Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 958: Qiankun Stone

Avenue auction house, the place where the strong people gathered, the entire venue fell into a dead silence.

I don't know how many people are dumbfounded and have some doubts about their hearing.

What did they hear? A star-moon fruit worth 11,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure, the top holy medicine, just auctioned at a huge price from the auction, and handed it to the generation of the beautiful people of Tianzhu!

They really have some doubts about life. What is this? The two women fought for a long time, and as a result, someone stood up and bought it and gave it to the hands of Zhu Yue, who was oppressed by Han Weiran.

Even the bamboo moon sighing in the box feels wrong, she is awkward and somewhat overwhelmed.

Zhu Yongjia is so dumbfounded that he has seen gifts, but he has never seen gifts with such domineering means!

This makes Zhu Yongjia somewhat doubtful about life. Who is this big handwriting? More than 10,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures to buy the moon and moon fruit, said to send it!

"Ha ha ha!"

A little glimpse of Emperor Kangbo, he laughed: "Well, what the Taoist friend said is what I will hand over to Miss Zhu Yue!"

In fact, King Kangbo did not think that there was anything. The jokes were all his big brothers. This identity is much stronger than that of the second generation. Even a dozen yin and yang grasses that Su Yan took out directly shocked a group of veterans in the auction.

These old guys are all jealous to buy directly, and even have to ask where Su Yan came from.

However, King Kangbo said directly that the power is his big brother. This group of elders is directly dumbfounded. Even if they are strong, the foundation of the temple is deep, and the power is power, not that they can rush.


Han Weiran was so angry that he had liver pain, lung pain, and his face was faint, and the whole person was stunned.

She is very aware of the importance of Xingyue fruit to Zhuyue, but she couldn't think of it. Someone bought it directly for Zhuyue, and she slaps her backhand.


The table in front of Han Weiran burst, letting her control the anger in her heart, but she couldn’t hold back the flames in her heart. She angered and said: "Do not care who you are, you have to pay for it!"

Before the opening of Su Yan, the face of Emperor Kangbo suddenly sank and shouted: "Han Weiran, here is my avenue auction house. Do you want to use the martial arts of the auction house of my avenue? You are not inferior, but against you. It!"

Han Weiran, of course, is a Han family's wizard, and Qiu Ming has a close relationship!

But who is the Emperor Kangbo? What is the identity of the Taoist Temple?

He Qiu Ming has been studying in the Taoist Temple for many years. Is he still afraid of a junior?

Moreover, there is power behind Su Yan, there is a mysterious force to support, Kang Bo Shen Wang directly for him, words of warning, words are unrelenting!


Han Weiran is like a tigress who has been stepped on the tail. She is mad at the scene. She is really angry and her face is purple. She has never suffered such a big insult.

The whole audience is watching, what is the situation? The temper of Emperor Kangbo was too violent, and Han Weiran said that reprimanding would be reprimanded.

In fact, the avenue auction house is the avenue auction house. It is the most top auction in the universe. It is also the head of the temple. It has a certain degree of majesty. Before Han Weiran repeatedly disregarded his identity, he has already let the **** of Kangbo It’s not good.

Now he finds an excuse, a bang!

The elders of the avenue auction house did not say much, let him say that there is a big brother who is a big man, and this person is not afraid of the Korean family.

However, Han Weiran did not dare to say anything more. Even though she is self-proclaimed, she knows where it is and knows who Kangbo is.

At the moment when she was in a dilemma, Zhu Yue smiled bitterly: "This brother, this thing is too expensive, I will send it later."

"Fairy is not polite, I will give you a good job in the Northern Fighting Old Master, this thing will send you!"

Su Yan’s words came to let Zhu Yue look awkward, and she slowly stood up. The slender figure of Qiu Yuehua, like the Lingbo fairy who came out of the moon palace, was like a dream.

"is it him?"

Zhu Yue suddenly thought of a person, his heart stunned suddenly, her jade hand gripped instantly, will it be Su Yan?

Han Weiran's face is inconspicuous, and Beidou teaches her to know that it is not a hegemonic force at all. It can be a good match with Beidou. Is it a force that cannot be provoked?

In any case, Han Weiran couldn’t swallow the bad breath, and angered: "Han Kang checked me and found out who he really is. I won’t let him be better, never!"

A dark turmoil, anyone can feel an unusual atmosphere in the auction, more people want to know what the mysterious man is.

"Well, let's go to the next round of auctions!"

Kang Bo Shen Wang smiled and said: "A weapon of the top king!"

The younger generation has a lot of fanaticism. The soldiers of the gods and kings, no matter where they are, are top treasures, especially the weapons of the top gods.

The weapon of the King of the Peak, the value of this thing is somewhat beyond the expectations of Su Yan, but he really did not master the weapons of the King of the King.

A big cockroach, the price is mad to nearly eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasure, which makes Su Yan move.

It seems that the ordinary gods and weapons, and the top of the gods and weapons, the price difference is very much, eight thousand pounds of chaotic treasures of the general king of God is also difficult to afford, after all, this is the peak of the king of weapons, the value is extremely high.

"The following auction of a Yuanshen weapon can resist the half-step power of the Yuanshen attack, this is a secret treasure that guards the Yuanshen, starting at a price of three thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

An ancient clock that was taken out by Emperor Kangbo made Su Yan grin. His avenue auction house is the avenue auction house. From the beginning of the auction to the present, the items traded are at least two thousand kilograms of Chaos. material.

Many things are too expensive, and there are five or six thousand chaotic treasures.

And this is not a super auction, but the scale of this auction, compared with the super auction, the gap is really not much, what is missing is only the finale.

Su Yansi has been waiting for a while and is also preparing to participate in the competition. His Yuanshen Road is extremely strong and has already approached the realm of the gods.

But then it is very likely that it will deal with a series of robberies. In order to prevent the strong gods from killing, Su Yan is ready to participate in the auction. Although it can resist the metaphysical killing under the half-step power, even the half-step power Yuanshen shatter, this secret treasure can also resist certain threats!

This thing is very expensive, Su Yan has offered four thousand pounds of chaotic treasure.

Even he just increased the price, Han Weiran's tone is gloomy: "Five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

The atmosphere in the field was a little weird, and obviously Han Wei did not want Su Yan to get it easily.

"Give me a check now!"

Han Weiran looked at the appearance of Su Yan, and said coldly: "There is no treasure in the town to keep the mysterious treasure. He has a fart identity, check it for me!"

"Six kilograms of chaotic treasure!"

Su Yan did not hesitate to ask for the price.

"Oh, I am out of seven thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

Han Weiran did not hesitate even hesitating, shouting a jaw-dropping price.

"Since the little brother wants it, I will give it to you!"

Su Yan sat down, this thing was over four or five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure, he did not want to be a big head.

The messy scene solidified.

Little brother?

The arrogant woman of the Han family is called a little brother by Su Yan?

Han Weiran's box is in the tremor, there is a tendency to smash the box, it is a terrible killing in the self-release, uncontrollable to begin to leak!

Han Weiran was so angry that he really had to float up, causing some people to be big. This Han Weiran was looking for death, and he was not angry at the auction.

"Well, you are a Han Weiran, what do you want to do, do you want to be wild in the auction house of my road!"

The face of Kang Bo Shen Wang has changed dramatically. Here is the Avenue Auction House. There are powerful players to participate in the auction!

The old master of the Han family also looked ugly, and smiled and said: "Kangbo God, a little problem, not worthy of anger, Han Weiran you tired, go to rest."

At the same time, the face of Han’s old master was gloomy. He looked at the box where Su Yan was, and his heart was also in full swing. This kid’s face was not left to the Korean family!


Han Weiran is mad, little brother? Su Yan, a little brother, made her lose her qualification to continue bidding.

However, she really didn't dare to mess around. The big guys all participated in the auction of the auction, lending her a few courage, and did not dare to come here.


King Kangbo said with a black face: "Pay money and go."

Han Weiran, who just got up and left the box, had a completely green face, spent seven thousand pounds of chaotic treasure, and bought a secret treasure that guarded the Yuanshen. For her, it was completely scrap iron, because she had better than this.

"Well, the auction will continue."

Without a Han Weiran, the progress of the auction was exceptionally smooth.

A variety of treasures were thrown out one after another, highlighting Su Yan's eye.

Su Yan also shot many times and won some treasures of heaven and earth. They were all materials given to him by the prehistoric big brother. Su Yan bought one and bought one.

However, the money spent extremely fast, 20,000 pounds of chaotic treasures were thrown out like this, Su Yan can not afford to withstand.

Su Yan did not know what kind of price code Yin and Yang grass can sell.

"This is the last item in the treasure."

The Emperor Kangbo’s big sleeves smashed, and there was a tragic atmosphere filled with the entire auction venue!

Su Yan’s gaze was also attracted. A stone that infects all kinds of dry blood looks colorful and has a strong atmosphere.

There is no doubt that this is an antiquities, rare materials, because of the infestation of the blood, resulting in a very cruel energy on the stone mixed together, extremely difficult to resolve.

"After my identification, this is a piece of Qianghan stone!"

At the moment when the sound came, the auction venue burst into frenzy, and the nine-nine-year-old gods in the field were all eyeing this Qiankun stone.


The old gods with great life are moving, this rare rare treasure, the rarity is almost the same as that of the supreme treasure. Usually, the Qiankun stone is determined by the size of the strength. If it is a big stone, it is directly listed as a treasure. material!

This piece of Qiankun stone is certainly a little small, but the price is also very amazing, especially the powerful forging sacred soldiers, can use such materials as Qiankun stone!

Some refiners sigh, things are good things, but unfortunately infect the blood of the strong, the Qiankun stone is polluted, and it is extremely difficult to purify, and the value is greatly reduced.

Su Yan is just taking a look and is not ready to buy.

However, the prehistoric big brother suddenly tilted his body, a pair of lonely pupils, faintly blooming strange beams, staring at the Qiankun stone!

Su Yan was a cleverman. He went over and asked: "Big Brother, do you want to take this thing?"

Big brother nodded deeply, which made Su Yan a surprise, can make the prehistoric big brother pay attention to things, the Jedi is particularly horrible, perhaps qualified as the finale, and even Su Yan can not estimate how valuable Qiankun stone is!

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