Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 955: Life and death

Su Yan's face is not normal, black paper has been carried around him, but he could not think of it, this black paper still contains a supreme creature, can not imagine the years of survival.

If it weren't for him to take out the black paper, maybe the moment when the darkness of the dark world recovered, it was the moment when he lost his life.

The creatures hidden in the ancient world are terrible to the extreme, and it is extremely difficult to cover his face in the entire dark and dark world. Even the scorpion that he opened is only half-open, but the magnificent is the two major life stars. The vision of inflammation has made an amazing impact!

"He is talking, what is it? How long has this life been living?"

Su Yan whispered, he felt that the time of existence of this creature can not be tested, because he is talking about an old saying, Su Yan can not understand what it means, it is obvious that it is talking to the prehistoric big brother, do they know?

Su Yan’s breathing is heavy. I don’t know if the prehistoric big brother can keep it. Once this **** is born, the city of avenue will be ruined. After all, the power of prehistoric big brothers must be retreat.


However, this scary black ancient world, this time began to tremble!

This is the big brother's strong shot, seems to be irritated by the words of the dark ancient realities, suddenly raised a bronze hand, this moment he is strong to the extreme, cold and incomparable, all of them release a terrible belief!

Su Yan was the first time to see the eruption of the prehistoric big brother, the supreme belief, the belief that the gods of the gods must be blown up. This is a terror faith of the invincible reincarnation of ancient history, which can suppress everything. enemy!


The bronze hand is terrible, crossing the dark ancient interface, his whole palm is huge and boundless, covering the sky, covering up everything, and burying the entire dark world!

The darkness has gone away?

The answer is not that the black ancient world has re-evolved black paper. The black paper at this moment is extremely magnificent. Just like the corner of the universe is pressed down, the horror is boundless!

The rich death scent spread here, like a black levee blasting, the wind is cold, the cold bones.

The alternative battle, which does not exist in the world, seems to erupt in another time and space.

The black paper was heavy to the extreme, blocking the big hand of the prehistoric big brother, and it was heavy to cross the heavens, across the Xinghai, and collapsed one after another.


The momentum of the prehistoric big brother soared. The palm of his hand continually collided with the black paper. The strength of the battle became stronger and stronger. The momentum of the whole person was completely different. He seemed to be an old man, but he had the power of the world!

The moment of shaking, through the black space and time, everything is shaking, especially the huge palms hold the vague face.


The prehistoric big brother snorted, and the scattered dances spread, and the atmosphere of the world spread!

His palms flashed like a fist, and the whole black paper trembled. It seemed to be bleeding, simmering black light, and the dark ancient world hidden inside was shaken.

This punch has touched an ancient universe. Su Yan seems to see that a universe is exploding, life is smeared, and hundreds of millions of souls are buried with it. It is hard to imagine what level of battle it is.


The palm of the prehistoric big brother directly penetrated into the black world. This slap was almost to destroy the black ancient world. The huge fuzzy face began to smash in the distortion and sprinkled down the black blood.

The prehistoric big brother was cold and overbearing, because his bronzed hand grabbed this huge face.

There is no savage in the body, and he makes a squeaky voice!

"Lonely ghost, you will return to your homeland one day!"

The cold voice emerged, and the evil spirits reached the extreme, belonging to the sneer of the ancient world.

What kind of group power does black paper and yin and yang road belong to? They have been hiding on the other side of the world, and it is hard to imagine what purpose.

That Xue Guan was somewhat involved with this mysterious group. Su Yan also had a constant cause and effect with Yin Yang Road. He once stole a smash in the Yin Yang Road and stole a lot of Yin Yang and Yin Yang grass.

Even when the mysterious group of people shot and grabbed the iron treasure, they did not know how much the demon domain cost, and they took Tiebaocai from Yinyang Road.

In short, this mysterious force will come to the surface one day sooner or later. In any case, they are enemies, no matter what purpose, the future will face sooner or later.


In the black paper, the soul screamed, and the palm of the prehistoric old brother still held it tightly. The horrible power came and made it uncontrollable, and the face collapsed directly in the decay.


Su Yan was shocked. This kind of strong creature was erased by the prehistoric big brother. Even from the beginning of the battle to the present, he did not say a word. Is this a kind of disdain, or a kind of knowing? ?

The prehistoric big brother looked cold and cold, and with a big hand, the evil space inside the black paper collapsed.

The black paper is calm and sinks into the void.

The entire box is also restored as usual, without any loss of buildings, this is his powerful, peerless, invincible!

The black paper is more and more extraordinary, and it is invincible. The prehistoric big brother waved his fist and smashed it on the paper. It didn't crack, and it was hard to imagine what material it was made of.

"Big brother that punch, may be able to crack the power of the holy soldiers, black paper should be tempered with the use of the supreme treasure, is it because the big brother killed the instrument in the paper?" Su Yan thought in his heart.

According to legend, when a treasure hits a certain level, it will give birth to the self-intellect. This is just a legend, and Su Yan and Supreme Treasure have not touched it.

On the black paper, there are various strange fonts inscribed, which are the sun and the moon, the birds and beasts, an extremely old metal font, hieroglyphics, exuding strange fluctuations, so that Su Yan can not shake.

The prehistoric big brother directly started to seal the object, and then threw it to Su Yan.

"Big brother, don't you? I don't want to use this thing, I will give it to you." Su Yan caught the black paper, and he accidentally came over, and he did not expect to be so far-reaching.

He can't use black paper at all, maybe the oldest brother in prehistoric times can play his power.

The prehistoric big brother shook his head slightly, and he lost interest in black paper just watching a few eyes.

Su Yan can only accept black paper, and his heart is full of doubts.

Yin and Yang Road is more and more mysterious in his heart. What group do they belong to, is it a restricted area of ​​life? How far can the time go back, is it the underground force of the era with the Tiantu behemoth?

The prehistoric big brother looked cold and cold, so that Su Yan did not dare to ask more, some things may not really be understandable by them now.

There are too many mysterious things in the universe, but it can make the prehistoric big brother show this expression. This mysterious yin and yang road is absolutely hidden from the horror, not Su Yan can now contact.

"Strength, it's still too far, the more you know, the more you feel that you are weak!"

Su Yan sighed in her heart, and then the whole person was quiet, and the body swayed with strange fluctuations and broke into the practice of the body.

The prehistoric big brother now passed on his body skills, and he had his intentions. In the state of health, Su Yan’s body was like a part of the universe, crouching in time and space.

His entire flesh began to change his life, changing the machine, like a seed buried in the spring, absorbing the roots of the universe and thriving in nourishment.

Only in a distant time and space, because of the change of black paper, it has caused a terrible horror here!

This world is mysterious and special.

The black world, not seeing the sky, the atmosphere is too heavy, and there is no life.

The whole world is black and pressed, and even the mountains and rivers are black, and even the oceans and rivers are dark as ink, and there is no trace of light, no light.

The dark world, simply can not see the end, is also a life of the Jedi, Heng Chen is here, silent for a long time, no one bothered.

In this repressed world, I really don't know how many years have passed. It seems to have been in the seal and has been in the state of no man's land!

But at this moment, the thunder of the explosion emerged, and it was deafening in the calm world!

It's like a heartbeat, one after another!

Every syllable is earth-shattering, letting the grand black mountains rise and fall, the vast territory trembles, Wan Muzhen shakes, the horror breath overflows, and the whole world shakes!

This sound of heartbeat began to be fierce than the sound of the drums!

The sound of nine heartbeats, especially the last moment of heartbeat, made some of the gods guarding the ancient land tremble, and the body appeared cracked!

They are fearful and excited, like the resurrection of the masters of their lives.

The creatures in these dark worlds are constantly beheading on the ground, shouting loudly, and the voice is very old. They seem to be calling for a supreme being in the ages of the ancient times!

The black world is covered with large cracks and the source direction is not visible.

The terrible vitality is shaking, and the black waves of the sky are born, accompanied by the thick smog, rolling, and sweeping the endless time and space.

Fortunately, this belongs to a no-man's land, or else I really don't know how many people are going to die.

A terrible creature is hidden in this world of hustle and bustle. There is a huge pair of pupils at the end. It is too horrible. The sun and moon stars are very small in the pupils. The stars burst in the open, and the stars collapse. !

Unimaginable creatures are changing their machines, and they have a magnificent sound, and they are shaking, and the stars are echoing his voice.

"Life and death book chapter!"

This cold voice is sharper than the knives. I don't know how long the void is separated. It contains a kind of coldness, pointing to the chaotic ruins of distant time and space. He seems to see the scene in the avenue.

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