Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 959: uncanny workmanship

"This piece of Qiankun stone, the starting price of five thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!"

The words of Emperor Kangbo just fell, and in the auction venue, a lot of dissatisfied voices suddenly sounded. Some people frowned on the spot: "I said that the Emperor Kangbo, this Qiankun stone is obviously polluted, and the power is bound to be greatly damaged. Is the starting price a bit too high?"

This sentence has aroused the recognition of many people and has echoed.

The Emperor Kangbo smiled and said: "Since ancient times, Qiankun Stone has determined the value of this size. The block of this Qiankun stone is not small. This kind of stone head is second only to the supreme treasure, and it can be easily polluted. of?"

Whether it is polluted, Master Jianbao is also not sure, can only wait for the strong to purify the blood of the pollution of the Qiankun stone to distinguish.

Although it is extremely difficult to make it clear now, there are many gods who can ask for the price in the field. Some people still remember that once the auction house of the avenue, they auctioned a piece of Qiankun stone with a big head. It was a terrible price, causing a group of big players to compete, almost all red eyes. Now!

Although the age is a long time now, but the ancient books of all ethnic groups have been recorded, it is said that the head of the big stone, the price has soared to the horror of millions of pounds of chaotic treasure!

What kind of concept is this?

The number of peaks of the peak group is trembled, and it is necessary to emptied the accumulation of long years.

A million pounds of chaotic treasures, can you get it? almost impossible!

It is said that at that time, the digital avatars were purchased in one piece, and even a large number of cherished treasures were collateralized before they were collected. Only then will this piece of stone be taken down in one fell swoop!

In the end, this piece of Qiankun stone was forged by the mighty age, and it was turned into a treasure of the world. It is known as the world's top avenue sage, and its value is second only to the supreme treasure!

Of course, in the process, Qiankun Stone also smelt the rest of the treasure, its value is almost incomprehensible to the world, and it must be measured by millions of pounds of chaotic treasure.

As for this big thumb stone, it is polluted, but the value is also very high, and the price is soaring to the tens of thousands of chaotic treasures!

Su Yan’s heavy breathing can make the attention of the prehistoric big brother, and this small quick 乾 石 stone is not recommended!

Then, in the Qiankun Stone, there may be another Qiankun!

Su Yan directly called the price, 10,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure shouted out, causing a lot of monks to swear, to know the guests of this box, the chaotic treasures have been spent a lot.

Three thousand pounds of chaotic treasures have been spent by Su Yan, and now there are shots, the other's wealth is really amazing.

"One thousand kilograms of chaotic treasures!" There is a refinery master who gritted his teeth and prepared to bet on a bet, and he bet that he is a perfect stone.

"One thousand two thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!" Su Yan no change color, prehistoric big brother's concern, even if it is a family, Su Yan will also take it.

"Twelve thousand and five hundred kilograms of chaotic treasure!" The refiner of the refining master opened his mouth in pain, but it is obvious that its price has reached the limit, and the financial resources are not enough in the auction.

In the end, Su Yan spent 13,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures, and with a decisive tone, forced to retreat from the refining master, and successfully won this treasure!

"I said Zhu Yue, who is he?"

Zhu Yongjia has a lot of troubles. Is there still power behind the bamboo moon? He tried to inquire about the news of Su Yan before, but the Avenue auction house did not mention the identity of Su Yan, and it was obviously told by the top.

"What are you doing with you?"

Zhu Yueyi dances, the white body is 朦胧月华星辉, she is as bright as a nine-day pearl, not staining the dust, a pair of alums also forgot a look at Su Yan's box, let the bamboo heart's heart linger, it will be him ?

She knows that Su Yan is in the mountain of funeral, extorting a large number of resources from the gods, but this resource is afraid of being limited. Su Yan spends this time, it is estimated that it has been hollowed out, and Su Yan has nothing to buy a piece of Qiankun stone.

Zhuyue also plays drums in his heart, and he is not sure of Su Yan’s identity. As for this Xingyue fruit, it is extraordinarily heavy in her hands, and she is not ruthless. She will not take the Xingyue fruit away for no reason.

Zhu Yongjia’s face is gloomy, and this woman has really become a climate!

The auction is still going on. It is difficult for Su Yan to continue to compete. His financial resources are limited. As long as he is not too tempted, he will not participate. Now he can only wait for the auction results of Yin and Yangcao.

This auction has been going on for a whole night. When the next day comes, the atmosphere in the venue is even more lively. Because the major treasures come on stage, every treasure will experience the auction time of the long tea.

"Yin and yang grass!"

At the moment when things appeared, many old monsters were shocked, and Su Yan also played the spirit!

"Yes, it is yin and yang grass!"

Emperor Kangbo Shen Shen said: "This thing, extinct for a long time, the legendary yin and yang grass, can improve the qualifications of practice, and even into medicine, can prolong life, especially for those who will die, it is a life-saving thing!"

Yin and Yang grass, this is the medicinal material that exists in the legend, even the vast chaotic ruins, almost impossible to find, extinct for a long time.

This makes many Shouyuan dry old antiques can not sit still, although this thing exists in the legend, but there are clear records in the ancient books, it can indeed hang the life of the body, and continue a period of life.

For the next auction of yin and yang grass, Su Yan was really stunned.

He really didn't think that the value of yin and yang grass would be so expensive. It was just two medicinal herbs that looked unremarkable. The price horror soared to seven thousand kilograms of chaotic treasures. Almost all of the old monsters that died in Shouyuan started bidding.

When Emperor Kangbo threw out the second group of yin and yang grasses, many of the old monsters that failed in competition were full of anger and madness bidding!

Even when the third group of yin and yang grass was put out, the strong face of the ancestral hall gathered here was gloomy, and Zu Yangbo said: "Is it possible to find a place where yin and yang grass grows, and this thing has been my ancestors for a long time. The temple was under dark control. I didn’t expect three sets of yin and yang grasses to appear in this auction!"

This third group was directly taken down by the ancestral hall.

However, when the fourth group appeared, the strong group of the ancestral temples were gloomy and could be said to be shocked and happy. After all, they needed yin and yang grass, which is a necessary thing for refining the little **** Wang Dan!

Who can take out the yin and yang grass, and where did you dig out a lot of yin and yang grass?

Su Yan is full of heart, because he still has a lot of yin and yang grass, if it is really taken out, the price is too scary!

"Whoever brings out so many yin and yang grasses is not a big fortune."

"It is estimated that after walking the dog and discovering the land where the yin and yang grass grows, the grandmother's bear, I don't have such a way of transport, hehe."

Some people envy and hate, these wealth combinations are a bit amazing, especially when the last group took it out, the price almost soared to nine thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!

In short, the auction of yin and yang grass, Su Yan harvested 50,000 pounds of chaotic treasure, which makes Su Yan's heart puff, if they are sold out, absolutely qualified to compete for the final finale!

"It's calm and calm, I still keep it in the yin and yang grass. I don't think there is a big use. I will use one plant for this one!"

Su Yan took a deep breath and continued to pay attention to the auction's auctions, and then prepared to take some of the treasures needed.

After several rounds of the past, the next auction items attracted Su Yan’s eyes!

This is a medicine field, colorful and radiant.

The medicine field is floating in the void, and there is also a strong medicinal fragrance. Although the medicine field seems to have only one square, the medicine field can absorb the energy in the virtual space and nourish the fertile soil!

"Void medicine field!"

Many refining pharmacists are surprised that this is an extremely rare medicine field that can be carried around and even absorb the energy essence of heaven and earth.

Moreover, there are old medicinal fragrances scattered from the medicine field, and they smell a breath that makes them feel refreshed. They suddenly feel terrified that this thing has been planted with unacceptable substances.

"This is indeed a virtual medicine field, and it has been planted a virtual medicine field of magical medicine!"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was instantly sensational. The medicine field planted with the **** medicine was contaminated with the breath of the **** medicine. If other treasure medicines were planted, it would inevitably be nourished by the magic of the **** medicine, and then it would be transformed.

The price of this thing is very expensive. In particular, it can also refine and refine the virtual medicine field, extract the spirit of the **** medicine, and prolong life.

Su Yan decisively shot, and auctioned the void medicine field with eight thousand kilograms of chaotic treasure. He prepared to plant the sacred treasures of Chiyanhu in the empty medicine field. After all, Su Yan does not need to treasure these special heavens. It is better to plant it in the medicine field.

The entire auction continued for a whole day, and Su Yan spent another 20,000 pounds of chaotic treasures and won five Tianbaodi treasures.

He has calculated the wealth of his body. He has a lot of things in his body. In the past, there were many harvests in Chaoshan Mountain, but these things are not chaotic treasures.

Su Yan asked the maids who were waiting outside the door to sell all of these resources to the Avenue Auction House. His wealth once again soared to more than 50,000 kilograms of chaotic treasure.

"There is really no end to spending money. No amount of money can be spent like this. The Avenue Auction House is really a cornucopia. The auction auctions are expensive and outrageous!"

Su Yan smiled and the auction house continued. Things are getting more and more expensive. When a medicinal medicine is taken out, the field is hot and there is a tendency to get up and work.

Su Yan also decisively shot, because this thing is very important to him.

An remedy, but also a pseudo-eight medicinal herbs, almost counted as the lowest level of eight medicinal herbs, this thing will stand up to compete even if it is half-step!

"Getting back to life!"

"Although it is a seven-pin scorpion medicinal herb, it can be regarded as a pseudo-eight medicinal herbs, and the value is estimated to be scary!"

I don't know which medicinal master has smashed it out. This kind of medicinal medicine needs some gas of the origin of the **** medicine to cooperate with refining to become a Dan. The effect is only one. If the injury is serious, it can also rely on the medicinal herbs to get up.

Even if the king of God is torn apart, he can be resurrected to death and return to life!

It is conceivable that the medicinal properties of this medicinal herb are so scary that it is equivalent to mastering some of the medicinal herbs.

"Twenty thousand pounds of chaotic treasure!" Su Yan shouted a price, successfully won the drug!

Many people are trembled. The trading volume of this rich man is scary. Is this going to approach 100,000 jins of chaotic treasures? Super auctions held by the historical auction houses of the dynasties have also rarely exceeded the 100,000 mark!

The 100,000 mark is enough to make the Fengfeng group of people shocked the wealth. People began to doubt the true identity of the people in the box.

"Buy, you buy more, and it’s all mine in the end!"

A pair of vicious scorpions stared at Su Yan's box, Han Weiran mixed in again, she spent a lot of money to get a portrait of Su Yan, Han Kang immediately recognized, this is a counterfeit Su Yan counterfeit goods!

Han Weiran Yin Sensen smiled, although the Avenue City forbids the use of force, but see her has a way to let Su Yan buy everything to spit it out.

At this time, a heavy and sacred atmosphere of the gods, filled the audience in an instant!

The strong breaths are heavy, and they only feel that they are pressed against a body by a god, and it is extremely difficult to compete!

On the auction platform, a bronze enamel is presented, tall and tall, its breath is cold and ancient, and it is born with a terrible god-devil pressure. It is like a living creature, filled with the light of mysterious purgatory, the pressure All beings!

"Battle?" Su Yan stared at the attention of the bronze.

The prehistoric big brother stood up in a rare way, gazing at this bronze enamel, as if he was admiring a clever object, saying: "Ghosts!"

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