Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 954: Different creatures

"The people who identify treasures are weird, wait a minute."

Su Yan is not in a hurry, waiting patiently. Now there is still a long time from the opening of the auction. He pays attention to the many monks who came out from the treasure room. Most of them are dejected, and it is obvious that the treasures they have come out are not qualified enough.

"Mad, is it right?"

I am more than expecting the monks to come out and think that the treasures I have brought out can be sold at the auction house for a good price. Who knows that the treasurer in the treasure room directly drives him out, which makes him feel extremely uncomfortable. balance.

The avenue auction house, the auctions held in the past generations are extremely standard. Although the number of transactions in each auction is no less than tens of thousands of treasures, each one is a treasure in the treasures. There are also many limited-edition treasures that cannot be used at all. mesa.

At this time, King Kangbo came to Su Yan.

Su Yan also glimpsed the Emperor Kangbo, and he is no exception. As a prehistoric big brother, even if the power comes, Su Yan is no exception.

"Haha, this Taoist friend, is it to Jianbao?"

After the old Yuan Kangbo God King has laughed out, extremely enthusiastic.

Su Yan also walked over to see the ceremony and responded: "Yes, some treasures want to come out and bid, I will come to the treasure room."


The Emperor Kangbo was full of enthusiasm, and then he was solemn and solemn. He said to the prehistoric big brother: "Predecessors, there are some treasures in the bottom, and now there are many friends in Jianbao. You can go to other places with me." ""

At the same time, Emperor Kangbo observed the prehistoric big brother and saw if he could recognize his origins.

Only under the watchful eyes of the gods and kings, the prehistoric big brother is still unremarkable, but it is really a deep wait and see, the gods and kings are eclipsed, like an ant worm looking up at the dragon, making him scared!

"Absolutely powerful!"

Emperor Kangbo took a sigh of relief and was more enthusiastic and respectful. Although he said that the temple is the dominant force of the chaotic ruins, the power is still powerful. No matter where it is, it is the peak of the famous. Not allowed.

"Then trouble the king of the king." Su Yan smiled.

"Don't dare to call me, Kangbo." Kangbo's posture is very low, and he feels that this young man is a powerful disciple.

In this way, King Kangbo took Su Yan to the VIP room. He sealed the VIP room directly to prevent someone from coming in to disturb their conversation.

"Big brother sits!"

In the VIP room, Su Yan took out a chair and greeted the prehistoric big brother.

One of the Emperor Kangbo almost fell and his face was extremely abnormal. He thought that this power was the master of Su Yan, but what did Su Yan call him? Big brother?

“Don't they come from the restricted area?”

The heart of Kangbo’s king is full of waves. His older brother is so terrible. How strong is the family’s elders?

Of course, Emperor Kangbo did not dare to ask, and quickly brewed two cups of spiritual tea to send it over, and smiled and said: "I don't know what kind of treasures the Taoist friend wants to identify? Sometimes, if it is a valuable treasure, you need a boulevard auction. The veteran of the meeting will come long."

"Not particularly expensive."

Su Yan sat down and said to the Emperor Kangbo: "It’s just some common herbs. I’ve been here for the first time at this avenue auction house. I don’t know the rules, I don’t know the medicine I took out, can I come to power!”

"Haha, Daoyou really laughed." Kang Bo Shen Wang smiled and said: "This time the Avenue Auction House is not hosting a super auction. The treasures of the auction will be disappointing. ”

Su Yan directly threw out two jade boxes and handed them to Emperor Kangbo.

The prehistoric big brother also turned his head very rarely. He was full of sloppy, covert faces, and could not see his appearance. At this time, he seemed to be curious about what Su Yan was bidding for.

The Emperor Kangbo opened the jade box directly, and the two jade boxes were placed with two kinds of herbs.

One gold is translucent, one whole body is black!

The Emperor Kangbo is really afraid to look away and provoke the king of the king to be unhappy. He just saw that these two things have begun to grow. They feel that the veteran of the auction house should come to the treasure beforehand because he did not see the two. How many specialities are there in the medicinal herbs!

Only then, the predecessor's big brother's nephew suddenly sharpened, as if two swords cut through the void, shocking people.

King Kangbo shudders, and the body has a tendency to collapse.

He shivered in fear, what happened? How can the power suddenly leak a little?

Kang Bo Shen Wang pale, then he felt that Su Yan's things must be extraordinarily expensive, perhaps stolen from the family, so that the power is dissatisfied.

Su Yan also played drums in his heart. He took out the parasols and the extremely grassy grass. It was excavated from the Yinyang Road in the same year. This thing is the most special herb for refining the little **** Wang Dan.

But this thing, there is no need to let the prehistoric big brother move?

"Is this thing eligible for the stage?" Su Yan asked directly.

"There is something!"

The Emperor Kangbo didn't even think about it, and he spoke directly. Although he didn't know what it was, he could definitely go on stage, and the jokes were all concerned.

"it is good!"

Su Yan waved his hand and took out ten jade boxes. He had to auction a total of twelve!

The face of Emperor Kangbo was not normal. His eyes also glanced at the prehistoric big brother. This is a whole set of twelve herbs. He didn't know what the treasures were, but he felt very expensive.

When the glimpse of the power did not speak, King Kangbo sighed and asked: "Does the Taoist friends have other treasures to bid?"

"No la!"

Su Yan stood up and said: "I still have trouble with Emperor Kangbo, I hope that the medicine I have come out can sell for a good price."

"Must be sure, that is certain."

King Kangbo smiled and said: "I will open the auction for a long time. I have already ordered the staff to arrange the box. The two will take a break with me."

They left the area of ​​the treasure room. There were tens of thousands of boxes in the auction house. However, more than half of them had already had the Lord. The Emperor Kangbo arranged them in the foremost box and hurried away.

Su Yan’s auction box is magnificent, and the ground is paved with this precious animal skin. This has just come in, and a group of beautiful maids come in with the fruit and snacks and put them on the table.

"You go ahead."

Su Yan waved his hand and a group of maids retreated.

Su Yan closed the door of the box and walked to the front of the prehistoric big brother. He shook his big sleeves, the sun grass and the extremely grassy grass, and suddenly rolled down, and there were hundreds of them!

This picture makes the prehistoric big brother feel a little worried.

Immediately, the prehistoric big brother took out two yin and yang grasses, and his palms glowed, and the two herbs instantly withered!

Su Yan lost color, because he saw the withered herbs, was stripped of two groups of airflow, prehistoric brother directly absorbed the strange energy of the two herbs!

Is this thing helpful to the power?

"Yin and yang grass!"

Prehistoric big brother, a rare opening, his words are like the golden bell, full of heavy and majestic, deafening, so that Su Yan is shocked and happy!

"What kind of medicine is this big brother?" Su Yan asked: "This thing, I dug out from a mysterious yin and yang road, there are a lot of yin and yang fish, and even a mysterious force, leading the yin and yang road! ”

Even Su Yan followed, taking out the black paper, saying that it was also related to Yin Yang Road.

Obviously, Su Yan saw the pupil of the prehistoric big brother stunned, a pair of deep and horrible pupils, projecting a terrible beam of light shining on the black paper.

At this moment, Su Yan has an illusion, as if he saw the black paper resurrected, filled with black fog, it seems to ignite spontaneously, and the picture reflected makes Su Yan spirit a huge earthquake!

"What is this black paper? Isn't it just as simple as documenting secrets? The secrets recorded in this thing, but can attract the cosmic source of the universe!"

Su Yan’s eyes are round, black paper looks very evil, and the light that ignites is the dark space concentrated in time and space!

Dark space, concentrated in the space and time, small as the same black sand!

Just at the time of Su Yan’s suspicious moment, and found the breath of the prehistoric big brother, he was given to the town.

Su Yan moved, what is the evil spirit in this black paper? Even let the prehistoric big brother shot, guarding Su Yan?

Soon, Su Yan, who was guarded by power, was petrified!

Because this black sand rolls up autonomously, the crushed emptiness trembles, the crushed big brother guards the force to burst!

And this black sand, quickly zoomed in and expanded, it looks very scary, even if there is a prehistoric big brother guarding the power to protect Su Yan, but Su Yan still has a kind, the body has to explode.

Su Yan stunned, the prehistoric big brother is so powerful that it is impossible to think about the agenda.

Even Su Yan is not weak, but the predecessor big brother power guards, coupled with Su Yan's own powerful, can not help but the momentum of this black sand resurrection!

If there is no guardian of the power of prehistoric big brothers, Su Yan feels that the avenue auction house will collapse, and perhaps the entire avenue city will enter the chaos because of the resurrection of black sand!


In the end, Su Yan’s ears roared, his head was cracked, and he was almost fainted.

This black sand is spinning, suddenly surging countless times, it is like a concentrated dark universe is released, the brilliance is horrible, the scene is spectacular to the extreme!

In fact, all of this, because of the power of prehistoric big brothers, led to the dark ancient world, but there is only a compressed world, if not, Su Yan feels the ultimate dark ancient world, can open the entire Avenue City !

"What kind of ghost thing is this, how can it be so terrible? Is it a supreme treasure that has developed the body universe?" Su Yan stuttered openly, even he noticed that the prehistoric big brother's face was dignified, indicating that the problem is very big. !

The darkness of the darkness of the condensed earth is constantly boiling, and it is breaking free and wanting to be born!

Because of the unique power of prehistoric big brothers, this dark ancient world cannot be fully erupted!

However, when it was released to a certain extreme moment, there was a vague and huge outline in the interior of this dark ancient world. This seems to be a supremely immersed creature hidden inside, exuding a thrilling Sen Air Conditioner.


The predecessor's big brother's nephew was cold, and a sneer screamed, directly shattering the glory of the dark ancient world, revealing a huge face in the vagueness. It seems to have rotted and transpiration.

The face is terrible, the world can't accommodate him, only a vague outline can be seen, which shows that he is too strong!


Even the pupils with closed faces are slowly opening, really like the release of two concentrated universes!

Su Yan’s eyes are to be hedged. What kind of eyes are this? Can not describe, like looking at the pupils of the ancient and modern future, opening up, let the predecessor big brother's guarding power, began to be severely distorted!

It also has a strong blood, reflected in the big brother, seems to see his origins, leading to blurred face glow, trepidation, horrible energy and the strength of the big brother's guardianism.

The prehistoric big brother's guardian land suddenly collapsed into a **** crack. They were the same as fighting in another time and space. It was just a collision of momentum, and the scene was quite scary.

There was even a slight breath leaking out, which made Su Yan's bones stunned. He only felt that the energy of the universe was so full that it would cover the entire chaotic ruins. The momentum was too majestic.

Even accompanied by a magnificent sound explosion, like the pre-historic airborne, the old words, scolded against the prehistoric big brother, he seems to see through the origins of the big brother.

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