Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 957: Star moon fruit

The sneer voice made the lively atmosphere of the entire avenue auction house suddenly quiet.

The surname of the bamboo surname, there is no doubt the surname of the Tianzhu, the clan in the chaos of ruins prestige, is a famous giant power, the top group of the common family, not in front of the Tianzhu pulse.

Even the power of the family is more than one!

It is said that the Tianzhu vein has created an invincible king of the same generation. Although it is rarely published, it is far-reaching. After all, it was born in the hegemonic power. The young generation of this generation is one of the strongest in the era of the great universe.

"Bamboo Moon, I have heard that it is said that the young wizard of the birth of Tianzhu is a young woman."

"The family also passed on intelligence, a peerless goddess, and is infinitely close to the king of the gods. It is said that this fairy named Zhuyue, before the outside of the Beidouxing domain, is very good."

There have been many arguments in the scene. These forces have a certain understanding of the outstanding disciples under the hegemonic forces. Since the promotion of the gods, Zhu Yue has gradually become famous in the ruins of chaos.

"Bamboo month, she is also in the auction!"

Su Yan’s mood is stirring. He doesn’t know how many years have passed. Since the Milky Way’s one, there is no news of Zhuyue. I really didn’t expect to encounter Zhuyue in the Avenue auction house.

"Six kilograms of chaotic treasure!"

The light voice followed, and spread throughout the audience. The sound came from a box and could not see the speaker.

"Oh, I am out of 6 thousand five hundred kilograms of chaotic treasure, bamboo month, this thing I want, you still retreat!"

Zhu Yue just called the price, before she laughed at her voice again, at the same time in a box, stood up a proud woman, wearing a long red dress, temperament and glory!

Su Yan frowned, and the blind man patrolled the speaker's box. The door was closed and it was impossible to see who it was.

However, in the auction venue, there was a resounding voice, and Su Yan’s face slowly subsided!

"It’s Han Weiran, Han Jiatian’s arrogant woman Han Weiran!”

The whole scene was a sensation. The Han family was also a super power in the chaotic ruins. The younger generation of geniuses also had outstanding identities. However, Han Weiran was different. Practice was also the peak of the gods, but her fame was extremely amazing.

That is because Han Weiran and Qiu Ming are closely related. According to outside rumors, it is said that Qiu Ming’s Taoist is probably Han Weiran.

This also led to Han Weiran's fame. After all, what kind of person is Qiu Ming, the king of the same generation, the king of the gods, is said to be able to cross the field of power at any time. His Taoist is naturally a proud woman.

This Han Weiran is also one of the most dazzling women in the chaotic ruins!

"Han's Han Weiran, how can it compete with the pearl of the Tianzhu, and the two groups are not always handed over?"

Many people are confused. They are different from Zixia Fairy. The secret events that Zixia Fairy can understand, ordinary people have not listened to the water, and even if someone really knows their grievances, they dare not confuse here. language.

Because this involves three major forces, Qiu Ming, Han Jia, Tianzhu one pulse!

"Big sister, Zhu Yue, this monk has been seduce Qiu Xing brother, must pack it up and pack her!"

In the box, Hankang is also here, he sneered, and sneered at Han Weiran: "Let her lose face!"

A brother-in-law let Han Weiran's noble Yan Rong gush up a smile. She is wearing a long red dress, and her temperament is cold and noble. It is also a singer of the same trepidation, because of the relationship between Qiu Ming and the circles of the various pearls. It is also a leading figure.

"Han Weiran is too much, knowing that you are a star and moon body, this time you can't go!"

In the other box, several young girls were so angry that their faces were flushed.

In front of this group of girls, if the bamboo moon is really immortal, she is graceful and elegant, and her temperament is unconventional. Like a real fairy, the body also reveals the celestial charm.

Zhu Yue is also very close to the realm of the gods. Her pair of bright eyes are looking at the floating objects on the auction platform. The tone is calm: "eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasures!"

The sensation of the whole game is already a terrible price.

This is the most precious item of price competition from the beginning of the auction to the present. A special fruit, sometimes like a star, sometimes like a crescent moon, glaring at Sheng Hui, dazzling.

This is one of the top holy medicines, the stars and moons!

This fruit is extremely difficult to breed. It is said that in the ancient sea of ​​stars, after the precipitation of the years, this top holy medicine will be formed. It is very rare, and it is not unusual to have a cosmic era.

Of course, this thing is not a **** in medicine, and eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasure is already a huge fortune.

Although the bamboo moon is now in the veins of the bamboo, it is cultivated by the ancestors, but the resources that can be used are limited.

"I am out of eight hundred and five hundred pounds!"

Han Weiran did not rush to open: "Bamboo Moon, no matter how much you call, I will add, I have already said, you can't get this thing!"

Han Weiran’s eyes are gloomy. She knows that Qiu Ming went to the Milky Way and went to see the bamboo moon. Although she knows the purpose of Qiu Ming, Han Weiran is still uncomfortable to the extreme. Now she finally seizes the opportunity to clean up the bamboo month.

"It's not a good lesson to teach you this woman, you don't know what Han Wei is called!"

Han Weiran sneered: "In any case, the thing is not on you now, and Qiu Ming’s brother will not look at you. As for the kid named Su Yan, I don’t need Qiu Ming’s brother to start, my Han family can suppress him. !"

The door of the Qimen is inherited, and the Han family attaches great importance to it!

Now Han Kangyi thinks about Su Yan in the tavern, and he is still worried. I really don't know if this guy is really fake.


At the moment when Zhuyue wants to raise the price for the second time, Zhu Yongjia, who is silent next to him, frowns and said: "I said Zhuyue, the resources of the family, you will squander it like this? The moon and moon fruits are valuable, but the price has exceeded a lot. And, even if you are adding it, Han Weiran will not stop!"

"What qualifications do you blame me?"

Zhu Yuewai is just inside, but the temperament is graceful and elegant, but her heart is staunch. Her eyes fall on Zhu Yongjia, and she said: "Do I use your pulse or two?"


Zhu Yongjia’s face was gloomy, and he did not expect Zhu Yue to talk to himself.

Although the identity of Zhuyue is not lower than that of Zhu Yongjia, Zhu Yue has left the family for many years. In the end, the foundation of Tianzhu is not enough. There is no strong support behind it. She dares to offend herself?

"Bamboo month, you pay attention to your attitude!"

Zhu Yongjia was extremely upset, looking at her coldly and shouting in a word: "Even if you have resources, have you ever fought Han Weiran?"

Then he said in a tone: "There are people who have Qiu Ming's support. Do you have it? Compared with wealth, Qiu Ming's wealth can be compared with the power, but what do you have? Continue to bid, it will only give us a shame. !"

A few maids under the bamboo moon daring to speak out, Zhu Yongjiaming knows what happened before the three people, and now moves Qiu Ming out, it is in the heart of disgusting bamboo.

"You are really big enough!"

Bamboo Moon is cold and cold: "I am me, you are you, can you shut me up!"


Zhu Pengyi’s liver fires and points to Zhu Yue’s anger. “Don’t think that I don’t know what you want to do. I will definitely ask for the family. You can’t let the family lose a lot because of your personal grievances. The family will not be for you. Pay the bill!"

Zhu Yue shook his head and laughed. He Zhu Pengyi was afraid that he would spend too much resources!

From the beginning to the end, they are in their eyes, but they are just outsiders.

"Bamboo month, are you increasing the price? How can you shrink back now?"

Han Weiran's tone is aggressive and a kind of money-like look. She doesn't care about money. As long as she can make the bamboo planting her head, it costs nothing for Han Weiran.

"This star and moon fruit is good, I am also interested."

Su Yan’s voice suddenly spread throughout the audience: “I’m bidding for nine thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!”

Su Yan's nephew stared at the moon and moon fruit, no wonder Zhu Yue wants to get it, this thing is in line with the bamboo moon's constitution, she is the star moon body, the star moon fruit is the top holy medicine that best fits her constitution.

This thing falls in the hands of Han Weiran, and the effect is not great.

But for the bamboo month is different, Wei Neng is never weaker than a magical drug!

This thing is enough to excavate the physical potential of Zhuyue. In the future, it will have a strong foundation for entering the king of the gods. This thing can be said to be crucial to the bamboo moon!

"You used to help me, and now I want to help you once."

Su Yan is calm and quiet, standing in the box.

This voice made the audience stunned, the two women competed, and now there is an uninvited guest.

Han Weiran also stunned, her face is vaguely somewhat unsightly, who dares to fight with herself?

"Big sister, is the top box, I don't know who it is!"

Han Kang directly reminded Han Weiran that in general, he can sit in the closest box, and the origin is not small.

Even among these boxes, one of them is able to sit inside, and maybe even more than a powerful person. Although the auction is fair, no one will cause bidding for something that is not important. The provoked strong.

"9,500 kilograms of chaotic treasure!"

The next price call, let Su Yan almost fell to the ground.

Because the bamboo month is asking for the price!

The audience is stunned, and the price has exceeded the value of the stars and moons.

"Good for you, you don't give up!"

Han Weiran's eyes were flooded with cold light, and the price immediately climbed to 10,000 jins. This scene shocked the audience and the bidding was directly broken. This is somewhat outrageous!

"One thousand and one thousand pounds!"

Waiting for the opening of the bamboo month, Su Yan took a strong breath and got a strong price!

This is the qi, this is the force!

Coupled with the inexplicable pressure of the top box, many people are trembled. Who is the person inside, the face of Tianzhu and the face of Han family are not given, is it very big?

Zhu Yue sighed, she felt hope, oh, Xingyue fruit can not buy, 10,000 pounds of chaotic treasure is already her limit.

Han Weiran also hesitated, but because of the price and the mysterious identity of the other party, Han Weiran smiled: "Since this brother wants, I am the beauty of adulthood!"

"Ha ha ha, it seems that the auction of the stars and moons is over!"

The joy of Emperor Kangbo’s face is said to the box where Su Yan is located: “Congratulations to the friend of the road, who is happy with the fruit of the moon and the moon. The goods will be sold. Later, the fruit will be sent to the friend’s box. Please wait a moment. !"

"no need!"

Su Yan sat down directly and waved his hand: "This thing has nothing to do with me, Kangbo God, you bother to send someone to give the moon and moon fruit to the bamboo moon fairy!"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire avenue auction house was in a state of silence.

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