drowned everything, shattered the heavens, enough to bury a person who was against the sky.

Some things are not touchable!

The prehistoric big brother is now going against the sky, violating the rules of the universe, eventually leading to a terrible group of lightning, breaking the road ahead, and the years have been cracked by the impact.

The prehistoric big brother's nephew was even sharper than the knives. He and his destination were like an ancient history. With his power, he could not continue to run through the past, and even everything in front of him began to be fragmented like a scroll.

But in the vagueness, the prehistoric big brother caught some pictures, let his body tremble, a pair of silent pupils, blooming with brilliance.

From this moment on, he stopped to move crazy.

The heavens and the earth have returned to tranquility, and the material in the box is as usual. The previous experience is like a dream, and it begins to collapse.

Su Yan still sat on the ground, under the state of health, a white mist, looming in his form.

It also has to say that the strength of the body is strong, and it looks at other substances hidden in the body of Su Yan.

As the predecessor big brother waved his hand, the white mist seemed to disappear into the body of Su Yan, and it seemed to be in harmony with his body.

"Big brother, who am I?"

Su Yan’s nephew suddenly opened and silenced for a long time. He was asking questions. He wanted to know something that the prehistoric big brother had watched. He felt that he should be in some other reason, so that he had to look at the origin of Su Yan.

He is tall, full of hair, messy, vicissitudes of life, and the bronze body reveals mysterious brilliance.

The prehistoric big brother was a little quiet, he was shaking his head, which made Su Yan's mind heavy to the extreme, even he could not understand, Su Yan can only smile, is it true that his origins, it is extremely difficult to trace back.

Is it like the creatures of the snow in the group, sealed one after another in the cosmic era.

"The funeral family, the heavenly family!"

Su Yan whispered, perhaps his personal experience, the old lord only knows that when he had just had the wisdom, he was born in the funeral domain, and has not lived much time, the funeral domain has already erupted.

Since then, Su Yan has appeared in the ancestral star and grew up on the earth.

Since there is no answer, Su Yan is not imagining. If you think too much, it will only be annoying.

At this time, he was silent in the practice of physical fitness. When he really broke into the body, the body structure pattern, and the moment of the body's lifeline, Su Yan really thought that he became a mortal.

Only his gods and avenues are still there, but they are self-styled.

In this special field, Su Yan's fist is tight, he found that the body is too strong, in the process of self-styled, Su Yan's body absorbs the roots and airs of the world, nourish the flesh, as if in the fate!

Su Suyan found that he had some defects in the process of raising the body!

This is what Su Yan has never seen before, but now he is easily caught by him. This is not a defect in Su Yan’s practice, but a defect in his constitution!

His heart is stirring, this is the flaw he has always wanted to complete.


Su Yanmeng’s cleverness whispered in his heart: “Will, I am really a prehistoric ancient man, because the changes in the cosmic environment have led to my physique, and it is impossible to recover?”

This speculation is very likely!

"Big Brother, is there any hope for recovery in my meat?" Su Yan looked forward to looking at the tall man and expected to get the correct answer.

The prehistoric big brother responded directly. He once again waved his palms, flexed his fingers, and smacked his fingertips, a concentrated road map!

This road map spreads out in the space, the moment of release, the grandeur, the vision of the stars and the sea!

It seems to carry the heavens, carrying the universe of the stars, encompassing the vast world, wrapped in the power of the world, directly imprinted in the frontal bones of Su Yan, revealing the mysterious fluctuations.

Su Yan’s frontal bone is really like a sea of ​​stars, but it quickly returns to calm. There is no doubt that this is the prehistoric big brother who used the supreme means to forcibly conceal the inheritance in Su Yan’s knowledge of the sea, waiting for his strength. , can accept the inheritance.

"The second is that this body is really strong enough."

Su Yan is excited, this is the second practice of physical fitness, but it is more advanced, not the secret chapter that Su Yan can now practice.

"My physical weakness can be restored with the help of the body!"

Su Yan laughed in her heart and waited for the time to mature. He realized the second map of the body, and he was sure to get the answer.


But what shocked Su Yan was that another road map was hit by the prehistoric big brother!

This road map, like a fairy, is overturned, flashing the traces of the sky, like the cosmic latitude and inscription in the middle, revealing the blur of the order, the moment in the space, Su Yan feels that the world is destroyed!

Su Yan was caught in the moment, there is a force in the universe sinking!

At this moment, the magnificent Avenue City, known as the first city in the world, seems to be scared, suddenly horrible!

"what's the situation!"

The big people in the city were shocked and stunned, and the avenue city was briefly revived. There were tens of thousands of avenues in the faint sacred sky, and the unpredictable avenues were ushered in.

This city, at this moment, if a avenue Xiancheng is unblocking, standing between the heavens and the earth, it is extremely amazing.

This is definitely a big event. Avenue City wants to recover and meet strong enemies.

Even if the strong people in the Daodian Road in the Avenue City are eclipsed, the Avenue City runs autonomously under the unrecoverable state. What is the big event?

However, Avenue City is just a moment of recovery, it is calm!

The city has completely fry the pot, and the strongmen of the older generation have changed color. What happened in the past, why the Avenue City will recover spontaneously.

If Su Yan knows that because of the third verse diagram of the evolution of the big brother, the avenue is revival of the avenue, and it is necessary to resist the pressure of the universe.

In fact, he has encountered, encountered in the Milky Way!

It was because of the black paper that was obtained by chance, which caused the destruction of the universe.

It is obvious that the evolution of the body of the big brother also caused the vibration of the universe.

In the avenue city of panic, only one of the temples sitting here is full of gloom.

He caught the murder of the universe.

Although he was very fast and restrained, he still caught it.

"Who is going against the sky!"

The power speculates that the mood is heavy, and the eyes of the city are concerned about the every move of the Avenue City. They are not willing to relax at any moment. Here is the Avenue City. Once the changes occur, even the power is extremely difficult to bear.

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